I’ll be honest, sometimes I feel like the stuff I share, both here on CE and personally, is in between two worlds and I get picked on a lot for it.
From time to time, I take it personally. To express simply, I’m not “new agey” enough to be accepted by those who think we can solely change our world through meditation and intention, and I’m not conspiracy/newsy enough for people to think I have any physical action associated with my work.
Thus, one group thinks I’m a conspiracy theorist, and one group thinks I’m ungrounded and have my head in the clouds. Yes, there is a middle group who truly understands what sentiment I’m offering in my work, and it’s that group I hope to help increase in numbers with this piece.
For me, I’ve spent years playing in and observing both worlds I mentioned above. Through that, I’ve really gone within and distilled down what I honestly feel is a message people would truly benefit from hearing, and that is that creating collective change on this planet is about using your total being.
What do I mean by this? Well, some people think there is no point in talking about some of the ‘deception’ behind how our world functions, it’s negative of course. Others think there is no point in talking about meditation because we need to fight to create the change we want. The truth to me is that as you awaken to who you truly are and what stories, paradigms, and ideas are behind the creation of our world, you begin to understand how to create differently and actually be part of shifting this world.
Of course, we can’t just intend our way to a new world, because that’s only a piece to the puzzle, instead, there is a journey, a process of shifting how we think, feel and act, which then informs how our world will be created as we consider change.
A friend said something the other day that I loved, and chuckled at it. I was on an Instagram with them and we were discussing the Coronavirus just briefly. I shared that I don’t believe knowing every single detail about the virus, what’s happening etc is important, but that there is value in questioning our narratives, perceptions, what we are told etc, as it gives us a chance to expand our mind and consciousness. As a note, I shared a ton of details about this in a recent video I did here.
What is Information?
As we were talking about these things, another friend of mine commented saying “if there was a hurricane coming, would you tell your friends and family who are in its path?” In other words, would you inform them about what’s happening?
Of course, most people would indeed pick up the phone and call their friends and family to at least let them know what’s up and perhaps ask if they needed help. We do this because we can see how this action will help people we love immediately. This is a very basic action, a physical choice to express information to people who will use it to make new choices and decisions. But do we see the information we get about the true nature of what’s going on in our world in the same light?
For example, let’s say there is a meat-packing company that doesn’t properly clean their facility, leaving it heavily open to having bacteria grown on its product which will eventually be eaten by consumers. A whistleblower from within the company comes out and tells people what’s going on, and to perhaps avoid buying the meat. But people view the information as negative and don’t bother to look into it because apparently we should only focus on or look at that which is positive. A couple of weeks later, 10,000 people get a bacterial infection, and 50% of them die. Some of them were the ones you tried to tell.
What actions might have been done differently if we knew the person was bringing forth information that was useful, yet we chose to ignore it because we didn’t want to face it? Would it have helped to create a more thriving community? Would it inspire a change within that company?
Now of course, what people choose to do is their choice, and you can’t save anyone, but that’s not really the sentiment I’m getting at here. What I’m trying to draw attention to is the common mindset today, especially those who strictly stick to spiritual development, that there is no point in exploring the truth about our world, but instead to just focus on the positive or focus on advancing one’s consciousness only. I feel this is a major misstep.
What Does ‘Expanding One’s Consciousness Mean?’
What does it even mean to advance one’s consciousness? Is it sitting and meditating? Is it releasing anger? Is it learning to meditate? Is it staying in a state of bliss all day long on your own, with no care of what others are doing in the world that you share?
We are in a time where we are having to face “the shadow”, as people call it, within ourselves and humanity. This is the aspects of ourselves that is built within the old and dying paradigm of disconnection, fear and scarcity. It’s a state of consciousness and being where we see ourselves as separate from one another, in competition and fighting to survive. This way of being identifies strongly with ego, our material self only, our identity, beliefs and so forth. Within this way of thinking, we are not truly connected to our true and authentic self.
Shifting consciousness means becoming aware of what drives you, what stories, beliefs and programs are creating the actions and decisions you are making. This is what drives you and the collective. Meditation can help us quiet the mind and get clear on who we truly are, but it alone will not change our world because we must then act from that new state of consciousness.
We live in a world that is physical. We came here to experience what it’s like to mix our spiritual nature with a physical reality, and thus we must engage with that physical experience, not simply sit back and hope that all will change with mere consciousness. Consciousness and intention definitely play a role, but acting through that new state of being is the missing ingredient I want to bring attention to. Indeed there are multiple studies showing the power of consciousness and how it affects our reality, we have written about this for over 11 years and I’ve dedicated an entire documentary to this subject.
After all, the sentiment behind my work is Change Starts Within because it begins with our thinking/consciousness, but that is simply the start.
Shifting Our Stories & Paradigms
Given that we have been operating in a world built on that state of consciousness and that state of being for so long, it means that we will have a lot of it to face, process, let go of, and understand so we can clearly see what that way of thinking and story it has created in our world. This observation and reflection allows us to let go and have our authentic self emerge. We aren’t moving through this process of letting go because that old state of being is bad and we must judge it, instead, we are seeing this because deep down there is an inkling within us that knows we are ready for a deep shift, a deep change in how we live on this planet. Our consciousness and awareness are prepared and asking for all to be revealed as it acts as a catalyst to further move us forward.
Remember, it’s not the information that is negative or bad, it’s how it’s delivered and how we choose to react to it that can feel icky. If you notice yourself getting angry and upset at it, great, it’s reflecting back at you what stories you have associated with what you are learning. A great chance to free yourself from that.
Of course, this doesn’t mean we should focus on drama all day long, it simply means that to shift and expand consciousness we have to actually face that which we are currently creating head on, and understand what story within ourselves is creating it – individually and collectively. This is why conscious media is so important. Because it seeks to help understand the human story behind what we are seeing happen. When we understand the stories and beliefs that create decisions and actions in our society, we can then consciously ask if we wish to continue with these beliefs and stories. Change is then possible because we will actually create from a new state of consciousness and not just the old story of separation.
Truly Engaging In Creating Change
I’ve outlined this process in what I call the CE Protocol, which really just outlines the journey or ingredients involved in creating the changes we truly know are possible in our world.
If you haven’t had a chance to check out those videos, I truly feel they will provide value. It’s my hope that they further inspire just how important it is for us to engage in the process of seeing through the veil of our world and act in creating change from an expanded state of mind and consciousness, versus sitting back and waiting for something like Q to do all the work, or simply sitting back and just meditating.
You’re here to play, join in the fun!
Check out the CE Protocol here.
To see how a shift in consciousness relates to how we can shift something like our environmental woes, check out my latest film Regenerate: Beyond Th CO2 Narrative.