NASA’s Pioneer 10 spacecraft was launched into space in 1972. It was the very first spacecraft to fly directly through the asteroid belt and observe the biggest planet in our solar system, Jupiter. It was also able to obtain closeup images of the planet, something that scientists had never had access to before. (1)
Prior to the flyby of Jupiter by Pioneer 10, the CIA and NSA, in conjunction with Stanford University, were involved in what was called “remote viewing.” Remote viewing can be defined in multiple ways. It’s the ability of individuals to describe a remote geographical location up to several hundred thousand kilometers away (sometimes even more) from their physical location.(2)(3)(4)
A gentlemen by the name of Ingo Swann was able to successfully describe and view a ring around Jupiter, a ring that scientists had no idea existed. This took place immediately before the first ever flyby of Jupiter by NASA’s Pioneer 10 spacecraft, which confirmed that the ring did actually exist. These results were published in advance of the rings’ discovery. (2)
The successful viewing of the ring by Ingo came after scientists observed him identify physical objects in hidden envelopes that were placed a few hundred kilometers away.
“Successful replication of this type of remote viewing in independent laboratories has yielded considerable scientific evidence for the reality of the [remote viewing] phenomenon. Adding to the strength of these results was the discovery that a growing number of individuals could be found to demonstrate high-quality remote viewing, often to their own surprise. The CIA even participated as remote viewers themselves in order to critique the protocols. CIA personnel generated successful target descriptions of sufficiently high quality to permit blind matching of descriptions to targets by independent judges.” (2)
– Harold Puthoff, PhD, Stanford University
“To determine whether it was necessary to have a ‘beacon’ individual at the target site, Swann suggested carrying out an experiment to remote view the planet Jupiter before the upcoming NASA Pioneer 10 flyby. In that case, much to his chagrin (and ours) he found a ring around Jupiter, and wondered if perhaps he had remote viewed Saturn by mistake. Our colleagues in astronomy were quite unimpressed as well, until the flyby revealed that an unanticipated ring did in fact exist.” (2)
– Harold Puthoff, PhD, Stanford University
It’s remarkable to think about these extended human capacities, and what we are capable of. At the same time, it’s sobering to think about how much information is dismissed, classified, and hidden from the human race. It makes you wonder what other information out there remains classified that we don’t yet know about, and what other truths the remote viewing program has uncovered.
The Above Information Was Documented. Here’s What Wasn’t.
Here is a quote from Ingo’s book Penetration, where he goes into detail about a phenomenon that was not documented in the literature cited throughout this article:
It’s one thing to read about UFOs and stuff in the papers or in books. It is another to hear rumors about the military or government having an interest in such matters, rumors which say they have captured extraterrestrials and downed alien space craft. But it’s quite another matter to find oneself in a situation which confirms everything. I found towers, machinery, lights, buildings, humanoids busy at work on something I couldn’t figure out (on the back side of the moon).
The information now available in the public domain regarding the government experiments with remote viewing was declassified in 1995, but who knows how much of the program’s information is still classified? Ingo had expressed that the program was shut down because it posed one of the biggest threats to government secrecy.
It’s quite remarkable that this information was kept secret for over 20 years. Prior to 1995, the public had absolutely no idea that this type of thing was going on; it was a special access program, part of the Black Budget, which to this day deals with projects and data the human race knows nothing about. You can read more about the black budget HERE.
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
– Nikola Tesla
Science has indeed studied non-physical phenomena for a very long time. Unfortunately, much of this science has been locked up within the classified world, and the remote viewing program is a great example of that.
For more details on remote viewing, click here.
You mean to tell me that we had the technology to land a man on the moon multiple times, once in 1959 by the Soviet Union, and then again in 1969 by the U.S., and yet we didn’t have telescopes powerful enough to observe the ring around Jupiter from Earth–somewhere in the world–by that time? Remember, it was Swann who suggested remote viewing Jupiter. I really wonder why he chose that particular planet. Was it really because the NASA Pioneer 10 flyby was soon to occur? “All of the giant planets in our solar system have rings: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.” ( Swann could have easily inferred this sort of thing. For heaven’s sake, “Galileo sort of saw [the ring’s of Saturn] with his tiny telescope [in the 16th and 17th century].” ( Remote viewing is in my opinion a shabby explanation, and there isn’t convincing evidence.
Yes I we didn’t know about the ring yet at that time. Prior to the Jupiter viewing, he had successfully (and others) demonstrated the remote viewing of objects hundreds of kilometers away. It’s all documented.
But him knowing that one fact can be explained in other ways. Like I was saying, he could have easily inferred that Jupiter had a ring, from the fact that the next 3 biggest planets in our solar system also had rings; One could easily infer from that piece of knowledge that all planets bigger than whatever most likely have a ring.
Could have, but I doubt it, because it was a specific ring and he described it. But there is no way he could have identified objects in hidden envelopes hundreds of kilometers away.
I’m just astonished nobody else has been able to replicate such results conclusively since then. You’d think that since remote viewing gained modest popularity over the past decade another talent would have came out of the woodwork by now.
I think others have been able to replicate these results over, you would have to research it for yourself 🙂 Many other talents have also been documented I believe, it’s all about looking to see and researching to find out. This is just a snippet of information on psi government research, a lot more is out there so if you are interested it would be something to look into 🙂
Of course. Thanks.
Yeah, Arjun! Ingo Swann described the “specific” ring, and it’s exact location amongst the other rings, in detail.
Hi ASDF, before the Pioneer fly by of Jupiter it was not know that any planets other than Saturn had ring systems. Saturn’s are obvious in telescopes (even those of several hundred years ago) because they are so dense and massive – the ring systems of Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune are much less obvious; so much so that the ring systems of Uranus and Neptune were discovered indirectly, meaning that they were not seen, rather inferred as having to exist due to the light from a star passing behind those planets being blocked periodically before it passed behind the planet in question whilst being observed (and conversely, the same happened as the star emerged from the other side of the planet). Jupiter’s ring system was confirmed by Pioneer. It’s worth mentioning also that although Galileo discovered something that we now know to be rings, his telescopes were so badly collimated with such low resolution that he thought he has discovered a double planet system – he couldn’t make out enough detail to affirm that they were in fact rings of material orbiting one planet. Interesting article, with some interesting information
And what year was it inferred that Jupiter had a ring system before Pioneer had confirmed this in 1972? Swann could have likely inferred this himself from data if not having stumbled upon the inferences of somebody else.
Thanks for clarifying a number of my inaccuracies, though.
The ring was confirmed after the flyby, I do not think he was referring to something else.
“The ring systems of Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune are much less obvious; so much so that the ring systems were discovered indirectly, meaning that they were not seen, rather inferred as having to exist due to the light from a star passing behind those planets being blocked periodically before it passed behind the planet in question. Jupiter’s ring system was confirmed by Pioneer.”
Ring systems had already been inferred and Pioneer had confirmed the Jupiter inference.
“Swann could have likely inferred this himself from data if not having stumbled upon the inferences of somebody else.”
What data? Post your sources and evidence. If it was so “easily inferred” you should have no trouble described exactly what data he allegedly knew and how he could have easily accessed it, with enough assurance for him to stake his credibility by pulling such a scheme (while working for the government on a classified program) that nobody but you has been able to figure out some 43 years later.
“But him knowing that one fact can be explained in other ways”
Wrong. There was no big debate about Jupiter’s rings at the time. It was accepted scientific and academic fact that there were no rings. You don’t even have any evidence to suggest that he could have inferred it. You’re literally just making up things as you go along, based off nothing but hot air and your imagination.
Remote viewing is real and this is proof of that. Its not a surprise that there are some who do not want this truth to get out, however.
I have never seen any planet or other heavenly body”s close up but once my being was in outer space and I noticed a black background as my spirit turned to the left there where stars…… and only darkness in front of me. The best part was the silence and a feeling of F R E E D O M, PEACE, HOME, yes I felt at home there. In Metaphysics, Quantum Physics…. it is possible to do astral travel after all we are created as spirit first by our GOD and are now having a human experience. It was the most wonderful feeling that is still with me now and forever. P E A C E.
Can I buy drugs from you?
Ridicule is the defense of the ignorant.
While I have never had any OOB experiences myself, I still believe they are possible.
The nature of the Psyche contains much that we do not know or understand.
Some people have natural talents beyond the norm.
These may be in music, art, mathematics or some “paranormal” talent.
I can’t write or play music, have no artistic talent and am ignorant in higher mathematics.
But, I do not doubt that there are those that find these talents an easy one.
You will never know what you are capable of until you try and learn.
I believe as that is the basic stuff we all need. I was on a planet b4. I was not alone there were many others we all walked hand in hand. It was destroyed, but for me to it was the upper most natural high i ever was. You know you can get in trance and leave your body without drugs right @cop? Just to bad we now live in a society where dreamer is an insult!!! Where i was b4 theres no such thing called materialism. Its all just one.
So it was all an elaborate conspiracy by Swann to go against the prevailing wisdom of established scientists and astronomers, and put his credibility on the line, based off a “kinda-sorta” hunch from someone three centuries ago? Talk about shabby explanations.
You’re using present day knowledge and one obscure cherry-picked historical reference to suggest fraud and a conspiracy. And top it all off you open with a logical fallacy (obviously telescope tech wasn’t advanced to the point to spot Jupiter’s rings otherwise it wouldn’t have been a “discovery” until 1969 when the craft flew by.
Sounds more like you’re fabricating your own (baseless and factless) scenario to confirm your own biases.
Just read the scientific reception.
Calm down! There is so much data on how this is untrue!
So, they couldn’t remotely view where Osaka was? Or remote view wmd’s…give me break.
They didn’t give a shit where Osama was.
This is a function of the mind that is build in ffor 100s of thousands of years. you think evolution gives a crap about a fake terrorist that bush has created in order to kill his own people in 9/11 and make profit out of it??
What are you doing on such a website anyway? this is just for open minded people, or at least for people who are not brainwashed.
If you are truly open-minded, you will admit that there are people “brainwashed” on both sides…
What a load of shit. This “astral projection” bullshit is as annoying and unconvincing as Christians claiming they died and seen heaven or that they talked to angels.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and so far all of the claims of seen about this kind of thing have EXTREMELY vague and small amounts of “evidence” at best.
Stop making pseudoscience popular. We don’t need more delusional morons in this world than we already have.
The evidence is in fact quite extraordinary 🙂 This is far from pseudoscience…and has been examined at the highest levels of science…part of special access programs (SAPs) in the black budget world. This information was declassified in 1995.
I’ve done plenty of research on it, and the “extraordinary evidence” you claim is no different than the “extraordinary evidence” that pseudoscience creationists spread.
Show me some cold hard facts, studies proving these experiences, things beyond some dude guessing that their were rings around Saturn before we supposedly observed them. Also, personal testimonies are not evidence.
Did you read the sources? It’s all in there….I would say those are very credible sources 🙂 Science has observed these and other PSI phenomenon to be extremely valid, it’s difficult because these things have been proven and repeated time and time again, yet our understanding of science cannot offer an explanation as to how it is done….yet.
There is also much controversy and criticism surrounding the issue. One ought to read about James Randi’s analysis. The evidence is inconclusive.
No doubt that something like this would attract much criticism, I definitely believe there might be those actually paid to de-bunk it, but I personally have a hard time seeing how it is inconclusive after reading all I’ve read about it.
There are definitely differing opinions, which is why there is controversy surrounding the issue. But the world isn’t a pretty place. There is somebody around every corner wanting to part you from your money or trick you for various other reasons. I’ve seen a number of psychics over the years, since my mom has long been into that scene and still is, and have yet to meet genuine talent. For a really long time, too, I wanted to believe; and I did believe. But my experience and the research has determined otherwise, that a lot of this sort of stuff doesn’t warrant belief if one is interested in pursuing the truth. I’m still open to the idea, to the possibility, yet nothing after all of this time has warranted my belief. You also have to bear in mind that, for instance, just as medical procedures are continually further developed, so too are experimental procedures; the standard is always changing. You’d probably be flabbergasted by various medical, particularly psychiatric procedures of the past few centuries.
Hey. Why don’t you prove reality to me? There is actually no stone cold facts that what we perceive is actually “real”.
You can do the subjective experiment yourself by learning to self-initiate out-of-body experiences yourself. Spend 30 days doing exercises from a book by authors like William Buhlman, and you’ll be surprised as hell (like Buhlman was when he did it) that you are outside of your body, looking at yourself sleeping. Then you can go off and explore the endless astral realms, as we are meant to do. If you’re not willing to do this subjective experiment, then you have no right to have an opinion on the subject, and you are no better than the Catholic officials who refused to look into Galileo’s telescope.
You have a very negative attitude, the problem here is YOU are so passionate to say IT IS NOT REAL, Yet YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE OF THIS. What? You cant do it? That your proof is it? Have you even tried to properly decalcify your pineal gland? Do you meditate regularly? You come on here shouting your mouth off with bad attitude, when you yourself are a hypocrite and contradict the core of the argument. You really need to calm down and keep an open mind. Most of the thoughts in your head were put there, how many of them are you so deeply angry and passionate about, that YOU don’t know to be true, but have adopted from education or your parents, or another peers education, experience. Once your brain cells are dead that’s it! We were all taught that for hundreds of years, now we know this is not the case….. yet those not educated to this, will argue their belief on the matter. Just because a trained mind can do things you cant, does not mean it is not real.
I posted this as a reply elsewhere, but it’s worth repeating:
You can’t just ask someone for evidence about these kinds of phenomena, you absolutely have to experiment and experience them YOURSELF, or you will NEVER know that this stuff is extremely real, but its incredibly difficult to produce objective data from it for a few good reasons: Remote viewing and OBE’s can both be heavily influenced by countless variables that we know little about – including the viewer’s mind and beliefs, and particularly in OBE’s the fact that you’re actually a step away from physical reality, if that makes any sense; You’re slightly out of phase with linear time, moving away from the physical dimension, and this allows for all kinds of strange phenomena to creep in: objects and events from different memories or points in time can suddenly appear or disappear, hallucinations can enter into the picture, and even the slightest stray thought can send you somewhere you didn’t intend to go. With all that in mind, it’s a wonder that we ever bring back any valid information at all…And science is extremely biased against any experiment that doesn’t produce CONSISTENT results. Nearly all valid esoteric teachings describe the subtle astral world as being far more fluid and dynamic than our rigid world of solid physical matter…And that fact usually leads science-minded people to claim that it’s therefore impractical and useless to even bother exploring it. But there are VERY good reasons for it, which you will only discover through your own subjective seeking…I’m speaking more about astral projection though, because I personally haven’t had much luck with remote viewing and find it utterly boring in comparison. But check out a good book such as Robert Bruce’s ASTRAL DYNAMICS, put it into practice for a few weeks or months, and THEN try giving us your opinion on the subject. 😉
Demanding physical proof of non-physical phenomena is nonsensical.
Also, ever heard of Edgar Cayce?
You have to understand, though, that not all experimental procedures are flawless. Personally, from what I’ve read about the Stargate Project and Swann in general I don’t think the evidence is extraordinary but also feel that it’s extremely vague and ultimately inconclusive. However, astral projection/travel/etc. is entirely different from remote viewing.
Interesting take 🙂 Thanks for sharing, I don’t come across to many people who have done the research and find it vague and inconclusive, but its always great to question everything you hear and read, I’m sure there are many differing opinions on it.
So much hatred and arrogance.
Tell me about it, this is how these ignorant closed minded sheep are programmed.
It’s so terribly terribly sad that almost the whole of mankind has been systematically kept in the dark, kept stupid, ignorant and passive for many many years. Not to mention about all the things we can do, but because of corruption of foodstuff, drink, vaccines etc they are all left blind.. and those of us who try to tell them what they are truly able of they ridicule, always continuing onwards in the patterns they have been taught, the only patterns they know..
Well Kayley. Those who have experienced astral projection (such as myself), can attest to the fact that it is real. However, I’m not here to convince you or anyone else one way or the other. You simply believe, consider, or entertain at your own pace. Keep playing with your head in the sand and remember not to think outside the box. Your government wants you to be a good little “Citizen” and leave the heavy thinking to people who can handle the truth.
you will only ever find what you are looking for.
as for you, you are looking for proof against.
for me, i look for proof towards these.
with impossible being impossible.
i find proof for everything i believe in, otherwise i would not believe.
you sound like a person who believes their vote in elections actually count toward something.
i realise i can’t be sure about the world ..because science is not about that .is not about arrogance …there is things to discover ..i can’t be arrogant about things just because we can’t use a scam to analise some things that are just theory gravity of boson higs ….
Is it not better to keep an open mind? If you go through your life with such a narrow view of the world then I feel sorry for you. There are more ‘delusional morons’ than even you realise – fed crap via the papers and the media from birth and bred to believe that their thoughts are their own. The non-delusional ones are the ones awake enough to cut through all of this and start to unravel this web of deceit that has everyone too wrapped up themselves to think outside of the system.
Well actually if you did some actual research and tried it yourself you would probably think differently. And if you were to actually open your mind and stop relying on the mainstream media and start doing some independent research you’ll find that it’s not a load of shit. That’s the thing with people like you; anything that you don’t understand you’ll just bash and ridicule just because they don’t fit your perception and the paradigm the mainstream media has pushed into your tiny minds. There may not be a lot of scientific evidence to prove these meta-physical phenomena but there is absolutely nothing to disprove it. Another thing; only physical things require scientific evidence because anything beyond that isn’t so much not real (because that would be a very ignorant narrow minded belief) it’s more just beyond the reach of science, meaning only self evidence is required. Ah and the old classic term just to amply your ignorance further; “pseudo science”. What you call “pseudo science” is merely a label you use to emphasise your blindness and oblivious hate. Just because something can’t be proven, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. If it can be disproved on the other
hand then fair enough; but it hasn’t. I mean you’re honestly telling me that before the universe there was
nothing? And that when you die you cease to exist and are just surrounded by infinite blackness? And you
call me crazy? Jesus Christ… Really the only way I can explain to my fellow “crazy people” what you kind
of people are like is that you are almost completely and utterly blind-folded. You are merely peering
through a little slit of of reality. I hope that one day you see the light and reality for what it truly is. You
know I was a stubborn atheist like you once…
I suggest you either read the declassified materials and stop conveying amateurish comments or stop dwelling on things a linear mind like yours can grasp. As if describing the chemical components of the atmosphere of an unknown planet can be classified as a lucky guess..
Coming from the person whose probably never had any type of “astral” experience before. Not to mention, astral projection and remote viewing are two entirely different things. There is nothing “delusional” about these phenomena. Some of the greatest minds of the 20th century (i.e. Tesla and Einstein) were all about this “pseudoscience” you refute, and look at their accomplishments. You should open your mind a little, actually.. A LOT, read some books, and study other cultures. Dying (or experiencing a “NDE)”, going to a different realm, and encountering other entities isn’t something specific to Christians; it’s actually something widely accepted, and even practiced in many indigenous civilizations.. Or you can keep living in your bubble. It’s not my loss. But close-mindedness is just something I can’t grasp anymore. I used to speak like you, and then many of these OBE-related occurrences started happening to me as well. Keep in mind, technologies such as AC current, wireless communication, the remote control, etc.. used to be considered “pseudoscience” at one point in time, and the inventor (Tesla) of said technologies was viewed as a mad-man by people like you, and look at the world now.
“Once science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in a decade than in the previous centuries combined.”
Thank you! Pseudoscience often belittles real tested science. That being said, this is a site of pseudoscience, conspiracy theories and “enlightenment”; on the verge of being religious. If you clicked, you should have expected, i know i did. As fake as you think this is, some people just want something to believe in; in this case meditative super powers.
I want to say to readers to spend more time of real issues that matter, but i know not to preach a paradigm change behind enemy lines, and i know that there are enough people in the world for viewers of this website, this page, do not matter in the grand scheme of things.
Let them have their pseudoscience, their fringe science and their enlightenment.
If: “Sci-fi is just science that hasn’t happened yet”
Then: maybe its possible for these things (mentioned on this site) to cross over into the sci-fi realm
Its always best to keep a open mind
We don’t necessarily have the instruments to detect metaphysical phenomenon…doesn’t mean it isn’t occurring.
We have to grasp there is a limit to the five senses and at least try to use meditative and other trance-like procedures within a scientific frame. This is roughly what Tesla was saying when he talked of non physical matter.
You yourself are light – you, that awareness behind everything, the infinite blob of consciousness separated from higher consciousness – an electromagnetic waveform and as such, according to normal science, infinite.
Your pineal gland detects your blob and via it’s plasma shell it conducts it and maintains it in the brain until death occurs. At this point DMT is released and acts as the light bridge for your light consciousness to move up a dimension.
Because consciousness can be separated, out of body projection can occur. I had it once, when I was very young.
Christians talk of seeing heaven/Jesus in NDE’s because religions act as apertures to spirituality – so whichever religion you are, you see its figurehead upon crossover as a sort of comforting technique. Research is very consistent for this.
I like your comments. I have always thought it somewhat nonsensical for people to demand physical proof of non-physical phenomenon. Most do not realize that physical reality is not a continuous function, but flashes on and off at a Planck time frequency of 10 to the -43 seconds. So half the time our consciousness is not focused in physical reality. It only seems to be continuous, like a motion picture does, while really being only a rapid sequence of still frames.
The nature of consciousness and multidimensional reality involves concepts that are very foreign to those who have not studied or done any personal research in these areas. Meditation and learning lucid dreaming are things that most people never have the time or interest to pursue. The conventional view that the physical brain creates the mind/consciousness, and not the other way around, is also a hindrance in understanding that the mind can exist apart from the body.
Keep up the good work in trying to get people to consider other possibilities than those they have as root assumptions. Some will take the next steps. BTW Is your choice of the name Seth any connection to the Jane Roberts Seth?
I don’t understand this, it makes no since, so it must be wrong! Am I right?? … open your mind people
The trick is to not have so open a mind that absolutely everything spills out.
You make no “since”!
So because it makes no ‘sense’ to you, that means it’s wrong? Our minds are open, it’s yours that needs opening
Hi Arjun!
I “believe” we all have telepathic abilities to one extent or another. Ingo Swann, is able to exercise his ability…for the most part. BUT, even he isn’t in complete control of it…right!
Therefore, what needs to happen, is that “someone” who is in complete control of their abilities, needs to “touch” that part of us that is responsible for us to harness the telepathic ability.
“WE” learn to write by watching others do it and by allowing others to help us put the pen to the paper…right?
Same with telepathic abilities, “someone” needs to show us…”How!”
If remote viewing is so successful, why the huge budget and research into other more widely known spy technologies like spy satellites, miniature cameras, listening devices, spy drones, etc>
Please think about what you have just said, it makes no sense.
I did. I think I must be way more thrifty than you.
Because it’s not that reliable, even though it is real; Remote viewing and OBE’s can both be heavily influenced by countless variables that we don’t know about – including the viewer’s mind and beliefs, and in OBE’s the fact that you’re actually a step away from physical reality, if that makes any sense; You’re slightly out of phase with linear time, moving away from the physical dimension, and this allows for all kinds of strange phenomena to creep in: objects and events from different memories or points in time can suddenly appear or disappear, hallucinations can enter into the picture, and even the slightest stray thought can send you somewhere you didn’t intend to go. With all that in mind, it’s a wonder that we ever bring back any valid information at all…And science is extremely biased against any experiment that doesn’t produce CONSISTENT results.
Ok, so you’re saying it is like entering an altered state, and seeing some stuff that on occasion matches observable reality.
Sounds like fun (seriously it does), and it matches some personal experiences I have had with hallucinogenics and deep states of self hypnosis. These can illuminate certain subconscious thoughts and beliefs about the world and some of them can be right (after all it spends a lot of time processing observed information behind the scenes) but is also often heavily influenced by the things you wish would or could be true. I, after much reflection, judged these experiences to be closer to maya or nirmita (to explain in Buddhist terms).
I encourage everyone to read a series of books called The Ringing Cedars of Russia for info. on all that human beings are capable of when given an optimal learning environment
I have “seen” things while having an so-called out of body experience, including outer space and aliens (so-called greys). I watched my husband get ready for work once and he told me later I was “sleeping facing the wall”. One time I felt like I went through the floor and into my neighbours bedroom. The next day she told me she woke up in the middle of the night and felt like someone was in her room. I have seen many strange things in this state, which is also called a hypnagogic hallucination. I cannot say I know what is happening but I think it’s cool.
We only know what the human kind can explain,all is possible………
This is amazing, it’s sad that some people can’t accept this. We have very little to no understanding of this. Doesn’t mean it’s not true people once thought the earth was flat.if you thought differently you were crazy.
Just goes to show how much potential humans have, and they stop the program because of national security thread. Really what gives them the right to say what can and can’t they shouldn’t be arming the space but didn’t stop them
RV is no secret. I did the course 15 years ago. Very powerful with 3 of us going on a ‘trip’ together.. explaining to the others what we see. that time one of our homes inside).. Google just UK remote viewing course and you’ll get quite a few whits. I have done time travel to future and geographical travel.
When I do my concentration exercises, (guided by info from The Pleiadian Mission by Randolph Winters), and get into theta, (5cps brainwaves) I pop out for a trip sometimes, thousand of miles in seconds.
You know what the best evidence is? Your own experience. If you experienced yourself that you are capable of doing these things who needs science? I tried this together with a small group of people and experienced that I was capable of seeing things at a certain location that proved to be correct. We were all new at this and truely astonished.
So if you are really sceptical, just go and try it. See for yourself. Investigate, do your own research. Why depend on “science”. I don’t need a scientist to prove that I can learn how to snowboard or swim, just do it and then you will know for sure.
No. Your own experience is actually really bad evidence…
Our own experience is the only experience that will ever confirm these things to ourselves. We can have faith, but it eventually has to become actual knowledge. The trick is to try and analyze your experience with a impartial and objective mind, to get the most truth which is not emotionally biased.
I think he was more so referring to the fact that your own experience cant be viable evidence to show someone else, basically, just because you experienced it, doesnt mean you should expect someone else to believe it is what i think sam is saying
Your own experience however is in fact the best evidence to prove to YOURSELF that its real, but not to other people. The problem with our advancement with consciousness is that people are studying other people externally instead of studying themselves internally. How can you possibly study an truly unique individual being and expect great results? You should be studying people from the 1st person perspective to get the most insight, You cant measure the complex thoughts and emotions someone is feeling that is not your own.
“In his 1998 autobiography Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy, Swann described his work with individuals in an unknown agency who study extraterrestrials, his remote viewing of a secret E.T. base on the hidden side of the moon
and his “shocking” experience with a sexy scantily dressed female E.T. in a Los Angeles supermarket.
He concludes that extraterrestrials are living on earth in humanoid bodies. A friend warned him that there are many extraterrestrials, that many are “bio-androids”, and that they are aware their only foes on earth are psychics. While Swann and an individual known as “Mr. Axelrod” were secretly watching a UFO appear and suck up the water of a lake, they were discovered and attacked by the UFO. Swann was injured but was dragged to safety by his colleagues.”
Seems legit.
Nothing is impossible – only improbable. In fact, it is improbable that two electrons should interact whatsoever. Yet our whole reality is based on this almost infinite ‘flickering’ of energy in front of us, all the time, in our waking state. So as soon as we except that ‘impossible’ doesn’t really exist, we will recognise that humans can do just about anything, only if we show faith, courage and acceptance in all our actions. Remember humans flying across the world was impossible once. We are learning how to do things that consciousness already knows how to do.
We humans are restricted by our limiting beliefs, we are programmed How to think, Tribal Thinking, not free thinking
I have spent the last three years remote viewing millions of planets in this galaxy and beyond. It can be done if your Pineal Gland is working right and everything else is in place. Anyone wanting to read about my experiences – just google Keys to Immortality.
Metaphysics isn’t real, voodoo is not real, if people actually had foresight, they would all be millionaires. Not old women living in run down trailer homes. The CIA discontinued it’s work with psychics after the 80’s because they stopped snorting so much cocaine and started thinking reasonably.
Hi free spirit I am frank I was wondering if you could explain more to me about this stuff on my email witch is you want you can message me on facebook. I really have been trying everything to open my third eye. I remember all my dreams, it is just blurry. Nothing is 100% clear in my life and i would be more then grateful if you could shed any light about this topic for me?
If you want to know more about remote viewing, then research the words, “Dr. Michael Persinger Remote Viewing” in Youtube or Google.
What remote viewing is…Getting your mind to a higher vibration through Pineal Gland. this is something that was common 10,000 or more years ago and is what Sacred Knowledge is all about. Duality, ‘what is above is so below”. The idea of three. 1,3, then 2. The Prime numbers, Golden Ratio.
All buildings show this as three doors three windows, even Leonardo Davinchi’s Last Supper shows this Higher Consciousness. It was against the church as the Churches made people less then what they are.
When you live at a higher vibration all things are possible. The Mind is Divine like wise you are Divine.
“It makes you wonder what other information out there remains classified that we don’t know about yet, and what other truths the remote viewing program has uncovered”
Truth won’t out until CIRVA (Civilian International Remote Viewing Association) is founded – any volunteers?
I’d suggest testing the reliability of such phenomena before embarking on a life long journey. You should design and set up some tests; Edward, whom is supposedly fairly successful, might be a good subject (“I currently have 50 videos of myself using Controlled Remote Viewing to obtain information about remote targets, in all these sessions I have no information about the target.”).
The rule of the thumb is to forget everything you’ve learned from spirit science. After that, we can properly analyze these stuff.
I’ve seen people talk about spirit science nonesense in the comments so check this out:
Remote viewing was popularized in the 1990s upon the declassification of certain documents related to the Stargate Project, a $20 million research program that had started in 1975 and was sponsored by the U.S. government, in an attempt to determine any potential military application of psychic phenomena. The program was terminated in 1995 after it failed to produce any useful intelligence information.”
Puthoff is the one creating the term “remote viewing” and he is not very credible.
I think this also reduces his credibility.
“Puthoff took an interest in the Church of Scientology in the late 1960s and reached what was then the top OT VII level by 1971.[3] Puthoff wrote up his “wins” for a Scientology publication, claiming to have achieved “remote viewing” abilities.[8]”
The so-called proof (or reference) of this experiment is another article of Puthoff. I don’t know how credible it is (I think he didn’t use scientific jargon) but if this is true I can make some guesses about how this can happen without remote viewing being true.
1- How many individuals tried to explain it? If you try it thousands of time, at least one of the trials is going to be successful due to pure chance. There is no mention of failed trials and the number of trials. I can guess anybody’s eye color if you give me a thousand chances to guess.
2- Besides it can still be pure coincidences or the person could have made an educated guess. He should have kept guessing about planets and other stuff.
And last but not least check this one:
I suggest everyone to keep an open mind about these stuff. Keeping an open mind does not mean outright accepting or rejecting them but analyzing them properly and hearing both sides.
Remote viewing is very real and there are plenty of examples available for public display. I currently have 50 videos of myself using Controlled Remote Viewing to obtain information about remote targets, in all these sessions I have no information about the target. and my website another great website is lots of information here and more examples of remote viewing.
I’ve had plenty of OOBEs (out of body experiences). I’ve tried to do remote viewing but found that there were always important differences between the astral version of the world and the real world.
i did observe that there seemed to be different ‘layers’ to the astral. It is possible that some layers are closer to this reality than others.
Swan is a fraud and he provided no new information. OOBE’s have absolutely no evidence for their existence. Your mind is the product of chemical reactions of you brain.
Get over it.
disbelievers block their own path my friend.
NO, you’re the FRAUD! Swann, did provide information unknown to anyone previously. EVERYTHING he wrote about in the book IS REAL.
BUT, that’s okay, you’re entitled to your own opinion and disbelief’s.
OOBE is simply incorrect terminology for “Remote Viewing.”
“Some” people have more abilities than others and Ingo Swann is good at remote viewing…that’s all!
Don’t be jealous!
Let me ask you a question Mathew. Have you ever had an OBE? I’m thinking not because of the comment you left. If you ever do you will change your mind real quick.. We cant in this dimension envision the colors that exist or the clarity, its not something we dream up. The beauty is like nothing we have here. I have been having OBE,s since i was a young child around the age of 7 or 8. Its no dream.Its more real than me sitting here replying to your comment. Just because we cant prove it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
How do you know it’s not a dream?
Have an OBE for yourself and you will know it is no dream. This is a little crude but it compares OBE’s and lucid dreams.
Hi Sam!
Great “link!”
I like the discussion that took place in regards to Lucid Dreaming and OBE’s although I haven’t had a chance to read through the entire post.
Until only a few years ago bubba, lucid dreams weren’t considered a valid scientific phenomenon (despite a long history of them being reported, and their long term employment in Tibetan Buddhist dream yoga practices). Now they are well known, and are opening up new frontiers of consciousness research. The point is we have very much still to learn about consciousness…science has VERY little on the table regarding OBE’s, the scientific method demands repeatability, and OBE’s tend to be rare and sporadic in nature, and this makes them very tricky things to study. There are many reports of people gaining information during OBE’s they have later confirmed, which if OBE’s are an illusion of the result of bran fireworks, should simply not be possible.
The only way to settle this…if you want to take a genuine scientific approach (and not the approach of scientism as you are doing now)…is to learn how to induce OBE’s yourself and attempt to verify them for yourself. Arm chair skeptics such as yourself are bringing very little to the table here.
Mathew David Clough ignores induction, electromagnetics, conduction, bioelectricity, torsion waves, bi-toroidal reactions ans magnetism..
Get over your ignorance.
By this statement you are also sayig that r. Courtney Brown, one of the most advanced researchers in scalar physics, is a fraud too, and all the documented work done at Emory is invalid?
I think you do not have a valid argument Mathew. I also do not think you have spent more than a few moments in your entire life thinking about this, and even less time investigating it.
You are entitled to your opinion, but flaunting it only makes others aware of your level of intelligence.
Yeah, if you believe this, Ives got me a moon rock I wanna sell you, really cheap too!
i have remote viewed your moon rock and it totally looks legit! you sir, have a buyer!
hahahah oh this thread was gewd
The govenment has remote viewing programs.
If this could be done the world economy would collapse. Just “remote view” how to steal the most valuable stuff on the planet
As I mentioned to someone else, “some” people have more abilities than other’s. Everyone is unique and each person has an ability that they are better at, than anyone else. Ingo Swann’s ability is, Remote Viewing. Just because you can’t do it, doesn’t mean he can’t!
I can’t throw a 100 mph “Fast Ball!” Can you?
Your answer is so true and I like it.
On a different subject….does anyone experience the same as I am by having someone delete my emails from this page/source?
I read Mr Swann’s book on line and it to was deleted from my computer.
I am looking forward to a bit of information that may lead to an answer and put an end to this invasion of privacy. THANK YOU.
Hi Polliana!
In response to you question about someone deleting your comments, one of the editors here said that sometimes they just don’t get to post everyone immediately as they get too many to process.
As for the “online” pdf? Sounds like you forgot to “Save it” to your computer…that’s all! I’ve done that myself! “Thought” I’d downloaded a pdf file only to discover I’d forgot to save a copy to my computer.
OR, I did download the pdf file and “forgot” what folder I downloaded it at. Ya’ know, I get busy downloading files for a project and change the download folder location. Then, a couple of days later, download “something” not remembering I changed the location.
Oh well! I been diagnosed with “CRS” Can’t Remember S**t!
bobby if you download a PDF it goes into Downloads on your computer, no need to save its as it has actually in the words themselves ” downloaded” on to your pc, try looking in your ” Downloads” Et Voila circumspect info haha
I think we can all train this ability if we want to.
I agree, Stephen! The closest I’ve ever been able to get to training is David St. Claire’s, “Lessons in Instant ESP.” Through which, I was able to confirm that his lessons, do work!
I no longer have the book and am looking to buy a new one.
Alternatively, I would prefer to meet “someone” with full control over their psychic (for lack of a better word) abilities, to “touch” that portion of MY brain, so that I could “feel” how they use theirs to do what “they” do. Does that make sense?
In other words, we learn to walk by watching other’s, walk…right! Well, we could learn to use “our” abilities once we can “see” how they use theirs…no?
With that said, I don’t believe psychic abilities “work” like that.
“Who knows?”
Check out the Monroe Institute and their workshops & collection of cds. It is a fantastic resource!
I doubt it, seeing the psychic part is not something you can see, but only feel it. I think that your state of mind mostly walks hand in hand with your well being. To be able to take fully control of your dreams and visions, it requires an immense amount of practice to get you into the state of mind, the feelings you need to feel to get there. and i suppose that we don’t need a rocket scientist to know that the feeling that triggers it, is unique, different for everyone.
Wanting to steal something is the last thing I would want to do if I had the ability to remote view
What was described are in one of the Theravada Buddhist Sutra….. propounded by the Sage Buddha 2,800 years ago..
Siddhartha wasn’t even born 2800 years ago. He also never talked about OBEs or astral projection.
I have seen more colors in dreams than what exist in this world..maybe it was seeing other planes of consciousness
Wait until you manage to hear the “music” that can be a part of your “dreams”. There is no music on the physical plain that can compare.
My only talent resides in meditation — my inner vision is prolific and often leaves me profoundly uplifted.
Hi, Im here on a different mission than that which is initially intended for this section of the web page.
But first, I would like to thank you guys for posting such articles and even though many may try fight the truth you guys post, time will lead most into the route that each must follow.
I’m a web designer and want to soon get my site up and running but im experiencing a difficulty getting the FB social plugin or like button to appear on my web site. Would like you to maybe write me code showing me where the code is meant to be written or how its meant to be implemented as i’ve tried a number of times and its still not working.
Thapelo Thapz Tshabalala
Thank you
(No need to post this on the comments)
Go to StackOverflow for web related questions.
I have been developing my spirituality for the past 4 years. Actively developing it everyday. The way I live my life, yoga, meditation, diet, living my truth, helping others and showing compassion towards others etc. I know first hand that remote viewing exists and although I have a long way to go, I have been able to do this. I haven’t been able to pick a location and go there, but have been able remote view quite a few times.
My most recent experience, I was able to hear and see my family (on the other side of the country). The next morning, I called them and asked if they were talking about so and so around that certain time. They said they were.
Another recent experience, I went back to my childhood home and saw the person who lives there now. I am still in contact with the neighbours and asked about this person and I described this person perfectly.
Again, I’m not advanced and haven’t been able to actively pick a location and visit it; my mind/spirit seem to just take me where ever at the moment. But I am developing this gift.
If you’re interested in developing this gift, I suggest living a conscious lifestyle. You become more in touch with your mind, body and spirit and The Earth. And meditate everyday. It is through meditation that I can do this.
For me, once the mind is quiet and I’m not thinking about anything, but the moment I am in – there is a change of energy in the body. I generally feel like I’m floating or my body is sinking into the ground. In my minds eye, it looks like I’m travelling through space. Literally. Like flying past thousands of stars. But there is one thing that always happens – my body shakes. When I get this feeling, I know what’s about to happen.
Depending if I want to go places when I’m meditating or not; I either let go and go. Or I stop it (I generally stop it, if I’m short on time).
Have you studied Astral Travel yet? I have been a student of all things spiritual and metaphysical for over three decades. Once you develop your latent talent, that we all possess, to escape the physical and travel wherever you desire “Astrally”, your will reach the true understanding of what “humanity” is. You should study “Lucid Dreaming” as well. With that talent you can manage your “dreams” and create your own dream scenario’s where you are an active participant, or just an interested observer.
Regarding the “change of energy” you spoke of, that “energy” can be used in varying ways. You can “channel” that energy into a healing light within your own body. In my experience it feels like a “wave” that begins at the crown Chakra and then travels throughout the body ending in the feet. It can be used to eliminate physical pain, or as a simple way to refresh and energize the body.
I wish you continued successes with your journey, the best is yet to come.
I would like to learn more about your development for I am trying to get to the stage where you are.
Hi Steve!
Check out, David St. Claire’s, “Lessons in Instant ESP.” His teachings DO work! Just keep in mind that “Telepathy” is more along the lines of that which, Ingo Swann describes in his book, “PENETRATION: The Question of Exttraterrestrial and Human Telepathy.”
fyi…”Ormus (monoatomic minerals)” I believe are the missing minerals in our body that are required to achieve a better grasp of our inherent telepathic abilities.
Monoatomic minerals? Minerals, by definition, are ordered structures (like a crystal, although they don’t have to be a crystal).
How can a single atom (mono = single) have an ordered structure? It literally cannot. There isn’t, and there cannot ever be, such a thing as a ‘monoatomic’ mineral.
A quick google search shows that the only results are on the dumbest of dumb new-age websites. This isn’t like GMOs, where there is a fair debate to be had, or even things like psychic powers, which are at least testable. This is something that simply cannot exist.
Here’s some quotes from NN:
“The assays showed that it contained various precious elements such as platinum and variants thereof, like rhodium, iridium, ruthenium and osmium.”
“According to Hudson our brains contain at least 5% Ormus.”
Except we know the atomic composition of human brains and bodies. Literally none of the platinum group elements are found in the human body anywhere. NONE.
People promoting the concept of ‘monoatomic’ minerals are trying to sell you a product. That’s it. They’re scamming people for money. If you buy into this, you are letting yourself be bamboozled by hucksters who are preying on your scientific illiteracy.
Spiritual awakening should never cost you money. If it does, it’s a scam. Siddhartha didn’t have to take ‘Etherium Gold Brain Balancer’ to achieve enlightenment. (One of many scam products being sold under the ‘monoatomic’ label)
Yes, Siddhartha did. Siddhartha, or Buddha, simply knew these materials by another name, ShemHanHna , just one more name in the long list of names given to this very complex reaction to inductive materials acting on the influence of torsion waves.
Monoatomic atoms have been observed to exist in all the heavy elements in the center of the periodic table. These are the elements which have “half-filled” bands of valence electrons and include the following elements. Their atomic numbers are given in parenthesis (the atomic number represents the number of protons in the nucleus.) Ruthenium (44), Rhodium (45), Palladium (46), Silver (47), Osmium (76), Iridium (77), Platinum (78), and Gold (79). Other metallic elements in the same part of the periodic table have also been observed in micro clusters. Because the atoms of monoatomic elements are not held in a rigid lattice network, their physical characteristics are quite different from atoms which are locked in the lattice. Thus, it is the grouping of atoms which defines the physical characteristics of the element; not just the number of neutrons and protons in the nucleus as previously believed. If you don’t have a lattice network, you don’t have a metal even though the atoms of the two forms of matter are identical.
More to the point, these materials are also referred to as High Spin State Superconducting Materials. The modern name is ORMUS, ORME’s and WhiteHGold. I feel that the proper terminology that should be used to describe these elements is: Inductively Separated Atomic Elements, or I.S.A.E.’s.
It has also been known as Elixer, Manna, Shewbread, the snot, monatomic elements, AuM, the polymers, mHstate, as well as ShemHanHna, microclusters, superdeformed high H spin elements, exoticatoms, Semen of the Gods,(I almost left that one out…) SchefaFood, Bread of the Presence of God, MFKZT, Elixir of Life, the lapis ,the Sophic Hydrolith of the Wise, Erinaes, Philothes, Philolithes, Apaitu, Batu, Surgawi, Bubuk Putih, Mannadan Salwa, chrysopoeia, dew, occult gold, aurum potable, water of gold, and also The Philosophers’ Stone, among many other names.
However, whatever the name, the compounds are the same. These compounds are the material bridge between chemistry, biology, and the physics of matter, through scalar vortices that bridge all material, space-time, and even thought. These compounds are everywhere. They are in the water, the soil and even in the air that we breathe. But what are they? What are Orbitally rearranged monoatomic elements? And, why are they so abundant?
They are a result of a combined inductive and acidic reaction, a reaction that dis-attaches a single atom of an inductive element and attaches it to a chlorine molecule in a hydride solution, and then, causal reactions, like gravity, inertia, and electromagnetic oscillations, decouples this bond in an alkaline state, inducing a hydrofugal torsion reaction due to the polarization of this inductive particle, this atom. This becomes a high spin-state particle, a material oscillating, inductive, conductive, gyroscopic, atomic, reactive compound.
Mineral salts are not only everywhere on this planet but also in our bodies. Many of these mineral salts are created by a gradual breakdown of some of these inductive, conductive metallic materials, such as gold and platinum group elements. These elements, atom by atom, are being slightly loosened to their own elemental attractive bonds due to this inductive reaction on the skin of the element this reaction creates an attraction to, and bonding with, a chlorine molecule, into a chloride solution, or substrate. Sodium chloride, Auric chloride, copper chloride and many other bonded metallic salts are attached to the hydrate, the molecule that we call water.
AuCl is Auric Chloride, or Gold Chloride. This compound is plentiful in the Oceans of this planet. The ocean has many chlorine-based metallic compounds suspended in it, in a solution, as a substrate. What is profoundly interesting, is that in this chlorine bonded state, these metals are water soluble and flow through most filters.
What is equally fascinating is that they can also be decoupled from the chlorine atom using inductive frequencies. When these atoms are induced with a magnetic wave form, through a torsion wave or a spinor vortex, the inductive frequency of the inductive material allows it to charge, inducing a polar reaction which dis-attaches it magnetically from the chlorine molecule. The charge produced by the magnetic wave is the inductive frequency necessary to dis-attach the inductive particle from the non-quite-so-inductive material of the chlorine atom.Think of this as a magnet flipping poles and moving away from its former attraction, through the opposing magnetic vortex.
When these inductive elements are dis-attached, they become a highly active “spin particle”, a highly magnetic and energized electro-inductive, conductive atom, spinning unattached and unopposed. This is a reaction that is understandable simply by watching figure skaters spin.A single rotating particle or entity can always rotate faster than two or more combined. This is an oscillatory response and a magnetic interaction. This is due to magnetic vortices that are creating resistance, via magnetic inductive interactions, inertia, an oscillatory response to spin particles.
These precious materials are also very abundant in this state, estimated to be many thousands of times more plentiful than the metallic counterparts that are being mined on land and sea. This may be due to the solubility of these precious metals and the fact that they have been drained out to sea by rainfall for many billions of years. The interior of the crust is liquid and, as it oscillates, it pressurizes due to a centripetal reaction caused by cavitation, an inertial transfer of force occurs, which is an exponential reaction of centrifugal forces caused by acceleration . As this reaction occurs, an elementally rich magma, continually pools these elements to the surface, allowing this process, this accumulation, to continue unabated for millennium. Seawater weighs 2.4% more than freshwater, 1.024 grams per milliliter, due to this process. This means there is 24 grams of metal per liter of seawater.
Now, this process happens naturally in all living organisms through these magnetic interactions that interface with intracellular reactions. In our bodies, our acidic digestive system removes these materials from the food that we eat. These minerals are absorbed into our blood, from the gastrointestinal tract as metallic chlorides. This is why blood tastes salty. It is salty. These are metallic chlorides in a substrate. These substrates are highly inductive and conductive and allow wave transfers from the interferometer.
Our Interferometer: Our Brain.
Our brain is an interferometric accumulator. What the heck is that, you ask? An interferometer is a mechanism for the collection and accumulation of opposing magnetic fields and which has the capacity of coupling these fields into an electromagnetic reaction. Our brain has a bi-toroidal reaction occurring inside of it, but also around it. This is the mechanism, the motor, the generator that creates our bodies electromagnetic reactions. The myth of using only 15 percent of our brain is exactly that, a myth. We use all of our brain. All of it. Our brain has a similar function to that of a crystal refraction or a pizo reaction. It separates magnetic wave forms, and then combines opposing magnetic waves into an electromagnetic reaction. This is bio-electricity. The conduit for this reaction, the transfer mechanism between the chemical and the mineral and the bio-organic transfer of energy, is through this Orbital Reaction.
Our brain has two hemispheres for this reason. It couples these wave forms at the same frequency as the longitudinal waves on our planets surface, 7.83 Hertz. This pulse induces the reaction necessary to de-couple the chloride bonded inductive materials in our bloodstream, which provides the transfer of inductive fields into the mitochondria, the power plant of the cell, allowing the bi-toroidal reaction of the ATP conversion to take place. The process involves stripping the magnetic bond off the ATP and kicking it back out in two pieces.
Remember the endoplasmic reticulum? Exactly! The ER doesn’t allow particle or enzymatic transfer, does it? This reaction, inside the mitochondria is an inductive reaction, as all chemical reactions are based on transfers of magnetic fields of force, causing coupling and decoupling of “atoms” by changing the polarity of its wave forms. This inductive magnetic frequency also reacts with our helical DNA strands, as resonating, inducting conductors. This is the hyperspacial matrix that provides the component of force and the digital information stream that forms the contents and the constructs of material space, energy and matter, through resistance and refraction within these frequencies of oscillation. All matter is formed by these forces.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Thanks also to Robert Wise, for bringing this comment to my attention.
I just want to reiterate that I have not yet read this article. I was emailed the comment from it and i felt i could greatly clarify some of these misconceptions.
its really easy only takes 4 years….
The affects of Ormus are fairly quick if it is high quality inductive materials. Visit us on facebook at There is some information available and some photos of a burn treated with Vancouver Island Ormus creme.
Steve look into some information on Vancouver Island Ormus, on facebook.
There is a substantial amount of information provided regarding these substances and their reactions on plants and people. If you want to discuss these compounds, discuss them with people who have a higher level of understanding than these naysayers that have never tried these compounds, and use fear as a technique to stop you from trying them and experiencing the results for yourself.
The results of these compounds is very personal. No two people will experience the same reaction in the same way that no two people ever experience the same event the same way. This will not even be the same event. it will be a different event for a different mind with a different physiology at a different vibration of oscillatory frequency than any other function, on earth or beyond..
Anyone telling you how you will react to this is as absurd as someone telling you what you will dream tonight.
I am approaching day 1000 on November 24th, 2014. i started taking this leap day, feb. 29th, 2012.
I have since then developed 20 versions of mechanisms that split and compress the function of gravity into a usable electromotive or mechanical reaction of force. It seems to have some profound effects on me.
I ask others to ignore the hysteria and the false claims and the paranoia and the ignorance and the fear mongering. try this for yourself. Vancouver Island Ormus is available on eBay and it is shipped everywhere.
I back our product. believe in it. The results are very real. I understand there are many compounds being sold as Ormus and Monoatomic gold that are not real and are more than likely toxic. We are not one of these people. Visit us on facebook, and you will see this.
I will engage in open communication with anyone who is interested in learning about these compounds.
I have test samples that i will send anywhere, for free, if shipping requirements are met. This will allow you to test our product risk free. Contact us through facebook.
We love questions, so feel free to ask!
Kevin Hay,
Vancouver Island Ormus
Look at
There is technical information there and access to the compounds.
lol 4 years? how much drugs did you do in the past 4 years?
According to the codex alimentarius, vitamin c is now considered a drug and restricted in the european union.
“Codex is the political equivalent of the current toxicology manuals because it endorses and promotes for international trade and consumption in the whole wide world everything from pesticides to irradiation, genetically-engineered foods and synthetic analogs for drugs and nutrients, in preference to bio-compatible natural substances.” [source
So, can you define what you mean by “drugs” please John? LoL!!
I remote viewed stars millions of km’s away from Earth. We are powerful beings, but that power is deliberately suppressed and hidden from most of the people, so that the morons who run the planet stay in control. But that will also end soon.
“Don’t worry, dreams aren’t real.”
Spot one!
You remote viewed these stars before or after you 1st tried LSD? Were you awake or sleeping? Were you taking any type of medication during that time? Tell NASA you can do that because we are wasting hundreds of billions of dollars on observation craft – money we could give to you if you can do that.
ahahahaha. hypnotic, you could be oprah rich!
I agree
I’m a little confused by this article. We have known Jupiter has rings for decades, they are smaller than Saturn’s and so not as observable, but they are known. Also they are made up of rock and ice, often believed they were moons that broke-up or never formed. If observing them close-up they probably would look like a mass of rocks going around not so much like a ring, though from a further point they appear as a or multiple rings. All of the gas giants have them. Also it’s rings not a single ring. I absolutely believe in astral projection and being able to leave the body and go anywhere so I’m not being a skeptic of this ability but this studies findings don’t make any sense.
“YES!” We have known that Jupiter has rings for decades…now! At the time Ingo Swann described them, in detail, NO details about the rings were known. Please, read your astrophysics history from a reliable source. The make-up of the rings of Saturn were discussed in detail in Scientific American and other periodicals for a long time and everyone was very surprised at to the complexity of the rings with the pictures from Pioneer 10.
So, “NO!” We have NOT known about the rings of Saturn until Pioneer 10 sent us pictures! Ingo Swann’s remote viewing was “Spot ON”…PERIOD!!!
Remote Viewing is a powerful tool for discovering and even communicating with aliens!
A huge load of bollocks! We knew in ’72 about Jupiter’s rings and it was a speculation from late 50’s. And about aliens and that conspiracy crap the proving that it is bullshit is fairly easy. Imagine this : the US government in fact did down alien craft and are conducting research. You heard rumors about it. Russian intelligence don’t have access to the information you have ? Because if they did it would certainly cause them to take action. Also the UK would take action and most of the great powers. Or does your conspiracy go so far as you would like to have us believe that all the worlds governments are conducting such research together in complete agreement (which would be a world premiere)?. Also how would said governments decide where the research facility would be? If you know about it then surely intelligence agencies around the world (agencies that are specialized in this) know about it. Or wait – don’t tell me – you are better at discovering secrets than the KGB or the CIA or FBI or other intelligence agencies you never even heard about. Think people, think ! Everything in this world is logical. The assumptions you make lead to illogical results – that makes them untrue. I’m not saying this is not happening – just not as you’re describing it. And the link you gave us – that’s just a book – publicity and a means of making a profit.
very little in this world is logical, let alone everything
Where did you hear 1972? I’ve only learned that it was inferred in 1975 by a Pioneer 11 flyby and then confirmed in 1979 by Voyager one.
Where did you get your information?
from the CIA. i have the papers. they have been declassified since the late nineties.
I would not call it a tool, but gift. If I was capable of doing it, I would use it to the full extend. Yes it is powefull and I know someone who has these capabilities. It is remarkebel what ths person knows
LSD may be a drug but it lubricates your power to access your true abilities. Once after taking 3 to 4 trips I was able to fly to the corner store to get a drink for my friend. I also flew back but was so amazed about this that I forgot to buy the drink. My friend didn’t even realise I had left the house because I flew so fast! Explain that science!
Another easily fooled article writer? Rings around Jupiter was a common speculation in the early seventies. Swann may easily have come across that. His remote viewing of alien bases on the dark side of the moon is clearly nonsense as is his sexual encounter with a beautiful E. T. woman in a Los Angeles supermarket. Such viewings and encounters dwell in the phantasy department of the brain.
LMAO………Finn jacobsen, some of that which you comment about Ingo Swann is so funny, because I believe what you say:) He did a lot of great stuff, but just as with many who consider themselves Metaphysicians, THEY BEGIN TO EXPAND TRUTHS!:) I have come to believe from so many experiences with OBES, APS, NDES, etc. are expereinced ON A NEED TO KNOW BASIS! From what I discovered about Remote Viewing with the government was that IT DID NOT WORK! Metaphysicians believe that it was because these are Spiritual Experiences and when one attempts to use them for such things as spying on each other or going on power trips, etc. they start to become very limited and fogged…… Considering myself a Metaphysician, I have come to believe that NONE of the experiences will actually be proven in a laboratory as clearly as many Scientists wish to do, because they are Spiritual Experiences and as I have said elsewhere here on this comment post… WE HAVE THEM ON A NEED TO KNOW BASIS:)
Remote viewing is well documented. NASA uses a woman to do this who actually accurately read the markings back to them off of the side of a satellite they put into orbit.
O Boy oh Joy, If you only knew what is and was going on. If you just know something about hyperdimensional physics like I do,you would laugh your ass off. You have been hustled and so has the Idiot government by the Ingo Swanns of this world. Happy,happy joy,joy for you idiots with a lowered checkbook balance,Imagine the Congressional approval and contract for the “Remote Viewing” process right on military bases,brought to them from the very group that that wants every U.S. person DEAD. You don’t have a clue what they did there, But I do. This commercial brought to you by Dr. Thomas_____.
I have the beginning of an understanding of the complexities of this, as i have researched Caldwell, Schauberger, Hieronymus, Leedskalnin, Moray, brown, grey and of course, Dr. Nikola tesla and many, many others. i have discovered the base algorithm used by many of these exceptional minds and this is a bi-toroidal relationship within the aether itself. If you are indeed adept at these understandings, please contact me directly if you feel like an in depth discussion. or or check me or the company out on facebook. I am a freak.
I hope to hear from you!
I am very surprised how few actually know about this. it has been in the public forum for many, many years. Check into what Dr. Courtney Brown is doing at Emory. He and Dick Argile are working in scalar information research and it is really quite astounding.
It is a continuation of Ingo Swann’s work funded by the CIA decades ago.
Yes, it’s been done by Remote Viewers for some times. RV sessions in my ’98 class included finding and using wormholes… bringing back information. For a good number of us all this and more have been explored and verified.
Grayson Bauer
“A quick google search shows that the only results are on the dumbest of dumb new-age websites. This isn’t like GMOs, where there is a fair debate to be had, or even things like psychic powers, which are at least testable. This is something that simply cannot exist.”
Your idea that any truth can be found using “a quick google search” shows how narrow minded your views are. research Bose-Einstein condensate, and discover the depths of ignorance in science today. Don’t even get me started on Pukle and wikipuke. If you want to quote ignorance and philosophy, use those sites.
If you want to find the truth, try to discover what classified intelligence really means, and what it is actually referring to. This may help.
se-Einstein condensate (BEC), a state of matter in which separate atoms or subatomic particles, cooled to near absolute zero (0 K, − 273.15 °C, or − 459.67 °F; K = kelvin), coalesce into a single quantum mechanical entity—that is, one that can be described by a wave function—on a near-macroscopic scale. This form of matter was predicted in 1924 by Albert Einstein on the basis of the quantum formulations of the Indian physicist Satyendra Nath Bose.
So only at near absolute zero? Whaaaat?
Oh, and then there is this:
So, do better research next time, and you will jump to less false conclusions. explains some of this.
The double helix acts an electrically induced wire.
DNA has memory. It can rebuild itself.
I will have taken O.R.M.E.’s or Ormus Elements, specifically Vancouver Island Ormus, for 1000 days concurrently on November 24th, 2014. interestingly enough, on this day i am due in court for criminal trial, charged with 3 criminal offences, none of which I am guilty of. This is once again, a very interesting situation created entirely by the Sooke R.C.M.P., a group with which I have made previous complaints against in the past.
I have experienced some incredible changes over the last 3 years, since discovering these compounds. I am eager to see where this will lead.
These compounds are very real, and I have simplified the explanation describing what they are on:
kevin hay
Buyer Beware , Powder Wackiness,Viewing Wormholes, Remote Viewing Afganistan seeing lifters come in at night stealing Mr. China Whites Purdy Blue Opium poppies,now US troops have to patrol it, to theft proof Obamas Junk. All of the remoteness of being remote in a world where there is more hyperdimension than physicality.A world where everyone thinks that their “Brain” does the dreamfeed ,But now movies,thats J-Rod territory,to give the nest the resultant of the war, or just the game score. Its a funny ,funny place we are experiencing with everyone believing all of the hustles,How many of you boys got yer-self a Kundalini raising,Like Mr.Silvas special boy Alex Merklinger,Poor boy gets hustled by HD,and his special boy buys himself 160 grand worth of Cryonic preservation,so that they can solve death,My,My,My, That DOT cuts itself out of its host and only a GHOUL can get that baby going again, and that aint Mr. 160 GRAND. So anyway You Kooks buying the Monoatomic gold hustle,that shit depletes you much,much sooner than “Normal” folks,but then I forget,some of you have to find the right dope to get yourself to HD without you looking like you’re defeated.
Dude who are you?, this is amazing.. write some more!!!
OBVIOUSLY…you have NONE of these talents nor had ANY eye-opening experiences in YOUR life!
But, that’s okay. You are amongst the majority of people in the World being deceived by the Pharisees of yesterday (i.e. “our” modern-day scientist’s, government’s, and Institutes of Higher Learning).
Hi Bobby,That sure is a lot of angst. Im not sure what eye opening experiences you refer to, Everyone gets deceived from time to time,myself included. The comment I left was just a little Rhymer/Timer of repeat backs and some actual facts. Like Obamas Junk,they patrol those fields 24/7 just because some jinxy characters with little space capable “Airships” were relieving the Triad of some profit, just a funny circumstance of our tax dollars helping to keep the opiates warehouse nice and full. The Ormus thing,is bad for ya,its the resultant of an acid cleaner to clean gold, I assure you,dumped there long ago by a mining company.But what is it that I need to prove? Factoids are factoids. Old dr.thomas here,is just a physics guy,hyperdimensional physics if you please and could tell you all kinds of things you would not believe either,but I don’t even bother with telling falsehoods,theres just way too much perfectly true physics processes and their resultants to have fun with. Im sure you probably have the tier 3 explanation of gravity and the good old charged particle physics mumbo jumbo,those guys are the ones who lie,but not intentionally,they just don’t have those eye opening experiences that a guy with a hyperdimensional physics has. You wont even find us in the directory,those too,are tier 3 protocols.Folks are spun at Universities for their group think Mesmer. Its a sad,sad sight watching them strut.Like your global warming, ,they cant even speak to the actual synthesis of carbohydrate flow and the resultant non oxygen making physics of plants,that photosynthesis garbage,its a weird ,weird place here in quadrant 2, planet system 28 on this disc.Now then ,just how many bad things did I say, Check with the Cornell guy,maybe he could refresh you,but I assure you he cant. I escaped,but from where you say? Just a little juxtaposition for ya. See Ya.Dr. Thomas
“hyperdimensional physics” Oh….kay, dr.thomas! Let you tell it!
Oh, wait, YOU haven’t said…ANYTHING!
My,My Senor 90247, My,My.
“Let you tell it” lol u sound exactly like a generic american.
Ok im late but im not sure if ur sayin ur more than awake nd i have a hard understandin ur info but im not makin fun of i just want to understand better i am not asleep i know whats goin on but you are bringing another level like the mayas they disappeared when they forsaw the white conquerin nd knew it was the end of an era and famine slavery and all the wrong would be coming it said that they didnt die they transgended to another plane or dimension is that something u can relate too please im not crazy i beleive in stuff like this i just dont talk bout it much they think im losing my matbles
I hope to hear from
bobby90247, in all due respect to you, I find it misguided to refer to these as, “talents”. All human beings have the capacity to have various APs/OBEs, etc. due to the fact that we are all non-physical beings traveling on this planet in physical vehicles. Just as with any of our unused or unaware of abilities we need only focus on developing them in order to open our astral/spiritual non-physical eyes that are primarily closed most of the times:) Many of us have been trained to ignore or be fearful of such things……. I know I was as a small child believing my OBES were nothing more than horrible nightmares! That was until I matured and one day realized the realities of that which was happening to me and learned to study and research and focus on it all. That has been quite a few decades now in the past and now feel very happy about discovering that I am more than that which I can “see” with physical eyes when I began to “open my astral eyes!:)”
thanks for share this information with us
Tarifa Cádiz es uno de los destinos más deseados en Andalucía. Nuestro pueblo alberga mcuhísimas posibilidades para activarse en sus vacaciones. El alojamiento Tarifa playa está repartido a lo largo de la playa urbana de Los Lances. Aquí contamos con varias urbanizaciones que ofrecen buenos apartamentos. En su mayoría son apartamentos con 2 dormitorios que entonces ofrecen sitio para 4 a 6 personas. Normalmente hay un dormitorio con 2 camas individuales y otro con una cama de matrimonio.
Dentro del pueblo de Tarifa Cádiz contamos con una multitud de edificios histósricos que se puede visitar. Está por ejemplo el Castillo de Guzmán El Bueno que es muy interesante y seguro que vale la pena visitarlo. Desde el techo se tienen maravillosas vistas hacía el Estrecho de Gibraltar y el cóntinente africano. En días con vista buena se puede distinguir la ciudad de Tanger en el otro lado del mar.
El alojamiento Tarifa playa en los alrededores de Tarifa Cádiz está situado en la costa de la Bahía del pueblo. Hasta la Punta Paloma hay apartamentos, casas y chalets que ofrecen el confort máximo para sus vacaciones. Algunos tienen su piscina privada y otros comparten una piscina comunitaria.
En la otra dirección – si se va en dirección Algeciras, lo que es la parte mediterránea de Tarifa Cádiz se levantan algunas casas y fincas en medio de la naturaleza con vistas preciosas. Aquí se disfruta de mucha privacidad y tranquilidad. Quien elige pasar sus vacaciones aquí, debe reservar con antelación ya que no hay mucha oferta.
Donde es muy popular el alojamiento Tarifa playa es en el final de la Bahía cerca de la famosa duna. Aquí se está cerca de las playas más importantes de surf que invitan a practicar el kitesurf o el surf. Por supuesto también se puede simplemente relajarse en la playa y tomar el sol. Hay varios chiringuitos que ofrecen bebida y comida. Por la noche en verano también se organiza fiestas que pueden durar hasta que salga el sol.
Ya ve que hay muchos sitios de alojamiento Tarifa playa que se distinguen por su entorno y su distancia hacía el pueblo. Tarifa Cádiz es único y quien reserva su apartamento, casa o chalet aquí ha decidido querer vivir unos días maravillosos en el cabo sur de la península ibérica.
apartamentos tarifa playa
“I found towers, machinery, lights buildings, humanoids busy at work on something I couldn’t figure out (on the back side of the moon)” – He must have seen ‘Transformers II’ (or some other movie in the future) well ahead of its release LOL
Transformers III
Where is that quote actually mentioned?
A closed mind is an ignorant mind.
Here’s another strange story: “Conversations with Aliens!” Are they kidding or is this for real? Take a look and let me know!
Astral Projection, and Our Soul (Mental body) travelling out from our physical body has been in existence from long before in Indian traditions. Sadhus or Munis used to take samadhi (a deep meditation) for a greater revelation of the universe. A lot of universal calculations regarding distance between moon and earth and other planets have been given in Rigveda and other verses in Hindu scriptures, which are dated back to millions of years back.
Astral Projection/The Out of Body Experience has always been a part of the human spirit. It is mentioned in many various religious scriptures, as is also in The Holy Bible when Paul speaks of having visited the heavens and “seen” that which was unspoken.
i had a couple experiences, like rv, or maybe it was pre cog…not sure. but they all happened while i served in the u.s. army. when i had told my platoon sergeant and others about what i saw, the events…places, people, color…all that….i told them that i saw these things and saw them happen, which i did, somehow, not sure how, but i was very sleepy, almost lucid dream state when i saw them happening…then all i said, just as i said, came to pass. everything was just like i saw and told my platoon sergeant about. needless to say, he looked at me astonished, so did a couple others that i told….and i was told, never ever to speak of it again.
previously to that. i had done lsd for some years…prior….and i had been interviewed by something called the DSS and the fbi. mostly about my lsd use. some interviews they gave me…i don’t recall anything except for the start of the interview, and leaving…that’s it. but ya, these things called rv or paranormal type stuff…it’s for real.
I bet this experiment costed millions of dollars when they could have done it with ketamine for $20 bucks. Lol…
James You are right,because there are millions of people around World can perform some kind of super natural acts ,due to their own doubt less trust in their own inner self or on Supreme God,
So many people demanding physical evidence for non-physical phenomena. With Quantum Physics, multiple variations of the two slit experiment have demonstrated that consciousness does influence physical processes in ways that cannot be explained. How inert matter transforms into living entities is also a factor that is unknown. Even how our thoughts and personalities function cannot be said to be a purely mechanistic process. There are more things unknown than we think we know now.
RV is never going to to be objectively verified by science since it is a subjective experience. Some are better at it than others. Just because it can’t be repeated doesn’t mean it’s not true, as the subjective experience won’t always be replicable.
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
― Nikola Tesla
Quantum physics is showing that there is an interaction between consciousness and physical reality. We will never learn to find the right answers until we learn to ask the right questions.
Suggestion: Jane Roberts, “The Unknown Reality Vols. 1 & 2”.
I have had many conversations about this. People wish to believe we are limited and material. They don’t understand the true limits of our being. Think about it, we don’t understand how thoughts are generated, where they come from, we all assume its from how we relate to our environment, about the neural connections, but really, no one can observe a thought in real time, we can only look at the post-idea neuro-chemistry or post-idea brain activity, no one has seen a thought brought to life. So consider something you take for granted, “thinking” and see that you have no idea about it. Now apply the same logic to something like remote viewing, we don’t know if it is true or not, but I would not put it in the impossible basket, for after all, if we limit our imagination and our potential, how can we grow?
I really don’t know what’s impressing there. People who can’t OBE will never understand. Pathetic.
yawn! just dreams………..
Byproduct of meditation