The clip below comes from Planetary Collective, a group of filmmakers, visual media creatives, and thinkers who work with cosmologists, ecologists, and philosophers to explore some of the big questions facing our planet today.
It’s the trailor to their most recent film titled “Planetary,” that was released on April 22, 2015 (Earth day). You can find out how to access it through their website in the link above. You can also see an exclusive look at hte first 8 minutes of the film below the trailor.
The message I was trying to get across in the title is the fact that that WE – humans, society in general – are dictating in what direction our planet is headed, and what type of experience the human collective is having right now. We think we are powerless to create change, but that is not true. We created this mess and we can get ourselves of it, but it’s up to us how and when that happens. It’s our choice, and as one human race we are facing multiple issues that drastically need our attention right now. There IS something we can do about it and there are multiple solutions to all the problems we currently face, so ask yourself: Why have we not implemented them? Why have major organizations charged with the care of out planet, like the United Nations, not emphasized and executed these solutions?
If we continue to look towards organizations that are politically based and therefore still harbour a great deal of corruption within them, we will never change our world. It’s time to stop looking to them and instead look to ourselves for solutions. I don’t know exactly how, but I know doing nothing about it is not the answer.
Working in this field for approximately five years now, and having been interested in it for most of my life, I am amazed at the progress we have made so far. At the same time, I am also very aware of the fact that now is the time to take drastic measures to change our world.
All the quotes below are from the film.
“Not only do we have an ecological crisis, we also have a story crisis. That is to say, there’s something very wrong about the way we understand who we are, and our relationship with the Earth.”
“We’re at the point in time now where we need to take radical leaps in order to be able to continue to live on this planet. We have to think about it in a much broader, grander fashion.”
“We are part of a process that includes all beings, and is one hundred million galaxies wide.”
[youtube id=”Q6X_VFOGwas”]
Here Is An Exclusive Look At The First 8 Minutes Of The Film
[vimeo id=”125594066″]
We also posted another clip made by the same group in this article:
Strange Things Are Happening To Astronauts Who Are Returning To Space.
Don’t trust this cosmologists etc the Earth is Flat NOT round NOT spinning 1500 miles around its axis, fully capable of rejuvenating herself. If anyone gets alienated its humans, Earth no harm done.
How do you know the earth is flat .?
In a sense you may be right but that’s besides the point. I think the point being made here is that we are planetary. Who cares if the Earth is flat or round or rejuvenates when we aren’t able to live and love ourselves and each other on it.
Earth is a perfect sphere not round and it rotates on its owns axis 24.5 hours its also revolves around the sun for about 365 days and the sun revolves on its own axis for about 28 days and around the central sun or the galaxy in about 28,000 years and earth reverse its polarity every 26, 600 years but it takes 1000 years to complete the reversal
Does it matter whether it is flat or not? Its the message not the specific details of a holographic image the matter