The US government has finally admitted they’ve overdosed Americans on fluoride and, for the first time since 1962, is lowering their recommended level of fluoride in drinking water.
The CDC reports that around 40% percent of Americans have dental fluorosis, a condition referring to changes in the appearance of tooth enamel — from chalky-looking lines and splotches to dark staining and pitting — caused by long-term ingestion of fluoride during the time teeth are forming.
The optimal fluoride level in drinking water to prevent tooth decay should be 0.7 milligrams of fluoride per liter of water (mg/L), the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced Monday, down from a accepted previous fluoride level of 0.7 to 1.2 of water mg/L.
The HHS has stated that the newly recommended change is because “Americans now have access to more sources of fluoride, including toothpaste and mouth rinses, than they did when municipal officials first began adding the mineral to water supplies across the United States.”
Federal health officials say the new recommended level will maintain the protective benefits of water fluoridation and reduce the occurrence of dental fluorosis.
Should We Be Adding A Drug To Our Public Drinking Water?
As many of us are already aware, we cannot fully control the dose of a drug that is added to the public water supply, so therefore it begs the question, should we be adding a drug of known toxicity to our public water supply at all? Or should we be approaching fluoride intake from the same perspective we do with other drugs?
Dr. Mercola sums it up clearly:
“If a doctor somehow managed to force a patient to take a drug with known toxic effects and failed to inform them of the dosage and frequency, and never monitored their health outcome, they would be medically negligent and liable to legal and medical board action.”
The theory is that fluoride is added to public drinking water in order to prevent tooth decay, however, fluoride has never been officially approved by the FDA for the prevention of cavities.
The fact is, even with the new lowered acceptable limit of fluoride, we can’t control or properly monitor the total amount of fluoride being ingested by the public when we take into account the amount of fluoride people are getting from food, toothpaste, mouth rinses, beverages, etc.
Dental Fluorosis Not The Only Concern With Fluoride Ingestion
“Dental fluorosis is the most visible form of fluorosis, but it’s far from being “just cosmetic” and of no further concern,” says Mercola.
It can also be an indication that the rest of your body, such as your bones and internal organs, including your brain, has been overexposed to fluoride as well.
In other words, if fluoride is having a visually detrimental effect on the surface of your teeth, you can be virtually guaranteed that it’s also damaging other parts of your body, such as your bones. Skeletal fluorosis, which isn’t visible, is very difficult to distinguish from arthritis.
Symptoms indicative of early clinical stage skeletal fluorosis include:
- Burning, prickling, and tingling in your limbs
- Muscle weakness
- Chronic fatigue
- Gastrointestinal disorders
- Reduced appetite and weight loss
The second clinical stage of skeletal fluorosis is characterized by:
- Stiff joints and/or constant pain in your bones; brittle bones; and osteosclerosis
- Anemia
- Calcification of tendons or ligaments of ribs and pelvis
- Osteoporosis in the long bones
It is important to remember that once fluoride is swallowed, it does not directly and solely collect in your teeth enamel. Rather, it accumulates throughout your body’s bones and tissues.
Interestingly, both the CDC and the World Health Organization (WHO) have noted that there is no discernible difference in tooth decay between developed countries that fluoridate their water and those that do not.
Even more cause for concern comes from a 2006 NRC report which stated for the first time that fluoride is an “endocrine disruptor,” which means it has the potential to play havoc with the biology and fate of humans and animals. This is far more significant than severe dental fluorosis.
What Are Your Thoughts?
We want to hear your thoughts about water fluoridation. Do you think that fluoride is safe and effective in the prevention of tooth decay? Do you think that people should have the individual right to choose whether fluoride is added to their water? Share with us in the comment section below!
For more related articles on Fluoride from CE you can click HERE.
It’s an unmitigated abomination. It’s a well-known fact that fluoride is toxic as it comes from the pollution scrubbers of the fertilizer industry. Too toxic to dispose of so what do they do? Put it in our water supply. I wonder what it does to the brain after a generation or two. I don’t pay taxes because I refuse to pay for my own poisoning (and oppression). I bring my water in from another city that doesn’t fluoridate the water, though getting the water fluoridated there too has been tried many times. The people there fortunately, have staved it off. Chlorine is another dangerous substance. And we’re being showered by solar aerosol spraying. I hope people wake up very soon.
Bottled water does not contain fluoride. Any decent water filter can filter it out as well. Taxes support a whole lot more than public water.
No, fluoride is not so easy to remove from the water. it takes Reverse Osmosis to do it, not a Pur or Britta filter.
tom is a shill.
Much of the bottled water contains fluoride also -that is not a solution to the forced medication in public drinking water.
Taxes go to support the private banking cartel and debt slavery.
Epic fail on every count. Bottled water does contain fluoride and most filters cant filter fluoride. You need to use reverse osmosis.
ZeroWater filters out fluoride and chlorine.
just watched the video for zero water filter. it did not list fluoride.
Tom, bottled water does contain fluoride.
check where the water is from (on label), Washington state does not have fluoride.
WA state does not require it in the water however there are some communities that do have it. There is a download to see where the water is fluoridated.
Gretchen, I stand corrected and thank you! I was misinformed and apologize to all for passing this on.
Filters DO NOT filter fluoride, you need to read up a bit, you have to distill to get rid of fluoride. Aqua Fina water I believe has the least fluoride of bottled water.
fluoride can only be removed through revers osmosis. a normal filter will not work. there are bottled water company’s that use the reverse osmosis. there is a list only of the ones, or you can read the side of the bottle.
It can also be removed through distillation.
Any DISTILLED water does not have fluoride, unless they add it later (some bottled water companies do this). Reverse osmosis also removes fluoride. Filtered water or bottled “spring water” will have fluoride in it.
I have been touting this for decades! I now live in Washington state (no fluoride in water). Realize this was originally used to sedate cattle that were being slaughtered and is currently being used to sedate the general public. It is a bi-product of the production of aluminum and TOXIC. Originally put in toothpaste with a warning to use only the amount the size of a pea on the brush and immediately rinse after. THE AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION HAS NEVER SAID IT REDUCES CAVITIES!!! It is toxic run-off from manufacturing…I am so glad that people are finally talking about it…
This is not an accurate statement. WA state does not REQUIRE the water to be fluoridated. There is a list you can download to see who does.
Wow look at those strong, healthy teeth – fantastic compared to the misery and disability of dental disease, pain, dentures ans septacaemia etc.
Dr Tony Kilcoyne have you met anyone adversely affected by fluoride? I have. ME. I was ‘medically diagnosed’ with fluoride poisoning 8 yrs ago. It has affected so many areas of my health. I have brittle chalky teeth, have fought a severe blood disorder, had yrs of headaches, stomach pain, digestion problems, aching painful joints and the list goes on. All the above had no explained medical cause as doctors did every test they could think of but nothing showed up. Until I had a blood test for fluoride. My levels were way above toxic. And that was before our water was fluoridated. You injest flouride from many sources. Nearly everything you eat has been sprayed with fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides etc and all contain fluoride. Plants absorb the fluoride, drinking tea is exceptionally bad for it. Topical application of fluoride has proven to be helpful but ingestion hasn’t been. Walk in someone else’s shoes before you are so dismissive of other people’s opinions.
I agree with Angie. I have all the same symptoms she has including my teeth that are constantly breaking off and the enamel just dissolving off. Tons of headaches, joint and muscle pain, degenerative disk disease, stomach ailments. I have it all and yet the doctors and dentists are supossedly stumped by my ailments. Sad to know not only do some Dentists know about it but quite literally support the continual poisoning of all of us. You might argue that some even a lot of people might be deficient. Ok fine treat them with fluoride but not all of us. You wouldn’t treat everyone with insulin injections just because some people tested diabetic. This upsets me soo much 🙁
Hi Nancy. I don’t know how it works in the US but if you want to find out if fluoride poisoning is the cause of your all your symptoms you could try asking your doctor to do a fluoride toxicity blood test. It’s a special test that can take up to 6 weeks for the results to come back. Normal blood tests don’t check for it. Unfortunately it’s a case of knowing what to ask your doctor to do. I h you finally get some answers.
They do it because it is just a scam to get rid of toxic waste and make money at the same time. If you really think about it, if fluoride was as good for us as they say why would you administer it in such a wasteful way, in my house hold we use about 2000 liters of water a day and consume less than 10 liters so that’s 1990 liters goes down the drain or 99.9%. What a wasteful use of a wonder substance.
Have your signs and symptoms been diagnosed by a qualified medical practitioner? If the majority of people drinking fluoridated water do not have these symptoms, then you should seriously be putting the blame on something else.
Chan Joon Yee is a shill.
So who did your tests and who diagnosed your fluoride poisoning as being caused by drinking fluoridated water? Yes, there are people who suffer from fluoride poisoning due to the frequent ingestion of pesticide-laced vegetables. Nobody gets poisoned by fluoridated drinking water.
Hi Chan Joon Yee. My private doctor diagnosed my fluoride poisoning. The blood test for this takes up to 6-8 wks for the results to come back and is a very specific test. I didn’t say that I had fluoride poisoning from drinking water. My poisoning was eventually put down to excessive tea drinking on top of all the other forms of injection. I had been drinking tea from when I was 14. Doing research after being diagnosed I found that the tea plant is like a sponge for fluoride (natural occurring as well). A lot of people don’t realize that there is naturally occurring fluoride in our environment. Add in all the fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides etc that are used to treat our fruit, vegetables and fillers added to mediation, fluoride toothpaste, mouth wash and treated water it all adds up and goes through our bodies. I commented on this because I wanted people to know some of the other health problems that can go with being overdosed with fluoride besides dental problems. I have to try and avoid any foods, drinks, medications etc that have fluoride added as any time I use/injest them it exacerbates my symptoms. That includes having a shower with fluoride treated water. It affects every part of my life. Even taking a tablet for a headache can be a fluoride nightmare as it is used in many medications as a filler. In Australia it is added to the materials used in teeth fillings and is designed to leach more fluoride when used in conjunction with fluoride toothpaste. So please tell me why we need this toxic chemical in our water when it’s in just about everything we eat, drink and breath? How am I or anyone else with health problems from fluoride supposed to avoid further problems? One thing I will acknowledge is that it has been proven that when fluoride is applied topically (directly to the tooth surface) by a dentist it has shown to be minimally effective in reducing dental caries. So just to verify again, I didn’t say that I had fluoride poisoning from drinking water. Sorry about the length of my reply.
Hey Mr Shill, you must be super smart to know better than Harvard.
Yeah that’s the sort of crap you liars peddle. All you have to do is look at the poor Africans who are staving and no access to that wonder substance (manufacturers wast product) and..AH wait they have perfect white teeth, do they have access to fluoride?? No it’s because they don’t
Actually they have access. Fluoride is in a tree grown there and they chew the sticks to get the fluoride on their teeth.
Test. This is just a test my previous comment made to this quack has not appeared
Medical doctors, are brainwashed by the big pharma that controls medical school curriculum and completely distanced from reality . it’s very sad that people count on them, to correct the problems caused by the very people/industies that cause almost all medical problems in America.
Where do you people get your information? Fluoride is a mineral found in nature. The idea to add it to public water came after discovering there were communities that had unusually low decay rates, and it was linked to the fluoride that was naturally present in their water supply due to the rocks the water flowed over. In communities where the fluoride was unusually high, fluorosis was evident. The 1 part per million that is used as a guideline for addition to public water ( not the incorrect doses mentioned in the article)was chosen as the therapeutic level, because it is far below the fluorosis level in the communities that issue was observed in, yet still effective to benefit developing teeth. And fluorosis happens when there is a high level of fluoride introduced to developing teeth, not teeth once they are formed and erupted. And just like the spice curry has a therapeutic and toxic level, so does fluoride, Motrin, and water. I know someone who almost died from drinking too much bottled water- they diluted themselves. And their system shut down. So get your facts straight, and realize there may be relationships between products, the conclusions drawn are often from similar ingredients is not cut and dry. Know your organic chemistry, and understand the difference between the grades of ingredients. There is a big difference between food grade and industrial grade – ingredients may share a name, but not formulations and interactions w the human body.
Reposting. Sorry if it is a duplication.
Stephanie, just for clarification, 1.2mg per liter equates to 1.2ppm and .7mg per liter equates to .7ppm.
Oh, btw, curry spice is really a combination of a number of spices–I believe the English created that marketing. I tend to use the individual spices separately when I cook Indian foods.
It is my understanding that Sodium fluoride(NaF) is inorganic. Sodium fluoride is made by neutralizing Hydrofluorosilicic acid with caustic soda (NaOH). Fluoride compounds are waste products in the production of phosphates for fertilizers and in the aluminum smelting and uranium mining industries. I contend it is a poison to our bodies but if it is a necessary “nutrient,” only a trace amount is needed in the body. The fluoride added to water supplies can be contaminated with lead, arsenic, radionucleotides, aluminum and other industrial contaminants. It is not pharmaceutical grade. According to one study I read, organic fluoride like amino fluoride compounds are superior to inorganic fluorides in reducing the solubility of the enamel. Products containing amine fluorides (AmFs)have been introduced in Scandinavian countries and India. Some studies show that ingesting fluoride has no beneficial effect on ones’ teeth; it only works topically.
I was an ENT nurse for some time at a major university medical center. The number of patients presenting, especially female patients, with thyroid cancer or thyroid disease stunned me. When I found out that fluorine is an iodine antagonist and ingestion of fluorine in any form tends to compete with and interfere with the absorption and utilization of iodine, it made sense to me that the over fluoridation of our municipal water supplies here in the US may a major contributing factor to these thyroid dysfunctions.
The article mentions that the accumulative effects of fluoride can create osteoporosis, bone pain and joint stiffness, anemia, muscle weakness, GI disturbances, chronic fatigue…because I experience all the above, it is pause for thought.
I will definitely start with finding out if my water treatment folks are abiding by the new federal guidelines of ≤.7ppm. Then I might move in the direction of buying a reverse osmosis filtering system for my drinking water.
Thank you for the article, Jeff Roberts.
Stephanie you may need to rethink read this for the true facts:
These words of Dr. John Yiamouyiannis may come as a shock to you because, if you’re like most Americans, you have positive associations with fluoride. You may envision tooth protection, strong bones, and a government that cares about your dental needs. What you may not know is that the fluoride added to drinking water and toothpaste is a crude industrial waste product of the aluminum and fertilizer industries, and a substance toxic enough to be used as rat poison. How is it that Americans have learned to love an environmental hazard? This phenomenon can be attributed to a carefully planned marketing program launched even before Grand Rapids, Michigan, became the first community to officially fluoridate its drinking water in 1945.2 As a result of this ongoing campaign, nearly two-thirds of the nation has enthusiastically followed Grand Rapids’ example. But this push for fluoridation has less to do with a concern for America’s health than with industry’s penchant to expand at the expense of our nation’s well-being.”
What is Fluoride? Many people associate fluoride with its periodic table namesake, fluorine. While fluorine is an element (a gas that is frequently listed as a trace mineral and human nutrient), fluoride is very different. Fluoride is a compound of fluorine, and while fluorine is one of earths natural elements, fluoride is a chemical byproduct (“chemical byproduct” = toxic waste) of aluminum, phosphate, cement, steel, and nuclear weapons manufacturing.3 Its toxicity was recognized at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, when, in the 1850s iron and copper factories discharged it into the air and poisoned plants, animals, and people.4″
Nope, fluoride is not a compound. Its the anion of the fluorine atom. It simply has an extra electron in its outer orbital. This is basic high school chemistry. You are entitled to the right to speak, but if you can’t demonstrate knowledge of basic high school chemistry, you shouldn’t join a scientific discussion.
Most dentist have said we are not getting enough fluoride and children are getting more cavities than prior generations due to consumption of bottled water and filtration that eliminates the fluoride. I also don’t use mouth wash much and you can make homemade toothpaste from baking soda/powder salt and peppermint oil or whatever flavor floats your boat.
Our children are getting more cavities( fluoride does not prevent cavities).
Most dentist have not said we are not getting enough fluoride!( they have admitted we are getting too much for teeth as is causing dental decay).
Most of the prior generation of US population did have filtration capable of taking out fluoride and did not drink “fluoride free ” bottled water
(Cough.. shill.. cough)
Ponder this for a moment, might the more cavities becoming from the increased amount of high fructose corn syrup and other snacks they’re eating packed with sugars?
Ponder this …fluoride is an unsafe toxin and does not prevent dental decay (AND it causes it at the high doses).
F*CK YOU 300 TIMES Mr Tom, you are probably a dentist or paid misleading informant. Not everybody is stupid like you. You know very well that fluoride is to make people more docile and stupid. Hitler knew this.
Prior generations did not have fluoridated water like we do now, so how the hell are people not getting enough fluoride compared to previous generations, that is pure bullsh*t! Have you ever considered the amount of processed foods and sugar that younger generations are consuming compared to prior generations. You can find the charts out there if you just google it, it’s mind boggling the amount of sugar people are getting compared to just 50 years ago.
Compare the overall health of prior generations to generations of today and you’ll see a dramatic increase in diseases that they don’t even have a name or explanation for that they just call syndromes (Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, etc). People used to die of real diseases like viruses, now we die of chemical toxicity from the environment and from our food and drinking water.
Jairo, I’m not sure Mr. Tom was saying we don’t get enough fluoride but he was saying dentist believe that. And besides, why would the gov’t want to dumb down everyone. There is no benefit to having a country full of dummies. Someone needs to work and pay taxes.
“Tom was lying as dentists do not think people are not getting enough fluoride .Paid shills will say whatever they are paid to say.
If we did not have a bank ponzi shchme and corrupt govt we would not need to pay taxes or be debt slaves.
Dummies obey and do not question govt propaganda, leaving them in control – that’s why the govt “dumbs down”.
Whoa, that is powerful and spot on. Not sure if the F u tom was necessary though lol
And probably the reason I can’t remember anything…
There is no evidence that the nazis used fluoride in concentration camps. I’m shocked no one objects to this myth.
Fluoride can have some anti-cavity effect if applied topically to teeth (as we got as kids at the dentist’s office). It does not have that effect if it is ingested. If you drink it, it goes into your blood stream and is deposited throughout the body.
Most dentists think more cavities =’s not enough fluoride (to be more accurate, sodium fluoride, a byproduct of manufacturing processes, like aluminum refining) when perhaps the increased sugar/carb intake along w/ increased acidification of the body is a much more likely cause. I wish the dentists would stop listening to their marketing sources and instead look to easily observable causes of tooth decay. Even their own say that fluoride helps prevent (gotta love the help) tooth decay when applied topically.
Side note, stop by a water treatment plant and look at the boxes of sodium fluoride along w/ the material safety data sheets. And these civil servants willingly add this to the water supply? I had occasion to talk to one of the guys who works for the local city in the water works while I was buying adapters to fit my RO system. he asked what I was doing, I told him, he said he worked for the city and why would I want to filter their “clean” water that was sourced from a well? I said, to remove the chlorine and fluoride from the water. Of course, I said, it would be easier if you’d just stop adding fluoride to thw water, then I wouldn’t need to do this. He said fluoride was very safe and that they were well trained in the application of the product to the water supply. In fact, he said that anyone exceeding the safe limits was subject to, shudder, disciplinary actions! Oh, the brave civil servant, just watching out for us. Truly brainwashed. There are so many “professionals” who are so sure of what they were told, and refuse to put any critical observations into their closely held beliefs. the hardest thing to correct is a belief.
What other products use sodium fluoride? Rat Poison. Concentration lager inmates were given sodium fluoride to make them more compliant and less prone to cause trouble.
Poison control claims that flouride should never be ingested. This is why every tube of toothpaste says not to swallow more than what is used for brushing.
Toothpaste directions state that children should only use a pea-sized amount and not swallow. How many children can refrain from swallowing? My four year old cannot. That is why I get Fluoride free for him. No human cell processes require Fluoride. We should not be drinking this with every cup or water, every mug of coffee. every glass of lemonade that we drink.
Oddly enough …These symptoms are similar to HLA – B27 gene linked to AS Ankylosing Spondilitis and related auto immune inflammation disease causing calcification of tendons n ligaments
Why does no one ever talk about its tendency to make people generally complacent towards life… it is well documented. It is about keeping us in line and quelling revolution. Kind of like “Brave New World”‘s Soma, without the buzz. Why in the hell, out of all the health problems that are far more serious, are we putting an endocrine disruptor in the water to treat dental problems, which it may not even be very effective at? Especially at overdose levels. This article downplays how dangerous endocrine disruptors are.. that is some bad shit. But don’t tou dare smoke marijuana, you might get hungry or fall asleep! Also the over prescription of drugs like Neurontin/Lyrica for off label uses needs to be addressed. That stuff makes it very difficult to make new synapses- or learn new things, or make new memories. Also conducive to controlling large groups of people. People who can smoke cigarettes and live off of preservative laden ‘food’. Where are our priorities?
There should be no fluoride in our water period. It calcifies the pineal gland in the brain causing us to live life’s that are not up to our true potentials.
Capitalism is responsible for me not living a life to my full potential too, we should get rid of that too.
Woah… easy there Vladimir. One cause is enough for this page. But, feel free to join the conversation at Boo Capitalism Now dot com.
Feel free to leave the country at anytime
In my opinion as there is no proven benefit of having flouride in our water supply, it should be banned from being added.
There should be a lot of things banned that they add to our water and foods!!! They are banned in other countries but not in ours….they want us to be sick ! its a multi billion dollar industry !!! Big Pharm’s and Dr’s make huge money off our illnesses that are cause by their poison !!! ….GREED!
I’m not sure if all corporate money making schemes are connected to keeping us sick. But, they definitely are glad to profit off of this industrial waste product and don’t give a damn about the health effect.
Its a poison. Why should we scrub our teeth and drink it. Theere is ZERO evidence that it is beneficial to ingest fluoride. Anyone who applies this to water or toothpaste should be charged with poisoning the people who ingest it.
Less than one-quarter of persons aged 6-49 in the United States had some form of dental fluorosis.
This is the statistic that has been misrepresented in this terribly misinformed article. Mild fluorosis–the major constituent to the above stat–is merely chalky white hypercalcified enamel. I don’t mean that fluorosis in its severe form isn’t bad–it really is! In the very, very minute amount that we get it from our water supply, though, it isn’t going to cause systemic problems.
…said the corporate shill who is promoting the continued forced medication in public drinking water .
If it give a quarter of the population a lower thyroid activity( and complications related ) but what if was you and your loved ones that were that quarter of the US population.
good point.
I don’t love the idea of the gov’t forcing us to consume something we don’t want to–and I do have fluorosis on two of my incisors. But I am dubious about any real systemic effects from this level of fluoride ingestion.
You have ugly fluorosis( dental decay ) on your teeth & yet you say are dubious of the factual effects of toxins on the body even when you can see an effect as a visible dental decay/ discoloration.
Before the corporation started forced medication of the US,they had no proof of efficacy of the false claim of preventing cavities nor was any safety testing done -in fact they knew how toxic it was.
Anyone with dental decay who hasn’t yet worked out (from the now exposed corporate lie) that a forced fed and ingested toxin( & thyroid function lowering medication)will have not have a negative effect on your body is ignorant at best.
Fluorosis is not dental decay. You really should do some research. When you have fluorosis that area is hard not soft like decay.
fluorosis /flu·o·ro·sis/ (fldbobr-ro´sis)
1. a condition due to ingestion of excessive amounts of fluorine.
2. a condition in humans due to exposure to excessive amounts of fluorine or its compounds, resulting from accidental ingestion of certain insecticides and rodenticides, chronic inhalation of industrial dusts or gases, or prolonged ingestion of water containing large amounts of fluorides; characterized by skeletal changes such as osteofluorosis and by mottled enamel when exposure occurs during enamel formation.
Fluorosed enamel is structurally weak (brittle) and prone to erosion and breakage, (especially when drilled and filled). It is not limited to teeth.
DENTAL FLUOROSIS is a diffuse symmetric hypomineralization (irregular calcification) disorder of ameloblasts (enamel-forming cells).
Its only one symptom of fluoride poisoning. Thyroid problems are another set of endemic health problems. Only shills say these medical and health issues for the population are unimportant .
These Toxic Fluoride Shills Suck.
We don’t just injest flouride from our water. It’s in almost everything that we eat and drink. Unless you buy organic fruit, veg and even meat it all has fluoride added via herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers. Even a lot of medications have fluoride added as a filler. In Australia it is even added to the fillings our dentists use. I could go on and on about other sources of injested fluoride. And how do I know that what I’ve written is true? Because I’ve had medically diagnosed fluoride poisoning. Symptoms included aching and painful joints, stomach problems, severe headaches (with no other medical cause found,chronic fatigue, anemia, thrombocytopenia (female version of heamophelia,teeth weak and brittle. The list goes on and on. Anyone who advocates the use of fluoridation of water should do their research first before having an opinion. And I don’t mean reading studies from the CDC or WHO or any other government organization. Be informed about what could be affecting your health.
I have fibromyalgia, and have had calcific tendonitus in my shoulders, having to have surgery to remove chalk sized pieces of calcium that had developed on both shoulders.This article really makes me wonder if fluoride could be the cause??? My pain is everywhere! So many sufferers with the exac6t same symptoms, and we all ask, why? What has caused this? I was born and raised in Toronto in 1961, when the water was loaded with fluoride. I am going to research this further????
Try getting a reverse osmosis water filter for your home, it will remove the fluoride along with any other chemicals in the water, or buy distilled water from the store. I don’t drink public water anymore and I bring my own water to work because they don’t have bottled water there.
Yes. The symptoms of fluoride poisoning align with the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Bone spurs and other abnormal growths are symptoms of skeletal fluorosis, although US doctors have come up with other names for it. Jason Uttley has written to interesting articles on the fibromyalgia connection, and thyroid doctors support that connection, although this is one of several areas where the gap in research is very conspicuous.
2007 Cause of Fibromyalgia:
2015 History & Politics:
Mentions Toronto bone study:
Case Studies:
Yes – although science is noticeably absent in this area. Jason Uttley has written on fibromyalgia, thyroid doctors like Dr. Lowe support the connection, Limeback has researched bones in Toronto, and Dr. George Waldbott published documented case studies.
Jason Uttley has written a couple of articles. Hardy Limeback did research on bone in Toronto. George Waldbott published the The Preskeletal Phase of Chronic Fluoride Intoxication. Can’t post more than one link on this site, here is the most recent one of interest to you:
Fluorosed enamel is structurally weak (brittle) and prone to erosion and breakage, (especially when drilled and filled). It is not limited to teeth!
It is a form of dental decay -it is a pathological (not normal) state of the teeth.
FLUOROSIS is a diffuse hypomineralization (irregular calcification) disorder of ameloblasts (enamel-forming cells). Fluoride is a poison, look to it for the cause of not just dental decay but the growing numbers of people with thyroid disfunction. It was used a medication to lower the thyroid function before the corporation started mass forced medication.
Floride is a known neurotoxin. This should be real simple.
Yeah it is simple and it seems as though the only contention of facts with harmful fluoride propaganda (and toxin promotion) is coming from the corporate shills.
Who can sue?
If it is supposed to help our TEETH shouldn’t they just sell products with fluoride in it so people can choose to put it on their teeth. How or why anyone thought or convinced anyone that swallowing something can help our teeth is way beyond me and disturbing on so many levels.
Actually, fluoride is added to water supplies is a the best way to deliver fluoride to lower socioeconomic populations who may not have the luxury of going out and buying toothpaste or mouth wash. And also, the recommended amount in our water supply is 1 drop of fluoride per million drops of water with that being said you would have to drink a whole bathtub full of water to see any type of reaction. The main problem is not necessarily fluoridated water but other things we eat and drink that also contain fluoride.
Here’s some facts to think about. The optimal range for daily intake of fluoride is generally considered to be 0.05 to 0.07 milligram per kilo of body weight. Here are typical trace levels of fluoride measured in patts per million (ppm) found in foods and drinks tested at the University of Iowa College of Dentistry. 3.73 ppm Brewed black tea, 0.71 ppm Tap water (U.S.-wide average, 0.35 ppm Cheddar cheese, 0.60 ppm Diet Coke (U.S.-wide average), 0.45 ppm Beer, 0.91 ppm Brewed coffee. It’s simple to see how easy it is to end up getting WAY above the optimal range of fluoride intake just by eating and drinking. Then to top it off add fluoride toothpaste, mouth wash and medications. What conclusion do you come to????
I agree with this. You think about processing foods like baked goods and cereals. How much water is used to make those? The water will be baked out, but the fluoride will stay. It would be like adding Vitamin A to everything. Vitamin A is “good for you”, but it collects in your system and can be toxic, if you get more than your body needs.
My son has just lost his battle with osteosarcoma ( bone cancer) two days ago aged 12. We live in UK and I have often wondered if the added flouride played any part in this cancer x
Rest assured, it didn’t. Sorry about your son though.
There are a few areas in the UK that fluoridate water supplies. In these areas hypothyroidism diagnosed cases have by far the highest incidence according to the most recent study by Peckham.
The studies on fluoride ingestion by children aged 5-7 and development of bone cancer a decade later have never been retracted. Although it remains the rarest cancer, any increase at all caused by fluoride is a disaster. The textbook Fluoride, the Aging Factor reviews data indicating all fluoridated cities have at least 10-15% more cancer deaths. This has been proven in court on three separate occasions.
The comment “rest assured” is not meaningful.
Have you any details if these findings relating to cancer please xx
She knows already that it did.
2006 Bassin study:
2006 NRC comments on carcinogenic potential of fluoride:
1994 Wm Marcus:
“There are independent, hard working EPA scientists who are afraid to publish the truth because they’re afraid of losing their jobs. It has a chilling effect.” – Dr. William Marcus, EPA
My sincerest condolences. There are no words to express how sorry I am for your loss, nor my anger at dentists and governments for their contribution to your family’s pain.
Karen…. I tried to provide you with links, but apparently there is some kind of governor on the website that prevents people from publishing more than one link. Take a time to catch your breath…. but here is a place to start.
Look up 2006 Bassin study on osteosarcoma, Hardy Limeback on bones and fluoride, Wm. Marcus of EPA, and references in 2006 NRC.
And on top of that, they have fluoridated water for kids at the store. When will the madness end? You can’t just guess how much water people are going to drink on a daily basis, that’s dangerous and unethical. The reality is, here in Bartow FL, they needed somewhere to dump their toxic fluoride waste from the mines, so they decided to just dump it in everyone’s drinking water. It’s not even the same sodium fluoride in your toothpaste, which means it’s untested and not verified as safe to even consume. You have to buy special brands of toothpaste that say “fluoride free” if you want toothpaste with no fluoride, and they are usually more expensive. Almost everyone gets enough fluoride from their toothpaste. If their dentist feel that they aren’t, they’ll prescribe a fluoride to you and a specified dose.. a SPECIFIED DOSE.
You would die from water intoxication before you would die from “fluoride poisoning”. Are you serious?
The entire system needs to crash before we will ever get back to health and sanity as a society. Money rules, life is disposable. I don’t know when we (as a society) stopped being human.
control population , they killing us slowly with your own tax money ….. who pay taxes this days? lol
Glad its being lowered, but wish it were completely taken out.
I find the 40 percent figure to be very confusing. The link you provide to the CDC does NOT say 40 percent of Americans have fluorosis. It says “in 1999-2004, 40.7% of adolescents aged 12-15 had dental fluorosis.”
Overall, in fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities, the rate was 41% about ten years ago in the last survey published …. but it is a permanent condition. So if nothing changes, then that rate will affect all Americans.
Since the rate has been going up consistently, (it was 3% in the 1940s, and I believe <30% in the 1980s) but affecting non-whites at a higher rate (58% of black children and 36% for white children)….. we can expect about half of our population will be suffering from this visible symptom of fluoride poisoning, more broken bones, and increased learning disabilities than those living in unfluoridated regions.
See graphs at end of this document:
Fluoride is a poison, that simple. It comes from making fertilizer and is a legal way for a hazardous waste to be trashed, by dumping in our water and yet again, another lie from the government to make us all believe it is for our good. Most things the government gets you to believe is a lie. The saying is true, “tell a lie until it becomes the truth” is used all too often.
I have written to my legislators about this, I encourage you to do the same. If we all communicate to our public employees what we want, things will have to change, and not just with this. The government is supposed to be doing what we want them to do. Seems it is the other way around.
Another inaccurate sensationalistic title for an article. No where in the CDC’s report does it say the American people have been overdosed on flouride. The next glaring mistake are your numbers. You make the claim that the CDC reports 40% of the American population has flouridosis.
Here is what the CDC has to say. And by the way this is very old information going back to 1999-2002.
Key findings
Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999-2004 and the 1986-1987 National Survey of Oral Health in U.S. School Children
Less than one-quarter of persons aged 6-49 in the United States had some form of dental fluorosis.@ CDC
Did you get that? Less than ONE QUARTER or 25%. Not 40%. That’s a big difference.
I’m so pee….d off, I gave my kids polyviflore vitamins when they were babies up to age 18! I worked for a dentist and they said it is very important, so I did what I thought was best for my kids…….grrrr……
Oh my, I hope they survived
Fluoride helps protect teeth.
I am dummer for having read some of these comments. You people need to get your facts straight, and stop posting misleading articles and comments like this on the internet.
Might want to fix this. down from a accepted previous fluoride level of 0.7 to 1.2 of water mg/L.
How do we know our water has fluoride?
How do we eliminate it ?
I gave my kids fluoride vites. It definitely affects their teeth. No cavities when they were young. Alot of kids I knew had teeth problems and didnt take fluoride. It definitely works to protect against tooth decay.
There bones are very strong, mine too.
My sister kids baby teeth had root canals and caps. She never gave them fluoride.
I do brush with baking soda and peroxide. Thats the best.
A direct quote from 1 of the only 2 sources cited from this article. I guess the author forgot to include this from the U.S. News source:
“The public should not take this news as a recommendation to avoid fluoridated water,” Henson said. “Fluoride in the right amount is very important for dental health. We see significantly more cavities among children who only drink bottled water or live in areas where water is not fluoridated.”
“The benefits of fluoride were first observed in the 1930s, when dental scientists found that tooth decay was less frequent and less severe among people whose water supplies contained higher levels of natural fluoride, the CDC says. Extensive follow-up research determined that fluoride can become concentrated in dental plaque and saliva, helping to prevent the breakdown of tooth enamel.”
In the 80s the public school had us swish with flouride like monthly. They would bring it to our classrooms. Now wondering if it has something to do with all my disabilities. Hmmm..
3 years ago I stopped drinking tap water and got a fluoride free toothpaste; My memory is better, I feel more connected, my skin is better and I’ve lost 20 pounds. I dont know about science stuff really but I do know that drinking tap water was keeping me from all of this. I still have to fight my hygienist to not use fluoride when they polish my teeth though. She just doesn’t understand my pituitary glands are more important to me than my teeth. It might be inconvienet for me to refill the water jug every couple of days and buy bottled water, but it has made a huge difference in my life. Now I just need to find a legal way I can attach a water filter to my water heater in my apartment so showers can also be chemical free… Still working in that so if you have any ideas let me know.
Actually, fluoride being added to water is good for you and does prevent cavities. It slows demineralization of the tooth and enhances remineralization which in turn prevents cavities on the smooth surfaces of the tooth. The only place they are not effective is the pits and fissures of the molars and that is why we apply sealants to those places. The recommended amount of fluoride added to water is 1 drop of fluoride for every 1,000,000 drops of water and you would actually have to digest a whole bathtub of water or 5 whole tubes of toothpaste within a short period of time to see a detrimental effect from the fluoride. Also, it has been proven that the major effects of water fluoridation are topical and not systemic meaning that fluoride diffuses into the tooth surface and is not absorbed into the rest of the body. Most cases of fluorosis are seen in children who are exposed to fluoride at a very early stage in their life when their teeth are still developing or even erupting. Fluoride is a natural mineral, not a drug.
I see many people talking about the non-prevention of cavities. As an alternate to flouridated products and baking soda, Tom’s brand products are flouride free and make toothpaste. Biotiéne is another flouride-free mouthwash and does not make your mouth sting after use like some Listerines. I would say it is more effective, i can gargle with Biotiéne when i am sick with a sore throat and it clears up quickly, unlike with normal mouthwash.
my father is a doctor and very pro fluoride but guess what his teeth are even worse than pic above!! I was given fluoride treatments at school and used nasty toothpaste for years, but have had problems with thyroid so I wonder if its because of those treatments. Oh and I grew up bathing and drinking fluoridated water in australia!
The food industry is killing us
The water industry is killing us
The Pharma industry is killing us
The oil industry is killing us
The fake wars are killing us
The faith & Politics agenda in killing us
The HARP & other ‘hush hush’ technologies are killing us.
Perhaps you can add to this?
I feel that the government should remove ALL fluoride from our public water supply AND any and all food. I also feel that the government should be responsible to pay for any and all decay and damages done to everyone’s teeth and/or bones/body caused by fluoride
Calcification of pineal gland? I’ve heard that too
I find it interesting that FINALLY the government is willing to admit this. The rest of us have known about this for a long time. So, they’re lowering the amount of what is being added from 1.2 to 0.7. Why do they have to put ANY fluoride in the water at all? There’s no sense in it. I find the whole “Big Brother” thing quite irritating.
Tooth decay is caused by sugar consumption. People consume far too much sugar on a daily basis, as a whole, these days — kids especially. If the government cared about our teeth they wouldn’t fluoridate the water, they would start by taking out the added sugars in processed foods. But the money isn’t in us being healthy, it’s in us being sick and in need of medications and medical treatment.
My vote is for 0% fluoride added to the water.
Fluoride ions occur on earth in several minerals, particularly fluorite, but are only present in trace quantities in water, which can be found in foods grown with this water. Yes, fluoride is a natural mineral. Look it up. I practiced Dental Hygiene for many years and I have traveled as far as Romania to here in the United States to treat people with massive decay.
Here are my findings based on my experience as a health care provider. Sugar which is also a lethal drug is being consumed at a massive rate which also causes many health problems including obesity, immune disorders, mental disorders and yes teeth decay. Sugar feeds the bacteria that cause many problems in the body. Nobody wants to talk about that…but they want to blame other things. I have practiced in areas with fluoride in the community water and also in communities without. Communities without water BY FAR have a higher rate decayed teeth. So they come in our office with hurt teeth…pain …and rotting out teeth. We have to fix them…with guess what? Other garbage like resin materials, metals such as mercury (which is toxic by far) and other stuff..or their teeth will just rot out. So it’s their choice…eat massive sugar..feed bacteria and get decay and then have your teeth fixed with other garbage that is not so good for you OR have no teeth.
Now with the communities with flouride….not as much of a problem. The decay rate is much much less. These people just get their teeth cleaned…and we work on old fillings and whatever TMJ problems they have from bad bites. But the rate of decay is a lot less.
My own child was prone to decay, we lived in community without fluoride. At the age of 3 to 4 her teeth already had decay. So I put her on prescription fluoride…and her adult teeth are decay free and she is absolutely healthy strong and beautiful….she is a gymnast and dancer and her teeth have not one single mercury filling in it. In my mind I would rather her deal with trace amounts of fluoride then a ton of mercury and resin in her holed up teeth. I personally had all of my mercury fillings removed.
Fluoride in a controlled amount can be beneficial. Just like Vitamin D or calcium….toooo much can be harmful as well. It’s called balance …and understanding that you can not have tooooo much or yes it can mottle your teeth and bones. People…please.. before you even speak do your research. So many people are hypocritical. They complain about fluoride…yet these are the same people who drink 3 to 5 glasses of beer or wine a day…don’t exercise and don’t care about the food they eat. You become fat overweight and imbalanced on your system and then you want to blame fluoride for all your problems. Give me a break. I have found fluoride to be more beneficial then not…and I am a person who dedicated my life to preventing teeth decay. Yes, I support fluoride as a solution to helping with strengthening teeth and bones..but only in a small and controlled amount. You have to know your wizardry folks. Too much of anything is NOT good for you.
Since government is so ‘concerned’ about our welfare and included fluoride to help us, they can stop now because we have alternative sources now for fluoride.
They also need to come up with a purifier other than chlorine since it, too, is an endocrine disruptor…especially for the thyroid.
I would love for someone on here to show that they actually have a basic science education and explain the difference between a fluoride anion and a chloride anion. Why is fluoride evil, but chloride not?
Total BS. Fluoride saves more people from tooth decay and periodontal disease than anything known to man. Stop using fluoride and see what happens. Morons
I fought and won the battle to stop adding fluoride to the city water where I live, about 20 years ago.