In this piece, I will address the recent UFO whistleblower story everyone is talking about, and share a bigger-picture perspective on the useful evolutionary invitations absurd government lies provide.
If you didn’t catch it the other day, my colleague Arjun Walia wrote an article for The Pulse titled Whistleblower Gives Congress Info On Crash Retrieval Programs For Craft of Non-Human Origin (UFOs) .
It told of a former military whistleblower, David Charles Grusch, claiming that the US has intact UFO craft that isn’t of human origin. He claimed that the US government has had this technology for many many decades.
Other than Fox News, most of the mainstream media has not touched this story regardless of how groundbreaking its claims are. This is a typical pattern with stories that upend mainstream narratives and challenge people’s thinking.
I know some people out there are already calling this whistleblower part of a psy-op, but thus far it doesn’t quite look that way. It’s reasonable to ask: why is this guy coming out now? What mission could it help achieve in the eyes of powerful people? But the story seems much more harmful to the mainstream narrative than helpful.
Usually, in a narrative control instance, mainstream media operates in complete lockstep, with an onslaught of coverage. That isn’t happening.
Therefore, it’s good to let stories breathe. Avoid the urge for early speculation, and maintain a curious and flexible mind as this story unfolds in the coming weeks.
Some Context
It’s important to note that back in June 2021 the Pentagon decided it was going to release a UFO report that allegedly would disclose to the public what the US has known about UFOs all these years. A well-funded and honest report is what many expected.
This is where the first bit of absurdity comes in. It would be naive to think the US government would suddenly tell their citizenry and the world what they actually know about UFOs after lying for decades.
Interestingly, many of us accept these continual lies as OK. We accept continued government lies, even as they posture in transparency, are “just part of how our society operates.”
This report was test number 1: will we (the public) continue believing what government puts out as truth, even when it’s absurd and many know it’s a lie? Will we keep granting them legitimacy? Will we keep believing the stories they tell us simply because THEY told us?
Each of us can accept that invitation or not.
Those who do accept, and continue believing their lies on faith, send the signal back to governments saying “Yes, it’s OK. Keep lying to me not only about this but anything else you choose.”
Those who don’t accept realize this report contains nothing but absurd conclusions. It furthers their awakening to the fact that the way our governments operate is not in the name of transparency, freedom, and what’s best for people. In this sense, absurdity acts as a pressure to evolve.
The Whistleblower
Then comes this whistleblower who in almost no way is saying anything that hasn’t been said by hundreds of former military and former government employees for many decades. “The US has craft that they have been hiding for decades.”
If it was just this man making these claims, that might be one thing, but he is saying what many before him have said as well.
If what he is saying is true, then the US government and NASA, including their task force to study UFOs seriously for the public good, is yet again nothing but absurd posturing.
Thus we have invitation number 2: are we really going to keep taking the government’s word for it on this subject? Their position is looking more and more absurd to accept as true, do we have the courage to step out of trusting them and start listening to others? Or is it too challenging for our worldview to ask important questions?
For those who have truly taken the time to examine the UFO mystery over the years, you know the US government is acting absurdly. It takes A LOT to ignore that truth. One would have to ignore so many questions, testimonies and bits of evidence just to maintain a worldview that the government is just telling us the truth… or that it’s OK for them to keep lying to us as that’s just “how it is.”
Where will it lead us to continue accepting “that’s just how it is?” Are we not complicit in upholding corruption and lies if we continue to accept things as “OK because that’s just how it is?”
What has happened to our belief in what’s possible when we say things like “That’s just how it is?” How do we know that’s how it is? Does it have to be? Is that really the nature of humans and the societies we build? Is history really a reflection of all we CAN be? Or is it just a reflection of one possibility?
The only argument the government could make in support of hiding this information from people is that they believe they should not tell the public what they know because it would be too upsetting or potentially crash out too many worldviews.
We then have to ask: is this what people want? A world where someone will decide for you what you should know about the nature of our reality? Where someone decides what YOU can handle?
An Invitation to Evolve
The beauty is, I have watched over the last 15 years as people have tried harder and harder to ignore what is happening right in front of them. It becomes uncomfortable and eventually something breaks. What breaks is the resistance to questioning their thinking and worldview.
Sure, it happens at different times for different people, but eventually one does move into a space where they begin to become curious enough to start changing their mind.
In our course that tackles the process of sensemaking, we talk about the difficulty of changing our minds and worldviews. The potential pain and challenge that comes with the disorienting feeling of letting go of some of what we know to be true. It’s not easy, and sometimes this can be the source of our bias. We invite bias in order to protect what we know as stable so as to not upset what we’ve become comfortable with.
This is why I have stated it is very important for us to have compassion and empathy for people. We never know their story, and when it comes to changing our minds, it can be an uncomfortable process. Does that process become easier or harder when they are made fun of, shamed, or called sheep?
The funny thing is, over the years many in the alternative space have also gotten completely lost in ungrounded conspiratorial thinking. Should they be made fun of, shamed, or called sheep because they followed an alt-media guru with blind faith? Not in the culture I choose to create.
In our course, we suggest it’s important to connect with oneself, and with others, and have a support system where we can collectively sense make.
This has been part of our offering in our Explorer Lounge. A community that can support one another as we unpack big ideas. It’s also a community built on the need to build a sense of fundamental well-being in our body, heart and mind so that navigating these tough times is simpler and less turbulent.
Frustrated By Government Lies?
For those that might be frustrated by continual government lies, embrace their existence. Embrace the fact that as their lies become more and more obvious and absurd, they act as a pressure for people to evolve. If we are intentional, stay grounded, and strategic, we can move through this time of collapse with more grace.
Lies are exactly what you would expect from governments in our current moment, and thankfully it’s exactly the type of move that invites more people to wake up and make different choices. Absurd lies can breed evolution.
Embrace the Process
Every year that goes by, we are being invited to accept more and more absurd lies from our mainstream culture. Embrace the fact that eventually this drives people to a point where they MUST question. Reflect on what COVID did for people.
How gaslit do people need to feel before they decide enough is enough? That’s an interesting question. On one hand, I feel there is a breaking point, on the other hand, I don’t want to be naive and assume there is a limit for everyone.
Is there a point where it becomes too late? Within our nervous system is the potential for us to become what’s called functionally frozen as we are exposed to too much constant toxic stress and fear. This physiological state can make it very hard for us to change our minds.
It’s like creating a bit of a physiological lock within one’s system and mind that makes it hard to be flexible, curious, and resilient as we change our minds. This is again why we focus on building a fundamental sense of well-being in our Explorer Lounge as the backdrop for how all change, transformation, and critical thinking can expand. It’s a process of nervous system regulation that helps us show up as changemakers and vision holders of a thriving society.
And Finally
In my full interview for Dr. Steven Greer’s film Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, I share what I feel is the importance of humanity connecting with UFO disclosure and the reality of ET life. Specifically, I explore what it means for the expansion of our consciousness, way of life, and potential. You can check it out here.
The path towards a world not built on lies comes down to our willingness to not accept them, and instead hold space and take action for something new to emerge. This process also requires grace.