Thousands upon thousands of UFO sightings are so perplexing that they are reported every year to authorities around the world. There are so many reports and sighting occurring today that it’s become impossible for anybody to really deny that something is going on in our skies. To put it in the words of Bigelow Aerospace Director of Operations, Mike Gold, with regards to government agencies taking UFO reports:
“I am glad someone is taking them, because these are important issues that deserve serious attention.” (source)
Indeed they are serious. As pointed out in many of my previous posts, UFOs are commonly tracked on radar and at the same time visually confirmed by military pilots and more. To learn more about what happens when a UFO is tracked on military radar, you can click here.
Despite this fact, Councillor to Barack Obama was still unable to secure the disclosure of UFO-related documents. He said it was one of his biggest regrets of the 2014 year; you can read more about that story here.
“I’m skeptical about many things, including the notion that government always knows best, and that the people can’t be trusted with the truth. The time to pull the curtain back on this subject is long overdue. We have statements from the most credible sources – those in a position to know – about a fascinating phenomenon, the nature of which is yet to be determined.” – John Podesta (taken from Leslie Kean’s 2010 New York Times bestseller, “UFOs: Generals, Pilots, And Government Officials Go On The Record,” for which Podesta wrote the forward)
One great example of strange objects that are commonly seen in the sky comes from the Yukon, a province in Canada situated on the Northwest side of the country. It’s a remote area, nowhere near any major cities or populated areas. This reported sighting happened on December 11th, 1996 near a place called Fox Lake. It’s extrememly cold in this part of the country at this time of year – it’s not far from Alaska – and again, it is hundreds of miles from any major city or heavily populated public area.
What Was Seen And Who Saw It?
According to more than 20 witnesses, a very large aerial object with very bright lights hovered near the lake (Fox Lake) between 8pm and 9pm.
The picture you see as the cover for this article was done by Canadian engineer Martin Jasek, who wrote a detailed account of the event after he investigated it for himself.
“Two of the witnesses were cousins, driving in separate vehicles. Each saw it over the lake, slammed on their brakes, and got out of their vehicles. They watched the huge object as it slowly drifted towards one of them and was soon almost directly overhead. It then moved slowly across the highway and over a hill to the east, whereupon it was lost to view.” (1)
“While the two cousins were observing this object, a married couple with their baby were a bit farther to the south along the same highway, driving toward them. They too saw the object. By the time they caught up with the cousins and pulled over, the object had moved off. The married couple continued driving until they arrived at a lodge farther ahead. There, they told the owner abougt what they had seen. He promptly recounted a sighting from an earlier witness, who had gotten very close to this object. (1)
“At the nearby village of Pelly Crossing, other people described the same object. In one case it seemed to respond to a man’s flashlight by accelerating towards him. When he turned off his flashlight, the object stopped. By then it had gotten quite close to him, filling much of the sky. It also emitted several beams of light, including one that swooped along the ground. They ran ran across a clearing, perhaps to get to a better view. When he turned to look for the object, it was gone.” (1)
Just imagine seeing something like this. How remarkable would that be? I myself have had a number of fairly remarkable UFO encounters, even with a few members here at Colletive-Evolution. As a result of all of the evidence supporting the phenomena, along with my own experiences, I have been fascinated with this subject for a very long time.
This case has been investigated by many, and most of the interviews with the witnesses are available online. Here is a video that has a few of them describing their experience in person, but again, more are available online.
This is one out of many extraordinary sightings that has occured around the world, and judging by ancient artwork and history, it seems to have been happening for a very long time. One example would be, for example, the aboriginal community in Canada. Their stories have not been passed down through documentation, but through an oral storytelling tradition. These stories often speak of spiritual beings from another world.
“My people tell of Star People who came to us many generations ago. The Star people brought spiritual teachings and stories and maps of the cosmos and they offered these freely. They were kind, loving, and set a great example. When they left us, my people say there was a loneliness like no other.” – Richard Wagamese, Ojibway Author (source)
If you put all of these teachings and stories from multiple cultures around the world together with the evidence that is available today, things start to seem quite strange – and very real.
This particular case included various drawings and detailed interviews with many of the people who witnessed the object.
A Serious Issue That Deserves Serious Attention.
For years, UFOs have received “serious attention” (as Mike Gold puts it) from government/military agencies and more, but it’s only now, thanks to the declassification of files, that people have been allowed to see the truth – that yes, something important is going on here, and has been for a long time.
Documents released by the National Security Agency (NSA) reveal what is recorded when a UFO is being tracked on radar. HERE is one example. HERE is a four page U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency and NSA report describing a particular encounter in great detail;
“As the F-4 approached a range of 25 nautical miles it lost all instrumentation and communications. When the F-4 turned away from the object and apparently was no longer a threat to it, the aircraft regained all instrumentation and communications. Another brightly lighted object came out of the original object. The second object headed straight toward the F4. ”
“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time.” (source) (source) – Apollo 14 Astronaut, Air Force Captain and Founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Dr. Edgar Mitchell
“Today we cannot produce machines that fly the same as UFOs do. They are flying by means of artificial fields of gravity. (I’d like to mention that there is a video of Dr. Brian O’leary, NASA astronaut and Princeton physics professor alluding to this same idea, you can view it here) We cannot take credit for our record advancement in certain scientific fields alone, we have been helped by people from other worlds.” – 1954, Professor Herman Oberth, NASA Space Scientist, one of the founding fathers of rocketry and aeronautics. (source)
If you want more proof, look no further than the highly publicized case of the “Phoenix Lights” – you can read more about that here – or the incident in Ruwa, Zimbabwe where more than 60 school children witnessed something spectacular. You can read more about that here. Again, we also have thousands upon thousands of declassified documents released pertaning to this phenomenon, as well as some remarkable statements by “people in high places.” You can view those here. That should leave little doubt in readers’ minds as to the reality and seriousness of this issue – one that has been ignored and ridiculed for decades. But that all seems to be changing, and it’s important for several reasons, from a curiousity standpoint, to a scientific/philosophical/technological standpoint and more.
For our most recent articles regading the UFO/Extraterrestrial topic, you can click here.
Dolan, Richard. UFOs For the 21st Century Mind: New York: Richard Dolan Press, 2014 (1)
I wish I could go learn from them…
After making sure you can understand online what ‘magrav’ plasma energy is, you can go back to formalized learning for 3 yrs at the world’s first ‘Star fleet Academy’! Hahah!
All the Keshe Foundation patents have been gifted to humanity to learn & build our own in our own shops & garages.
No matter what, in 20 yrs you & we all will have built a whole new way of life!!
and no1 took a single picture with their smartphones ?
yea, in 1996 they should have taken out there Iphone and snapped a pick. They were probably distracted with said object and in instagram post…
First camera phones available were not until 2000 (only in Japan), and iphones not until 2007.
Probably why they didn’t use them. This report is from 1996.
excellent point krzysztof!
Isn’t it a little too convenient that now when we do have smart phones there are no more incidents like these?
I don’t think it would have mattered at all. Even if a perfect picture is taken, people will just rationalize it away by saying it was photoshopped. If you want to see a real Grey alien:
Go to 31:43 minutes.
Yeah, because it’s always the logical choice to believe in something before you have the evidence for it!
Interesting video.Could be real.
And isn’t it a lot more likely that these incidents were just Federal Operations (under cover perhaps) instead of aliens?
[ Smiles ] Those Canadians are so lucky to witness a UFO phenomenon.
I am yet to see one of those!
Quote from the article: “…There is the notion that government always knows best, and that the people can’t be trusted with the truth…” – Well to think like this is fundamentally ignoring that democracy means that the people are the sovereign who vote and chose the political goals. How can one now conceive to keep the sovereign blind? This is giving authority to anyone who is thought to be capable of dealing reasonably and who has the power to conceal truth for his personal use only.
My brother and I actually saw two objects flying. Which seemed to be bright stars and slightly flashing…they was some distance in between them and all of a sudden they just vanished. We saw this for about a minute. They were definitely too high up to be air crafts and no two air crafts would be flying together.
In the nineties in nederland i woke wth light flooding in the room i thought it was the moon
Then was startled to see 2 flying crafts in the sky circular with white red and blue lights i rushed downstairs to wake two
friends ine took of at an icredible speed
We watched the remaining craft for a while then a whole fleet of high tech army helicopters arrived in state of,tech art helicopters. They hovered then followed the craft when it took off many other people seen them and like us telephoned
The police the newspaper the radio station
The army denied sending a fleet of helicopters and everything was hush husg
When something. Like this happens you are mesmerised
Interesting! Back in 2000, I was talking with Jacques Vallee, internationally famous astrophysicist and UFO investigator. He believes that many of these UFO sightings are really the govt but that a small percentage can’t be explained and may well be UFOs. I believe he’s written about this in one of his books as well.
I had a dream about these ships last year.
Out of 20 people nobody had a celly to take a picture?
I live in the Yukon, and cell phones didn’t exist to us then. We are very far behind in technology here and still are. 3G only came to us two years ago. It was due to the high demand for reality shows uploading to England who are producing the episodes via cell.
Most natives don’t own cells, the have no reason to own one, especially for that Instagram business.
Get geographically educated!