In 1974, a broadcast (known as the “Arecibo” message) put together by Carl Sagan and colleagues was sent into space via radio waves at a special ceremony to celebrate the remodelling of the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico. It was the most powerful broadcast ever deliberately beamed out into space. Directed at a star cluster sitting approximately 25,000 light years away, it consisted of a pictorial message depicting our planet’s location in our solar system, the core principles of our math and science, and the NASA antenna used to transmit the signal in the hopes that it would be interpreted by an extraterrestrial intelligence. The message also included details about human beings, such as our physical appearance and DNA code. The signal was a million times stronger than the typical TV transmission. You can see the message in the cover photo (above).
27 years later, in 2001, the crop circle phenomenon gained some well-deserved attention when a pattern in the form of a response to the 1974 broadcast appeared right next to Britain’s largest telescope, the Chilbolton, and observatory, home to the world’s largest fully steerable meteorological radar. It’s one of the most amazing crop circles to ever appear, regardless of whether you believe it was done by human beings or an extraterrestrial intelligence
Above is a picture of what seems to be the response to the message sent out in 1974 by NASA (see cover photo). The message describes a different solar system, an image of the sender (just like on the original NASA message), non-human DNA, and a microwave antenna instead of the radio-wave antenna that was depicted in ours.
A simple Google search would suffice if you want to see more pictures. It was written off as a hoax, like most crop circles are within the mainstream.
The face you see there appeared three days before the rectangular image. The face represented a new technique in crop circle generation, a screen technique that is also used for printing a face on a piece of paper.
What’s also interesting to note is the fact that the microwave antenna signal in this crop circle also appeared a year earlier in the exact same field. You can view an image of that one here.
The Arecibo message sent out into space was in binary, and I thought it would be fitting to source a declassified NSA (National Security Agency) document titled “Key To The Extraterrestrial Messages.” This document reveals that they received a series of 29 messages from outer space that also appear to be in some binary form. The title of the document alone is quite shocking given the fact that it comes straight from the NSA.
Some Things You Might Not Know About Crop Circles
Not many people are aware of the fact that crop circles happen all over the world and there have been reports of them for decades. Some of their designs are so complex and elaborate that they’ve completely baffled onlookers, researchers, and scientists alike. Not only that, many of the designs are often electrostatically charged, usually with the nodes of some of the plant stalks blasted out on one side. Some of them are also littered with strange magnetic particles. This effect has been replicated by highly localized microwave heating, which causes water inside the plants to vaporize and dislodge, thus flopping the stock completely over to one side.
This fact has led some physicists to publish work on the phenomenon, concluding that the perpetrators (who have never been caught in the act of making a crop circle, anywhere) are using GPS devices, lasers, and microwaves to create these astonishing geometric forms. (source)
According to Richard Taylor, director of the Materials Science Institute at the University of Oregon: “Crop circle artists are not going to give up their secrets easily. This summer, unknown artists will venture into the countryside close to your homes and carry out their craft, safe in the knowledge that they are continuing the legacy of the most science-oriented art movement in history.” (source)
Other physicists, like Dr. Terence Meadon, have explained that the light energy involved is a result of atmospheric phenomena.
So, if the circle makers are indeed human, we are looking at an extremely advanced/artistic group of people with a tremendous amount of resources at their disposal.
What are your thoughts on the crop circle phenomenon? Feel free to share in the comment section below.
Related CE Article:
Massive 800 Foot Crop Circle Is Actually Real – Who Could Do Something Like This?
Crop circles are real and are created by real people.
Indeed they are real, nobody can really deny that. If it is people, some of the more elaborate and precise ones are being done by people with a tremendous amount of technology and resources.
There are many people with a tremendous amount of technology and resources. I’m not saying none of these designs have been made by extra-terrestrials, but we’ve had plenty of bored rich people do things on this planet that no one could explain until we were one day able. My thought is this: if the cluster was 25,000 lightyears away (which is who knows how long in microwave years), why did it take only 21 years for them to both receive our message and fire one back at us? Was this message intercepted at a much closer distance? Let’s assume for a moment that all of these crop circles have been made by extra-terrestrials, and that they’re really using this impressive amount of space-tech to deliver stunning messages to our crop fields, why not after decades (or even centuries, depending on how long they’ve been watching) of this planet being driven into chaos by failing politics and global systems would they not think to upgrade their attempts of delivering these messages to a more sophisticated scale? Obviously they are not lacking technology or interest in our comings and goings. I highly doubt we would be the first species to have the news broken to them that they are not alone; there has to be a way to deliver that message without creating an apocalypse of sorts. Essentially, I’m waiting for a more substantiated argument than “But the crops!”
Microwaves, like all other forms of electromagnetic radiation including x-rays, visible light, etc travel at the speed of light. So to reach the targeted cluster it would take 25,000 years to get there and another 25,000 years for the reply to get back. It’s possible they were intercepted by a craft within about 15 light years from here, though I’m not saying that is at all likely. Possible though.
“Microwaves, like all other forms of electromagnetic radiation including x-rays, visible light, etc travel at the speed of light.”
Fair enough assumption, except that neither radio waves, microwaves NOR x-rays are made of “visible light” (which is how the speed of light is measured in the first place), so their own respective measurements aren’t at all accurate by typical light-speed measurement standards.
Regardless, the term “light-years” is not meant to measure time, but distance. By that logic, one light-year is the DISTANCE that visible light travels over the span of one Earth-year (Keep in mind that “light-speed” is roughly 186K miles per SECOND, as that will be become very important shortly). The article mentions a time-frame of 21 years between sending the Arecibo signal and receipt of a response, which would then mean that the signal was received after traveling for roughly 10.5 Earth-years. Stay with me, here, ’cause your numbers are WAY off…
After a bit of math (again based on the figures associated with “visible” light), just the distance of ONE light-year works out to *roughly* 5.88 TRILLION miles. Now let’s multiply THAT by another 10.5… and we come up at around 61.75 trillion… that’s in only ONE direction, and that’s ONLY if old-school radio waves could be transmitted at anything CLOSE to light-speed! Now try wrapping your head around those numbers based on the knowledge that even UHF radio doesn’t even come close to the standard frequency range of even “visible” light, let alone UV light…
EnKrypted really doesn’t know that all EMR is the same ‘stuff’, differing in wavelength, and travelling at the same speed??????
Forgive me for not knowing specifics and I don’t think it nearly accounts for the gap between 21 years and 50,000 years but I remember learning about the amount of years experienced hear on earth in contrast to the amount of years experienced traveling through space at the speed of light. Would that have anything to do with why the message was transmitted and responded to so promptly?
I said this earlier, “Why are they assuming that this is in response to a message sent 21 years ago?”
Great…..what a shot..
I do know that a large enough number of all of us around the globe must want to get to know our ET friends (there are very negative ETs so it is up to others to decide if they want to know them, too) before the benevolent ETs would ever consider making themselves visible to us and just pay us a visit. I really have had the privilege of seeing about three different kinds of space crafts–one gorgeous saucer not very long ago just to the right of the deck where I was sitting–and believe it is only because I was open to such a viewing is the only reason “they” knew it was ok for me to see their ship. Frankly, I believe they are far more advanced than we are and would be willing to teach us a lot of things if we were open to learning from them. I have read we are hybridized from the good guys anyway, that our history has been severely altered to protect the patriarchs who wished to maintain dominion over our lives, but all that must be learned firsthand to be believed. I have a hunch we are in for some big surprises in the not too far away future. I really believe this. We need to know the whole truth and nothing but the truth for a change. At least I think so. Ok, thanks for allowing me to share. It would be ok with me if a crop circle appeared in this back yard.
Perhaps because we are not capable of understanding in any other way.
Yes. The highly technological wooden board with a loop of string attached.
Please explain how someone with a “wooden board and a loop of string” created the screened image seen above, and how such a sophomoric act might have left plant life “electrostatically charged, usually with the nodes of some of the plant stalks blasted out on one side” and “littered with strange magnetic particles.” After you do that, take a refresher basic science course and report back with a more intelligent response.
Your not paying attention…move along or contribute something of value.
why comment if you’re not going to read the article? I mean really…
Really? Tremendous amount of technology? Like some people walking around in a field?
No…again, as stated in the article…many of the designs are often electrostatically charged, usually with the nodes of some of the plant stalks blasted out on one side. Some of them are also littered with strange magnetic particles. This effect has been replicated by highly localized microwave heating, which causes water inside the plants to vaporize and dislodge, thus flopping the stock completely over to one side.
This fact has had some physicists publish work on the phenomenon, concluding that the perpetrators (who have never been caught in the act of making a crop circle, anywhere) are using GPS devices, lasers, and microwaves to create these astonishing geometric forms (works of art).
A rusty barrel filled with sand would do that. They are used to level putting greens.
Please explain in detail the equipment that humans would need to replicate the evidence found. Tell of its availability and cost. Add other details to make it understandable. Without facts thinking is limited.
LOL – “strange magnetic particles.” I see why you don’t mention what university you went to.
I agree absolutely!
Sure. Real people live off-planet, too, so no doubt this is true and are probably way ahead of us with their form of email, selfies, messaging, and binary coded language(s). Considering all things, probably, I’m thinking.
Science cannot explain crop circles. The elongation of the stems and rupture point indicate electromagnetic heat and many eyewitness accounts report glowing orbs in the process of creating the circles. The circles are not a reflection of the flight pattern of the orbs but are imprinted by the orbs as they hover above the field.
People who actually Do the citation verifications and check facts mostly grow so tired of the denial magpies who have the IQ power of a good hot dog eating beer drinking sports fan and should most of them have their internet memberships revoked for lack of useful purpose. THIS large group of vocal idiots is actually why the aliens won’t talk to us. True.
The aliens sent us a fuggin selfie.
I love it.i
Friggin A!
Live long & prosper little “moonman”
There are records of crop circles dating back 100s of years. Back then some said they were made by the Devil’s wind. With the number of circles found worldwide, it is unlikely that there is a conspiracy of some group to fake all these. While some are faked by people, I believe that the majority are not man made.
You may not be able to fool all of the people all of the time, but you can fool some of the people some of the time. There are still too many questions that need to be answered to make any definitive answer on this subject.
devils wind because demons make these…they’re are no aliens, just demons posing as aliens
Incorrect – they’re are people posing as actors posing as as conspiracy theorists posing as demons posing as aliens posing as people who are actually doing this.
They want us to believe that there people in they’re somewhere.
In other worlds, their light ears away.
You’re just begging for a grammar-nazi to show up, aren’t you?
THE Devil’s wind is a vile thing but probably not as bad than Gramma Nazi’s.
Insofar as I know the Devil, doesn’t ate sauerkraut, but not is first choice.
I agree hahaha. You can interpret what’s being said, but the grammar is still really rather bad. The article is, however, really rather good. Very interesting.
Is anyone going to send back a message received and thank you reply?
v Seen 10:54
Crop circles are a very complex phenomenon. Looking at the catalog of patterns made with their complexity and some with massive size I have a hard time believing that a group of people can do this in a matter of hours with nobody ever seeing them. And if they can they should get more attention as they are very impressive pieces of art if you want to call them that. I just don’t see them pulling things like this off with boards and planks. And if it’s a higher man made technology doing all this there is an amazing story to tell there also. Either way this subject needs more investigation and explanation.
Then you have people like Robbert van den Broeke, a fellow in Europe who has visions of crop circles being made in his head and then he goes to find them. He will draw his vision and the crop circle is usually similar to what he has drawn. He is an interesting story. Strange times to those paying attention. Occam’s razor: Which is more believable, watching time lapse video of people actually doing it, or that a hyper intelligent race from light years away is communicating with us but pushing down food sources into designs and patterns.
That simple design is definitely believable to be done by humans as the video shows. And I feel, like much info regarding this subject, has been purposely added to cause confusion and make people question all of them. There are also differences in how the crops are laid down. Boards and planks break the stems so they lay flat where as the more intricate and authentic circles have odd nodes develop in the stems by microwaves that make them bend without breaking which can’t be discounted. These circles also display unusually high electromagnetic readings.
I’d like to see these plankers make the Chibolton, UK circle from 2002 which shows an alien being along with a binary message. Decoded it was determined to say, “Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts and their BROKEN promises. Much PAIN but still time. (Damaged word). There is GOOD out there. We OPPOSE DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING. (Bell sound).”
One hoaxed video does not explain them all.
I still find it interesting – bummer the NSA didn’t translate all those codes for us. Can someone do it and get back to me? Just asking. Our interplanetary neighbors look just like us? Makes me feel a little more comfortable. Or maybe that’s why they did it? Just saying. Anything is possible.
its strange how they got a response from a place 25000 light years away, yet only within 27 years
It was stated that the original Sagan message was beamed in that direction. No one stated they knew where the response came from.
“when a pattern in the form of a response to the 1974 broadcast appeared”
I wonder why they concluded there was any connection, more like wishful thinking. What’s there to say it was a “response” to anything WE did. (BYW it was only 21 years later.) I also wonder why they picked a star 25K light years away to message with a signal that travels at light speed. It seems like that would be a pointless endeavor.
Could have been picked up closer to the earth.. just because that was the target distance doesnt mean it would have to travel that far to be received 😉
27 years is a very long time in terms of light years. When you consider that light travels at 186,282 miles per second I’m surprised that the message didn’t arrive back sooner – do the math!
Do you understand what a light year is
Hahahahahaha thankyou Ross. Hahahaha “do the math” haha! Dear wannabe science nerd, 1 lightyear is the distance light travels in 1 year. It’s a distance. Like a mile. So 25.000 lightyears away from us? We need to wait a minimum of 25.000 years for any of our information to reach there. So if our signal truly is received within 21 years (or less considering their reply) it MUST have been intercepted. And I guess by little ufo’s about 25.000 lightyears away from home, circling our planet from a fair distance.. some of the time. Or maybe not that far at all, I mean, they look like us right? So are they out there? Or in here? Crop circles are potential hoax, better hope the Men in Black are not! 😉
[ Smiles ] Crop circles are quite controversial; some people think they are real, while others think that they are fakes that were created to gather attention.
In my case, I am open-minded about the crop circle phenomenon.
Wow. Amazing….
are there ANY crop circles which have appeared in unforrowed fields??
So it only took 27 years to get a response. That would suggest that who ever replied is roughly 13.5 light years away from us. Have we tried sending another message? Maybe to procure universal information?
Or they have such an evolved technology that they could create signals that travel faster than the speed of light.
i like your way of thinking Spayd! Awesome
I take issue with statements such as “the perpetrators (who have never been caught in the act of making a crop circle, anywhere)”, when a simple search turns up examples of people making them and showing how they do it. This does not help the cause for belief and explanation. It adds credence to the claims of skeptics that they are ALL hoaxes, and places doubts in the minds of people who would otherwise be open to the concept that some are legitimate.
Why wouldn’t they be from aliens ? It’s a known fact that aliens have been visiting us for many many many years. Their has been many sightings, abductions, communications, pictures, etc. The subject of aliens and UFO’s, with all the data, world wide, can no longer be dismissed. The cat is out of the bag. Their will be much more info about UFO’s and alien contact in the very near future. It’s is on-going. People can keep their head in the sand and deny their existence all they please. But you might as well get use to it. There here and their making themselves known. 🙂
Aliens are what I would consider to be the plausible explanation for the crop circles that are not man made. But, the scientific community as well as the majority of the public requires physical “proof” before this will be accepted. We are all entitled to believe what we will. However, at this time all explanations are only best guesses.
About a yr ago I was at the crop circle connector site. I came across a picture and instantly thought…I know what this is. Instantly a thought popped into my mind….dots…stretched dots…Wayne Dyer talked about dits and dots as Morse code……this picture is Morse code…..15 seconds….tops, for this to take place. I scrolled down….It said…”No more war”….in Morse code….I have also read that there are “Starseeds,Starchildren,Walk-ins and others that have choosen to come here to help mankind raise their vibrations….these crop circles are messages…for them.
It was Bigfoot that made the crop circle.
Given the delay between our biary transmission and the crop modification reply, is there any corolation; time related, between messages over the past millenia and real events in history since the messages?
Hoax until proven otherwise. The word here is proof, not speculation.
Lol you’re sdraw kcab. Innocent until proven guilty. Stop being simple minded and consider the following…
What about real until proven hoax? The fact is, there is more evidence suggesting that something very strange is happening here than there is suggesting that this is a mere hoax…
We are HERE on what is called earth . What ??….. in the mind would make anyone think so … minded ? ! !with all the other planet’s and much more advanced happenings and advancements, do we as humans think we are that DANG special! No current know F2f
until we ollectively as a planet reach higher vibrations through less stress, mediation, eating healthy and living free. rop ircles will be piees of art done by E.TS. Practice daily taking care of your mind and body and the planet and share it with others. We have large amounts of time so no need to rush realx and enjoy the ride
There is no way all of those insanely huge and complex patterns were made my men with planks in the field, in just one night, without EVER EVER been caught in the act… EVER! And all that in just hours, under cover of darkness.. That just does not make any logical sense. I’ve read how many of the crop circles have been found to have higher radiation than the backround radiation, magnetism and other strange and out of place fenomenon. Not to mention that the ones deemed “real” had the crop not just flattened but intricately criss-crossed or woven. Now who the hell goes in to a field and creates such an elaborate hoax? Not to mention that some of these patterns, like the response to ARECIBO message, was put down straight up a rock throw distance from a major telescope. Does it make sense, that an ultimately expensive piece of technology is not guarded and surveilanced by some means and absolutely NO ONE happened to spot somebody cracking about on the field right next to them?? To believe that is not just dumb, it’s plain ridiculous!
I think the crop circles are the real deal (except the known fake ones) as in made by some other means or entities, not of human origins. I have a feeling there are plenty of proof of these things happening / being made. It’s just classified stuff not shown to public. Remember, they do not want to disclose this stuff!
Exactly !!! 🙂
There is another theory about crop circles: They are created by humans because it’s been observed that recently formatted crop circles attract strange balls of light, which run through the patterns like scanning them. There are many videos about this phenomenon, here is one:
Lo importante no es quien los hizo, sino el mensaje que dejan.
Revolución sin más
Interesting. Has any-one tried to create a 3 or 4 d object of a design from a crop circle ? A civilization should not be too keen on giving away its location and DNA to anything, this could be used against them. We are always trying to conquer on this planet, how long do you think it will be before some prick will try to take over the alien world that replied? They have next generation technology, thus indicating more universal experience. planetary takeovers seems more logical than rebuilding a new one . . .
With all the billions of planets we know to exist, are ETs so hard to believe? If you had been born a fish in a pond capable of complex thought, and you jumped high above the water and saw billions of ponds, would you still believe your pond was the only one with life? Why? Because, you cant travel to the other ponds? Or is it you and your pond are just special?
Crop circles are real, made by real people with real knowledge, suppressed from the masses! The symbolism shown in loads of the crop circles, are the best of the best from higher human learning and knowledge, only understandable by the few who know this occult (hidden) science! The crop circle symbols are obvious made by someone who consider themselves as “illuminated”, and the symbols reveal them, because there are no symbols out of this occult category, who can not be decoded by humans.
Please, don’t come up with the story about artists walking around at midnight with primitive tools, this is to complex 😉
Should be interesting when they recreate the DNA and it ends up taking over. I think I saw that in a movie.
Maybe it is the same signal reflected back at us but distorted like the game telephone
Don’t assume that all UFOs have to travel many light years to arrive here. One of the suggested possibilities for some UFOs has them not being extraterrestrial, per se. If reality is multidimensional, there is the possibility of some UFOs being from parallel timelines in which life on Earth developed differently. This would involve a type of travel not in light years, but a travel sideways in time. Our understanding of the nature of reality is changing as it has many times in the past. We are not yet close to having a clue as to how things really work.
EnKrypted, The different frequencies of light (EMR) does not alter its speed. According to special relativity, c is the maximum speed at which ALL matter and information in the universe can travel. It is the speed at which ALL massless particles and changes of the associated fields (including electromagnetic radiation such as light and gravitational waves) travel in vacuum. Radio waves, X-Rays, UV, Infrared, visible etc. are all EMR, just different frequencies of it.
It is indeed very surprising why any of the serious space scientists out there in NASA, ESA and in Russia are not making any attempts to explain these crop circles. The team at SETI is also silent. If it is really a prank by a highly technocrat and wealthy individual or an organization, then it is time someone took up the challenge and create a similar crop circle explaining how it can be done, something like we have criminal hackers and ethical hackers, who both know each others tricks.
All electromagnetic radiations travel at the speed of light, though we keep referring to light, due to the history behind its discovery.
Would ‘Gravitational lensing’ be responsible to deflect the earth’s signal and be received by someone not intended to ?
I don’t believe there is anything close enough to cause a gravitational lensing effect.
I still do not understand why this is assumed to be a response to that earlier signal.
Isn’t it possible there is no connection between the two events?
Because one of the patterns of the crop circle formed eerily resembles the one that was transmitted, especially the DNA code thing.
Crop circles happen all the time, so those making them are here already. Why assume that it was someone 10.5 light years away that responded immediately at light speed? If it was a response to a message from 21 years ago, why wait so long?
Crop circles are man made. I know a few of the circlemakers and how they do it, it’s not rocket science or advanced technology, and sure as hell not aliens.
The earliest recorded crop circle was in 1647 AD. With over 10,000 crop circles being made in over 80 countries on 6 continents, somebody has a lot of time and money to waste on practical jokes.
Do you really think these were all man made?
people have tried to make the same thing but. nothing was like the originals. So they say who knows.
There is nothing mysterious or significant about crop circles. Expect for the odd occasion when a farmer did it to his own crop, the circles are nothing more than vandalism.
I just find it odd that crop circles number in the many thousands and on six continents, with the oldest reported ones being back in the 1500’s. Isn’t this a little odd that people would go through all this time, effort and expense just to play practical jokes?