Nikola Tesla said it best, “the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think it terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Swami Vivekananda influenced Tesla’s work, an Indian Hindu monk and chief disciple of the 19th century saint Ramakrishna. Tesla was also influenced by other Vedic philosophies.
Science works best when in harmony with nature. If we put these two together, we can discover great technologies that can only come about when the consciousness of the planet is ready to embrace them, like free energy.
Intention of This Article.
I want to make it clear that my intention of presenting this information is to demonstrate that thoughts, intentions, prayer and other units of consciousness can directly influence our physical material world. Consciousness can be a big factor in creating change on the planet. Sending thoughts of love, healing intent, prayer, good intention, and more can have a powerful influence on what you are directing those feelings towards.
The Science
For quite some time now, physicists have been exploring the relationship between human consciousness and its relationship to the structure of matter. Previously it was believed that a Newtonian material universe was the foundation of our physical material reality. This all changed when scientists began to recognize that everything in the universe is made out of energy. Quantum physicists discovered that physical atoms are made up of vorticies of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating. Matter, at it’s tiniest observable level, is energy, and human consciousness is connected to it, human consciousness can influence it’s behavior and even re-structure it.
“Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real” – Niels Bohr
“The hypothesis of modern science starts from matter as the basic reality, considering space to be an extension of the void. The phenomenon of creation of stable cosmic matter, therefore, goes beyond the scope of present science. The theory also neither pinpoints the source of cosmic energy that resides in the structure of matter, nor can it explain the cause of material properties that are experienced with the behavior of matter. These are, in brief, the limitations of modern scientific theories at the most basic level of the physical phenomena of nature. When a scientific theory cannot cope with the question of the very origin of the universal matter and energy, how could it ever grasp and explain the phenomenon of consciousness which is evident in living beings?” – Paramahamsa Tewari (0)
The revelation that the universe is not an assembly of physical parts, but instead comes from an entanglement of immaterial energy waves stems from the work of Albert Einstein, Max Planck and Werner Heisenberg, amongst others.
1. The Quantum Double Slit Experiment
The quantum double slit experiment is a great example of how consciousness and our physical material world are intertwined. One potential revelation of this experience is that “the observer creates the reality.” A paper published in the peer-reviewed journal Physics Essays explains how this experiment has been used multiple times to explore the role of consciousness in shaping the nature of physical reality. (2)
In this experiment, a double-slit optical system was used to test the possible role of consciousness in the collapse of the quantum wave-function. The ratio of the interference pattern’s double slit spectral power to its single slit spectral power was predicted to decrease when attention was focused toward the double slit as compared to away from it. The study found that factors associated with consciousness significantly correlated in predicted ways with perturbations in the double slit interference pattern.(2) For visual demonstration of this experiment, click here.
“Observation not only disturbs what has to be measured, they produce it. We compel the electron to assume a definite position. We ourselves produce the results of the measurement.” (2)
“A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. As observers, we are personally involved with the creation of our own reality. Physicists are being forced to admit that the universe is a “mental” construction. Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: “The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. Get over it, and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual.” (R.C. Henry, “The Mental Universe” ; Nature 436:29,2005) (1)
2. Government Sponsored Psychokinesis Experiments
Psychokinesis, also known as PK, encompasses the possible influence of human consciousness on the behavior of physical or biological systems or processes, and comprises several loosely related classes of effect characterized by different scales of energy, forms of manifestation, replicability and statistical behavior. (3)
In 2004, a United States Air Force research project declassified a paper titled Teleportation Physics Study, authored by Eric Davis, Ph. D., showing that psychokinesis and other parapsychological phenomenon have been subject to rigorous research and documentation by several researchers and institutions. (4)
One particular example was the work of professional aerospace engineer Jack Houck, along with Army Colonel J.B. Alexander. They were responsible for holding a number of PK sessions, where attendees were taught the PK induction process and how to initiate their own PK events using various metal specimens like forks and spoons. Individuals were able to completely bend or contort their metal specimens with no physical force being applied whatsoever. (5)
These events were held for government science advisors and senior military officials. They took place at the Pentagon, at officers’ and scientists’ homes, and at U.S Army Intelligence & Security Command locations all over the world. Commanding generals, colonels and more were always in attendance. What was witnessed by all was spontaneous deformation of mental specimens, which caused “a great deal of excitement” amongst those present. (4)
“We will need a physics theory of consciousness and psychotronics, along with more experimental data, and discover the physical mechanisms that lay behind the psychotronic manipulation of matter.” (4)
3. The Global Consciousness Experiment/Random Number Generators
The global consciousness experiment is an international, multidisciplinary project between multiple scientists and engineers.(7)(8) It originates from Princeton University, in conjunction with the Institute of Noetic Sciences. It collects data constantly from a worldwide network of physical random number generators located all over the planet. The data is transmitted to a home base, which now has more than 15 years of data stored in it.
“Our purpose is to examine subtle correlations that may reflect the presence and activity of consciousness in the world. We hypothesize that there will be structure in what should be random data, associated with major global events that engage our minds and hearts.”(7)
RNGs are systems created by Princeton researchers that are sensitive to and respond to the intentions of individuals, in other words, the influence of consciousness. They also respond to marked shifts in attention occurring in their environment. Peaks of order are commonly recorded during moments of shared attention and emotions. RNGs also responded, and had the largest effects ever recorded by the Global Consciousness Project during major world events, like 9/11. (6) Other large recordings have occurred on presidential inaugurations, tsunamis and the deaths of public figures. These findings stirred deep questions about the nature of consciousness and it’s connection to our physical material reality.
You can read more about RNGs here
4. NSA/CIA Remote Viewing Experiments In Conjunction With Stanford University
Remote viewing is the ability of individuals to describe remote geographical locations up to several hundred thousand kilometers (even more) away. This concept has been proven, demonstrated and documented a number of times.
In 1995, the CIA declassified and approved the release of documents revealing its involvement in the program that lasted for more than 25 years. (10) (9)
Ingo Swann, one participant in this experiment was able to view specific rings around Jupiter before NASA was about to take pictures of it with their pioneer 10 craft. This was documented in the research. Individuals were also able to view objects and people in separate rooms that were completely blocked off from their present physical location. The fact that some have/ had the capability to project their consciousness elsewhere from their present physical location is quite amazing.
These projects occurred for decades, while some of the mainstream world continued to view them as “pseudoscience,” the Department of Defense takes them extremely seriously, and keeps them extremely secret. This program was part of a program called “STARGATE” and was unexpectantly shut down. (11)
You can read more about remote viewing here.
5. Thoughts and Intentions Alter The Physical Structure of Water
Experiments over the past four decades have investigated whether human intention alone affects the properties of water. (12)
This question has been around for a while in the alternative medicine realms, because the human body is made up of approximately 70% water. According to the Institute of Noetic Sciences, researchers have suggested that intentionally influenced water can be detected by examining ice crystals formed from samples of that water. Consistent results commonly point to the idea that positive intentions tend to produce symmetric, well-formed, aesthetically pleasing crystals, and negative intentions tend to produce asymmetric, poorly formed and unattractive crystals. (12)
If thoughts and emotions can do this to water, just imagine what they can do to us.
Many people point out that this experiment was a fraud, but it’s been conducted multiple times and replicated by some highly respectable individuals in the field of science. The paper I am citing here is from Dean Radin, who has published multiple research papers in peer-reviewed journals. The experiment was conducted at the Institute for Noetic Sciences and Adjunct Faculty in the Department of Psychology at Sonoma State University. (12)
You can read more about this experiment here
This also correlates with a study that examined the role of intention and belief on mood while drinking tea. It explored whether drinking tea “treated” with good intentions by monks would have an effect on mood more so than drinking ordinary tea. The study was done under double-blind, randomized conditions, and results proved positive. (13)
6. The Placebo Effect
It’s been well documented that we can change our biology simply by what we believe to be true. The placebo effect is defined as the measurable, observable, or felt improvement in health or behavior not attributable to a medication or invasive treatment that has been administered. It suggests that one can treat various ailments by using the mind to heal. Many studies have shown that the placebo effect (the power of consciousness) is real and highly effective.
A Baylor School of Medicine study, published in 2002 in the New England Journal of Medicine, (1) looked at surgery for patients with severe and debilitating knee pain. Many surgeons know there is no placebo effect in surgery, or so most of them believe. The patients were divided into three groups. The surgeons shaved the damaged cartilage in the knee of one group. For the second group they flushed out the knee joint, removing all of the material believed to be causing inflammation. Both of these processes are the standard surgeries people go through who have severe arthritic knees. The third group received a “fake” surgery, the patients were only sedated and tricked that they actually had the knee surgery. For the patients not really receiving the surgery, the doctors made the incisions and splashed salt water on the knee as they would in normal surgery. They then sewed up the incisions like the real thing and the process was complete. All three groups went through the same rehab process, and the results were astonishing. The placebo group improved just as much as the other two groups who had surgery.
– See more at:
A Baylor School of Medicine study, published in 2002 in the New England Journal of Medicine, (source) looked at surgery for patients with severe and debilitating knee pain. Many surgeons know there is no placebo effect in surgery (or so most of them believe). The patients were divided into three groups. The surgeons shaved the damaged cartilage in the knee of one group. For the second group they flushed out the knee joint, removing all of the material believed to be causing inflammation. Both of these processes are the standard surgeries people who have severe arthritic knees must undergo. The third group received a “fake” surgery. The patients were only sedated and tricked into thinking that they had received the knee surgery: doctors made the incisions and splashed salt water on the knee as they would in normal surgery, then sewed up the incisions like the real thing. All three groups went through the same rehab process, and the results were astonishing. The placebo group improved just as much as the other two groups who had surgery.
A report by the United States Department of Health and Human Services in 1999 has also underscored the efficacy of the placebo effect, this time with treating depression. The report discovered that half of severely depressed patients taking drugs improve compared to the thirty-two percent taking a placebo. That thin margin hardly seems worth the many dangers and side effects associated with antidepressant use.
A 2002 article published in the American Psychological Association’s Prevention & Treatment by University of Connecticut psychology professor Irving Kirsch titled “The Emperor’s New Drugs,” made some more shocking discoveries. (source) (source) He found that 80 perecent of the effect of antidepressants, as measured in clinical trials, could be attributed to the placebo effect. This professor even had to file a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to get information on the clinical trials of the top antidepressants.
For more on the Placebo Effect, click here.
7. Teleportation
“It became known to myself, along with several colleagues both inside and outside of government, that anomalous teleportation has been scientifically investigated and separately documented by the Department of Defense.”
A paper published in the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) in September 1981, in the journal Ziran Zazhi (Nature Journal)tilted “Some Experiments on the Transfer of Objects Performed by Unusual Abilities of the Human Body” (Shuhuang et al., 1981) reported that ‘gifted children,’ were able to cause the teleportation of small, physical objects from one place to another.(4) Objects included watches, horseflies, other insects, radio micro-transmitters, photosensitive paper and more. The participants never touched the objects beforehand. The experiments were done under both blind and double-blind conditions, and the researches involved came from various colleges and sectors of the Department of Defense. This is an exceptional case, because it was deemed necessary that an unclassified Intelligence Information Report be prepared for public viewing.
More research was done by the Aerospace Medicine Engineering Institute in Beijing, in July of 1990. It was published in the Chinese Journal of Somatic Science (Kongzhi et al., 1990: Jinggen et al., 1990; Banghui; 1990). This study reported several experiments involving high speed photography video taping, which was able to capture the transfer of test specimens like nuts, matches, nails, pills and more through the walls of sealed paper envelopes, sealed glass bottles and tubes, sealed plastic film canisters and more without the walls of any of these containers being breached. All of these experiments reported using gifted children and adults to cause the teleportation of various materials. (4)
8. The Science of The Heart
The heart generates the largest electromagnetic field produced in the body. Researchers have analyzed the spectrum analysis of the magnetic field that’s produced by the heart, and results have shown that emotional information is encoded into this electromagnetic field. So, by shifting our emotions, we are changing the information that is encoded into these electromagnetic field that are radiated by the heart. This can impact those around us. When we are feeling emotions of compassion, love, gratitude and understanding, the heart beats out a very different message.
For more, please visit the Institute of Heartmath.
9/10 And Beyond
There are numerous studies documenting how consciousness and our physical material reality are intertwined, in so many different ways, with many different examples like the ones listed above. I am going to leave you with a long list of selected peer-reviewed journal publications on Psi research. This involves anomalous processes of information or energy transfer, telepathy and other forms of unexplained phenomenon that have observable, repeatable outcomes in the lab.
Click HERE to continue your research on how consciousness and our physical material world are interconnected.
It appears consciousness can play a very important role in changing our planet. Just having these thoughts alone could contribute to the massive shift in consciousness that’s occurring. Find your inner peace, be peace, be love, acting and living your life from such a place plays a very important role in changing the world.
I’m coming across Telsa sayings more and more now a day .. His wisdom is finally shining it’s worth and minds are waking up to a level of it’s understanding … this is a sign of time for sure
“The present is theirs. The future, for which I really worked, is mine.”
-Nikola Tesla
… As he rolls in his grave seeing people DYING cause they can’t afford to pay for energy as clean, free energy tech is suppressed…
Thanks for this and all the other great articles on this site.
gregg braden is a scientist how exposes numerous research done to display the connection between though, emotion, and the “physical” world. his book “the divine matrix” covers a few of these as well as the book “the holographic universe” gets very in depth on the last 200 yrs of scientific research demonstrating how the “physical” is manifest in the mind, as well as relays the potential for living in a “mind matrix.”
All of these effects have a unified explanation in terms of general quantum physics. General quantum physics is to “orthodox” special quantum physics as Einstein’s general relativity is to his special relativity. General quantum physics has what Antony Valentini calls “signal nonlocality”. Signal nonlocality is analogous to the curvature of spacetime, that is, the parameter that is missing in special relativity. Special quantum physics is linear and unitary. General quantum physics is nonlinear and non unitary with effective computations around closed timelike world lines from wormholes held open by dark energy in the high energy quantum gravity Wheeler foam – although other lower energy biological mechanisms seem to be possible using Glauber coherent states that are distinguishably non-orthogonal on the macroscopic low energy scale.
“…we tend to see hydrogen as just dead, material, odourless, colourless stuff. But from an evolutionary perspective, we realize that if you just take hydrogen, and you leave it alone it eventually turns into a human. To me, it suggests that if human are spiritual beings, then hydrogen is somehow spiritual too.” (Brian Swimme, Cosmologist)
1. “Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, reason, and also ego; these constitute My nature divided into eight parts. This indeed my lower nature; other than this, by which the whole universe is sustained know it to be My higher (or Spiritual) nature in the form of jive (the life principle)….. all beings have evolved from this twofold prakriti, and that I am the source of entire creation, and into me again it disappears.” (Lord Krishna)
2. “The current descending some distance and focusing ………., it brought some creation (Agam Lok, Alakh Lok & Sat Lok) into existence. The process of creation stopped at this stage and for a considerable time this was the entire creation.
3. “Below this Region, during second phase of creational process, the two Kalas viz., Niranjan (Invisible Force Current) and Jyoti (Electromagnetic Force) together evolved the creation of five Tattwas (elements), four Khans (species, categories of life) and three Gunas (qualities). Then Niranjan separated Himself from the rest, putting the burdens of looking after the creation on them. Nobody could know of Niranjan. Only they made conjectures.” (His Holiness Soamiji Maharaj, Founder of Radhasoami Faith)
Invisible Force and Gravitation Force have identical characteristics.
4. According to Radhasoami FAITH THE UNIVERSE (MACROCOSM) has been divided into three Grand Divisions –
(a) Pure Spiritual Region – Region of pure spirit or pure consciousness
(b) In the second grand division both Spirit Force and Material Forces are manifest but spirit force predominates
(c) In third grand division material forces predominate over spirit force. Spirit force is very feeble in this region.
There are many subdivisions in each grand division. Every subdivision has its own level of consciousness.
Gravitation Force is the strongest force on black holes and weakest on Earth Planet.
1. “………… The human body provides the opportunity for going down into life forms of animals, birds, vegetables etc. and go further down into metals or go up from the human form and attain the status of gods etc. and then become one with God.” (Sir Sahabji Maharaj (1881-1937), 5th Spiritual Head of Radhasoami Faith)
In other words metal and God and other intermediary stages, all have consciousness, although different from each other.
2. Maharshi Mahesh Yogi (1975) had described seven levels of consciousness. Each level of consciousness has different values of Physiology.
3. Swami Niranjananand Saraswati (2006) says: “Human beings are composed of two forces; prana-the cosmic energy, and consciousness-the evolving energy.” Thus consciousness is constantly evolving.
4. “……..only some aspects of the consciousness of the CE (Consciousness Element) are accessible through physical measurements. The main instrument capable of sensing any feature of CE or deriving some properties of it is the mind of a sentient entity.” (Prof. Ashok Agarwal (2012))
Through spiritual practices (Meditation and Yoga) we may be able to have access at all levels of consciousness.
CONCLUSIVELY it can be stated, “Ek tattva ki pradhanta, kaho use jad ya chetan” (Jai Shankar Prasad).
(ONLY ONE ELEMENT PREDOMINATE, say it matter or consciousness). Thus consciousness is all that which exists- living or non-living.
Thus Living and Non-living needs to be redefined.
This is a wonderful statement, very empowering. It shows we DO have control over our “reality.”
This is so EXCITING!!
When we talk about teleporting using telekinesis, such as used in the Chinese children’s successful experiments,, how could this relate to teleporting with technology today? Science today cannot cross that bridge for one main reason – they got something wrong. One talks about Nikola Tesla thoughts, but one needs to go deeper into his mind to find the answers to teleporting. It is believed he could have had a science to perform this application, however, since all his paper and notes were confiscated upon his death, nothing has been published. The real sin to humanity today is that teleporting is happening in front of our eyes today, but we are blinded, because we cannot think outside the box we are in. Nikola was not lock in any box, that’s why he was so great. If we really want to teleport today, start thinking outside the box; use a science that (maybe originated by Tesla) that allows levitation and teleportation without decoding (particle physics), transmit & encode process.
Teleporting both objects (aircraft) and humans are not PLAYING that game, or telekinesis either. It is happening within a phenomena that most probable can be duplicated with current technology, if anyone could get funded for R & D. Dr. Davis received 7 million from the Air Force to tell them it cannot be done using the current science, give me 3 million and I will be teleporting in a few years, and have a person on Mars this decade, if this science (which can answer all unexplained events, even how UFOs get here) is confirmed with research. This science is not mine, believed it could of been from Tesla, but he did not have today’s technology to further the experiments. If the science is true, we do have the technology today to levitate and teleport large objects and humans! We need to start thinking like Tesla (outside the box) modify our science and make it work!!!
A true yogin goes far beyond energy, frequency and vibration.
Firstly there is no evidence that Swami Vivekanand was Tesla’s Mentor. Vivekanand was a pure Hindu Brahmin whose regressive thinking of superiorty with regard to manu did nothing to supersede his scientific research. He was trying to spread meta physics and mythology for the sake of religion. religion is a greek word for bondage since greece was the birthplace of most religions. Religion was needed for social control and was successful at it. Esotericism and the study of the nether world [telekinesis etc.] was considered witch craft at that time.
We have to look beyond the Aryans came to India, there are texts that are still a mystery today and some old carvings on rocks in Mumbai are not yet deciphered, most stones and inscriptions are destroyed because of Aryan control issues. The Ancient Land of Kokan will provide answers and was considered the land of saints way before the Aryans came here to own powers of the indigenous. The real search should be from researching the indigenous and their knowledge. There were no flying carpets, but a person meditating on it could control all objects around. The vibrations would life the person and the carpet [leather skin]. One more thing, our bodies have 60 gene codons, how come only 20 are active, what happened – who de-activated the 40 codons that could let us do crazy things like fly teleport etc in the way past the Aryan invasion. There is a control species that is responsible for this [some say its God] It could be God like Species that are observing us and working on things for the near future. We cannot do any of those things of the past since our Codons are deactivated. Some researchers have pointed out that if there is nuclear contamination the human codons would react and probably get activated again. Hence the carelessness of the world thinkers to create such an environment. We can meditate and create vibrations in our 7 chakras. We can create positiveness, but to suggest it or link it to Hinduism is totally misleading and plagiarizing. Tesla was touched by a higher being and was a staunch Christian, this is to only emphasize that there is a control species around and probably among us. Look beyond and do not stop at the concepts of Hinduism. The knowledge is way beyond the Aryan visitation.
Deactivation of codons is part of the manvantaric sequence of human/eartly time events (the “project” of God) , since we are in kaliyuga they are almost closed, the day everyone will have them totally closed will be the end of kaliyuga.
“The revelation that the universe is not an assembly of physical parts, but instead comes from an entanglement of immaterial energy waves stems from the work of Albert Einstein, Max Planck and Werner Heisenberg, amongst others.”
Einstein and Tesla were diametrically opposed to one another, it seems somewhat foolish to reference both of them in the same place portraying them as similar. Tesla rejected Einstein’s theories firmly and believed in the universal ether – something Einstein denied, as proven by his evasiveness regarding the work of Wilhelm Reich.
Also, Einstein was in denial of the double-slit experiment. He said something To The Effect Of, “I can’t accept quantum physics because I believe that when I turn around the room is still there.” That’s FAR from an exact quote – so don’t re-quote it to others; but it illustrates my basic point (google it if you want to know the exact words), Einstein did not acknowledge the double-slit experiment.
Do not take this as a personal criticism, we all come across different information and “The only true knowledge can be found in knowing that you know nothing.” – Socrates
Love the Socrates quote, not to sure about everything you said about Einstein, especially since he did realize the reality of interconnectedness, a great example of this would be entanglement….something he could not understand. Would be great if you could provide some proof for your claims. But at the end of the day, I don’t think it’s foolish to reference these two peeps at all in the same article 🙂 Thanks for reading.
Einstein also considered Tesla to be the most intelligent man on the planet. 🙂 I agree with that lol and I also agree with you…Einstein didn’t understand Entanglement or what he called “spooky action”, but he couldn’t deny it existed and never did. He just spent a good chunk of his life TRYING to disprove it lol
There is not one credible videorecording or film footage of alleged marvelous pk events such as metal bending experiments to date. Some pk “experimenters” say it’s because non-believing observers would bring negative energy to the experiment that would adversely effect the “vibe” and thus the outcome. Believers also love to talk about “credible” “secret” government-controlled experiments that of course automatically preclude outsider observation and knowledge. To my mind, all claims to the reality of mind over matter are just complete hogwash; until someone publishes just one shred of credible evidence the claims are just basically regressive childhood fantasy and belong in the category of science fiction. All the talking heads on this subject should just give their proselytizing a rest until they can bring real unbiased evidence to table; all they’re really doing is promoting naive superstition which has no place in the grown up world.
Too bad you have such a closed mind. You could easily prove what you say you’re looking for “conclusive prove of mind over matter being reality”. Just try it out. Just believe something is really true and is a fact right now even though its not, with conviction and passive expectancy. Do it like the scientific method, planning it out for s days and making sure you are believing it as a present reality (and all the emotions and attitudes you’d have). You’ll have your proof. Even better if you test it with something you wouldn’t normally expect like a car or money.
The simplified childrens cartoon, Dr Quantum- on the double split experiment is what helped the change in my whole belief in energy & consciousness and how it works. Mine all started with ‘The Secret’ & ‘What the bleep’. My own personal journey & study over the last 8 years or so has made me so happy since knowing how to use my energy. It truely can be a wonderful life, just manifest it.
Wish someone had been around to videotape my spontaneous experience of levitation. I wasn’t trying or even thinking about such a thing. I was grieving to the point of thinking I would die and felt myself lift off my sofa into the most awesome experience of love there ever was. It was in every cell! Needless to say, I did not want to come down, but alas, I did, after about 20 seconds and it felt like coming down into hell. It took me a long time to get my figurative feet back on the ground.
This sounds like a spontaneous near death experience. Maybe you didn’t actually physically levitate but it felt like it? Look up Pim Van Lommel – he describes researching similar experiences in other people.
“Swami Vivekananda was Tesla’s mentor”
Are you lying?
Tesla was influenced by him as well as Vedic Philosophy.
Why do you cite an essay in Nature as “proof” (Henry 2005)? It is an opinion piece. :/
only the quantum slit test, and the placebo effect, may in some way lean towards what you were trying to get at. all those other studies ended up failing, or showing no discernible results after many tests, retests, and peer review.
2 plausibles, and 8 debunked do not make a right.
Its already been proved that group mediation and group prayer alter nothing. One test was done awhile back when thousands of people mediated in some midwest city to lower the crime rate and nothing happened. Anytime anyone of these claims is put under a microscope the results turn out to be false.
Sorry but in contrary it showed that the crime rate was low, but there were no less accident
What da Double Quantum Slit Malarkey Batman?
What does a double slit experiment has anything to do with Consciousness?
Hijack a few scientific terms and string with some random vedic garbage and people would believe it.
It is one of the interpretation of quantum mechanics where consciousness cause collapse
Alas the rest just harkens back to the glory days of Johannes von Buttlar, and the day’s of quasi-scientific superficiality of the latter 60s and 70s…
I was intending on commenting on each point
and offer an antitheses to each but it’s been done and to a point they are universally rejected and discredited.
So the following are links…
1. The Quantum Double Slit Experiment
I will admit I liked the line “The quantum double slit experiment is a great example of how consciousness and our physical material world are intertwined.” …not that I believed it was true, but, it has just enough tech babble that to an uneducated observer it could pass as acceptable theory…
2. Government Sponsored Psychokinesis Experiments
Two Words – Uri Geller
3. The Global Consciousness Experiment/Random Number Generators
4. NSA/CIA Remote Viewing Experiments In Conjunction With Stanford University
5. Thoughts and Intentions Alter The Physical Structure of Water
Okay at this point the point is made, so let not flog and more then need be.
~ From CE’sMission Statment
Collective Evolution (CE) creates content that engages us all to begin thinking consciously about what it means to be a human on the planet and encourage us to live in harmonious ways. This might mean living sustainably, eating and being healthy, creating a relationship with self and creating a better world together. We care about balance in our world and lives which means looking at all areas of how we function. We cover alternative news, health, science and a very neutral non new agey type of spirituality.
Sorry but… the article suggest otherwise… Spoon bending was the charging horse of the New Age Birth. In other words it is “very new agey type of spirituality.”…
I was a reptile. I have grown colorful feathers. I plucked them out, but they grew in again despite my efforts. Now I have a magnificent plumage. I live in the moon. On Earth; the water is so warm. You would be surprised! Keep up the good work my friend. Truth conquers all.
And your sources are debunking sites like rationalwiki and skepdic. lol
If you’re going to make a list of scientific studies, then each one should be linked to the relevant peer reviewed journal entry(or multiple journals if the science if really there!). If the experiments haven’t been published in a scientific journal or peer reviewed then they aren’t really accepted science. Many of the items in this list are bad science and have been debunked or rejected by the scientific community at large. It is highly irresponsible to publish articles like this which are so scientifically misleading. As a community with a large following, and therefore some degree of influence, you have a duty to make sure the information you put out is good, and this article represents a failure on that front. You can’t call anything science, and what you’ve printed here(for the most part) is not science.
It is funny to see how people believe blindly on peer reviewed journals. Does a scientific publication make it more trusthworthy? In theory yes, in pracitice no. For those who do not believe just check this This guy even published in science! Imagine a couple more like him who still remain hidden and publishing!
My point is many times only what is convenient and likes the editor is published, but because of that calling something antiscientific is a bit strong. I would love somebody to show WITH REAL EVIDENCE all of this is fake.
May be some of them are fake, may be not, who knows, have you made the experiments?.
Only an open mind makes you a good scientist, otherwise you are being as conservative as all you criticize.
The first of these “scientific studies” (the famous two-slit experiment) DOES SEEM to demonstrate that the mind does impact matter but, sadly, this is just an illusion we trick ourselves into seeing because we aren’t always able to observe (with our eyes) ALL of the relevant reality that is happening, but only a part of it. That is what is happening when we see the interference pattern disappear when we add detectors that measure which of the two slits the particles are going through: it APPEARS that the observation is affecting the outcome but it really isn’t, we are just tricking ourselves into thinking that because we aren’t seeing all the relevant reality (quantum reality) in the experiment, just a part of it. The following Google tech talk (although a little heavy on the math) is the best explanation I’ve seen so far to try to explain this phenomenon to non-quantum-physicists:
Excellent. I knew it was a psy op
How about the delayed choice experiment?
Your article is credit-worthy. There is so much more out there about reality and everyone has their own perceptions which is and always will be correct. Everything that can be imagined or thought of, exists. Life is beautiful all the way around. Thank you for sharing this information because many people will not believe unless the information is backed by science. Sad, but true. download 221 of his 500lectures.he new this long before an the teachings continue today start with christ in you or test yourselves we are the creaters of our reality good bad or indifferant we create what we think. how it shows up for us is not our concern just be sure it will manifest in your life
Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real”
Universe Creation of god——–Nikunj Tomar….
Ignore these comments made by people of rigid and closed minds lacking inner vision. Thank you for the article this is all very real for those of us that are not blind.
I want to know psychokinesis experiment and equilent.
A lot of this stuff is still really controversial and not proven – I will keep tabs on the upcoming studies however
Can someone tell me the profession I need to go after to be a part of the people who research this?
Please, if someone would be so kind, I’ve recently discovered what I truly want to do with my life, and now I haven’t a clue how to name it in today’s world.
Please. Thank you.
Physics and psychology get really good at those two things and you can go into basically any research field dubbing into this stuff.
Estude Ciência de verdade e vai desmentir tudo que eles disseram ali em cima. Pode ser biologia, biotecnologia, neurologia, etc, e já vai saber o suficiente pra desdobrar esse chalala desse blog. Abraço!
E não acredite em pseudo-ciência!
Everything that exists is consciousness.
Robert Lanza, M.D. – Biocentrism. I’m certain you know this body of work.
Thomas Campbell’s “My Big TOE” (theory of everything) is an interesting trilogy about consciousness.
Mainline science laughs off much of this “evidence” as pseudoscience, and disputes how significant it is. I’m skeptically open minded, but I’ve seen nothing new in this arena in quite some time. These are mainly older studies. What’s new?
If the double-slit experiments had been significantly meaningful, others would have reproduced them by now and refined the techniques, but I haven’t seen anyone else conducting those experiments with higher quality hardware than was used at the time in order to be more explicit and exact. The level of significance was “in the noise” according to some mainline scientists who reviewed the results.
I think it’s important that we go after the subject of consciousness from both sides – that it emerges from matter on the one hand, and that it is what actually constructs matter on the other. Right now the stronger evidence seems to be on the side of the materialists. This article has been posted before. Hopefully there will be something new one of these days…
The Placebo Effect in many ways sums up the internet. People will believe almost anything.
what you know is not ture , what you ve seen was your shadow .
I Have written a Book which contains a Practical Plan to create permanent peace on earth available here :
This reminds me of what Jessica, a “crystal child” was conveying in her interview with Project Camelot:
Thanks for making it so obvious that this is BS. Any real scientist knows that science proves nothing. It can only gather supporting evidence for its theories. Want to understand science, try reading actual science text books instead of taking the lazy shortcuts of the New Agers who understand little of science or its methods.
Science means to know, or is the act of pursuing knowledge. It has developed methods for collecting data to support its theories over the years that have been honed to increase the reliability of the data by how the experimental model is constructed. While there is tons of BS pseudo science out there even in the mainstream respected journals, that the field of science is so competitive reduces the likelihood of pseudo science surviving bc it will not be able to replicated.
Also, with that in mind, most people misunderstand the purpose of performing an experiment. The purpose of an experiment is not to support your theories, but rather to falsify them in order to reduce the likelihood of bias (the fraudulent Dr. Emoto, who wasn’t even a real doctor, used obvious biased data selection and his work is garbage and the epitome of pseudo science.
The entire field of climatology is a great example of how through the proliferation of BS from both sides of the anthropogenic global warming debate, no one knows who to trust bc the science has destroyed its credibility and you can thank the peer reviewed journals and politics for that. I used to be a warmie, but then I came to my senses, used the actual telemetry data from NOAA, the same people claiming anthropogenic global warming, to show that actually, the average yearly rise in sea level has been relatively constant at 1 mm/yr for the last 7 thousand years. Currently, the Sun is primarily responsible for global warming and cooling as was evidenced by changing features on the face of Mars in the 90’s due to the solar radiation from increased sunspot activity melting ice that eroded the surface of Mars. Man is causing local and regional warming, but is no the primary cause of global warming at present. Man will likely end up causing global warming if he continues on the same trajectory. I actually found this very hopeful but find it ironic that I am so much more eco than so many of the trendy cool to be eco as long as it doesn’t inconvenience me crowd who believe in current anthropogenic global warming.
Verification for me today- Today at work had a group of people discussing local politics and as they were discussing the issue a brief thought crossed my mind that if “jim” were here he would jump in on the issue. 30 seconds later he walks in the door. “Jim lives 500 miles away and vacations here often. He was just arriving into town, I had no idea that he was planning his vacation today and he stopped in just before heading to his cabin. I was not very surprised as this sort of thing happens in my life quite a bit. This was the biggest verification I have had in awhile. Great articles here and thanks for all the info. Just thought I would share.
Excellent article.
Early this year I was thinking of applying for a particular position. Application needed to have a passport photo. Knowing that I had one spare, I looked everywhere for it.
No avail, could not find it. However, that night whilst preparing dinner, out of my peripheral vision I noticed a piece of paper on the floor. I picked it up thinking to bin it.
Astonished to find it was the passport photo that I had been searching for throughout the house. No papers, photos, bills and letters are stored in the kitchen. I still don’t know how that happened as I live alone. Thinking something into matter or pulling that matter into the present reality, I wonder, although I do not understand. Maybe that could it explain this unusual phenomenon.
Check out Dr.Rupert Sheldrake’s work. His book “Science Set Free” goes into detail on this stuff and explains really well how flawed and unscientific the conventional scientific mainstream his.