UFOs and the idea that some of them are piloted by extraterrestrial beings are no longer taboo subjects. UFOs have officially left the sphere of ‘conspiracy theory.’ That term is used today mostly when people’s beliefs are challenged, no matter how clear the evidence may be. But can we really blame them? For years, we’ve been bombarded with the idea that it’s silly to believe such things; in fact, the very first director of the CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, told the world that there was actually an “official campaign of ridicule and secrecy.”
That was decades ago, and since then one thing has become abundantly clear, and that’s the fact that the UFO problem has involved military personnel and more from around the world for more than 70 years now. The subject is wrapped in secrecy.
A great quote comes to mind here from European filmmaker Terje Toftenes, who put out a documentary about the extraterrestrial presence many years ago. In it, he shares a thought that really makes one think.
Lord Kelvin’s statement bears with it the voice of paradigms past… We knew that the Earth was flat, we knew that we were the center of the universe, and we knew that a man-made heavier than air piece of machinery could not take flight. Through all stages of human history, intellectual authorities have pronounced their supremacy by ridiculing or suppressing elements of reality that simply didn’t fit within the framework of accepted knowledge. Are we really any different today? Have we really changed our acceptance towards things that won’t fit the frame? Maybe there are concepts of our reality we have yet to understand, and if we open our eyes maybe we will see that something significant has been overlooked. – Terje Toftenes (source)
It’s been nearly ten years since his film was made, and having worked in this field for quite some time, it’s truly mind altering just how much the collective mind has opened up to the possibility that we’ve been visited by extraterrestrial beings.
We are in a process, and there is a reason why “are we alone” is one of the biggest questions ever pondered by humanity. We are naturally inclined to discover, wonder, and ponder, at least most of us are. No doubt our way of life has shifted from discovery, one quality out of many that represents the natural state of a human being, into a robotic life focusing on our jobs, career, family, and providing. The systems we have in place here on our planet are not conducive to our natural state, and human beings no doubt have the potential to create something much greater that is both in harmony with us and our planet.
The process of disclosing the reality that we are not alone–that we have and are being visited–is simply a reflection of human consciousness. It’s occurring because there are people all over the world who are contemplating and searching for the answers to this phenomena, and it’s the result of more people doing their own research instead of allowing an untrustworthy entity to provide the answers for them.
The process of disclosure, especially within the past 10 years, has been greatly assisted by evidence. There are peer-reviewed scientific studies examining this phenomenon, there are photographs, videos, witnesses, high ranking military testimonies, and aerospace executives, academics, astronauts and many more all sharing their proof, evidence, and knowledge showing that not only are UFOs real, but many of them are piloted by ‘people’ that do not originate from planet Earth as well. There are also millions of pages of documents on the subject that’ve been released by dozens of governments.
Dr. Brian O’Leary once said, “there is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time.” Apollo 14 Astronaut, Dr. Edgar Mitchell told the world, “yes, there have been crashed crafts and bodies recovered” and that “there is no doubt that we are being visited.”
Many of these objects are tracked on radars, and again, have been photographed and video taped for years. For example, here is a photo taken by two Royal Canadian Air Force pilots on August 27th, 1956, in McCleod, Alberta, Canada. (“Physical Evidence Related To UFO Reports” – The Sturrock Panel Report – Electromagnetic Effects) (source) (source)
The evidence is truly overwhelming, and undeniable.
Of course this begs the question, why don’t ‘they’ just show up en masse? Well, perhaps there are still many things we don’t understand. Perhaps ‘they’ have trouble communicating with us, as we do with other species. Perhaps they are afraid and prefer their presence not to be known. Perhaps there are multiple groups out there with multiple motives and agendas, some malevolent, some benevolent, and perhaps there are many who are simply exploring and minding their own business.
Why has this subject been shrouded in secrecy? The answer to that is simple: We are a controlled race, and we don’t have our sh*t together here on Earth. If we did, we’d probably already be a space faring race. UFO technology threatens that in a number of ways, from ‘free energy’ to the destruction of current belief systems about the true nature of reality. The extraterrestrial phenomena could perhaps reveal to humanity something about ourselves that would completely change worldview paradigms–there are a number of implications.
The point is that we are asking questions, our minds are opening, and we are going through a process. Our civilization is very young, and no doubt other civilizations out there had to go through what we are going through before they themselves became a space faring race.
There are still many questions to ask, and a lot of discoveries to be made. We are currently in the beginning of this long yet rapid process that will change our world forever. Perhaps the biggest lesson of ‘looking out there’ is to encourage us to look within, at our own planet, and ask ourselves: What exactly are we doing here, and what is going on?
The awareness of the extraterrestrial presence is also coinciding with many other transitions and awakenings the human race is becoming privy to. We are waking up to deception on all fronts–we are opposing a heightened national security state where the goal seems to be total population control, we are becoming more aware and in tune with our planet and the fact that there are much better ways to operate here on Earth that are more harmonious to all life, and we are becoming aware that we have been deceived on so many levels and on so many topics.
We are waking up.
Sure, official extraterrestrial ‘disclosure’ may never happen, and that’s because it’s a process. We are the discoverers of something that was perhaps already known by our great ancient ancestors. After all, they wrote about it and told many stories about travellers from other places.
Do you really think we are alone? What does your intuition tell you? Have you looked into it? Have you gone through the evidence and seen how strong it is?
The only things holding us back from knowing are our long held beliefs, which are always hard to let go of in light of new information and evidence. As I said, it’s a process.
The Takeaway
The realization that we are not alone is not one that will come in the form of an announcement from a government authority. In fact, it’s a lesson in how we do not need to wait for authoritative figures to tell us what is and what isn’t correct. Too often, we see deception from authoritative figures, and more people are starting to realize that it’s time to rely on their own thinking instead of letting someone else do it for them.
This realization also leaves no aspect of humanity untouched. It has spiritual implications, all the way to technological and scientific implications, and much more. It really opens up pandora’s box, and we haven’t even begun to scrape the tip of the iceberg.