It’s so interesting how conventional philosophy approaches and flirts with the obvious truth, but cannot really confront it because Science itself is yet another dogmatic set of beliefs –founded on questionable assumptions, like the belief that we are separate individuals..
In this very compelling TED talk, philosopher Daniel Dennett makes the “scientific” case that neither our thoughts or beliefs are “us” –he compares them to the parasites that can take over an ant and even make an individual ant commit “suicide” to reach the parasite’s goal –the top of a leaf.
In this wonderful talk Dennett uses a “scientific” and “philosophical” perspective to analyze our own beliefs –called “memes” by atheist and scientist Richard Dawkins –which seem to have a life of their own.
As Dennett says, once a meme is “loose” in the world its adoption takes people over –the best example being the fundamentalist religions which currently wreak so much havoc.
[youtube id=”KzGjEkp772s”]
Of course, the underlying meme that Dennett and Dawkins are trying to debunk is the notion of “God” –but once one has granted the legitimate reality of thought, especially outside the brain of individual humans, and given it a “life of its own” as a meme, what are the implications?
Now science must inevitably account for “mind” and perhaps even confront the 800 lb. gorilla that is “a priori” to all being or existence –Consciousness.
Having established clearly that thought is NOT consciousness –then science must now address –what IS Consciousness and can it be “known” objectively?
One might ask which scientists if any are approaching this kind of work?
One area is surely neuroscience and perhaps more specifically the area of dreams –something that science pretends to “study” and “understand” but which clearly points to another mental realm.
Based on our own experience we know that dreams “seem” real –they are thoughts that we completely believe (as though we’re immersed in a movie or video game). In “waking” consciousness –we can continue to believe our thoughts (and remain unconscious –in Dennett’s terms in the grips of the mental parasite) –or we can begin to “awaken” and question our thoughts.
Of course our own computer science has simulated dreams with computer graphics to a greater and greater extent – forcing us to profoundly rethink the models of perceptual reality we have taken as true. Through observation and meditation, we can eventually create a gap between our “selves” that apparently begin to notice our thoughts -and the thoughts themselves – connecting with the “spirit” or “being” above thought –as Eckhart Tolle describes it.
From this perspective we know that some thoughts clearly are helpful –and probably related to the primary genetic program we seem to be running –survival and/or evolution.
For example, a thought that the last time I went into the jungle, my friend got eaten may save my life, and perpetuate the species. Then came thoughts about which plants were safe to eat, and which cured ailments.
This is the beginning of science – the trial and error testing of hypotheses that may seem to lead to a “higher” level of truth –within the overall dream (Consciousness).
At the apex of current science is genetics and the decoding of the genome –the chemically encoded set of instructions that lies beyond thought –serving as the basis for our and all known life’s organic being.
Geneticist Juan Enriquez has made clear in his amazing TED talk that in fact genetic code operates as an “application” –like our own computer code it is based on a rigid set of logical principles and syntax –so that if it is symbolically altered we can literally create a new life form.
[youtube id=”5KdOPY1Iqiw”]
I’ve noted the potential implications of this in my own video on the subject:
And again – even prominent scientists and atheists like Richard Dawkins have noted the eerie similarity between what we have conceived (software) and what instructs our Being (DNA) —
So if we know that thought “exists” from philosophers like Dennett with the ability to take us over, and that another level of being exists, that allows us to describe and analyze thought as memes, what can we say about the level of apparent “thought” that has gone into our genes –and clearly not by “us?”
Since it takes supercomputers to decode the genome we can clearly see that on the order of its complexity it is vastly beyond anything we have created with science (our own thought-belief system (“meme”) of being separate objective thinking objects).
And we can also know that whatever thought “went into” DNA it is like software that did not simply randomly “evolve” –as disturbing as this thought is to scientists like Dawkins –Google was created via thought –by a Mind. Apparently so was DNA.
Does this automatically validate the fundamentalist meme of Creationism? Well no –we have no direct evidence of the conventional notion of “God” so according to the Scientific meme we can discard it, as Dennett has.
But now, what of our “objective” science itself? Is it now clearly exposed as yet another meme –assuming our knowledge of ourselves as separate “things?”
The key element of the scientific meme is that we are our bodies –and yet even scientists like Dennett have noted that we are “composed” of many different types of cells; in fact besides “our own” tissues (with “our” genetic instructions) there are literally millions of other organisms that live symbiotically within our bodies at all times.
Some of these are benign – fortunately for our current state of being. Some are not – as Enriquez points out in showing the genetic code for the Ebola virus in his video above.
What does all of this point to –apart from the apparent incompleteness of scientific understanding?
First, that “objective” Science itself is a meme. It is not Truth. It is a belief system like all others that seem to “inhabit” our minds.
So can science ever reveal Truth? – That is a very important question.
Some, like the Advaita Nonduality folks assert that Being or Consciousness is unknowable. Period. (“Don’t believe anything you think.”)
Others romanticize ancient cultures when there may have existed a “Sacred Science.” And yet, here we are. Programmed apparently for survival to continue thinking about our “selves.”
My own favorite living philosopher, Jacob Needleman, ends his masterpiece “A Sense of the Cosmos” by observing:
“To acquire power, the modern age turned to the mechanism of thought rather than to consciousness. As a result the emotions—unharmonized, untouched by the ideas of the intellect—unconsciously continued their work of governing the life of man under the formation of egoism. Ideas which could have guided the harmonization of mind, feeling and instinct became instead mere explanations which divide and analyze, and through which unity can never be obtained.”
Many of the ideas Dr. Needleman refers to are “esoteric” – they were withheld from the masses, guarded by “priests” and insiders and lost to plunderers and savages (believers in other memes). One immense such loss was probably the Library of Alexandria…
In modern times, these sources can be found on the Internet, and profound thinkers like Eckhart Tolle, who writes so eloquently about the dysfunctional effects of the egoic mind, have potentially led us back to a level above mere thought –or memes. In seeing clearly that even Science is yet another meme or belief –we can possibly reconnect with Consciousness as lived experience (an idea that can “guide the harmonization of mind, feeling and instinct’), with renewed reverence for the true scale and sanctity of Existence itself.
Why is there a half naked butt which appears on simmilar webs on this page. Is it to see what might distract us/me or see if we are weak to be sidetracked?? Are you affiliated with mass media acting as if you are not? I am aware just want you to know
Hey Bladerunner. One of the admins here, just wanted to reply to your concern. The ads shown are always generated by the ad provider. We do not handpick what is promoted and not promoted. As unrelated as some of the ads may be at this point we need the ad providers to enable us to keep the site up. Thanks for the feedback though and we hope you still enjoy the content!
Facebook is far worse, pages flooded with advertising Facebook promotes as the users choices. Their movies and books the user is suggested to like is a joke. Marketers of these websites and blogs take unwanted advantage with often irrelevant or deceptive ads, to the point most of us ignore their so-called offers. When you can’t even trust an ad, mistrust and disinterest in the advertiser is next on the list.
All sorts of ideas float around the universe promoted by what we might call free thinkers or storytellers. Everything from the idea that the history of the universe is recorded in black holes to our existence is nothing more than a dream. Kids, advertisers, and politicians seem most vulnerable to inventing stories, or picking up on some idea and promoting it. Once in a while an idea becomes popular enough to survive for a time in the mainstream. Kentucky Fried Chicken was once just an idea. There are some viruses and diseases that do not allow the mind to collect and store new information, blocked by damage to the brain, such as Alzheimer’s. For the most part we collect what we personally agree with, and ourselves responsible for our own thought collection and storytelling.
I think, therefor I am?
Unfortunately, I don’t think I am, as I am not who I think I am. Or was.
In fact, I am not sure what to think about who I think I am. Or was.
I will have some thoughts about what I think that I may be, however even if I am not, i will still be what I am, regardless of what I think I may be or believe what I will become.
At least, I think I will.
I believe our lives are for this purpose, to find and explore who we truly are.
The powers that be fear this, for this is true freedom.
The designers of the monetary system, through federal reserve central banking, designed this illegal concept (Read the 13th amendment regarding “currency”) to once again trap us in a feudal system, seize our labor and control the land under our feet.
They have used this wealth to build a military force beyond imagination. This “Empire” was always the goal of the Club of Rome.
Kev – I wanted to say that finding who we really are is not about being in some kind of transcendent trip our whole lives, which I think is a misconception some people have. It’s about deciding for ourselves what types of experiences will be positive and worthwhile in our lives, and then trying to bring those experiences into it, because most of your life experiences will be mundane but they might as well be positively so… But at any rate it’s about figuring out what you actually want.
The greatest crime in the modern world is advertising – the mechanism by which the empire controls the peasants. It’s this insidious acceptance on the part of our society that it is OK for people who have no desire whatsoever to buy a product to produce propoganda brainwashing innocent people into wanting the unneeded/undesirable product. They global capitalist system only has the power we give it by continuing to buy. When we take control of our own desires and decide to want what actually makes us joyful we will be free.
That said, many people many places have no realistic access to necessities for happiness except through capitalist markets. I’m talking about people born into a society where their community, family, and friends (who it is essential to interact with for happiness) are tied up in capitalism and its false desires, or people living where there is no access to locally produced goods/farmers markets.
Too many of us have are happiness and subsistence held hostage in this way. Those of us who are lucking enough to be mostly free must work as hard as we can to change society so that the grip of the rentier/slavedriver is weakened.
Yes indeed, Owen…well said.
One of the major issues is that people are not learning how to be self reliant. We are being subsidized daily, and many of us haven’t learned the basics about our own needs, and how to provide for ourselves.
Capitalism isn’t a political system. Capitalism is a financial strategy. It is a strategy for creating an Empire. It is a strategy for controlling Governments of the People, by enslaving the people through debt.
I don’t agree with the greatest crime being advertising. This can be done honestly, with integrity, and provide a pathway for information and debate.
Unfortunately with today”s corporate controlled media, this rarely occurs.
I believe the real issue is the ignorance of the populace, to know the difference. The psychological proficiency of these marketing strategists has been perfected over the last century. Most of us know about subliminal advertising, yet most walk blindly into it.
And as for having access to necessities for happiness through capitalistic markets, this is a false happiness. The shine wears off quickly. True happiness doesn’t come this way.
I remember hearing a story years ago, about a tribe in Africa or Australia, where a tribe of primal people, living the way their ancestors had lived for centuries, without contact to the modern culture, had maintained a happiness, true unbridled kinship with the earth.
There had never been a suicide within this culture. There was no name for it, as it had never occurred, or even thought of.
I seem to recall some survey declaring them “the happiest people on the planet”, the accuracy of the survey definitely questionable.
I can’t recall what introduction was made…I believe it may have been television, but what occurred after was devastating. These people became depressed. They had no money to buy these “things”, these miraculous wonders that made all the t.v. people so happy. They started to kill themselves.
The answer to this dilemma is amazingly simple. If we spend less time at each others throats, and try to work together, we can provide for our basic needs. Once our basic needs are met, we can work towards what makes each one of us truly happy.
This way, there is no trade off, of happiness for sustenance. This isn’t a pipe dream today. We are entirely capable of doing this, if we shake off the chains of deception. Who could argue about this being a bad thing? Only the bloodthirsty vultures trying to hold us down. So, the next question is, what are we prepared to risk to do this?
Most of us truly have no idea what we want. We like to think we do, but really, we don’t. We won’t know how the individual experience will effect the individual, when the actuality doesn’t fit the imaginative vision of what we thought it would/could/might be.
Most people do not live in the moment they are in…they live in their imagination, in some imaginary future that they are planning, or reminiscing about past experiences. Very few people live as animals do, from one moment to the next, simply “being”.
(Please don’t take the intro in my earlier comment too seriously…I was taking a poke at the fundamentalists!)
Great comment Owen.
Having thoughts about our existence is proof that mankind isn’t complete , yet .
Do you think an animal questions it’s existence , it doesn’t have too , it’s perfect .
Yet mankind sees a future , where things are better , and all questions of today are common knowledge , and technology given us the keys to our spirituality .
There’s an old saying , ” You’ve gotta go through hell before you get to heaven “.
Maybe someday , but the spiritual answers would be the most profound , without them we wouldn’t have a complete feel for our progress .
How many times have you seen laws of a state change back and forth with each new authoritative thought ?
First capital punishment is legal , then for about twenty years it’s not , then it’s back again for a few years ? What does this have to say about our feel for the right position ? It changes ?
Didn’t we learn anything ? Or are we slaves to fashion ?
That’s what this viewpoint should have been called , ” Slaves of Fashion “.
Jkraemer – I invite you to investigate “who” is agreeing to the ideas that “you” accept or reject. It may take you to a deeper understanding. You’re already onto the “dream” concept but you can probably go deeper. Can you go beyond the concept of a concept?