We published an article last month of a Project Camelot interview with Dr. Norman Bergrun regarding what’s really happening in space. A mechanical engineer, Dr. Bergrun has worked for Ames Research Laboratory, NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics), and Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, now known as Lockheed Martin. He then went on to found Bergrun Engineering and Research.
Admittedly, testimony like this isn’t enough to prove his claims, but when several hundred, if not thousands of people like Dr. Bergrun — people who have obviously had access to extremely sensitive data — are coming forward with similarly extraordinary stories, it would be foolish to dismiss them out of hand just because it goes against what we believe.
And whistleblowers aside, there have been hundreds of thousands of pages of documents released pertaining to supposed UFO/extraterrestrial encounters.
While the previous article on Bergrun discussed UFOs within the rings of Saturn that are “proliferating,” this one will explore how NASA hides images from the public.
Below is a transcription of one part of the interview:
Kerry Cassidy: “Have you heard that NASA alters their footage, coming from the moon, etc?
Bergrun: “I know some of the things they do with it, yeah”
Kerry: “Okay, so even their footage is not always dependable right, although I guess it’s dependable to begin with, it’s just that they start altering it later?”
Norman: “I have been told by a very reliable source, he asked me, what camera did I get that image from on the moon, I said ‘Hasselblad,’ and he said, ‘That’s right.’ He says, ‘I thought we darkened that enough that you wouldn’t find it.’ “
Kerry: “So you were finding things they thought they covered up? Incredible.”
Norman: “Yeah, and this guy says, ‘Well I suppose you want me to go out and tell everybody about that?’ I said ‘No, I don’t want to embarrass you, that doesn’t make any difference to me, whatever you want to do is fine with me, I’m just saying I found what you saw.’ “
You can watch the full interview with Kerry and Norman below, it includes much more than what is presented in this article. I just decided to focus on a shorter part of the interview, taken from this segment of it.
[youtube id=”W1ZTDqDIMU8″]
Whatever Is Happening Up There on the Moon, It’s Probably Not What We’ve Been Told
Below is a great quote from United States Army Command Sergeant Major Bob Dean, who also served at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) of NATO as an intelligence analyst. He admits there is more footage that has been erased and hidden than we’ve been told about:
Ladies and gentlemen, my government, NASA, which many of us in the United States say stands for Never A Straight Answer, proceeded to erase 40 rolls of film of the Apollo Program — the flight to the Moon, the flight around the Moon, the landings on the Moon, the walking guys here and there. They erased, for Christ’s sake, 40 rolls of film of those events. Now we’re talking about several thousand individual frames that were taken that the so-called authorities determined that you did not have a right to see. Oh, they were ‘disruptive,’ ‘socially unacceptable,’ ‘politically unacceptable.’ I’ve become furious. I’m a retired Command Sergeant Major. I was never famous for having a lot of patience. (source)
Another great example of witness testimony comes from Donna Hare, who had a secret clearance while she was working for the NASA contractor Philco Ford. She is one of hundreds of insider witnesses with a verified background that have come forward as part of Dr. Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project in order to publicly testify about their experiences working within these sectors.
It was the job of her colleague to airbrush evidence of UFOs out of photographs before they were released to the public. She also heard from other Johnson Space Center employees that some astronauts had seen extraterrestrial craft and that when some of them wanted to speak out about this, they received various threats to ensure their silence.
[youtube id=”L1aUaHcdDgY”]
Another strange incident relating to moon photography happened when the Russian government called for an international investigation into the U.S. Moon landings, and for good reasons.
Vladimir Markin, a spokesman for Russia’s official government Investigative Committee, has argued that such an investigation could bring to light information that has been kept in the dark for a number of years with regards to these trips into outer space.
Markin and the Russian government are referring to the disappearance of film footage from the original moon landing in 1969. They are also referring to the (approximately) 400 kilograms of lunar rock that was obtained during multiple missions between 1969 and 1972.
“We are not contending that they did not fly [to the moon], and simply made a film about it. But all of these scientific — or perhaps cultural — artifacts are part of the legacy of humanity, and their disappearance without a trace is our common loss. An investigation will reveal what happened.”
– Vladimir Markin (source)
Dr. John Brandenburg, PhD, a plasma physicist and defence intelligence contractor, was involved in the Clementine Mission to the Moon, which was part of a joint space project between the Ballistic Missile Defence Organization (BMDO) and NASA. The mission discovered water at the Moon’s poles in 1994. He was the deputy manager of that mission. (Source: page 16 of 18)(source)(source)
In the documentary Aliens on the Moon, which you can find here or on Netflix, Brandenburg shared information about the mission.
He said, “It was (the Clementine Mission) a photo reconnaissance mission basically to check out if someone was building bases on the moon that we didn’t know about. Were they expanding them?”
He also went on to state that after the completion of the Clementine Mission, the photos were analyzed by an elite defence department team with the highest security clearance: “They basically kept to themselves and just did their work, and we were told not to interfere with them.”
The mission was designed to investigate and map all corners of the moon.
The CIA has also been involved in unusual research relating to the moon. Did you know that they, in conjunction with Stanford university, were involved in the scientific study of parapsychological phenomena that lasted more than two decades? Part of this program was examining the efficacy of ‘remote viewing,’ supposedly for intelligence gathering purposes. (source)
With participants remotely viewing geographical locations up to several hundred thousand kilometers from their actual physical location, the program was successful but mysteriously shut down after more than two decades of research.
In these experiments, multiple individuals were able to describe distinct objects that were located in a separate room, and at other remote physical locations.
One of the main participants in that program was Ingo Swann, who in his book Penetration said that there was strange activity on the Moon.
These are just a few examples of weird statements coming out of the defence community, and there is no shortage of them. Interesting to consider, yet troubling that, if these revelations are indeed real, nobody really knows about them.
Carl Sagan and Another NASA Cover-Up?
Apart from the Congressional hearings on this subject and the fairly recent citizens hearing that took place, along with the release of official documentation, there has been a surge in people believing that ETs are real because of the work of scholars like Dr. Brian O’Leary.
Brian was a close colleague of Carl Sagan, who recruited him to teach at Cornell University in the late 1960s, where he researched and lectured in the Department of Astronomy and Physics. After Cornell, he taught physics, astronomy, and science policy assessment at various academic institutions, including the University of California Berkeley, Hampshire College, and finally at Princeton University from 1976 to 1981. After this he went on to Washington, where he would become an advisor to various political leaders, presidential candidates, and the United States Congress.
Before all of this, Dr. O’Leary was a NASA astronaut and a member of the sixth group of astronauts selected by NASA in August of 1967. One year after that, as mentioned above, Sagan recruited him to teach at Cornell. O’Leary was also a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, as well as secretary of the American Geophysical Union’s Planetology Section. Furthermore, he was the team leader of the Asteroidal Resources Group for NASA’s Ames Summer Study on Space Settlements. He was a founding board member of the International Association for New Science as well as founding president of the New Energy Movement.
“Carl Sagan called me from Cornell and asked me to join the faculty. I accepted the offer and spent many years at Cornell in the astronomy department, planetary science department. And I became very creative in research then, but still within the bounds of western science, but in the planetary exploration program. That was for a period of about a decade.” (source)(source)
He had some interesting things to say during a live interview with Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot (view full live interview here, read transcript of video here). O’Leary and Sagan were close for a number of years, but had a little bit of a falling out when O’Leary decided to leave Cornell. In the interview, he remarked:
“It was… One very cold snowy day in May, I landed in Syracuse, and there was a horizontal blizzard — in May — and I said: That’s it for upstate New York. And Carl thought that was very frivolous. Because, of course, he was kind of an empire-builder kind of guy; and he also had a huge ego.”
After he left, O’Leary started to examine some of Carl’s work. He said that the famous “Face” in Cydonia on Mars — photographed by Viking in 1975, this enormous formation (about a mile across) resembled a human face and created a major buzz at the time — was tampered with by Sagan before being released to the public:
“It was very, very disappointing to me, because not only was Carl wrong, he also fudged data. He published a picture of the “Face” in Parade Magazine, a popular article, saying that the ‘Face’ was just a natural formation, but he doctored the picture to make it not look like a face.”
At this time, Sagan and O’Leary were arguably the world’s two leading experts on Mars, and they entered into many disagreements over that face. This rift was made clear in O’Leary’s 1998 publication, “Carl Sagan & I: On Opposite Sides of Mars.” It can be found in The Case for the Face: Scientists Examine the Evidence for Alien Artifacts on Mars, eds. Stanley V. McDaniel and Monica Rix Paxson. Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press.
In May of 1990, O’Leary released a paper titled “Analysis of Images of the Face on Mars and Possible Intelligent Origin” that only further demonstrated his skepticism. It was published in the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, Vol.43 No.5.
O’Leary also went on the record and stated:
I began to realize, just directly from the scientific point of view, not only hearsay, that this man was colluding with NASA, that there might be more to this than before. . . . Carl was on a committee with a number of notable people. There was a report issued by the Brookings Institution in 1961 — and that’s about when I knew Carl, during those years; the ’60s mostly was when I worked closely with him — that he and this other group said: Well, if any ETs ever showed up on the Earth, it has to be covered up. That’s the only way we’re going to be able to manage this, because if we can’t, then it would be too much of a culture shock.
Quite a shocking statement from someone of Brian’s stature, isn’t it? In the interview, he goes on to say that Carl and his colleagues recommended that the government cover up the UFO phenomenon, and that he believes this provided justification for the ongoing coverup.
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