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What Happened: Elon Musk recently made an appearance on the Joe Rogan show and there was a brief discussion about the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon between the two. Collective Evolution has been covering the phenomenon, in depth from multiple angles since our inception in 2009. If you’d like to learn more about it you can dive through our article archive, from the most recent to last, here.
When it came to the topic of extraterrestrial life, Musk referenced Carl Sagan, who once said that either there are no extraterrestrials, or there are many, both possibilities are “equally terrifying.” Personally, I understand why they (the two possibilities) would be perceived as “terrifying,” but completely disagree with that perception. If there are many intelligent extraterrestrial life forms out there, including ones that have been and are visiting our planet, I don’t believe this has to be something “terrifying” at all, regardless of whether or not the phenomenon represents a threat (You can read more about the “threat” perception here). Based on what we know about the UFO phenomenon and all of the data and information that’s come out over the past several decades, perceiving the behaviour of these unknown objects as a threat, in my opinion, seems to be unwarranted.
Musk went on to ask, if there are aliens where are they? Stating (jokingly) that if they are around then they’re quite subtle, that if they really wanted to, they could land in New York, for example at say “here, look at me I’m real.” That’s very true, Elon, but perhaps extraterrestrial groups that are visiting our planet, if they are, are not quite interested in being noticed? After all, there is sufficient evidence suggesting that governments have been desperate to capture UFO technology and that governments do indeed have these technologies in their possession, or at least “rogue” factions of the government and private industry.
Apollo 13 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell once told the world that “Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered.” He is seen making these statements in this documentary. Eric W. Davis, a renowned astrophysicist who worked with the Pentagon UFO program stated that he gave a classified briefing to a Defense Department Agency, as recently as March 2020 about retrievals from “off-world vehicles not made on this Earth.” Christopher Mellon, a former Deputy Assistant Defense Secretary for Intelligence from 1997 to 2002 has confirmed that he was present during this testimony. He himself has been quite outspoken about the phenomenon over the past few years. Dr. David Clarke, an investigative journalist, reader and lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University who was also the curator for The National Archives UFO Project from 2008–2013, came across some interesting documents suggesting that the UK was desperate to capture UFO technology. Paul Hellyer, former Canadian defence minister claimed that the protocol when military jets were scrambled to intercept a UFO was to “shoot first and ask questions after.” The most viewed FBI document has to do with “downed” extraterrestrial craft. You can read more about that particular document here.
It wouldn’t be nice to come here and constantly be “shot” at. Furthermore, perhaps these beings operate at a different level of consciousness, perhaps there are reasons that we cannot even comprehend as to why as to why there haven’t been any mass landings? As far as mass sightings, these occur quite frequently. The “Phoenix Lights” are one of many great examples of that. Perhaps they do not think we are ready? Perhaps, again, they don’t have any interest being noticed by our civilization at the present time? Imagine looking down on our planet from an observer’s perspective, to be honest it may seem quite scary.
This is a deep topic that leaves no aspect of humanity untouched and brings a plethora of questions in all subjects to the forefront. It’s a consciousness expanding phenomenon that has giant implications.
Musk then made the statement that, “To the best of my knowledge, there is no evidence for alien life on Earth…There’s no direct evidence for alien life…It’s got to be at least as good as a 7/11 or ATM cam.”
I understand this perspective, but again, the statement goes to show how undereducated Musk is about the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon. In the podcast he even admits to spending zero time thinking about it, so how could he know anything about it? Despite this, he stated that, “Honestly, I think I would know if there were aliens.” Again, I can understand him, it would be nice if we could just pull up a photo of an actual extraterrestrial, or point to some sort of hard evidence.
I’m not sure at all why he makes this statement, that “he would know.” Perhaps he believes he would know given his involvement within the space industry, but I don’t think that qualifies him at all in any way to be in the “know.” This topic has been covered in secrecy for a very long time. Look at Robert Bigelow, for example, an aerospace giant for decades, would he be “in the know” more so than Musk? Bigelow has openly stated that he has knowledge that extraterrestrial life is and has been visiting our planet. What makes him any different than Musk? Is it simply because Bigelow has examined and researched the topic, and Musk spends, as he says, “zero” time thinking about it?
This sentiment from Musk differs greatly from the one he gave at the “World Government Summit”a few years ago, where he said, if there are super intelligent aliens, “they’re probably already observing us.” How come back then they would be observing us without ever letting us know? Back then he stated that the human race was probably too “dumb” to realize it.
After Musk made the 7/11 ATM comment, Rogan reminded him of the video released by the Pentagon in conjunction with the To The Stars Academy (TTSa), and the United States Navy confirmation of the UFO phenomenon. Musk apparently had no idea of this event, which again goes to show just how unaware of the UFO phenomenon he is, and something he admitted to, again, having no interest in.
In the event mentioned above the Navy pilots witnessed an object descend from 60,000 feet above sea level to just over the ocean in an instant while simultaneously losing their radar and navigation systems. This has something that’s happened a number of times, and is quite evident in the declassified literature that’s now available to the public. This is something that’s happened thousands of times over a span of multiple decades. One example I like to use comes from Iran in 1976. Both of the pilots were scrambled to intercept a UFO, “
As the F-4 approached a range of 25 nautical miles it lost all instrumentation and communications. When the F-4 turned away from the object and apparently no longer a threat to it, the aircraft regained all instrumentation and communications. Another brightly lighted objects came out of the original object. The second object headed straight toward the F4.” (source)
I am quite aware that UFO does not equate to extraterrestrial, but having been in this field for more than 10 years I am quite convinced that some of these objects are indeed extraterrestrial and I believe there is good evidence to suggest that. That being said, what constitutes “evidence” seems to be different in the minds of many.
In the TTSA case mentioned above, Renowned UFO researcher, scientist, mathematician, and astrophysicist Dr. Jacques Vallée also recently made an appearance on the Joe Rogan show and stated the following.
We have to stop reacting to intrusions by UFOs as a threat, I mean that’s the whole thing behind this new task force, as much as I respect, you know, the task force, my colleagues and I want to cooperate with them to the extent that we can bring information or resources to what they do. But there is more, this is not, should not be looked at specifically as a threat…With the phenomenon that we observe if they wanted to blow up those F18s they would do it. Obviously that’s not what it’s all about, and this idea of just labelling it all as a threat because it’s unknown, that’s the wrong idea. (source)
Vallée is one of many sources I advise you to seek out if you want to actually learn more about the phenomenon. I’m glad Rogan had him on his show.
Concluding Comments: It wasn’t long ago when UFOs were considered a “conspiracy theory.” At that time there was clear evidence of their existence. When it comes to actual extraterrestrial beings, we do have countless amounts of stories, many of which corroborate with each other in quite an extraordinary way and do, in many cases, corroborate with UFO sightings. When it comes to Elon Musk’s claims stating that there is no clear evidence, that depends on one’s definition of evidence. One thing is quite certain, “condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance” – Quote often attributed to Albert Einstein. Musk, admittedly knows nothing about the phenomenon, he is not a great source for information regarding to the phenomenon and for him to make such statements about it truly does come from a place of not having looked into the phenomenon.
How often do we lend “popular” people an ear and hang on every word they say. Is their ability to to decipher what is and what is and what isn’t any greater than yours or mine? Just because someone has a large following does not make them any more credible. Remember, think for yourself and do your own research. It’s great that this topic is no longer taboo, and more “mainstream” people are actually having serious discussions about it.
I encourage you to visit our article archive about the UFO/extraterrestrial topic if you want to learn more about it. That includes you Elon Musk 😉