I’ve been writing about UFOs quite a bit over the last couple of weeks, mainly because I feel so strongly about the impact this subject has on the way we think and on our foundational world-views. For a long time, the UFO subject has been ridiculed in the mainstream, this has created a culture where the general public laughs off the subject and views it as a fringe idea. However, this has been changing over the last few years, especially as mainstream media began covering the verified NAVY footage showing objects making maneuvers that are not possible given our known technology.
With the US government set to release a report by June 1st that is supposed to discuss other UFO events further, including who might be manning them, the mainstream media has begun taking a subject they once made fun of and called a “conspiracy theory” quite seriously.
I’ve spoken about this subject a lot over the years, and I have many feelings around why I think this subject is incredibly important for humanity and the way we think, but I won’t go into that in this piece, instead I’ll turn your attention to my full raw interview from the recent documentary Close Encounters of The Fifth Kind, you can watch the interview here.
What Happened:
Mainstream media discussions around the UFO phenomenon over the last few years have been posing these vehicles as a potential threat – something we might have to go to war with. While at first this doesn’t seem like a faulty thought, it actually begins to push a potential agenda that aligns with our weaponized warring culture as opposed to being open to what the UFO phenomenon is really about and what evidence supports that.
In a recent article from the NY Post, we see this narrative being pushed yet again. “UFOs harassed US warships off California: report” the headline reads. The report does not indicate that the objects are known to be any more than drones, and further, their maneuvers are not described as anything that would be harassment. While seeming innocent, many investigators and researchers are raising concern over the last decade or so, that the general public continues to hear about UFOs without being told the whole story. Most coverage focuses on the scary unknowns of UFOs, the fact that they may be here to go to war, or that we need to prepare ourselves with weapons to fight back – but the evidence doesn’t support any of that. In fact, the evidence supports the opposite, but people aren’t being told this.
Long time investigators are well aware that UFOs have shown extensive peace or evasive maneuvers during virtually every encounter on record, and that more than likely they don’t intend to be a threat to humanity. From disarming nuclear missile sites, to disabling harmful missiles in the air, to evading human attacks on UFOs without retaliation, these objects and those manning them don’t seem interested in attacking back like we often see in our human interactions with people or other countries.
Why It Matters:
It seems the general culture being created for the public to take in attempts to create the idea that we don’t know what’s going on at all with the UFO phenomenon, when we actually know a lot more than what’s being said. For years, virtually every discussion I’ve had with fellow citizens shows a general lack of knowledge about anything UFO related, and it’s not their fault, it’s because it’s never talked about. When I bring forth what is known and the evidence that supports it, people are typically surprised or doubtful because the mainstream hasn’t spoken about it.
A lack of transparency means people are uninformed, and thus they support actions that may not be based on reality or that may lead to destructive ends. Just look at the US’ “war on terror” that has been never ending, expensive, has cost millions of innocent lives, and is a threat manufactured by long held foreign policy that seeks to create enemies. How does this serve the people?
Just like we have seen with so many important subjects that independent media has brought greater clarity on for the general public, now the UFO subject seems to be one that government wants to control. Not long ago I noted that now that mainstream media and government seems to have gotten a hold on controlling speech surrounding other ‘conspiracies,’ there has been talk about beginning to control the UFO and ET discussion as well. In a Tweet, the European Defense Industry claims it wants to begin cracking down on UFO ‘disinformation’ :
#FlatEarth #AliensAreReal #UFO #Disinformation permeates and threatens all sectors of our societies
The #EU #DigitalServicesAct will implement a clear, comprehensive & broad set of rules to fight the spread of online disinformation #EUvsDisinfo #FactsMatter #TackleFakeNews pic.twitter.com/cc7OGumGRF
— 🇪🇺 DG DEFIS #StrongerTogether (@defis_eu) January 18, 2021
As typical with most controlled speech and censorship over the last 5 years, the language used to introduce these ideas of control are vague and unassuming, but the end result is destruction of speech and a sharp limit on who can freely talk about these subjects online. Anyone who dissents has their accounts deleted or their ability to monetize their work removed, leaving them unable to do this work sustainably – which, you guessed it, shuts them up.
The Takeaway:
The same institutions that ran campaigns of ridicule about this subject and lied to the public about it are suddenly trying to admit there is something going on and seem to want to tightly control the narrative along the way. But this is only an invitation. The general public does not have to believe only what these institutions say, they can go elsewhere for information and ideas about what’s going on. It’s likely that honest and meaningful disclosure on this topic will be brought forth by grassroots movements and conversations, not government.
I’ve laid out a ton of thoughts related to this in my complete interview from Dr. Steven Greer’s latest film Close Encounters of The Fifth Kind. You can watch that entire raw interview here.