As science has steadily undermined the long-held beliefs of religion, almost all that remains for people of faith is to say that God is and will forever be a mystery. Insofar as Einstein was religious, he possessed a feeling of awe and wonder at the mystery of the universe. But science hasn’t stopped chipping away at mystery, promising to reduce spiritual experience to measurable brain activity. It’s doubtful that belief in God, the soul, heaven and hell, and other tenets of faith will be drastically affected – polls continue to show that these things remain articles of belief for around 80-90% of responders.
Will neuroscience eventually be able to locate God in our neurons, and if so, should that tiny area of the brain be excised or boosted? No doubt there are arguments on both sides, depending on whether you hold that God has been good for the human race in the long run or bad. Setting aside such judgments, it turns out that the possibility of finding God in the brain creates a baffling mystery that neither religion nor science can tackle alone.
Now that advanced brain scanning can map the way our brains light up with each thought, word, or action, it’s clear that no experience escapes the brain. For a mystic to see God or feel his presence, for St. Paul to be suddenly converted on the road to Damascus, or for St. Teresa of Avila to have her heart pierced by an angelic arrow, such experiences would have to register in their brains. However, this indisputable fact (so far as present knowledge extends) doesn’t give science the advantage over religion. For it turns out that the brain has definite limitations on what it can experience.
The work of the late Polish-American mathematician Alfred Korzybski (1879-1950) is relevant here, because Korzybski worked out the layered processing that goes into the way we perceive everyday reality. Billions of bits of data bombard our sense organs, of which only a fraction enter the nervous system. Of that fraction, more of the raw input is filtered out by the brain, which uses built-in models of reality to discard what doesn’t fit. When people say “You’re not hearing me” or “You only see what you want to see,” they are expressing a truth that Korzybski tried to quantify mathematically.
Sometimes the things a person doesn’t see are simply outside the range of human experience, like our inability to see ultraviolet light. But a great deal more depends on expectations, memories, biases, fears, and simple close-mindedness. If you go to a party, and someone tells you that you are about to meet a Nobel Prize winner, you will see a different person than if you are told he is a reformed Mafia hit man. When all the filtering and processing is complete, there is no doubt that the brain doesn’t actually experience reality but only a confirmation of its model of reality.
Two interesting points follow:
- All models are equal as viewed from the level of the brain.
- Reality transcends any model we can possibly make of it.
These two points allow God, the soul, and all other spiritual experiences back into the picture. The first point demolishes the notion that science is superior to religion because it gathers facts while religion deals in beliefs. In truth, science filters out and discards a huge portion of human experience – almost everything one would classify as subjective – so its model is just as selective, if not more so, than religion’s. As far as the brain is concerned, neural filtering is taking place in all models, whether they are scientific, spiritual, artistic, or psychotic. The brain is a processor of inputs, not a mirror to realty.
The second point is even more telling. If our brains are constantly filtering every experience, there is no way anyone can claim to know what is “really” real. You can’t step outside your brain to fathom what lies beyond it. Just as there is a horizon for the farthest objects that emit light in the cosmos, and a farthest horizon for how far back in time astronomy can probe, there is a farthest horizon for thinking. The brain operates in time and space, having linear thoughts that are the end point of a selective filtering process. So whatever is outside time and space is inconceivable, and unfiltered reality would probably blow the brain’s circuits, or simply be blanked out. Unfiltered reality would be like listening to every channel on the radio simultaneously, an impossibility.
Korzybski held that even mathematics was a model, subject to the limitations of all models that the brain constructs. Not everyone would agree – holding on to mathematics as a universal truth gives advanced physics its toehold on the quantum world. But in this post we are not using any of these ideas as bludgeons to bash science. All agendas aside, Korzybski simply pointed out, using the language of mathematics, that whatever reality is, it transcends the brain.
In a single word – transcendence – there’s a level playing field between science and religion. Reality transcends, or goes beyond, what the brain discerns. If something supernatural springs from the transcendent, such as a holy vision, materialists and skeptics may argue that it can’t be real. Actually, there’s no way to prove that even a natural experience is real. Seeing angels and seeing a tree, mountain, or cloud are equally inexplicable. As the noted physicist Freeman Dyson has asserted,
“To summarize the situation, we have three mysteries that we do not understand: the unpredictable movements of atoms, the existence of our own consciousness, and the friendliness of the universe to life and mind. I am only saying that the three mysteries are probably connected. I do not claim to understand any of them.”
Since the three mysteries are woven into the very basis of our existence, the wisest course is to bring the scientific and spiritual models together in order to see if they can fill in the blanks that come with each model. Models are right about what they include and wrong about what they exclude. Conceding this fact would do a great deal to put spirituality on a plane where it can be taken seriously as an exploration that’s as serious and truthful as advanced science.
This article was co-written by Deepak Chopra and Jordan Flesher.
Deepak Chopra, MD is the author of more than 75 books and 21 New York Times bestsellers. Through his books and videos he has become one of the best known and most trusted figures in the holistic health movement. (Website) (Twitter) (Facebook) (YouTube)
Jordan Flesher offers sessions for those interested in exploring, developing and healing their own consciousness and psychology in a therapeutic setting. Jordan is in school to be a psychologist. The type of work that he does with clients is very in depth and is based in the view that therapy is an art. As a result, the work is very intuitive, artistic, and open to the mystery of consciousness, synchronicity, dreams and energy. His work is different than most psychological therapies, in that, most therapies try to get the individual to conform or “adjust” to society, whereas, Jordan’s work is to get the individual to be free within society, and to access a creative-rebellion within themselves that still allows them to function and integrate themselves within society, while not being a slave to society. This is based off of the saying of ancient Sages that to “be in the world, yet not of it” is the highest form of spiritual enlightenment. Jordan’s work is heavily influenced by some of the following rebel-hearts, and rebel-geniuses: Jiddu Krishnamurti, Osho, Alan Watts, Colin Wilson, Rainer Maria Rilke, Rumi, Joseph Campbell, Carl Jung, Deepak Chopra, A.H. Almaas, Anais-Nin, R.D. Laing, Fredrich Nietzche, Micahel Foucault and many more. (Facebook) (Twitter) – Jordan can also be reached privately by phone (1-312-730-8322) or via e-mail (
To help understand these mysteries, 1st discard the belief that our creator was masculine, or a talking living heavenly godfather. Now the Christian/Catholic version of god and creation mesh up quite nicely. Replace God with the Singularity, the seven day creation event with the Big Bang Birth and the cosmic evolution of the Universe, replace the body, soul and spirit with membrane, dimension and string theory, The god in our neurons with the X chromosomes, and finally, Heaven and hell are replaced with evolution and extinction.
The basic theory of creation science doesn’t work because it is based on the oxymoronic assumption that our creator was masculine. Putting the needs of the masculine sex before the needs of the mother and child distorts reality. That is basically why men from patriarchal societies with a male God have to practice the sacrificial punishment curse of prepuce excision, because it goes against the logic of mother nature and the basic laws of physics.
In general, most all these so called Holy visions and messages people claim to be from a higher power, are side effects from being infected with a bad version of our original creator picked up here on our living host planet Earth, a microorganism, causing high fever induced delirium with audio and visual hallucinations, and since these voices are often responsible for telling men to cut off their prepuce, it is likely that these microorganisms are sexually transmitted diseases, picked up from shepherds tending their flocks. Which would also explain all the psychotic verses in religious scriptures.
I think you’ve allowed your own perception to be distorted worse than the imaginary zealot your secretly in love with.
Try ayahuasca medicine ceremony and you will resolve the great mystery of God by your own.
I am surprised there is no mention of philosophy at all. This is basically what philosophy has always dealt with. Science, Religion, Philosophy, all the same thing, in the end: a trial at understanding what transcends our reality.
Recently, general openness around the world has leaded to some better understanding of the duality mind-body and of it’s counterpart as well as third component: the Soul. The Soul is a concept often confused with the mind… Yet as we cross hypothesis from science, religion and philosophy, it becomes clearer every day that the soul is between the body and the mind, like a combination of the two as well as a whole itself. The Soul would be that thing you feel when you medidate, the thing controlling you when you feel genuine, when you don’t feel any anxiety, anger or fear, when you feel comfortable, confident and loved. It’s the conception of all that is within each person. It would also be (in reference to hinduism and buddhism) the link between every living thing, something within ourselves that we all share, like we all had a piece of the same gigantic puzzle, the same entity which we may call God.
It would seem every religion as spoken about that concept but they just all explained it differently and as communication never worked out perfectly between individuals of humanity, most people of different religions thought their ideas were contradictory and this very quiproquo led to many wars and despair. Lack of understanding of others’ ideas has been humanity’s bane for so long, but I think today, or at least in a not-so-far future, we might see this quiproquo being destroyed.
Obviously, telepathy would be the best solution for we could avoid words, which are always open to interpretation, for example, the word God. What one may call God, the other would call it Mystery or Good, and they may argue a long time about these words without realizing they speak about the same thing. Telepathy would allow humans to directly communicate with thoughts, with concepts which are precise and objective.
But until we discover how to communicate by telepathy, I think art is the accessible thing that resembles it the most. In all it’s forms, may it be theater, paintings, music, dance, etc., there are ideas and emotions we all feel that can’t be explained in words, that can only be communicated by art. Spreading and promoting culture should be one of the priority of rich countries, yet artists are often cut out of their support programs and they end up misunderstood, starving to death or ODing on some dangerous drugs because society has long forsaken them.
Scientists, pious men, scholars, philosophers, artists: they all share a common goal. They’re opposed to this problem I call the Great Quiproquo which represents every bit of misunderstanding between every living thing. Unfortunately, some people have forged their success out of the Great Quiproquo, people I call Illusionists, because they contribute to keep humanity in it’s delusion. These are liars, hypocrites, egoists. Some people might say they are politicians, some industrial CEO’s, great chiefs of the world. Others may say Illusionists are mafiosi, anarchists and communists.
I feel the need to say this is in no way a political opinion nor a depiction of good and evil. It’s only a reflexion about things that seem so essential to reality they can only be facts. In some way, I’ve put words – either they seem rightly chosen to you or not – on concepts I considered like absolute, relative to the essence of the universe. These ideas come from many domains, including science, religion, philosophy, art, consciousness, economy, history and personal experience.
I’m Louis Pariseau, a young French Canadian comedian, musician and author planning on publishing my own philosophy book (eventually…) and these ideas come from my philosophy I call the Essencialism. Please feel free to express yourself about it, I would love to be proved wrong and to learn new things or to have confirmation that what I think makes sense. If by some chance, you wanted to quote me, just be sure to give rightful credit. (and thanks if that ever happen)
Wow Louis, thankyou for sharing your comment. I learnt something! Something in addition to what the article taught me. And it was well written. I can definitely see more of your expression through a book as you mention! It was interesting to hear your thoughts on telepathy. I agree and believe when we are more in tune with ourselves we will have this ability. And some of us may already have this. If there is something felt in these words right now, do you believe that is a small form of telepathic communication?
Thanks again, and if there’s any support, fundraising or publicity you need to make the book a reality let me know 🙂 .
Good luck
Thanks Brad! I really appreciate the support and will make sure to let you know when anything comes up. I’m thinking about starting a blog, so I’ll keep you informed via this thread! (But it may be in French, though, since it’s my first language. Not sure about it yet.)
And yes, I believe “telepathy” – as I describe it like the ultimate form of communication – already lies in the feeling we put through the words we say and write today! 🙂
“Science… understanding what trascends our reality” Science only studies the empirical world, something that can’t be tested on, proven to have a physical existence, is not in the domain of science. That’s why studiying God, the soul and the mind on a scientific basis has no sense at all, one cannot prove they exist physically, and so they must belong to supernatural plane, but science does not study things that are outside of what can be seen in nature. True, philsophy, art, science, spirituality (because I don’t like calling it religion, as it’s flawed) ar all areas of human development, but each one has their own domain, art needn’t be scientific, spirituality cannot be objective, philosophy cannot have no sense.
You are right. I guess I didn’t explain the science part enough. I meant to say that sciences like psychology and anthropology explain abstract things and structure them, the same way philosophy tries to structure the concepts of the world, or at the least, to make an hypothesis about the structure of reality – empirical or abstract.
I would say that from my religious studies, not all representations of God are the same when you truly look at them. World religions have been able to express very clearly their different concepts of God so even if we were able to use telepathy, they would express with their thoughts, their own ‘God’ concept. In my faith, God has given human beings an awareness of eternity and world; but in such a way that we can’t fully comprehend, from beginning to end, the things God does. We question and discover through philosophy, science, and religion but will never fully attain a full understanding until we are ultimately perfected by Him. In the meantime, the journey towards revelation is challenging, yet fulfilling.
Interesting! Would you say that even if the different conceptions of God all have difference, they too have a common element? And if so, could that common element be communicated by telepathy?
I’ve always thought that my theory was absolute because no matter the differences between the all conceptions of God, my theory only pointed out the unique resemblance, THE thing that is common to every human, THAT thing we all have in ourselves that you call Him, that thing within us that pushes us to perfect ourselves more and more until (using your words) we attain a full understanding of what it is. Obviously, this is more a direction in which we should move than a destination we should reach.
But you are the one who studied religions: am I wrong to think there is something common to every conception of God that can be isolated? (almost mathematically)
His mind cleverly filtered things to end up with three mysteries that point in a particular direction 🙂
How this material can be written with a straight face? The money must be good. From the start: the word G-d (written in the Mesopotamian style that had no vowels) is one-seventy-second of the Qaballah (from lips to ear secret tradition revealed on pain of death) Name of God. This Hive Mind is well recognized by the major religions as a lethal psychopathic maniac that was attempted to be named so that it could be controlled and commanded. Terrence McKenna makes a convincing argument that religion is nothing but mushroom toxin poisoning. Off to a great start. Anything citing Einstein is open to contempt. In 1940 after Einstein got a sneak preview of some ancient Mayan artifacts that showed they were 1250 years in advance of Western mathematics and astronomy he later made the public announcement advocating abandoning the idea of a personal god. And citing Dyson? This universe is FRIENDLY to LIFE? Wow! coming from the clan of the Manhattan project (Einstein was the FATHER of the atomic bombs that supposedly threaten the very existence of LIFE) those words need some serious definition before we can begin to take them at face value. What universe is he from? Look around. This entire universe is a hostile cesspit where Carl Zimmer says that 80% of all lifeforms on the planet are PARASITES. Like I said: define ‘friendly’ and define ‘life’. If you were a 40-foot long tapeworm in a nice warm gut then you might hang a Life Is Good sign at the appendix. The only “mystery” to me is how 7 billion slaves would agree that if someone saw things that weren’t there or heard voices (that weren’t generated by military grade technology) that they would be locked away in a cell indefinitely. But if you wrap it in ‘religion’ suddenly being clinically insane is paradable.
I am new to this thread and do not know either author personally…. I can’t help but be amused that your response to the article which eloquently makes visible your world view, actually supports by example the message the article is giving. “…Models are right about what they include and wrong about what they exclude…”
The universe, the world and life itself have no meaning, plan or objective at all, asking why the universe is unfair is nonsensic, it needn’t be fair, it just happens to exist that way. It’s okay if you want to give a personal interpretantion of your own personal experience of what moves your life and what motivations you have, but trying to force this kind of subjective interpretations and suppose everybody must follow them (just like religion does), is illogical. Religion, as I think of it, is completely flawed; people should try to search for meaning and fulfillnes on their own, think about morals, motivations, our social interaction, justice in our system. That’s why I prefer spirituality to a rigid belief system.
The fact that we humans are conscious gives us the opportunity to find everything out for ourselves and write our own book about it. Every human interpretes reality that slightly different because his/her experiences are different. That is why Deepak Chopra calls consciousness the field of infinite possibilities. Look at 7 billion humans and you look already at 7billion possibilities. This could be called the Noösphere as Pierre Teilhard de Chardin has predicted. It is the Consensus between us humans that will be dominant. At this moment the human consensus ls: Science……
The Brain is far more powerful then a lot of people realize, I had it really difficult in life a while ago I began to ask questions like is there really a God, I lost the person I really loved in life, and it felt like I didn’t have any friends, I did a lot of soul searching and came across a guide that changed things for me I finally found a way to live financially independent, have more friends and I found someone that loves me for who I am. I did all of this by just changing the way I think. anyone can learn more about that in the guide if interested. Important thing here is our brains is what holds the key to our life.
The idea of doing psychedelics is to evolve the mind, not rely on information from someone that claims to have all the answers because it hasn’t yet been able to be explained properly through science…..yet. This is what cavemen did and the ones who were the most persuasive and shouted the loudest convinced everyone else. This entire idea of god should be put in the trash to enable us to move into a new paradigm.
Psychedelics give us an insight to higher dimensions, universal interconnectivity and let us know our perception of reality is only a sum of our senses. To believe in god is to give up the quest for truth.
The philosopher Julian Jaynes ( had an interesting model of the brain called “The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind” (1976)…
If you combine this concept with the archetypal psychology and model of the psyche of C. G Jung, the philosophy of ‘Geist’ and the “Master/Slave” dialectic by Hegel, Leibniz’ monadology (, the quantum physics and holographic universe and holographic brain of David Bohm and Karl Pribram and throw in some mathematics of Euler, Godel and Fourier’ transforms and the frequency domain; then we might have a cohesive picture of the workings of the brain and God 😉
That would make excellent sense, except for me, I have physical proof of those co-dependent halves of my brain’s communications with each other resulting in physical manifestations. 99% percent of them are entirely personal, and only a few people saw the other stuff but I can no more deny it for myself just because someone else doesn’t think it’s possible than I can continue to pretend their god is anything but a humorless psychopath, and that i resent being lied to that this ability to interface with the very make-up of reality is supernatural when all it is, is the science of what it means to be “fully human.” Christianity made a silly battle over god to distract humanity from knowing how it all works, because it works for every single solitary one of us without exception, the only difference is intent of the individual, and they screw that up so badly, nothing happens around those people but chaos, and we’re all caught up in it. Used to be we could kick them out of our land and they’d steal some ships and infest a new place, but the world’s too small for that now, and I’m glad. no more hiding for them, time to join the human race or be left behind, imo (of course).
I don`t think it is a mystery to solve as a detective or most probably to solve it as a Sherlock Holmes.In my words it is very simple as I am concerned about this thing.There are two things first of all scientists should be able to solve.1) I would like to ask my most important doubt “Who invented the fundamental particles?” Please people just see the word “invented” in my question..2) If they say they were created by some other aliens of something…”who made them and what caused to their evolution?”..These questions seem to be obviously misleading but I think they could probably mount a suitable response to the answer.I am just a student(a simulation) and coming to our brain I don`t want to talk about it as I don`t know much about it.
each fact you add to your reality approach you to the creater of this woderful world .
‘Looking for consciousness in the brain, is like looking inside a radio for the announcer’ Nassim Haramein
i still don’t buy the god story and until i see some kind of physical evidence for it i refuse to contemplate the possibility.
It doesn’t have to be so difficult or contentious, though how much your choose to experience is entirely up to you. This is a model provided by an entity that might legitimately be entitled to an opinion. It is simple, elegant, as the best models are, and incorporates religion, science, and what might loosely be called the new age. The entity providing it has been around a while, and continues to teach today in the USA, as one of its brothers (to use a metaphorical term) apparently does in Russia.
The Big Bang is our understanding of what might be called the Big Split. The singularity, curious to know itself, split into two (loosely reality/unreality), which split to four, to eight. These eight are known as the seven hidden dimensions in superstring theory + chaos, which provides the complementary space for creation to occur. Time is an illusion. Three physical dimensions + seven energies provide the ten dimensional reality. We oscillate 256 times a second between the reality/unreality. The splits continue to the 29th level and beyond, but of relevance to us are the 29th-32nd, being the Christos layer, so named because it emitted the energy/soul familiar as the Christ, the Oversoul layer, and the soul layer. The soul attaches to the body via the energy centres familiar as the chakras. Our thoughts are manifested as creation on the 32nd level. The ‘Gods’ of Hebrew/Christian legend are two of the energies, Discernment (aka Love, aka Yahweh) and Knowledge (aka Jehovah). There is no ‘God’, simply energy/the energies, but they, like you, are aware. The energies corresponding to the Root-to-crown sequence are Allowance, Allegiance, Will and Power, Discernment, Harmony, Knowledge, Wisdom. The Discernment energy is the one currently teaching in the US, Knowledge apparently in Russia (not met). They are ‘just another’ insightful, humorous, resource. They have no need or interest in worship but provide information solely that individuals/humans might live life more effectively. Any other arguments as to existence/non-existence can be sorted after you leave your body. If there’s nothing there, you won’t be disappointed. If there is, you might be surprised.
Thank GOD (LOL) that there are people like Matthew here who share my theories but are much more eloquent in expressing them to the general public. Being a devout agnostic I can only say life is far too important to be taken seriously as it is just one big cruel hoax and God bless you all. I finally found my home here!!!!!!!!!!!