Whether it’s a Princeton physics professor like Dr. Brian O’Leary telling the world that “there is abundant evidence that we are being contacted,” or Victor Marchetti, former special assistant to the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, stating that “we have, indeed, been contacted — perhaps even visited — by extraterrestrial beings,” (Second Look, Volume 1, No 7, Washington, DC , May, 1979) the fact that we are being and have been visited by intelligent beings from other worlds and dimensions is no longer taboo. This comes as a result of the collective, innate yearning to search for information on the topic as well as the thousands of credible testimonies from high-ranking military figures, astronauts, scientists, and others who have been in the position to ‘know.’
The existence of UFOs has been verified thanks to video footage, photos, electrooptical data (like radar trackings), government documents, and the testimonies from a number of government officials and people around the world, all of which compliment the following testimony. Personally, my three favourite pictures come from the L.A. Times in 1942, the Canadian Air Force in 1956, and from longtime NASA scientist, Norman Bergrun, who disclosed a picture taken by Voyager in 1980. There are many to choose from.
Although the UFO phenomenon is no longer taboo, the topic of ET contact and the idea that many people on Earth have experienced it still is, and there is little effort being done regarding mainstream UFO disclosure. Louis Elizondo, the former Pentagon official who exposed one of the Pentagon’s UFO tracking programs (AATIP), along with other members of the intelligence community and Tom Delonge, have stated that they’ve purposely stayed away from the ‘extraterrestrial question’ and who is behind the wheel of these crafts because it’s such a controversial subject.
It’s time to start talking about that. For years, governments have been desperate to find out more information, and there is a good chance that the citizenry might have more knowledge than our governments. After all, when have governments ever been fully trusted by the people? Paul Hellyer, former Canadian defence minister, once said that their protocol is to shoot first and ask questions later. There are also documents that clearly show how desperate they are to get their hands on these technologies and figure out how they work. You can access those and read more about it here.
As far as abductees go, many people are forcefully taken, and others are not. The ones who are not forcefully removed from their surroundings are commonly referred to as ‘contactees’ within the UFO community. Many abductees have been hypnotically regressed because they cannot remember their experiences. Not long ago, I wrote an article about David Jacobs, a retired university professor, and Young-Hae Chi, a professor from the University of Oxford, who have both hypnotically regressed people claiming to have had ET abduction experiences. You can read that article here. Thousands of people all share similar stories, and the consistencies of these experiences, according to them and many others, is “mind-boggling,” as Jacobs said.
The gist from these encounters, overall, is the idea that our planet needs change. That we have to start taking care of our environment, and that some extraterrestrial groups might be concerned with the overall wellbeing of the human race and planet Earth. It’s a comforting thought, but not all researchers in the field share the same sentiment, although most do based on my research. Delores Cannon is another individual who has been hypnotically regressing people for years, and she’s shared that many souls have come here to help change the world.
Susan Manewech, President of the New Energy Movement, a group that is trying to facilitate positive and necessary change on Earth, is one of thousands of contactees. She is, I would say, an ‘abductee.’ She was taken from her environment and placed on board what seemed to be an extraterrestrial or extradimensional craft.
In an interview we conducted with her on CETV, she described one experience at the age of five years old, something her sister vaguely remembers even though she was in the room with her. It was approximately 2:30 in the morning, and there was a ‘ship’ outside their house. They were awe struck, and it’s something Susan felt that she intuitively already knew would happen, as if she was waiting for them.
In a previous article, I share how she remembers what happened prior to birth and incarnating into the womb, explaining that each human has a soul and our souls came here for different reasons. This is an interesting belief, which has been expressed for thousands of years. Why don’t we all remember? Well, Socrates preached that, although our soul has knowledge prior to birth, once it incarnates into the body it forgets (Meno). Susan remembers, and so do many other children who can actually remember their past lives.
She goes on to explain how she remembers moving through the wall, levitating, and being taken onto the ship. She was excited to reconnect to those she knew before she was born. She explains how “it’s part of the process, it’s part of the to-do being here,” and she says there was testing that was done. She remembers some sort of testing on her central nervous system to measure her empathy. They were examining her and the being next to her, but the other being was distraught and they wanted to see if they could feel what that other being was feeling.
Below is a brief clip from the interview of her describing what they looked like. As mentioned this is just a piece of a 71 minute interview where Susan goes into her entire experience as well as exploring the extensive research published on the topic. You can watch the full interview here.
[youtube id=”r7Kb6YDHSaA”]
The Takeaway
With UFOs, it took some time for the topic to exit the taboo area and receive more attention. Sure, there are powerful people with interests that are threatened by the UFO subject. Secrecy is kept for multiple reasons, and one of them is the fact that open disclosure of UFOs means open disclosure of its technology and how that would negatively affect our oil-based economy. The idea that extraterrestrials are behind the wheel also threatens a lot of control structures and human belief systems that hold us back from moving forward together as a human race. We still have a long way to go, but it’s time to start asking the deeper questions now as we once did with UFOs. But this time, we need to figure out who is behind the wheel, why they’re here, and what their intentions are. There is no better way to do that than to give an ear to people who are coming out and sharing their stories.
This particular encounter is very interesting, because empathy, thinking about others, caring for others is a vital and key component of love, which will transform our world.
You can watch our full interview with Susan Manewich for free by clicking here.