One of the best things about what we do here, I feel at least, is our ability to share personal experiences that others can draw from and share in the feeling of being in this all together. Let’s be honest, if we didn’t have others to share thoughts, feelings and emotions with, we would probably all go nuts in this shift!
I can say this for my fellow team members as well I am sure, we are all going through our own massive shifts and individually are all having a bumpy ride at times. Sometimes, it just gets a little overwhelming and becomes difficult to handle.
When we think of how much of a large-scale shift/change we are experiencing, we begin to realize how much is and will change, physically and mentally, in such a short period of time within our world. It almost seems like everything speeding up, and it’s tough to handle everything at once.
Energy that our bodies have not experienced much of are coming in all the time from the cosmos, and as we make changes within our own personal consciousness.
Mentally we are going from being very stuck and ingrained in our ways and beliefs, to realizing and remembering the truth of our entire existence and it’s purpose. Who we truly are. This truth may not be clear immediately when we are in the thick of challenges, but life is presenting change many ways for us all individually and collectively.
As we experience times of mental confusion or un-ease, we the chance, with awareness and willingness, to break out of some of the ‘stuck states’ many of us find ourselves in. To do this, we must take the time to reflect on what is taking place and our life, and slow things down.
When the times are uncomfortable and it just seems like it is too much to handle; seeing the world the way it is, watching as we are so disconnected from everything, realizing the differences we have created between one another, feeling like this is just not happening fast enough, and feeling like we cannot help, remember that you are changing – WE are changing.
It is happening very quickly and in many ways all of which may bring up frustration in each and every one of us. Remember to steer clear of creating drama surrounding things that may present, this drama comes from the mind and ego and is not the true self. We can use what the mind and ego has brought up to see what might need to be cleared out within ourselves.
Avoid covering up everything with affirmations and false smiles, this only band-aids the challenges and hides what actually needs to be looked at. Unfortunately, much of the “new age movement” has created some powerful beliefs around band-aiding or spiritual bypassing problems with what we think is “positivity.” Face your problems and your fears, don’t cover them up and pretend its just astral energies. own it, this is how we move forward. This also does not mean we should be reckless and lash out, venting our frustration, it simply means we must take time to be aware, be alone if need be and go easy on ourselves.
Not one of us is alone in this shift, and not one of us will see it pass by without having change take place in our experiences. Feel the knowing that we are collectively in this together, and take note of that when we see what may be presenting in others before we judge them.
Very well said Joe! Un-ease, that is exactly how I have been feeling, not like all day all week or anything like that, but every so often I just get this feeling that is not normal, it`s very un-easy, perfect explanation! Thank you for making so much sense of this all the time. I am really not good at explaining things, so I always tell people to come check out the site! You guys do an excellent job!! Thank you!
Peace and Love,
Alanna =)
Wow, thanks for this post. I’m sure it’ll comfort lots and lots of people through this un-easy time. XO
hey great sight! love it. i see more and more every day the changes that go on. as they happen they seem to be increasing in frequancy or maybe visabilaty? there is such a scheem to things it has become quite clear that there are levels of being at work that we have no sense of. our interaction with this hologram is becoming more intuitive one could say, perhaps entangeled..?
so long as we do not become obsesed in a cone of consentration and loos our self to our schemes and our fantacys we should adapt well to our environment. i for the last few months have been ever more awair of our energy and how we conduct it in our selfs and through other people and the environment . i see in this the cures of light and love and in it to the draining hole for energy that some situations bring forth. we truly are evolving as a whole capable to becom self responcable and indipendent as a whole. so long as we remember who we are and hold a balance, we will become one with love. Namiste
plz. excuse my spelling 😛
Is that you Cam?? haha told ya you’d like it!
Well said. These are very difficult times we are living in.
I feel less alone reading your post and the comments. It is so difficult times, as wayne says. And everything is happening so fast like a tempest and maybe it is good, it is a good way for the change. I feel sometimes so desperate and alone and physically also I have strange moods. But yesterday I was so happy because when you are in this road the synchronicity is there to guide you. It is by synchornicity that I found you with the help of another person’s synchronicity. It is very magic.
Thanks for the good job you do.
hi alanna bean! 😛 ya good stuff i enjoy reading all this i don’t post much though all my posting energy goes in my book 🙂 maybe i should post my book on here? or parts of it… my pappers pehaps? could be an interesting interaction,
Well there is a forum!