Sometimes after I wake up in the morning, or after my workout, I will take 5 or 10 minutes in the shower or on my bed to just sit and reflect or bring myself completely to the moment. I do this because I enjoy starting my day being as calm and still as possible within my mind. But every now and then you find something that you can watch that does what taking the time to meditate can do. In this case, it is in just 5 minutes of a video of a baby having a bath for the very first time that a state of mind that can sometimes take 20 or 30 minutes to achieve, is achieved very quickly.
I can’t say exactly what it is about watching this, but just realizing and seeing what the baby is feeling in the very early moments of its life is magical. It is details like these that we don’t ever think about or really take in throughout our sometimes busy lives. If anything, let this be a reminder to watch and observe the small things -they are so powerful.
[youtube id=”OPSAgs-exfQ”]
this one of the most soothing videos i have seen so far.
i am pregnant myself right now and watching this video for the first time i felt a very very strange feeling in my breasts. i have read that when comes time to feed the baby, women usually feel some kind of feeling in their breasts. if i remember correctly yhen its the hormone oxitocin that causes it. i am amazed.
Every baby is the rebirth of the “free conscious universe” and this is what you reconnect with away from your programmed adult life.
This is simply amazing, and amazing at the same time! It is a meditation and makes you think about our true nature in spirit.
you new age type are so conditioned to think you are on the right track and that you are “awake” and when your mind numbing religion spreads you think that people are “waking”. you have found just another groupthiking manipulating mind control culture.