Forget about every other psychedelic for just one minute, because it’s time we have a serious talk about DMT.
It’s time we discuss the absolute profundity of an experience that changes people’s lives forever. In a matter of seconds, everything you know about the world in front of you is ripped away, catapulting your awareness into a dimension of foreign abstraction and pure astonishment.
For most, there are no words accurate enough to describe what happens when you experience the hyper-space reality of a DMT trip. It’s called the “Spirit Molecule” by many of our greatest thinkers, an oxymoron when really considered. This is because DMT is said by many to be the portal to what we know as the ‘afterlife’, a realm built of light fractals and sacred geometry, where time and 3D space merge, and where we are brought into contact with ‘them’.
But what does DMT have to do with you or anything for that matter? Could DMT play a large role in the rapid expansion of human consciousness? Many people believe it to be the case. Let’s explore this right now.
What Makes DMT So Special?
The most fascinating thing about DMT, or N,N-dimethyltryptamine, is that it occurs naturally in the human body, as well as in many other animal and plant species. Think about that one for one second, the most potent psychedelic known to man, and we are born with it in our system. It is theorized to be produced in the pineal gland, a small marble sized organ in the anatomical center of our brain. DMT is thought to be released from our pineal gland during Near Death Experiences (NDEs), during birth, and when we dream. Structurally, it resembles a common neurotransmitter, serotonin, which is responsible for most of our thoughts, feelings, and reactions. Although the brain denies access to most drugs and chemicals, it takes a particular and remarkable fancy to DMT.
The brain is a highly sensitive organ, especially susceptible to toxins and metabolic imbalances. A nearly impenetrable shield, the blood-brain barrier, prevents unwelcome agents from leaving the blood and crossing the capillary walls into the brain tissue. Minute nutrients such as amino acids and glucose are among the selection of molecules our brain allows to cross. However, 25 years ago Japanese scientists discovered that DMT is able to cross the blood-brain barrier with ease. Strangely, it’s as if the brain is ‘hungry’ for DMT. But why?
The DMT Study That Changed Everything
Besides the breath-taking visuals experienced during a DMT trip, something else reportedly happens to people who ‘break through’ during more intense experiences.
During Dr. Rick Strassman’s infamous human-DMT studies in the 1990s, about half of all participants reported making contact with strange entities or beings. Some people described them as “helpers”, “guides”, or “aliens”, Terrence McKenna coined them as “machine elves”. Nevertheless, however the participants described these beings, there was a commonality among their experiences. These beings had been ‘waiting’ for the participants, with much to show them in a limited amount of time.
“Many of the volunteers’ encounters with life-forms in these non-material worlds involved the powerful sense of information exchange. “ Rick Strassman, DMT: The Spirit Molecule.
These beings communicate in varying ways, typically sharing information relating to biology, technology, or even consciousness. Strassman goes on to explain his dilemma, the contradictory nature of his scientific mind and profession against the mystical experiences being reported by the volunteers.
“I was baffled and nonplussed by the sheer volume and bizarre nature of these reports. My crude and minimal responses to volunteers’ tales clearly reflect[ed] my quandary. At first I tried to avoid the pitfalls attendant to developing any explanatory model, either for my benefit or for that of the subjects. After a while, however, we all needed to make sense of these types of sessions.”
Strassman said he immediately flocked to the biological explanation, that the brain was firing up some sort of wakeful dream experience. Yet, the participants refused to accept his conjecture.
“Research subjects tenaciously refused to accept biological explanations because such explanations reduced the enormity, consistency, and undeniability of their enounters.” A point eventually came, Strassman admits, where he decided to suspend his reductionist, materialistic approach, “I decided to act as if the worlds the volunteers visited and the inhabitants of whom they interacted with were real, as real as room 531, as real as the hospital bed.” Doing this was the only way Strassman could try and come to some sort of understanding of what was happening during the volunteers’ experiences.
Could We Really Be Dealing With A Portal To Another Dimension of Existence?
It may be difficult for some to accept the presence of alien beings in these DMT trips as truth, however, shouldn’t we at least consider the hypothesis considering that at this point, there are no other proven explanations? Here are three possible explanations for the DMT experience:
There are no aliens, it is rather a subjective yet extravagant hallucination of the mind.
DMT allows awareness of processes at a cellular level, or even atomic levels, tapping into the neuro-pathways of the brain or even communication among molecules.
DMT provides our consciousness access to higher planes of existence which are inhabited by foreign entities.
The last theory comes from one of the greatest psychonauts of the last century, Terrence McKenna. His ground breaking theories have challenged even the most out-of-the-box type thinkers. McKenna was a dedicated student who aimed to fully understand psychedelics and the role they played in expanding our consciousness.
McKenna, like many other psychedelic researchers, believed that DMT was a portal to another dimension wherein we gained access to the true nature of reality, a vibratory non-material space of loving energy and unlimited potentiality. This was obviously far from our current model and understanding of our Universe.
However, this theory is not far from what was has already been taught in ancient Eastern religions or Shamanic traditions. Could these ancient, mystical beliefs in fact be based in truth?
Today, infamous activists such as Joe Rogan are quick to reference McKenna’s psychedelic theories in attempts to explain the astonishing events which take place after smoking DMT. Rogan also believes that psychedelics such as DMT are tools meant for man to use in order to completely expand our normal thought patterns.
DMT is also the active psychedelic ingredient in the popular shamanic brew of ayahuasca, a plant medicine that is quickly growing in popularity, especially in the last few years with the advent of wide-reaching documentaries such as Stepping Into The Fire and Vine of The Soul. Ayahuasca has been known to treat today’s most wide-spread ailments, such as depression, addiction, cancer, and the list goes on. Could DMT be what helps to heal our physical and psychological wounds?
Questions We Must Consider About DMT
With that all being said, let’s over-view what we know about DMT:
- DMT is a naturally occurring psychedelic, the only endogenous psychedelic known.
- Not only is DMT produced within the body, but it also just happens to be the most powerful psychedelic known to man.
- DMT is readily and efficiently used by our brains, an organ which is very protective of what it lets across the blood-brain barrier to use as fuel.
- DMT is known to produce astounding, mystical experiences for anyone who has a stronger dose, ultimately changing the life of its user forever.
- DMT allows its user to come into contact with beings who wish to share pertinent information.
- DMT is thought to be released during NDEs, child birth, and also when we dream.
Are You Ready For A DMT Experience?
What role does DMT play in our human experience? Is it a tool here for us to use to rapidly expand our consciousness? Why has our government scheduled a natural brain chemical under strict control? Could DMT be the answer to unlocking the truth about reality and existence? These are important questions which must be seriously addressed.
The power of the psychedelic experience, particularly the DMT experience, is simply unmatchable. Psychedelics are here for a reason, and it is up to us to figure out how to properly utilize them. Ultimately, we can judge the DMT or psychedelic experience however we’d like to, but I suggest only doing so after you’ve experienced it first. The psychedelic experience has something to offer everyone.
So, I ask you the question, do you want to completely change the way you understand life and existence as we know it? If so, have a full-blown DMT experience, then let’s talk.
We want to hear your thoughts on DMT and psychedelics. Share with us in the comment section below!
Editor’s Note: Many people in the comment section have been asking for more information about DMT. One of the best places to get information about DMT is DMT Nexus, a community of people who have much experience and information about the spirit molecule. Be sure to check them out for further reading!
Psychedelic drug use isn’t something interpretable by one trip . A person has to be prepared for visions and sensations never having them before . My position on the subject is to know what you can from the millions of people that have already gone before you .
Thanks .
Gianfranco Fronzi .
Where would you go if you wanted to do this?
The Silk Road… Where else?!
I’d love to hear about people’s experiences with this.
I was immediately warped to another reality, one made up of intense fractals and geometric patterns folding and warping into one another. There weren’t any bright colors, but more so grey and purple.
There was an immediate presence of a female energy, taking on a serpent-like form. Telepathically, she was communicating that she had been waiting, and that there was much to show me. From there I was blown away by astonishment, and I never fully broke through the veil like many people report.
But it was an experience that affected me, I still think about it very often. I feel that everyone needs to experience DMT at some point in their lives, it is truly a humbling experience. You face your fears of ego-death, and get a glimpse of the whole universe that exists outside our material realm.
at first, small patterns were fluttering in my peripheral vision…the air suddenly got crystal clear…I heard crinkling noises in my ears and inside my head……codelike patterns appeared on everything and without warning, my vision shattered like a giant mirror….I was reduced to a point of consciousness and surrounded by white and shot into a tunnel….I flew through the tunnel at breakneck speed…..the patterns on the walls were in colors that I didnt know existed…..Istopped in a chamber…huge filled with white cloudy smoke or mist…. I notices white willowy beings or entities hovering around me, at a distance…they had shape, but not clear borders….I could see eyes which were glowy and I could make out a shape where the mouth was….suddenly one was right up in my face….I thought to him “am I dead”??/…..he seemed to tell me…”no, you will go back…you are welcome…we are so glad you came, but you cant stay…”/…I asked in my mental voice…”are you god?…”….I heard laughter and he…..I said who are you and he laughed again…..I said why are we hear….he reached out and I felt his finger penetrate my skull….it did not hurt….the area started takeing psychodelic pastel colors with orgasmic pleasure…my dopamine and oxytocin and endorphin was tapped…..I realized we were necessary to supply this to them, that we are dairy cattle so to speak…they meant no harm, we aided them and they cared for us….I asked if god was here and they laughed again, clearly this track was in a different direction of their reality and suddenly I was in my chair…I felt drained and empty…I saw molecules floating throughout the room and little flyers buzzing around…the lights were basically off, but I could see in the dark….I didn’t know who I was, just that I thought I was dead…I knew to tell my mother in the other room and stood up and left my body…I sat dowm rapidly…I felt that if I got up and left, I would not get back….then, slowly…I remembered what I did earlier…I remebered the vPORIZoor and saw it and realized I was ok…..after about 10 minutes, I was fully back and freaked a little…..I extracted some yopo with the deems and had a combo of 5meo and dmt….I vaporized previously over a feew nights about 3 times…there was a residue in the pipe….I od’d on meo and vaped about 30-40 spice….it was frightening, but awesome….I dont reccommend doing that much….I usually dont remeber that much, but this was special….sometimes, I forget it all…only to remember the next “voyage”…I have seen a door with a vision of somebody I didnt know but recognized until I realized I was looking at my eyes…a past life…or future?….I have shot through many tunnels…I have seen snakes and aliens…best I can say is the movie contact when jodie falls through the machine and goes into the space…sees her dad, but realizes it is alien…the beauty!…I have the feeling the director is experienced with dmt……usually it is just beautiful and filled with color…almost every time, my first thought did it this time…you’re dead!…dmt and 5meo are produced at death..our bodies remember..we come back!…….If I didnt experience these and many more experiences myself, I would think I was a nut and full of shit….do the home work and order the bark and extract and see for yourself….I do not sell…it is too precious….Itt helped me realize my belief, or unbelief in god and religion…I do believe in something, that we go somewhere else and have friends there…..I live a much more filling and worthy life now….peace….
How could i get some DMT?
Easy, go on ebay, search mimosa hostilis, acacia confusa, yopo, basically any dmt containing plant.
You didnt mention how to experince it if we wanted too!
In the recent I’ve have grown to need and understand more of life’s mysteries. How can I get some DMT ?
Because of DMT’s illegal status, I cannot tell you how to find it. I do believe, however, that DMT will find you if you are ready.
Isn’t it ironic that everything that may enlighten us, really prove beneficial…is illegal?
Take all the Oxy or Ritalin you want. People in white coats give out Valium and Vikes like candy. Try anything unregistered though and you risk being locked away.
The blood-brain barrier is not an impenetrable shield – it is one layer of cells. Researchers are finding that idea, which apparently means you can inflict whatever chemical you want on the body because the brain is protected, is false. Here are a couple samples:
Thanks for the info! Will look into it further.
Fear is a powerful tool. Ignorance based on fear is even more powerful.
why do you have an image of baphomet in this article? Baphomet is a Satanic symbol and I’m unsure why you are using it.
The image depicts the entity that the artist came into contact with during their DMT trip, I can see how you’d think it’s a baphomet.
I’ll ask the same as others have…how does one go about experiencing such a thing?
Psilocybin mushrooms! The active ingredient is Psilocin which is a form of DMT.
Is DMT associated with any “hellish” experiences?
Yes, it is. Please refer to my comment above. Check out the very good article I link to.
James, I can’t help but think that your purpose here is to try and stop people from trying DMT. Dude, if this is true just stop. I hope you’re not working for the government…
For some, dark experiences can come up during a DMT trip. This is said to come from our egoic fears, fear of death, loss of control, fear of the unknown, etc. These fears can manifest in the form of dark imagery for some. However, these experiences can be shifted by the power of our own thoughts. By surrendering to any psychedelic experience, letting whatever is meant to happen happen, we can shift a dark experience to one full of light, wonder, and love.
Joe Rogan mentioned that during one of his DMT trips, he experienced a moment of fear, and everything he was seeing turned black. When he recognized and released his fear/anxious thoughts, the blackness exploded into light and bright colours and he was then able to surrender to his experience with ease.
So my point is, you have the power to shift your psychedelic experience into something positive with your own thoughts. This could also be a lesson applied to our daily lives, that our perspective and thoughts create our immediate reality. 😀
Much love!
I love that you wrote this. This helps calm my nerves being that I lost a son at birth and I fear I will be haunted by this.. great advice.
There must be a way to get a group of well-prepared people together in a professional setting, and have a DMT experience.
I hear you Bob, the power that would lie in such a gathering would be monumental. I’m sure there are various groups and resources that provide this type of experience for people. I truly think that DMT has the ability to propel people into a state of expanded awareness that would change their lives forever.
Jeff, it would seem this article failed quite largely in research, which is surprising considering the enormity of much more in-depth information pulled up by a simple google search. Firstly, yes, there are many “retreats” where they offer Ayahuasca “healing” experiences. For example:
And yes, it has been used for centuries as a healing process (cleansing the inner “demons” that disease us mentally, emotionally and physically…please do some more reading to fully understand how it works). These are located in South America, and you certainly won’t find one in the States.
Secondly, I feel this article is actually kind of irresponsible. It refers to Western studies and only mentions a collection of stories about these benevolent seeming beings who were just waiting to be helpful and show higher truths. You present a mere snippet of scientific inquiry along with molecular information…missing so. so much pertinent information you could have easily obtained, leaving readers with… Go try it and then we’ll talk?
The first thing that came up when I googled was this:
A very in-depth first hand experience describing in great detail the experience of a series of “trips” taken (at Blue Morpho) by a writer for the National Geographic Adventure Guide. I highly recommend reading it. In it she describes numerous nightmarish, excruciatingly painful experiences which one must be willing, able, and ready to undergo in order to use this substance. By the last ceremony she comes to a peace with herself, but it is not something everyone can or should try. It should certainly never be attempted without proper guidance and support. The Shamans that oversee these ceremonies train and apprentice for many years to have the skills to make the concoction, properly dose it, and journey with/support their clients. This should all be thoroughly explained before encouraging interest in experimentation with such things.
And lastly, if the blood/brain barrier were in fact completely impenetrable to all but amino-acids, glucose, and DMT, then alcohol, TCH, heroin, and any other drug would have no effect on it. But I see you’ve already been given proof of your error in a previous comment.
Maybe stick with fiction, Jeff? This article is so poorly researched, not to mention irresponsible, that I’m put off to the point of dropping my interest in Collective Evolution altogether for publishing this.
Hi James,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. The article is in fact ‘scientific’, it is based off of the life-time work of Dr. Rick Strassman, from his book “DMT: The Spirit Molecule”. It is one of the only extended, controlled and properly executed DMT trials to date.
I never said the blood-brain barrier was ‘impenetrable’, I used the word ‘nearly’ to emphasize the selectivity of which molecules the brain allows to cross. Strassman discusses this in Chapter 2 of his book, (
I am aware of the article you mentioned, although I’m not sure what your point is. I’ve actually participated in 16 ayahuasca ceremonies myself over the past few years, so I can tell you anything you’d like to know about the ayahausca. And actually there are trained Shamans who operate within North America, it’s not all out of South America.
I never made any claims to do ayahuasca outside of the sacred ceremonial setting, so I’m not sure why you are upset. After personally experiencing the powerful effects of the brew, I would never promote that type of usage. This article was about DMT, not ayahuasca. I only alluded to ayahuasca to talk about the presence of DMT in the medicinal brew.
There is ‘science’ behind the mention of contact with entities, this was recorded in Strassman’s studies done throughout the 90s. I think Strassman’s work, along with the work of famous psychedelic researchers and thinkers such as Terrence McKenna and Alex Grey, along with the thousands of recorded personal experiences with DMT is enough pretense to discuss what is happening to people during strong DMT trips. I’m not sure how this is ‘irresponsible’.
I think society has a tendency to shy away from personal anecdote as something invalid, when in fact I think personal anecdotes have the most to teach us, especially when talking about psychedelic experiences.
I will stand by my conjecture that everyone should try DMT. I believe it offers invaluable insights into the nature of reality, our own consciousness, and more. I think it has the ability to change the way we operate as humans in a progressive manner.
So therefore, I disagree with your thoughts on my article. It is not irresponsible or misleading. I think what can be considered irresponsible is someone going through life and never exploring what the psychedelic experience has to offer. They are tools put here for a reason, after all.
Of course, a trusted, respectful setting is always a must for any psychedelic experience. And I also advocate for people to do their own research before going ahead with trying any psychedelic.
This must be activated by human bio-system at certain stages/levels of meditation, as well, imo. I have been snapped suddenly into these type sequences during deep meditations and have experienced profound ‘meetings’ with alien beings in each instance. Have met many yogis gurus meditation deities etc, and communicated telepathically. After each have had vivid enlightening dreams as well which were almost as sitting in a classroom lecture, an onslaught of teachings and wisdom, in an explanatory fashion.
This is extremely intriguing. And I’m rather pissed that some jerks in suits tell us we are not “allowed” to experience life. Look at them. They are nothing but jerks.
It is very backwards when considered, isn’t it? A natural brain chemical is termed ‘illegal’, the same applying to a specific mushroom which grows in nature all around the world. These facts alone must bring up the question of why are they keeping it from the general public? Is it because the people in power want to keep mankind’s understanding of our world limited to a 3D perspective? All very curious!
sounds a bit suss to me.
Sounds interesting. Do you feel the DMT experience explains the NDE?
I think there is a connection between the two Richard. I think that the non-material aspect of ourselves travels from this plane of existence during both DMT trips and NDEs. The question more so is where exactly are we traveling during these types of experiences? How many planes of existence are there? Infinite? Are these realms more reality than our material 3D based realm?
i assume when you say ‘planes of existence,’ it’s just another way of saying dimensions. from what i read, quantum laws count up to 10 (or 11?) before the system becomes too unstable to support another. we, in our current experience as 3-Dimensional beings, can only see in 2D — the 3-dimensional aspect of things is something we assume based on the way the light falls and precedent knowledge. understanding that we are only capable of ASSUMING the third dimension and that we can conceive of at LEAST 10.. it makes my head spin 🙂 i think its both funny and incredible that the language we use for explaining realms (spiritual?) and the one we use for explaining dimensions (scientific) is different, when we’re really probably talking about this same higher level of existence/consciousness. one that our brains cannot even begin to imagine, but it’s so amazing to hear of all these experiences that people have in the attempt to induce it, and even more so in those that somehow just…stumble upon them and trip into a deeper reality. what a beautiful world. thank you for your article, jeff!
I think the two experiences are similar, at least from my experience with having a NDE and having a very strong DMT experience. If you’re interested in reading about my experience, check out a little story I wrote.
I want to know the experience….Please help..
DMT is found in abundance in the acacia tree in Africa. The acacia was venerated by the Egyptians for millennia and is depicted on the walls of some pyramids. The Maasai regularly use the extract (ol’erbat) in mild doses as a nerve stimulant. African ayahuasca!
@CE i love you! <3
Great article! Having had some amazing past life regression experiences and countless detailed changelings from my “Guides” I am fascinated by the idea that we can go even deeper and take better advantage of what else is out there for us. Thank you for sharing!
Interesting stuff Casey, past life regression is definitely a fascinating subject. Have you read the work of Michael Newton, Dolores Cannon, or Ian Stevenson? All of these authors have written extensively on the subject, really eye opening work!
I had a near-death experience when I was younger. The first time I experienced DMT, I knew that death and the psychedelic experience share similar qualities..
Here is part of my story, if anyone is interested:
Thanks for sharing my friend, I will definitely check out your experience!
I’ve been trying to increase my spirituality and consciousness for the past year. I think and process information so much differently than before, however I’m still confident to conventional thoughts and theories of this material world. I will start to meditate and work towards accessing the DMT already within. If that doesn’t work, I will try and manifest it into my life. Let’s really take things to another level, let’s see our true potential. Also, is there any relationship between cannabis and increasing our consciousness/vibrations? I feel that the use of cannabis has really helped me raise my consciousness, it has really lead my awakening. I have come to find that this is only 1 of many reasons why our government has made it illegal. That and big pharma would be put of business (no more money), but a collective increase in consciousness would be there ultimate unwanted result.
Edit: Confined
interesting article friend, after roughly 200 trips on various psychedelic substances DMT, LSD, DOI, PSILOCIBIN, 2CI, 2CE, 2CB, SALVIA, MDMA i have concluded nothing, but become more content in my unknowing. I have visited places, been transported, out of body, into mind, consumed by spirit, become normal, met with beings, lost the thin skin of this material world, experienced this sense of wakeful dreaming, experienced the dissolution of ego and the undoing of conditioning. almost on a daily basis i (hard to understand if you havent been there) can see and feel the fabric of non existence, this fractal-full geometric psychedelic universe. we are all blessed and i do feel blessed to have had and to have these experiences.
now i concern myself with the magic, the mystical of the universe, i have gained so much and lost so much, i will never be the same as pre psychedelic experience, and at the same time i have always been this way, we all have and are.
the psychedelic (out of mind) experience in my opinion offers a respite from the rigid (conscious and subconscious) control we limit our experience of life with, offers a glimpse of true wakefulness, offers a glimpse at life without ego (which is present and has its uses and has been a good friend to us all at times) the immensity of this universe, its secrets, its truth is i think beyond human comprehension.
my last psychedelic experience, LSD, was about 2 years ago and was a fitting conclusion to a wonderful substance induced psychedelic journey. substance induced being the operative phrasing here because with right mind its right there.
meditation, observation, an opening outwards to the infinite spirits, beings, gods of all nature and cosmic laws, letting my fear fly and living in love and openness is the order of my day today. making a sense of it all.
Awesome man!!! Its always good to see people who break this mind-body limitation. (y) In my next magic shrooms trip, I am eagerly looking forward to a much more overwhelming experience.
I like your honesty Anon! It is humble to admit that you still don’t hold all the answers, regardless of where you’ve been or experienced. Much love <3
Fascinating. I would like to try DMT someday though I would shy away from calling it The Most Powerful Hallucinogen ever. But then I have never tried it.
Each substance brings an individual to a different place, triggers and open the mind-brain in different ways does it not? Everyone I know, including myself who experienced LSD & mushrooms above pedestrian dosages agreed that these experiences transformed their lives, their world views and self concepts. The challenge as Ram Dass once said is not simply to visit those places but to learn to live there. I have also had profound experiences in meditation, isolation tanks, breath-work and natural environments and I have known someone who was close to me whose encounter with DMT did not make her a better person, to put it kindly. She was so absorbed in the visionary experiences she became egotistical and self centered in the process. Sometimes these experiences can feed the ego, the limited self and the shadow can get deeper and darker. Psychological work is recommended to ground these experiences in a healthy context.
And as some of my meditation teachers emphasized, chasing after these experiences is problematic. While the the visionary shamanic quest has immense value it is essential in my humble opinion to learn to live in the present mindfully with compassion.
You worded that so good I had to screen shot it. I’ve seen this time and time again and am afraid of the cost to jump ahead without earning it. But really, it’s about living those lessons, not showcasing it.
Beautiful thoughts, thanks for sharing Stephen.
If we are looking at the most potent psychedelic with regards to its mass, LSD would technically be more potent. However, DMT is most definitely the most powerful psychedelic in regards to visuals and out-of-body awareness. On LSD or psilocybin, a user is still aware of their body and their surroundings, and they have the time to introspect. DMT is a fully out-of-this-reality experience, which why I refer to it as the most potent psychedelic.
You have some great points though. It is surely important to keep humility and keep grounded after a profound psychedelic experience.
I have tried DMT twice recently. It was beautiful. Me and my brother took the journey together and we both see life totally different. The fact that such an experience can habe such a profound effect on our life really causes me to know this wad REAL in any definition of the word.
Ive tried many substances many moons ago and have had extraordinary dreams at times. But the DMT experience ranks at the top! The biggest takeaways for me is to know that there are many domains to reality. The other is to be so thankful that i was able to have had that experience. I couldnt imagine going through life thinking i could have missed that opportunity. Its sort of like a person discovering sex or a child of ones own for the first time..nothing will be the same again.
I understand where you are coming from Scott, it truly gives you a new perspective on life and the Universe. It’s proof that there is so much more beyond the physical, something we may have known before but have now experienced. Beautiful!
It’s basically a mirror of most things in life just highly amplified. If you’re a good person, it probably makes you better, if you’re not a good person, it probably makes that worse. It’s not so much what happens to us, it’s how we deal with it, even a life changing awakening to a higher level of consciousness..
Who do I need to contact or will someone contact me? I am interested in partaking of experiments with DMT.
I’m ready! When,where,how
You need Mimosa Hostills , best to buy it buy it from Holland online.. (you need to check if its legal in your country) then there is a process called DMT Extraction (you can learn how to do it online its quite simple. Then after you smoke it in a glass pipe. Job done. Its pretty wild tho so watch out…. peace
I want to participate.
I actually just watched a documentary on Netflix about this. If it was in a controlled environment with medical team and all that, just in case. I would do it.
I would love to experience this. I have read a lot about it but I don’t have the resources to get my hands on it. Advice?
Most definitely. I would do it right now ifi could.
Very cool. My question is, in what way has DMT changed the people that took it? Which direction was their perspective flung in to? I’ve shroomed before and its almost an indescribable experience.
The first and only time i tried DMT was a couple of years ago with my mate (his first time also).
We sprinkled it on top of a cone filled with weed and ripped the bong, but because the DMT was super harsh on the throat we only shared half the bong each..
After a couple seconds everything started to feel crazy, the walls where wobbling and moving in and out, not only that but everything seemed to be alive.. (hard to describe).
After a couple of minutes we had to leave the room because it was all getting a little too crazy.
The trip lasted about 5-7 minutes, but it was the most intense trip I’ve ever had!
”DMT is known to produce astounding, mystical experiences for anyone who has a stronger dose, ultimately changing the life of its user forever.”
The above quote from this article is exactly the way it has been for my friend and myself… We both did our own thing and hung out with different people after this experience, but its funny because now after all this time we are both sharing and conversing about the spiritual world, conciousness, ET’s/UFO and every other related subject.
We are constantly searching for the truth within this world filled with lies and he (my friend) is the only other person i know personally that delves into it as deep as i do myself. So i think its safe to say that DMT has easily changed our lifes and the way we view it.
I’m in!
When and where sign me up
I’ve been looking for DMT in the UK for a while, where does one get hold of it? Really can’t wait for the experience.
How can we learn to access the DMT already within us
most and only profound experience I have ever had. turned me from an atheist to a deeply spiritual person. Though I still have no need for religion. would love to share this gift with any that would receive it.
I am a catholic by birth and have not had very much interest in religion in a long time. I do crave a spiritual experience tremendously though. I seek inner peace and understanding so that i can live my life with my family stress free and comfortably instead of taking terrible anti anxiety meds for the rest of my life. I need to experience this type of awakening. How can i seek out someone or some place offering a DMT type of experience? I would love to know more.
Hi J.P., I hear you dude, everything you need to know and more is on the DMT Nexus Forums, worth a look.
I’ve often thought that by some means there had to be something somewhere helping us small closed minded humans our way. This is very interesting
“It is theorized to be produced in the pineal gland, a small marble sized organ in the anatomical center of our brain.” … as far as I know, it was once speculated by the writer of DMT The Spirit Molecule, and since then citated as if it were the truth. Just like in this article. As much as I’d want it to be true, which still could be, we should be carefull with making this statement. And also, I’ve had a full on DMT experience, and it was amazing! Overwhelming too though …
Where can I find dmt? I’m ready
I would love to participate
I would like to take part?
I’ve had experienced this kind of feeling when i was practicing lucid dreaming. I’ve had met with other beings, with human bbody but are as radiant as the sun, though i can clearly see their face. I also met someone with a body dark as night. I also had an experience when I, myself, was just a black mist floating on some unknown place. But my most unforgetable experience is when i was just nothing and in front of me is a very bright light, i can still remember it’s warmth and the sound that’s like chime endlessly ringing, the only thing i can remember that time are the words existence and some foreign languages that i don’t even heard of in my conscious mind. I’ve had other experiences bit i did not remember some of them.
If DMT plays a large role in the rapid expansion of human consciousness and can help sufferers with Depression , Addictions and Cancer surly its worth investigating.
Intersting i would like to know more
I’m beyond interested
I’ve come a cross these other worldly beings and yes it changed my whole life the way I think the way I see reality.. these beings whisperd knowledge into my ears that they call earths mysteries.. these mysteries are blind to the naked eye. But really they’ve always been there. I dnt know how to put it in exact words, but they consider themselves Gods angels, and they are here to help us expand the way we think. We just need to cross the barrier that’s inside of us that seperates us from the real world and spiritual world, once you’ve crossed it you’ll know cause ur whole world won’t make sence….at least for a little while.
I’ve been considering this for a while, mainly since i first heard about it! Sign me up!
I would love to experience it but under safe conditions
i am keen to try this, how do i get DMT?
It is useful to know the stimulant of what may help open the third eye but this is just proof of what has long been undeerstood and acceptef in ancient eastern and traditional knowledge and spiritual philosophy
That is exactly what I’m looking for, how and where can I try this
So, I ask you the question, do you want to completely change the way you understand life and existence as we know it? If so, have a full-blown DMT experience, then let’s talk. – OK let’s talk!!
Yes! I’d love to
That’s sound amaizing, I’d love to take a part in that kind of experiment.
I would be intrested. The experience you described I have felt, the awaiting are there. NDE
how can I take part in DMT experiments, who do I need to contact or where can I get DMT
DMT is class A drug in most of the countries and you can obtain it on black markets.
DMT never ready till ‘they’ call upon you.
I would love to try this.
Me too. I hope someday we all connect and see things as one. And its begun 🙂
Yep sign me up
Woa woa there!! DMT is indeed incredible stuff, speaking from experience it can indeed be life changing…
A few quibbles though with what is stated as fact. There is also no evidence at all that DMT is involved with dreams, birth, NDE’s, or physical death, that is all pure unfounded speculation at this point in time. Also, DMT is not the only endogenous psychedelic, the brain also produces 5-MeO-DMT and bufotenine, among others, which are also very powerful psychedelic compounds. Some peeps also overhype the pineal gland connection, which youve managed to not fall prey too, as there is no evidence for this in humans either.
If people want to find out more I highly recommend you check out the DMT Nexus forums.
I wish I could have a DMT experience. It totally parallels my perspective lately.
after some weird weeks when i used a homeopathic medical substance made from natural supplyments, i seen a dream where i was stabbed, i laught (i almost never dream, or i know what it means), my eyes gone greenish, i became weird next day, full submissive, people around me went really really weird
then the dream came true next day in a symbolistic way
then i had a fully logic trip, with no pictures, just questions, answers, i remembered my birthday at age 10 when my grandma died, i was crazy that day, crying, laughing, blaming myself, others, i told there is no god, i was right, and i was wrong, everybody needs to beleive in something, i could only believe in a person, she listened me and told there is nothing wrong with me, after a few weeks of depression i found peace, lot of logic answers for creative things
i choosed a path to deny my past and laugh when i got problems, this is the better way, but not the only way, i changed my diet after this, still the same man, but i know what is my soul: energy, and that can be never destroyed, only converted, all my jokes i said in my life can be understood in different way
my eyes went yellowish, as my chackra (i found this out that thay, and that is the answer for most of paradoxons) it was yellow most of my life, i had many paths
i knew a lot about the pagan cultures and physics also, now i could link them, and i got a lot of ideeas to test, dmt is fearsome but near death experiences can be enjoyed, be careful with energies, thats important, skilled shamans are needed when you use ayachuasca
DMT is probably released during meditation. I totally relate to what you say for I have experienced what DMT users have during a trance or while having lucid dreams.
I think ive experience this kind of statement somehow…. was able to feel truth reality… Like no fantasy able to think how i wanted… Felt real mind powerful but imaginary and intense real… fwwww real deal these 2 years… but i was also paranoid… i think some how of my state of way Huge paranoia my DMT in my organism increased and all that happen. i wanted to see a ufo and some time in my time when i was like this i saw passing through next to my roof where i was tripping next to a small mountain where i leave. i had lots of strong consciousness….. ps i used to smoke a lot of weed Before and i had quite it like 1 year before that happened.
I think paranoia can increase the DMT
i think i’ve felt something very similar to this DMT aided another dimetion experience, but ofcourse with the help of other some stuff i kept on inhaling for a few minutes….
i would like to try this DMT stuff too.
I’ve been using DMT for almost a year now and i never read or researched much about it before i tried it at first place.
Now, when i’m an experienced user and i read all these articles and storys i can say this much:
It’s not meant for everyone, not every person can handle the DMT trip and what comes with it.
If you are sure that you are psychologically ready to handle the big change and everything that comes with it, you should try it and if not, don’t.
Clearing your head, emptying your thoughts, meditation, breathing exercises – these are the things you should do before trying this extravagant “cheat”.
You’re here for the experience and after all, we’re all one consciousness.
“have a full-blown DMT experience, then let’s talk.” Would love to but obviously I require help in obtaining the experience so………… help me have a full-blown DMT experience, then I’d be honoured to talk.
How do I get DMT? What type of environment should I place myself in when I do it? I really want to experience this. How can I do it safely
i think the best way to do it is on a spiritual dmt retreat, in the rainforest in like brazil or peru etc with a guided meditation. Thats what im hoping to do this summer or next summer. Get googling! 🙂
there are also ayahuasca retreats in other countries especially around europe that are worth considering too! Good luck on your journey!
I fully agree with you. There is nothing better to inhale DMT while sitting on a large rock overlooking hundreds of waterfalls, rainforests, parrots and toucans flying. Happy Reset!
where to find DMT in greece you hardly find good hemp which i dont smoke
As somebody who works with the study of human cells and tissue daily, I find human anatomy and physiology incredibly interesting. My interest has inevitably led me towards the workings and capacity of the brain, and what amazes me is the more I learn the more I realise just how little we know. If the theory proposed here is correct, I feel it would be a very valuable experiment to explore. I also believe that some individuals may be more susceptible to an experimental DMT response than others – which would explain why some report strange cognitive phenomena/having gifts and others do not (I’m talking extrasensory perception here). Perhaps the use of DMT under controlled conditions will lead us closer to understanding the scope and abilities of the brain.
Let’s talk.
You start.
I have done DMT a couple times .. broke through once. sooo amazing
Tried a good few psychedelics when I was younger, mushrooms being my favorite. Had many enlightening experiences. DMT sounds very interesting.
Mark Lyons? I think you might be my uncle haha! Let me know man!
I really want to experience this too but have no idea where to start :/
Where can I find some?
Do your research & stay safe.
I have so many coincidences I wonder if this would help explain them in some way
I saw my future, saw addiction (in the form of pills falling all around me), then I saw a baby carriage with two figures with no heads standing above it and a baby inside. I’ve struggled with addiction to prescription pills and 8 months ago found out my gf cheated on me and was pregnant. Not my child. I feel it was a warning to change my life..
Desde muy pequeña experimente el DMT sin ningún aditivo (pensaba que me estaba volviendo loca) tratando de llevar una vida normal y siempre estuve buscando una explicación por que me pasaba todo esto y no poder decírselo a nadie.
Gracias por la información.
I’m interested
I’ve read (well over a year ago) that shamans were making trip to the states to perform these rituals. But was kept relatively quiet, due to dmt’s status here. My question: are they still making these trips to the states? If so has anyone heard whispers on their movements? Any info would help.
Thank you.
I would love to learn more!
Where do I start?
I’m not ready or interested in looking out there for DMT but I wonder… If our brain can experience DMT in dreams, lucid dreams would enable us to have the same psychedelic experiences, right?
Essentially, I think this is what is happening. Many an ancient culture held dreams and your ability of control and awareness within them in high regards. Pick up the book A Feild Guide to Lucid Dreaming. I am currently reading this myself. Sometimes, I often wonder if dreaming is a sort if portal back to the collective web where all the rules of mater space and time are obsolete free to our manipulation birthing unlimited potential of creativity.
I think it’s more about awakening from a dream that holds us to this dimension….limited….painful….to the freedom of creation
Awakening from the dream/nightmare of separation from all that is…
Sounds very much similar to the spiritual experiences Ive had. With these experiences I felt so high as if to float. Like a tremendous light was beaming within me pushing outward & up. I did not encounter seeing anyone or anything but my mind was set to a state of euphoria & all the good in the world through my own acceptance. & my eyes were wide open to good & beauty & I spoke so highly wondering if my words were my own. It was AMAZING.
DMT is the most incredible experience I’ve ever had – a friend recorded my trip and tried to help me talk throught what I was seeing, while also trying to leave me be, so to fully experience my trip without the human communication. I saw, what I described as, ‘The Guy’…. as in, “Oh my god…..I see him.. I see the guy.” I saw everything rotating around itself – there was no beginning and no end. The center of him was white light and everything swirled around that light. There were arms that reached out to touch my face gently. All of a sudden, I was pulled down a what I can only describe as a wormhole – then all of these little creatures came out in unison, saying, “She’s back!! She’s here! Hi, Mary!”, waving their arms and singing at me. As I fell through the worm hole, they started saying ‘Bye, Mary!! Bye! See you soon!!” Then I went through another wormhole – inside this one, I had what I can only say was a child – (I have 2 daughters) I was holding the child close to me as we tumbled through space and then all of a sudden, one of the fractals took it away from me. I felt so sad, missing the child, that I cried – I remember The Guy telling me that this what life was – to create something so it can be taken away and used throughout the universe. The little guys came back to tell me it was ok – this is what life is about. I’ve never felt more peace in my life. I felt like I was gone for hours, but in our reality, I was gone about 10 minutes. Most profound experience ever.
Beautiful story Mary! Thank you for sharing!
So beautiful :).
i have never personally taking DMT but i have done Mushrooms and that was a very powerful trip. My friend who did the DMT said that he had “aliens” with him trying to get him to go through a door but he did not wish to go at the time. I have wanted to Try DMT for many Years now because i feel that it is the next step i need to take for my spiritual awaking. i know in Humans reality it may be a short trip but i feel as if the events that happen in your journey change you for a life time. i wish to try DMT ASAP but i currently do now know where to acquire this Great tool to help me but never the less i will one day find it and take that step into the planes that which my mind can go and i will change my life for the better
I have tried recently ayahuaska. Before no any psychedelic or drug experiences. I wanted to try it, because felt that got completely deadened in my progress in life. So I would like to have some more widened vision of possible paths. I passed through the ceremony, but not shamanic. There was another approach, with more freedom to see what it comes and try to observe only. In fact, I have no experienced anything “mind blown”. It was very bad feeling in the body, as if I was heavily drunk, so I hardly could move, brain was working perfectly , but it was a feeling that speed of world around me has increased tremendously and on mental screen there have been passing various shapes with changing with a milliseconds. No “aliens”, no wise advises, nothing m which I could remember as a life changing experiment. Was it related to a dose or to something else I do not know. But would be nice to know.
hitting a DMT pipe while on MDMA is a very intense experience…yet I still think dextromethorphan (the active ingredient in Robotussin) is still far more powerful. Talk about going down the rabbit hole, then pulling the hole in behind you…
Dear Wer,
I also had a similar experience my first time with Ayahuasca. For me it has become more intense and healing with time, as I have to learned to vibrate at her frequency, approach her from a different angle. I feel there is a confusion in our modern culture between “drugs” and “medicine”, that is to say, medicines are treated as drugs, drugs as medicines. Ayahuasca is a medicine, and powerful spirit, yet we approach her as a drug, a “trip” so to speak (this may be especially true for one who has never had a psychedelic experience). I have found the more you respect Ayahuasca and treat her as a medicine, the more she works with you. For this reason, I believe the indigenous cultures in South America understand best how to work with Ayahuasca, how to activate and guide the energy to open, elucidate, transform, and heal you from the very center of your consciousness. Furthermore, they understand how to use the medicine as a portal to other dimensions, to have visions of remote pasts, presents, and futures, communicate with spirits, extra terrestrials, ultra dimensionals, and even take you along for the ride.
I encourage you to continue to try ayahuasca, as she has proven to be a positively transformative force in my life
Just take care from whom you are recieving this potent medicine– the shaman can make or break it!
Thank you , Este! I came to very much similar conclusion. Ayahuaska is by far more transformative power than just a “trip advisor”. Surely I need to try eventually again, hoping for a better experience.
Hearing descriptions of a DMT “blastoff” is similar to my near death experience in a swimming pool. Long story short I was thrown in as a gag and can’t swim; got caught under a ledge that went ’round the pool. Holy terror! Can’t breathe! When I had the realization I was going to die, my essence popped out the top of my head. I was out of the pool looking down on the scene with about 100 people looking on. Lifeguards that threw me in pulled me out, and I’m watching this effort. Funny but I don’t really care so much about my body, even though I realize it’s mine. Next thing, I’m receiving all this info from the people gathered round watching. I can tell some feel guilty, some are afraid they’ll get in trouble (for throwing me in after I told them I couldn’t swim), some are thinking of what’s for dinner. Telepathic to the max. Then I realized I was flying and could fly anywhere I willed, so I took off and probably made it about 44,000 miles (where the communication sats are, I saw a few). About this time, I’m thinking it might be cool to see the darkside of the moon. That’s when the spirituality hit me and the info download. While I was up there and on the way back down I “got it” (can’t remember much now though). The main thing I learned is you and I are forever, we never really “die”, your potential is unlimited and love is all that matters.
That is amazing! Ive heard so many near death experiences. It may be similar to DMT blast off. But mainly when I did the DMT I saw all kinds of shapes and designs and colors, going through a tunnel, the music I was listening to at the time was visual and “dancing”. It was a very blissful experience. However I “felt” love and warmth but didn’t actually have an OBE or encounter dead loved ones or any of some of the other descriptions of normal NDE’s. Did you experience any of those things such as shapes, colors and tunnels?
Scott, I can remember vivid colors and senses beyond the normal Human range. The experience was multi-dimensional if you can follow, it’s very, very rich, and later, very, very frustrating because I can’t remember all that was revealed. Sort of like a 150 GB download into a 5 GB flash card. I can remember that at that perspective & with that knowledge it all made sense and I was at profound peace.
Earlier, at about age 3, I had a nocturnal visit from “little people” and I don’t know if the two are connected. The little people were in a sort of mist that covered the floor of the 100 yr+ farmhouse we were living in. I was in a baby bed with drop-down sides in my parent’s bedroom. They were there to “check” on me. Very friendly and not scary at all.
Westcoastliberal, wow thats so interesting! Now you have me interested in what else I could learn. I learned that we never really die after my friend passed and all I had to do was close my eyes and remember him. Their love becomes a part of you…literally…just like a mother’s love– a parent’s love for their child — can fill up a child’s heart with love…forever…really anyone you love can and does become a part of your life experience and, if you allow it to, their love becomes a part of YOU. :-).
I had a NDE in a swimming pool, too! But I don’t remember much besides…sort if like watching it happen and no attachment. However, Ive had plenty of night time dreaming as you described in your DMT ‘blastoff’. I think dmt would be a very, very entertaining form of enlightenment… Especially if theres cool colors, shapes and lifeforms, yeah!
Thanks for your comment Lymina. It took a long time for me to fully appreciate what occurred during my NDE and I’ll bet you will remember more of your experience as time passes. What you say about love is very true. It’s everlasting and love is what everything is about. Money, possessions, fame, all the rest pales to love. The Beatles were right; All you need is Love!
Awesome story man – thanks for sharing 🙂
I have been researching this a lot lately , looking for the best and easiest tek . I have never felt so compelled in all my days , to be able to see behind the scenes and touch infinity . Who wouldn’t want to experience a life changer such as this . What gets me is why its illegal when its a naturally occurring substance in your own body . So many freedoms taken away which are so beautiful . Such a shame it has to be back garden science to meet with the great maker 🙂
Extract it using a Tek.
the last time i took DMT i went to hell? or someplace similar. a massive warehouse type structure with what looked like rows and rows of phone box’s with men women and children one for each box and these boxs went on forever from what i could see. i got the impression they were souls trapped in someplace as a serpentine intertwining type of geometry extracted a white light from each soul and sent it to an even bigger central piece of geometry which seemed to be alive and completely evil, there was aliens with long heads maintaining the boxes that contained the people. I was attacked over and over again by extremely angry entities of some sort they started coming from walls and just materializing in front of me to attack and vanish. i seen myself as a light with these things hammering at me. then all of a sudden i was transported to another realm of halls and bright colors and a great sense of peace, as i floated through this place i could kind of see that those evil entities were still trying to attack me but the fabric of this new realm kept them from entering, the floating morphed into my original sitting position and i was back. some ride.
@Sean, just out of curiosity, did you have any alcohol (or other “recreational pollutants”) within the week before you did that journey? Because I’ve found, from extended usage, that if I’m not looking after myself, and/or not in a “happy place” mentally, I also see some rather disturbing imagery as well.. Which is why I’m now living a very healthy lifestyle! Try again maybe one day when you’re in the place I describe.. and see my post above (ps: try outside in nature!!!) Much love and happy journeying!
Alexander , I found that dmt doesnt like meth as it makes the realm seem darkwr , and also I once asked my guide about the death raptor and the whole scene went black to blood red then back to bright and colourful, but i noticed a white mosaic wall was bleeding , my guide repeatedly told me not to bring that up ever again when im there
I’m very curious in your experience. Do you believe this place was real or a figment of your imagination?
Would you assume these were demons/demonic entities that attacked you?
I have a lot to offer this study but I had a neck injury and it’s very painful to type documents. My whole life I would fly in my dreams and now the medication that I take make me more that way. I have had so many encounters that I could never remember even half of them.
I’d love to try DMT, I am very strong minded and feel like I would remember the entire experience, and if I am provided some sort of knowledge maybe I can share what I am told with others to help mankind. If anyone knows anyone that can get me involved in trying DMT, I am all for it, please contact me at
Hi Jason, like you I would consider myself a fairly strong minded person, and I have fair bit of experience with DMT, and I’m not sure one can possibly remember all of what they experience…it’s like a rapid 150GB download onto a 20GB memory card, a lot happens in very little time. I would recommend checking out the DMT Nexus site if you want to know more and learn the means of how to experience DMT for yourself.
This is very good tutorial
Okay, we are in the 3rd dimension right? That means we are complete masters of the second, with a vague understanding of the 4th. These other planes of existences are going on constantly, the spirit world is always in contact with our world and there are of course other entities that observe, feel, and wish to guide/help us in any way. When our pineal gland is supercharged (either with of DMT or LSD or whatnot) we are placed on the threshold of both worlds and that gives us the chance to have 1 on 1 time with whatever metaphysical being wishes to assist us. I have never done DMT but I’ve done a fair amount of research and spiritual prepping and feel as if I am beyond ready. My only mental sources I guess I could come up with for this comment is that I’m Pagan and have done a good deal of thinking/researching about the spirit realm, and am quite experienced in mushrooms and LSD (which was honestly a life-saving decision for myself after trying to look past all of the U.S.’s scare tactics with hallucinogens and psychedelics). Yeah I didn’t mean to get on a whole tangent, this is just kind of my forte haha.
Youre on the right track Billie, check out Dr Lanza and biocentric theory as that explains the dimensions with hollographic theory and how the power of consciousness has an impact on them.
hypnosis can send people into this visionary experience naturally using only your body’s resources.
You can reach a level of meditation that makes the brain dump all its dmt (free hit lol ) which is what the buddhist
monks do to reach enlightenment( dmt trip)
I smoke dmt/changa frequently – Almost daily some weeks. But, I micro-dose. I vary rarely take an “astral dose” which as we all know (those who like to journey into deep realms of consciousness) is quite an intense and overwhelming experience. Though that is how I started and I wouldn’t change a thing. Now I like to take that same astral dose amount (about 0.1g) and spread it over a rolled “cigarette” (is you smoke pot the synergy is wonderful) then when you take a couple puffs (without closing your eyes) what happens is very different – Your vision becomes, how I describe it, like SUPER SUPER ULTRA HD!! And watching a sunset on this, as I do frequently, is so beautiful – its emotional!!! This stuff has changed my life in so many positive and wonderful ways. I used to put all sorts of horrible stuff into my body and generally not live a healthy life, high stress, depression, the whole 9 yards. But now, smoking this has taught me, that I don’t need any of those nasty pollutants to be happy, and that looking for external forces, weather material or emotional, for internal happiness is a total illusion. No amount of Apple products is going to bring you happiness. It has to come from inside. So now I meditate everyday, I smoke this wonderful healing, totally non harmful non addictive magic stuff – and it constantly raises my serotonin levels, so I’m now waking up happier than I’ve ever been in my life!!! And as a result of that positive vibration going out into the world – I’m now attracting the same into my life. 🙂 GO DMT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How much to Take for an astral dose?
An astral dose so you “break through” will require about 0.1 – 0.2 grams of pure dmt. Pack a bowl/pipe with the dmt on top of a lil bud and have a friend hold the pipe and light it so you can inhale with yr eyes shut already (sitting down!!). You may have to take 2 puffs depending on who you are, but big ones and REALLY hold it in as long as possible. Then.. TAKE OFF!! You’ll accelerate through these corridors and end up in the dome.. Have a great time and remember to just focus on your breath if things get a little intense. #LOVE
But to go really deep a dose of 0.4 – 0.6 mg , with this size dose you can go through gateways and push through the geometric corridors and go a lot deeper into the ethereal realm , I’ve done a 0.75 mg dose and found it ,like my mate, that it can be very chaotic and a lot like hurtling along on a roller coaster at hyper speed until I could focus and calm the journey down a bit , but one good thing came out of that big dose and that was that my guide explained and brought to my attention the reasons why I was suffering from mild depression ( as I was at the time) and helped cleanse my mind , when I came too it was like a big gray mass left my body and that was the depression leaving as the dnt had unlocked the source of my sadbess and showed me how to deal with it accept it and move on , I know councillors and physcs do the same but after 12 sessions with my councillor and not getting results, I was stunned and felt more empowered with that knowledge to deal with sadness given to me by dmt
The amount you’re recommending is less… I think you mean 0.4 – 0.6g not mg, but even so, that’s a really reeeally high dosage dude. I’ve been smoking this pretty heavily on and off for a few years and the past few months it’s been a daily routine before I meditate (more than once). But I’ve never needed more than 0.3 to reach the dome. For anyone just starting out, please don’t try .4+g for your first journey lol You could I guess, but if you were my buddy I’d say what’s the rush.. baby steps. As long as you’re outside in nature (I’ve found) it’s a truly incredible experience, even (or rather especially) when micro-dosing.
Those doses are pretty hefty!!! I vaped a little over 100mg in one go once…as in one single lungful, there was no way in hell I was getting a second or third…and when it hit a few seconds later I honestly through I had killed myself!! Then I thought I was being abducted by aliens, then I experienced magic/God/life flashing before eyes and psychic teleportation. This was my one and only breakthrough with DMT, it was different league to any of my DMT experiences previous to this, and at the time it seemed like I would have been hard pressed more to inhale any more in one go.
How are you Suckin’ down 3/4 of a Gram of DMT? You must be Smoking Bakin’ Soda!
I did a what I would call ‘moderate’ dose a while back, don’t know how much was it but it was intense trip. Was about to do it again but I was scared. Recently I packed I would say close to the 1 gram, did a huge hit and hold it as long as I could. It was so intense it scared the s**t out of me and I thought I’m not coming back. I started to plea ‘I’m not ready, not ready (to leave this reality for good) opening my eye’s. Now I feel sorry for I chickened out lol.
love is king… faith in love will bring u to understand …. I had a near death experience and went out of body and love was all I could feel … when I tried dmt love played the biggest part of the trip.. I am still processing everything but although the two experiences were different … they were indeed connected… peace out
The law of attraction in action!
This is why I need to get my hands on some. Please help if you can
Well, pretty soon i was planning on getting my own small lab up and running (in about 4-6 months most likely), and if anything, i was gonna go into the distribution sector locally, but i don’t mind sending some discretely to a fellow enthusiast who wants to try.. Perhaps we could make a deal, you help me with getting some source materials to construct this lab, then ill cook the product, and split the end result with you 50/50. What do you say? I wanna try this too and I’ve got a background in Biochemistry (didn’t graduate, yet) so i know how to preform acid/base alkaloid extractions, like whats required to make dmt. All i need really is some lab equipment, and not even a lot at that..
What is a good changa recipe for a very pleasant and anti-anxiety experience? I been looking at a ton of recipes and most seem to want to make the experience last longer or more potent. To me since I cant even smoke Marijuana without having some type of anxiety I don’t need an already strong medicine to be even stronger let alone last longer. I tried one hit of pure DMT and felt a little heart acceleration and a little anxiety but it was so beautiful…that slow rotating color flower thing and I heard a voice saying “Let go…just let go”. I assume it was my ego and I think that is the biggest problem. I am afraid to just let go.
But does anyone know of a really calming dream like state changa recipe? Please?
Try changa blogspot my friend. I had anxiety problems for twenty five years plus that got obliterated by Changa. Unfortunately I do not know the recipe for the product I smoked but wow. I had a ten minute or so chat with a Bodhisttava who was pure unadulterated love basically. That was over about 2.5 years ago. Still anxiety free today. All the best.
The first time I smoked pure DMT was last March.
It was a mindblowing experience!
I did it with my friend and colleague on our day off.
Before I took the DMT I asked for a guide, something I was thought to do before I first tried magic mushrooms.
After I took a hit of the DMT I closed my eyes and saw jagged red and green lines.
Suddenly a hand came through the lines and since I felt that this was my guide I reached out and grabbed the hand.
Then the hand pulled me through the lines and then we arrived at a door.
We were let in by (I call him) the Gatekeeper.
In hindsight I believe that this was the end of this universe.
When we entered I came in a sort of lounge room with all these flower of life patterns on the ceiling.
A strange black creature came up to me and he was singing a song.
“… is my name, … is my name…”
I can’t remember his name.
It was a very long, strange name.
But as soon as I heard the name I remembered that I knew the name.
While he was singing all these images went through my mind.
An image of a scene from I thing the movie Alien, where this gut had a sort of astronaut suit on and the suit was filling up with a liquid though which you are able to breath.
In the movie you could see that the character was shared at first to swallow the liquid.
A similar kind of scene I also saw from the TV series Helix which I recently had seen.
Also I saw images from when I went scuba diving the first time.
And images of when I did a bungy jump from a 217 [m] high bridge.
And also images from the parachute jump I did.
I thought: “Okay, what ever is going to happen, the outcome will be fine.”
While the black creature was singing he was doing a little dance.
He kept coming closer to me.
The creature had a long snout on the spot of the third eye.
He attached his snout to the spot of my third eye and I felt this sensation coming up from my feet higher and higher till it reached my mouth.
I knew then: “Okay, just keep on breathing. Everything is fine”.
The sensation kept on rising to my crown chakra and suddenly I was sky rocketed out of the lounge room.
After a little while it was like elevator doors were opened and I was greeted by two female creatures on either side of the door.
I heard clapping and cheering and I was being welcomed.
Behind the two females there was a couple, man and female.
The world I was in had a golden aura.
I was inside, but through the large windows I could look outside.
It was a futuristic world, but a very peaceful atmosphere.
When I looked at the palm of my left hand I saw two eyes and a mouth.
And the same thing happened when I was looking at my right hand.
I opened my eyes to tell my friend about what I saw, but I was told that that could wait till later.
So I closed my eyes again and the couple wanted me to show something.
The walked me through a black corridor.
There the images were a bit unrealistic in the sense that it was like I was walking through a animation movie.
All of a sudden I heard the front door opening.
I didn’t expect anybody coming in and it scared me a bit.
One of my house mates came home early from work.
In my trip I saw two creatures who were trying to scare me.
I could get over my fear, but I didn’t feel relaxed anymore.
So I told the couple that I would cut the trip short and opened my eyes.
The effects of the trip lasted for some minutes more.
When I looked at my friend I saw all these energy lines running over his face like in the Alex Gray paintings.
For me this was no hallucination.
In the past I had hallucinations from other drugs, but this is truly something else.
Going past the Gatekeeper, the way I was being prepared to go to the next level, the vivid images.
I can’t tell you where I went, but for sure it wasn’t in this universe!
YES Katriona, I totally agree! DMT does not show you things that aren’t there – But what it does wonderfully is lifting the veil on our real reality enabling us to really SEE for the first time. As my post says I like to micro-dose with this, and I’m now able to see the zero-point energy field at will for example. I smoke changa/dmt everyday pretty much and have found wonderful ways to incorporate it into my life. Feel free to add me and message me direct if you have any questions… Much love.
It’s from the movie The Abyss.
does d.m.t. raise serotonin levels; or ‘feel good hormones’, like m.d.m.a does; as a therapeutic medicine to heal?
Hi bear, DMT does indeed raise levels of a number of hormones…this is from Dr Rick Strassman and his research on DMT:
“Dimethyltryptamine dose dependently elevated blood pressure, heart rate, pupil diameter, and rectal temperature, in addition to elevating blood concentrations of beta-endorphin, corticotropin, cortisol, and prolactin. Growth hormone blood levels rose equally in response to all doses of DMT, and melatonin levels were unaffected.”
I’m not sure if DMT raises serotonin levels (although ayahuasca does) but one definitely notices a pleasant afterglow following DMT use, at least myself and many other have noticed this.
YES DMT does raise your serotonin levels! I’ve been smoking it daily for the past few months.. Trust me 🙂
Where do you find DMT I have to experience this and experience a spiritual enlightenment from what I have read DMT can achieve this thank you
yep 🙂 creates a whole lot of new serotonin receptors.
Woa there tiger!! There is no evidence for this, pure speculation, and we should separate speculation from scientific fact.
But man has anyone vaporized it with a torch Vs just smoking. It’s completely different. There’s no second hit. It’s turn torch off set pipe down and hold on. I keep forgetting to close my eyes. Things from this relm are distracting, but for the most it dosent matter what your looking at your only looking through your 3rd eye at that point. I have the things called mindfold blind folds. There on the alex grey website. You can open your eyes in complete darkness. I’ve yet to try them out.
I don’t want to sound desperate, but I have been researching psychedelics for a little over a year. The transcendent experience described by everyone is tantalizing to the point of driving me mad. I’ve read thousands of words regarding psychology, spirituality, science, mythology, history, anthropology, philosophy, poetry, and sociology. I’m not trying to brag at all so please don’t misinterpret me. My knowledge of psychedelics is fairly comprehensive. I lack the most fundamental portion of this whole endeavor of mine….I’ve never administered DMT, LSD, LSA, mescaline, salvia, or ibogaine. Out of a sheer “need to know,” I’m very speculative that the universe is denying me from having a spiritual awakening because the closer I get to understanding what it means to transcend, the farther I get from actually doing any of these “wondrous” molecules….am I my own worst enemy in this or what….please reply with sincerity and don’t say DMT-nexus or the silk road, I’ve all ready exhausted my interest in those resources, They are wonderful venues for some people but the Nexus assumes that a person has all ready experienced entheogens other than through powerful dreams and NDE’s; the silk road doesn’t even need to be discussed…it’s too radical for me…I want simplistic, ethical, spiritual, and badass associate psychonauts that can give me concise assistance without making me feel inadequate…..please advise, thank you so kindly, and while luck is a vice, you folks that have a neighbor that extracts dmt for you, feel very lucky…Namaste
I’d say go to Peru, see a different side of the world and embark on an ayahuasca journey!
What are you waiting for?
Hey brother 🙂 I’ve been through my share of what your going through. I’ve percivered through it and finally did manage to experience the full journey. Let me tell you this, through my experience, I’ve been able to guage that the spirit molecule chooses you for when, where and how you are allowed to experience it. This is true and I hope you believe me when I say this. When the universal knows it is the right time for you, you will be allowed access into the realm of all knowledge, so keep seeking and keep learning. Peace
You want to trip for the first time? Get some Untreated Morning Glory Seeds, set aside a day from your schedule, and just snack on the seeds for the day! You’ll have a transcendent experience!
All the experience is, is knowing you’ve had it all along!
Life is all about experiences. DMT is one of those experiences that will let you see another side to life in this existence. A feeling of peace and beauty. It seems to really tell you by means of images and sensations, “the universe is vast beyond your comprehension and yet you exist in it and part of it. Its it beautiful? Isn’t existence wonderful? Aren’t you divine because of this?”
You come down from it feeling such a deep profound sense of love and peace and that everything no matter what is ok.
Couldn’t have put it much better than that 🙂
Nailed it.
How do I experience DMT or be in a study for the effects and experience the spiritual molecule?
How Can I experience it ?
Many are experiencing great clarity of their egos and getting insights on how to best proceed with Life in the most integreous way with the shamanic use of iboga (not ibogaine). I’m curious to hear if anyone has experienced both and their thoughts on the differences.
I had a lingering fear of hallucinogenics for some time, after taking mushrooms a few times when I was younger. The experiences where mind blowing but afterwards the “normal” reality I then faced was somewhat senseless and backward. I feared i had gone crazy, mentally scared from the experiences. Then the last time I took them I was consumed by this fear and the trip was full of anxiety amplified by the mushroom, and i thought i was done with hallucinogenics for good.
Then over the past couple of years i have come realize that fear (like most things in this reality) is an illusion and have administered hallucinogenic substances like LSD and psilocybin since and really enjoyed it and actually feel it help me through some of the things i was working through. Also In retrospect I clearly see the mistakes of my youth and have learned a lot from the experiences in the end.
I think i would like to take DTM, and if the opportunity presents itself to me, I will take it.
I tried it.. it seemed familiar.. like something I felt when I was born. I also tried salvia and found the whole trip very similar
The first time I smoked DMT I smoked it on top of my cone out of a bong (marijuana), I was 17 years old at the time and new that DMT made you trip, but did not know what it was really about or what it really could do. I was taken somewhere and asked to come by a woman saint, I believe was Mary, she looked exactly like her, I remember it all to this very day, she repeatively said “Hannah come with us” standing behind her in this sort of golden temple were male saints and they were all looking down on me with such grace, happiness, love and care, I felt loved and that no sin of mine mattered at all to them. I continued to say no to this woman because I was scared, I felt as though if I said yes or agreed with her I wouldn’t come back, the reason why I said no, no, no over and over again was because I felt like I had so much to do down here on Earth still. They showed me a magical place, I am not really affraid of death anymore ..long story short. I know what is waiting. After my experience though was wonderful, the next days to come I felt absolutely amazing, so calm, so free, so in love with our world. Ever since my first experience my life changed, my views on life changed, I changed and I look at life so differently to what I did before. It was truely the best thing to have happened to me. I recommend DMT to anyone and everyone, if you are ready and are a believer, you will see what you need to see. Although reading how alot of people have seen aliens and things like that, I never saw anything like that at all. I guess everyone is different! God bless.. and enjoy!!!
Let’s look at the movie Avatar for a moment. Do you remember the unseen life force that connects all the living beings across the planet? I think that was used as a metaphors for DMT. Think about it. There’s got to be a reason DMT is present so many living organisms across the face of this beautiful planet, right? I strongly believe that DMT is what connects us living beings on this earth. With as many experiences that we read/hear about all saying the same thing, there’s on possible way it’s a coincidence.
People need to wake up and take this molecule for what it really is, the most profound tool for expanding the consciousness of the mind, body and spirit.
Hi i have a question .. It seems that is easier to find topics regarding DMT to 5 Meo DMT. I have not tried regular DMT yet witch seems to be the subject, but my experience threw 5 Meo DMT witch it is extracted from the toad Bufo Alvarius has been threw a series of different occasions more of a life and death experience. When taken in small dosages I experience all kinds of emotions like, love, God , happiness and fear of death, I think it’s because I am still here and I am very sensitive to it all, but when I take higher dosages it doesn’t even take a 10 seconds before I am somewhere else, a place where time doesn’t exit, no past, no future only the now, a place where there is no good or bad just is what it is ( it is hard to describe ). I am bit fearfully of trying at time because it is hard for me to accept the fact of letting go, even though I meditate and prepare my self to understand that death is part of life and that is ok, every time I take the hit and start go off on it my ego clashes with it all and has a hard time accepting that ” hey this might be it ” this might be the time I am really going to die .. My question is this common for most people on DMT as well ? To experience this type of fear ? .. Or is it more noticing experience on 5 Meo DMT ? Is it just me ? Some helpful answers would be deeply appreciated .. Thank
Hi daniel, I have experienced both and know EXACTLY where you are coming from with the profoundity of 5-MEO DMT. NN-DMT is infinitely mind boggling, beautiful and magical, where 5-MEO is DEEEEEEEP at breakthrough doses. I have broken through many times on NN-DMT and all have been completely different experiences (cradled in the lap of a giant female buddha having pure love shone into my mind by one of her many hands, found myself at the center of a vast prple fractal sphere where I can see in all directions at once etc). My single 5-MEO breakthrough was earth shattering… Complete ego destruction followed by a timeless moment of pure loving conciousness, followed by quite a dark experience as my ego returned that took all of my will and strength to get back from. A beautiful, but deep experience. I will do it again, but I am in no rush! I hope this answers your question…
Thank you for replying back. I guess so.. I now take very small dosages as it is hard for me to hold on to what is really going on higher dosages, it all happens so fast, and after its all said and done and I am back from it all, it seems like its very hard to describe just what happened.
It seem to me like we are all left alone to our own experience, to our own encounters. I haven’t seen fractals, any tunnels or any visual experiences that I can remember ( and yes I have smoked enough ) , to me it’s like if you die for a moment and your are given a opportunity to know and become part of it all, to know where you actually came from, energy, the universe.
I do feel that I have met God , but not in the sense most people think it would be like ( in human form ) but in energy .. And when presented to God is when you feel peace, love and pure acceptance that that’s where your suppose to be.. home
Now I can understand why many cultures describe that death is a gift and not something that is made to be feard.
Take a 100mg hit of Yellow N,N, DMT! Just like you experienced with the 5-MEO, Total Ego Obliteration! But, you are in a Dimension of Hi Def Psychedelic Colors, Love, and Energy! You become the Colors and Energy, and you feel the other Colors and Frequencies Communicating with you. There is no possible way to explain it, other than try it. So I have been Told!
There is no clinical evidence as of yet that proves DMT is produced within a human being. That as of yeti proven idea was put forth by Andrew Weil during a talk in 1983 when he said “Dimethyltryptamine […] is almost certainly made by the pineal gland in the brain.” It is still conjecture at this point.
Maybe you all should learn how Satan and the Illuminati work before you enter this realm again. You are entering another realm and being lied to. I have made the trip myself through NDE. They make you feel welcome because they want your soul and to destroy any faith you may have so they can take it. If you have faith in the Holly spirit you will only pass through the realm you all speak of on your way to the realm where only death and faith can take you. Its ok to take the ride just don’t be deceived. The pic above is a satanic beast known as Baphomet If anyone else encounters Baphomet try praying for shits and giggles see how long you stay in that realm. I have alot of faith now but i am no holly roller. I was interested in trying DMT but my own near death experience throws up a major red flag on this deceiving trip.
Thank you for this great article on DMT. I have had two DMT journeys this week, for the first time ever after doing 5 months of doing research. Then, out of the blue DMT came to me. I still have enough for 10 more journeys and will plan these carefully with my best friend. So far I feel as if something has changed, positively. I cannot remember a lot but I do know I felt and still feel amazing.