Any scientist who publicly shares information that could challenge the belief systems of many will always come under public scrutiny and ridicule. But when you worked on space plasma technologies, nuclear fusion, and advanced space propulsion, and invented the Microwave Electro-Thermal plasma thruster using water propellant for space propulsion, people are probably going to take you seriously.
This is the case with Dr. John Brandenburg and, apart from what’s listed above, he has also worked for the Government with top-secret security clearances on various projects. He has worked on the Rocket Plume Regolith Interactions on the Moon and Mars, Vortex theory of Rocket engine design and the combined Sakharov-Kaluza-Klein theory of Field Unification for purposes of space propulsion and Mars science.
Brandenburg was also the Deputy Manager of the Clementine Mission to the Moon, which was part of a joint space project between the Ballistic Missile Defence Organization (BMDO) and NASA. The mission discovered water at the Moon’s poles in 1994. (Source: page 16 of 18)(source)(source)
He currently works as a consultant to Morningstar Applied Physics. Here is one of his latest research endeavours. Currently, Brandenburg works as a part time instructor of Astronomy, Physics and Mathematics at Madison College, and other learning institutions in Madison, Wisconsin.
He has quite the extensive background to say the least, and is now one of hundreds of people from the ‘inside’ with verified backgrounds and credentials to ‘blow the whistle’ on our world of secrecy. The fact that so many people are now stepping forward to speak allows one to listen, corroborate, and connect the dots between the testimony, as well as the verified information that’s already available in the mainstream.
It’s up to you to make your own conclusions from the information that’s available.
According To Brandenburg
“Mars presents the human race with a Darwinian intelligence test, and so-far, we are failing it. Scientists cannot connect the dots at Mars because the resulting picture is too terrifying to accept.” (source)
In the presentation below, Brandenburg provides evidence in support of an Earth-like Mars in the past, followed by a presentation of nuclear data revealing ‘weapon-signature’ isotopes showing two massive nuclear “airbursts” in the Northern regions of Mars.
It’s important to note that, at the same time Brandenburg was giving his presentation on evidence in support of an Earth-like Mars in the past, NASA held a press conference announcing that Mars was once a planet very much like Earth, with multiple giant oceans and greenery. In the conference, the scientists also announced that that Mars could still have flowing rivers of water on it, and that there was a good probability that life did indeed exist there in the past.
A quote from the conference:
“The more we observe Mars, the more information we’re getting that it really is a fascinating planet, from the Curiosity Rover we now know that Mars once was like a planet very much like Earth, with long salty seas, with fresh water lakes, probably with snow capped peaks and clouds and a water cycle just like we’re studying here on Earth … Something has happened to Mars, it lost its water.” – John Grunsfeld, five time space flown astronaut, Associate Administrator Head of NASA Science Mission Directive
So, just to make this clear, this is information that is well embedded into the mainstream scientific community as well. You can view that full conference below if interested.
[youtube id=”MRQ5B_ik2dU”]
In the conference they discuss how something happened to the planet, but state that they don’t know what, despite the fact that they probably do, as Brandenburg’s lecture would hint. He shows how “anybody who can read a map” can see that both of the nuclear explosion sites are correlated to dump their strongest shock-waves and fallout downwind on Cydonia mesa and Galaxias Chaos, two sites on Mars that have been surrounded in controversy as possible locations of ancient archeology.
In the lecture he provides evidence for a Bronze Age type of civilization consisting of millions of people, destroyed by a massive nuclear blast.
He paints a dark portrait of an entire planet beyond change and destroyed by a nuclear massacre, and that the US government has been aware of this evidence since 1976. According to Brandenburg, the civilization was not advanced enough to create such a nuclear reaction, and therefore the blast must have been initiated by another civilization.
That being said, civilizations of Earth’s past who have constructed faces and pyramids like that which are seen on Mars (more on that in the lecture), have been labelled as primitive to us, despite the fact that many scholars believe these to be extremely advanced civilizations, which they were, with technologies beyond our own so, who knows, maybe the civilization on Mars was not subjected to annihilation by another race, but rather themselves.
What’s even more fascinating is that the Pentagon gave him permission to publish his data and put it out into the mainstream, which he did so in a book he published about it. He also discusses why he was given permission to do so in his lecture.
This all paints a scenario of a planetary nuclear massacre, according to Brandenburg. He also points out that that the US government has been aware of this evidence since 1976. Brandenburg is quite certain that the government, and his/their research, points to annihilation by another intelligent force.
I’ll leave you with this quote from the end of his lecture, that clearly points to the fact he is not sharing all that he knows.
“Secrecy within government is an evil that’s sometimes necessary, but I think it’s a good thing that this cover-up on Mars is ending, and, hopefully at some point we can sit down and have a frank conversation not about what happened on Mars 250 million years ago but what is happening right now” (56:34)
[youtube id=”zd6xa5VivaE”]
Why Is This Important?
The biggest possible implication is to look inward at ourselves, and as one human race start taking the necessary steps to ‘repair’ the planet. Perhaps some type of realization like this could bring humanity closer together in some sort of way? Perhaps our species is at a critical point in its development, and ET contact plays some sort of role in that realization? Perhaps there are too many implications to contemplate.
One thing is for certain, and that’s the fact that the idea of intelligent civilizations have been visiting our planet, and have in the past, and that this is known, is really not that far fetched. Something is definitely going on.
I go more in-depth in an article I wrote earlier about the implications of ET contact, with more info about the UFO phenomenon. You can read that here.
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