The following story is a personal account of a mother’s struggle with a vaccine injured child. The story evokes compassion and empathy as we read the long and continuous journey of a mother and her family who were shunned by doctors and a community of pro-vaccine advocators and who were left to fend for themselves. Robyn Charron has made her story public, appearing on various blogs and news websites such as The Huffington Post, and as much backlash as she receives Robyn persists with sharing her tale of a lone mother standing up against an established system of misinformation and corruption – one with a tenacious ego backed by an army of conditioned thinkers. Please share Robyn’s story.
Robyn Charron and her son
Robyn’s Story:
“If you wait until your child is born to think about vaccines, a vaccine injury is almost impossible to recognize. You are too tired and overwhelmed when it strikes. You are too immersed in the trees to see the forest. Too busy putting band-aids on symptoms to see the syndrome. You might be told that you have a sensitive, high-needs baby on your hands and his sensitivities manifest as colic, reflux, head-banging, food allergies, or contact rashes. You will be told that it is all normal, which is the truth, considering what passes for normal these days. Now I see these signs in other infants and I try to intervene. I try to warn the parents that these sensitivities mean so much more than their doctor tells them. I know that these parents are too down in it to see for themselves.
My son was born and like a lot of people, we put more thought into the paint in his bedroom than we had into vaccinations. I knew one person, nearly a decade ago, who didn’t vaccinate his children. He said, “We don’t put that crap into our kids.” He scared me. I thought he was a conspiracy theorist. I would never be like that guy.
Day before 2 month vaccination
We were presented with the Hepatitis B vaccine paperwork on our child’s third day of life, just before leaving the hospital. I have a Bachelor of Science in Biology but I didn’t know what Hep B was. None of the parenting books I’d read mentioned that I would be expected to make a decision I knew nothing about while I was high on painkillers. If you don’t already know, Hep B is a sexually transmitted blood borne disease that is also spread through using dirty needles. Children don’t catch Hep B at the playground, or from a sneeze, or from drinking water. The vaccine administered to a newborn baby will have long worn off by the time the child becomes sexually active. If a mother is Hep B positive and has been receiving prenatal care, she certainly knows her status prior to the baby arriving.
So why are hospitals vaccinating all of our newborns for Hepatitis B? Because they can. Because almost no one says “No.” It is as simple as that.
We all want to trust our doctors. No one wants to believe that the CDC and the AAP aren’t looking out for our best interests. No one wants to retroactively realize they were responsible for harming their babies. No one wants to debate their child’s pediatrician. No one wants to have this battle with their spouse.
We allowed the Hep B vaccine that day. We actually said, “It must be a really big deal or it wouldn’t come with all of this consent paperwork,” but allowed it anyway. We took our baby home that evening and spent the wee morning hours wishing we could put that hysterical child back into my body. We didn’t make a connection between the two events. We were already too down in it to see.
A week later we were still miserable. My husband would race home from work to help me. I would still be in my pajamas, covered in spit-up, leaking milk. Our baby would be crying. I would be crying. I wouldn’t have fed myself, brushed my teeth or folded any laundry. At two weeks old our son was diagnosed with “classic colic” and it did not let up for the next five months. It was the most severe case of colic anyone in our lives had ever seen. We ended up medicating him with an antispasmodic to save our marriage.
When he was nine weeks old I took my fussy baby in for his 2-month checkup and was attacked with paperwork. I wasn’t prepared for what the check-up would entail. “Sign here, sign here, sign here, he needs his vaccinations.” They were four injections and one oral that covered 7 diseases. “Is this safe? Why are there so many?” They don’t want you to ask questions. They don’t have any answers. There is a list of side-effects on the package inserts but they do not share it with you. You are rushed to hurry up.
They try to strip you of all maternal instinct when you are in your most vulnerable postpartum state.
My postpartum anxiety was sky-high. I was a shell of my former self and sleep-deprived. I had been screamed at for hours on end by this tortured baby. I was too down in it to think.
I asked to nurse him through the shots and was denied. I signed off on the vaccines. Within 20 minutes he fell into a deep unwakeable sleep. This colicky child of ours did not usually fall asleep out in the middle of commotion. He did not ordinarily pass out the moment I put him into the car. I called my husband to tell him that something was wrong. I put our son into his crib but even the transition did not wake him. I hovered over him as he slept for hours—something he’d never done before.
When he finally did wake, he screamed a high pitched scream I’d never heard before or since.
I remember running into his room and standing over him with the phone, letting the nurse at the doctor’s office listen. She insisted this hysteria was due to “pain from the injection site” and said I should give him more Tylenol. I didn’t believe her. The note they sent me home with said to call if he had a high-pitched scream so why were they saying it was normal?
He didn’t want to be held. He didn’t want me touching him. After 15 minutes of ear-splitting screams I nursed him back to sleep. I was sitting inches from him in his baby hammock chair when he woke the second time. I will never forget the way his arms stiffened up and shot out from his body with his piercing screams. His eyes scrunched tightly shut as he put every ounce of his energy into the terrifying sounds coming out of his teeny, tiny person. He wasn’t looking at me. He didn’t even know I was there. He went back to sleep and the scream stopped.
I stayed up all night doing the research I should have done 2 months before.
His scream was cry-encephalitis, also known as the DTaP scream. It is brain inflammation. It is literally an allergic reaction to vaccines in the brain. It is not uncommon. Had I taken him to the ER, it would have been documented with an EEG. Instead I was lied to by my pediatrician’s office until the event had passed.
That was the beginning of the end of vaccines for us.
Children do not have the requisite myelin sheath coating their nervous system pathways to withstand bombardment of viruses, aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, MSG, and animal DNA. Damage to the nerves not covered by myelin sheath is autism. It is Asperger’s. It is epilepsy. It is asthma. It is well-documented and accepted by mainstream media that damage to the myelin sheath is physically and mentally debilitating in head injuries, yet the connection to autism remains unacknowledged.
Believe me, it made me sick to think about not vaccinating my child. I flip-flopped on my stance countless times. I told myself that at his next vaccinations we would go wait in the parking lot of the emergency room just in case. Then I told myself that was crazy talk—what kind of mother would subject her child to something that might send him to the emergency room? The day before his 4-month doctor appointment I finally got up the nerve to tell his doctor we were holding off on more vaccinations until he turned one. The doctor took the news so well that I felt silly for making myself sick over it.
Our baby now had eczema all of the time. At 4 months he was covered head to toe in a body rash from his first tablespoon of banana. We held off two more months for solid food. At 6 months old he developed a contact rash on his face from sweet potatoes. I pushed his doctor for answers, and a blood test came back positive for a peanut allergy.
My 6 month old breastfed baby had a deadly peanut allergy. I didn’t see a connection. I was way too down in it by now.
At 12 months old his pediatrician who promised us that he “wasn’t a stickler” for the CDC vaccination schedule kicked us out of the practice for not resuming the shots. “It’s stressing me out not to vaccinate your child,” he said. I was holding my baby in my arms, trying to explain our fears, describing how horrible that terrifying day ten months prior had been. I told him how worried I was that we would end up in the ER this time. I was humiliated. He’d told his entire staff he was kicking us out that day. I left in tears. I thought of all of the things I’d wished I said to him for months to come.
We never did resume the vaccines. It took some time to feel confident in that decision. My supportive husband stood by me in our defiance even though neither of us knew what we were doing, and man we were scared.
Today at 4 years old
At 13 months old our child broke out in hives at a birthday party from bites of a meatball that contained walnut. At 16 months we’d had enough and took him to an allergist for a $600 skin test. He was officially diagnosed with allergies to wheat, egg, melon, cat, ragweed, grass, cedar, tree nuts, and a deadly peanut allergy. We’ve since learned that he can’t have corn or potato and still can’t eat banana. My baby has a dozen allergies.
I had to learn how to feed him all over again. The natural process of these eliminations led to putting him on an organic Paleo/Primal diet, and my husband and I followed suit ourselves six months later.
My child was 16 months old when he was diagnosed with the slew of allergies and I didn’t make the connection that he was harmed by the vaccines even then. I was mystified. I asked the allergist what caused these problems in my child. His answer was, “He’s under-vaccinated. We need vaccines to challenge our immune systems in order to eat food without our bodies attacking it.”
Although I did not believe such an unfounded statement, I was too busy putting band-aids on symptoms to see the syndrome. It wasn’t until The Greater Good was released in October of 2011—nearly 2 years after the fateful vaccinations—that the anvil hit me on the head. It all made sense. The colic, the encephalitic scream, the rashes, the mast cell issues, the hyper-vigilant immune system.
There is now no doubt in our minds what path we were forcing our sensitive child to go down had we continued vaccinating. I know in my heart that he cannot handle vaccines and he would have autism today had we continued. All the signs were there. My second child who statistically shares half of his DNA is nothing like this. A needle has never pierced her skin. She can eat anything. She does not get contact rashes. She never had colic. She does not have eczema.
This is what really gets to me, though: The staunchest defenders of vaccines. The parents who will go toe-to-toe with me in a public forum saying what a bad parent I am for not vaccinating. And then what do I find out months later, years later, always in private?
Their child has food allergies. Their child has a learning disability. Their child is medicated for ADHD. Their child is crippled with asthma. Their child is on the spectrum.
How do they publicly proclaim, “We vaccinated on schedule and my child turned out just fine!” but in private they are dealing with these problems?
Welcome to the new normal. Your child isn’t fine. Your child is vaccine injured– just like mine”
Read the full article at Lioness Arising Mother
The vaccine argument is on-going, and the two sides are undyingly insistent with their veiwpoints. However, there is something inside each of us that is the same, and that is our empathy for one another. We all share an innate benevolence, a sincere understanding of another human being’s heartbreak. Regardless of where we stand in the vaccine debate, at the very least we can find compassion in our hearts for Robyn’s story. Much love <3
Explore CE’s library, read more on vaccines:
New Study Links Multiple Infant Vaccines To Increased Death
Millions Estimated To Have Been Contaminated With SV40 Virus Through Polio Vaccine
Document Reveals Death Of At Least 36 Infants After Infanrix Hexa Vaccine
Scientific Evidence Suggests The Vaccine-Autism Link Can No Longer Be Ignored
Vietnam Discontinues Hepatitis B Vaccine After Three Babies Die
Polish Study Confirms Vaccines Can Cause Large Number of Adverse Effects
Dr. Oz at one time said to avoid them. I know many nurses that flat out refuse to take them, so why the heck would anyone else?
When will this stop?
I allowed vaccinations on my children (now 30 and 33) My daughter has MS and my son has minor allergies. I did so because I was convinced I was protecting them. I have encouraged my grandchildren in getting vaccinations. If I could go back in time, I would sure do things differently. When you are a new mom, you trust the medical field to look out for you and your children’s best interests. To even think that they are holding back this information is unconscionable.
Thank you for protecting your children and others! If you ever catch hold of the liars that suggested your protective efforts had anything to do with the conditions you listed (which have NO peer-reviewed research ties to vaccines AT ALL), you have certainly earned the right to slug them.
There are a number of peer reviewed studies that illustrate potential dangers of vaccinations.
Nurses AND doctors are the worst patients (just ask them). So why the heck would you want to be like them?
I really feel for this mother and her family.
Has her diagnoses ever been verified by a real doctor?
Not a chance. There is nothing to diagnose beside some form of psychosis in the mother. Great writer though.
I agree! I think thee mother does have some psychosis. Some children have things wrong with them, such things are not caused by vaccines.
“They try to strip you of all maternal instinct when you are in your most vulnerable postpartum state.”
Um, no they don’t. I hope everyone realizes this is an emotional backlash. Normally, I’d just let it pass but it seems lots of people on this blog would run with this statement and believe it true. In reality…
They try to give you the best and/or most appropriate medical treatment within the constraints of their business, time, patient compliance, etc. Being less than God, they don’t know with 100% certainty how some babies will react to vaccines. Some are allergic. Others are a bad match for vaccines for other reasons. No one knows.
But, like sunlight and vigorous exercise, vaccines are good for most people. Just because they aren’t for SOME people doesn’t mean they should be outlawed.
Shouldn’t be forced either ………. if pro vaxers believe in vaccines why are the non vaccinated such a threat? DOESN”T MAKE SENSE ~
Herd immunity. Look it up.
Herd immunity is a farce ‘look it up’. A term made up to cover up the failure of vaccines so it could still somehow be the fault of the unvaccinated even though more often than not the outbreak begins within the vaccinated part of the populace. In the case of the measles vaccine, the disease has in some cases only stricken the vaccinated without infecting the unvaccinated, this however was still recorded as being the fault of the unvaccinated. The statistics regarding vaccines have been presented poorly on both sides of the argument. The incidence of many diseases was in fact brought down by the introduction of vaccines, however, the death toll was not diminished by vaccines. In other words people were contracting the disease but not dying from it due to developing medical care, improved hygiene and better understanding of the diseases. One might say that vaccines are still wonderful because they have lessened the incidents. However, considering that sids is almost always dismissed as not being related to vaccines even though the DTP vaccine does cause breathing issues in babies for on average 60days after the vaccine. Dr. Archie Kalokerinos wrote about the liver damage in indigenous Australian babies caused by the Hep B vaccine. He was still pro vaccines at the time he wrote the book ‘Every Second Child’ so he cannot be dismissed as a conspiracy theorist. I see many people asking for peer reviewed studies. They are out there, but you actually have to go find them because the medical/pharmaceutical industry is not going to advertise these studies. In fact they will go to great lengths to cover them up possibly for the reasons of not wanting to believe it’s true, fear of embarrassment, fear of loss of profits, not only would vaccine companies need to discontinue the production of their vaccines, but there would be a huge outcry over the amount of vaccine damaged children and parents demanding compensation even though the companies themselves are protected. It is no accident that vaccine inserts contain warnings of side effects that can be as broad and sinister as death. When listening to vaccine manufactures like Hillman and Merck speak about the development of the polio vaccine and the distribution of the aids and sv40 virus, my concern is not so much about the fact that it happened, but the lack of empathy they have for the situation.
The real thing that people need to know is that many of the ingredients in vaccines are declared by the FDA as being toxic substances, but when they put the ingredients together into a vaccine, the CDC would tell us that the vaccine is safe. It defies logic, autism and ASD is at an all time high amongst a myriad of other disorders. The system is flawed and it needs to be amended to allow for a hopeful future; but this is my opinion. In summary, I urge you all to crack a book now and then and acknowledge that science is wonderful. Do not let the media or narrow minded MDs restrict your studies. Do not let them hinder your self education; you are all capable of reading and understanding. Yes, they have gone to medical school, but that doesn’t make every doctor an expert in every discipline of medicine. That would be impossible. They are just people like you and me and are capable of seeing what they want to see and getting it wrong. This should be applied to both sides of the argument and if you get it wrong, keep looking! I’d just like to say to this mother. I am so sorry and I hope your family continue to heal and tell your story.
“Like” your comment! Perhaps the reason
“…that many of the ingredients in vaccines are declared by the FDA as being toxic substances, but when they put the ingredients together into a vaccine, the CDC would tell us that the vaccine is safe. It defies logic…”
it defies logic is because these vaccines are not safe under any circumstance?
Your presentation really makes the reader come to that conclusion even if he “believes” in vaccines.
Very nice “post”…indeed!
Thank you!
The reason is because we care for everyone, and not just our own children, unlike most of you anti-vaxxers. There are some children with compromised immune systems, children to young to be immunized, and a small number who the vaccines don’t work. That is the reason there are a number of us who are fighting for vaccines for all!
“children too young to be immunized” Oh, like a newborn baby getting HEP B at BIRTH, or a four month old developing brain encephalitis after a multiple round vax. You all are disgusting tyrants.
“and he would have autism today had we continued. All the signs were there. My second child who statistically shares half of his DNA is nothing like this.”
Please, don’t try to be a scientist if your statements show such a lack of scientific thinking. This is just emotions, not science.
My story is similar and I didn’t listen to my instincts now my son is autistic because of the DTP vaccine …..we have been tested with geneticists and there is no autistic genes on either sides
What “Autism gene”?? An actual “Autism gene” has yet to be discovered but a genetic link is indicated. Scientists have found that 20 out of 23 chromosomes have regions that may be important for autism.
Having so many candidates makes it hard to find single autism-linked genes. This is because of the way scientists usually find disease genes.
There are no known autism genes. They have found some areas that look interesting for finding the genes but no actual genes as of yet. The testing you may be thinking of were for sister syndroms like fragile x where autism is known to be a part of those diagnosis. Other then that please stop talking without further research into the topic….one autism parent to another.
Every child in my family has been vaccinated… every single one of us. As we began having children, we all made the choice to vaccinate our precious babies. Is there a SINGLE “vaccine injury?” No. Not a single one. Are we just lucky? Or is it because overall, most children tolerate vaccines quite well? It is astonishing to me that people believe that PREVENTABLE deadly diseases should no longer be vaccinated against. I would guess that most parents would rather have an autistic child, a child with eczema, a child with awful food allergies rather than one who contracted a PREVENTABLE disease and passed away. In the grand scheme of things, vaccines have been a huge contributing factor to the health of the world. Parents in third world countries are begging for vaccines for their children… why?? Because they keep their children alive. It pains me to think that a child’s health was compromised because of a chemical in a vaccine or because their tiny body was unable to process the vaccination. However, it also pains me to think that some parent lost their child because they read inaccurate, not scientifically based articles posted by the likes of Jenny McCarthy saying to never vaccinate your children.
I did vaccinate my children, but if I knew then what I know now, I would have certainly done a different schedule – not a bunch of vaccines at one time when they were so tiny. I did vaccinate for norovirus and my son had an intestinal blockage. It passed but the pediatrician acted like I was a hysterical mother and my son just had the stomach flu. It definitely was NOT the stomach flu. fortunately, the blockage resolved with out surgery. A few weeks later they yanked the vaccine because of…. causing intestinal blockages. After that experience, I did not do any of the new vaccines – just the very basics. I do think vaccines for polio and other things were effective, but it seems they push new vaccines through so quickly – which is what I think happened with the norovirus vaccine. While i would love to think that pharmaceutical companies develop vaccines for the good of mankind, the truth is they are looking out for their bottom line just like any other business.
Ellis I am in the same boat as this person. Just because your children are fine doesn’t mean everyone else is in your boat. You have no idea what the long term effects of the vaccines for your children. There is more documents proving that vaccines have never eradicated disease but better hygiene has. The CDC even states that permanent brain damage or long term seizures etc are a risk of getting any vaccine. Is that a risk everyone is willing to take? NO. Here is a doctor who has been studying vaccines and what her thoughts are after researching it for so long. AGAIN the proof amongst ppl who are vaccinated are the ones spreading the diseases at the moment …. these are FACTS
At least the comments section here is filed with sanity, minus a nut or two. How horrible it must be as a parent to lock yourself into thinking you harmed your own child when nothing of the sort actually happened! I hope some strong, supportive friends and family can help this mom escape the false sense of burden she has taken upon herself.
No one should walk blindly into the vaccination decision. It takes alot of research! Not just following your Dr.s advice, as not everyone has an educated Doc. who has done alot of research on the subject ,and is not just interested in their bottom line. Everyone should be able to make whatever decision is best for their child.
I’m so sorry .. not just for your horrible experiences but for the comments on this post. You are incredibly brave and your son is just beautiful xx
I think we all need to take a balanced approach. I am strongly pro-vac, and believe all children need to be given the best chance to avoid illness. However, I know that there are some vaccines that are more ‘dangerous’ than others and we (parents) never really investigate them fully. I also think it’s easy to attribute things to ‘vaccine injury’ without significant evidence. I had a colicy baby that cried all the time and had the symptoms the author describes above, but he didn’t have any vacs until 3mths. I’m sure if we conducted a study, we’d find that non-vaccinated babies still get colic and rashes and cry. I believe writing off vaccination alltogether out of fear is extremely dangerous, however yes, we do need to investigate our vaccines better, improve them through research, continue to investigate the true effects of vaccinating. It may be that particular vaccines are not as safe. I think it would be a bit hypocritical to refuse all vacs on the grounds of ‘I’m not putting that crap into my child’ on the one hand, but then to expect the health system to dutifully provide help and medicine if and when your child got sick. But I would like to push for genuine discussion between the pro & anti camps, as we’ve got to remember that people with strong view generally have them for a legitimate reason, and we should always seek to understand before we seek to be understood.
My son is not vaccinated but is highly allergic (carries an epipen) to peanuts, lentils, chickpeas and also seriously allergic to soy, peas and other legumes and eggs. No one knows why kids get allergies but it’s probably more a genetic thing than to do with vaccinations
I was watching a video with the same woman in. I wonder if she’s just a paid actor?
Is she the same woman that’s in the “Sandy Hook” videos…also???
I am an anti-corruption advocate in the construction industry and you can see some of the tell tale signs of corruption when you look around at CDC and FDA web sites.
This is a good page to look at:
A couple of key points:
* A mandate isn’t worth the paper it is written on without enforcement. The adverse event reporting mandate (which covers only a few specific and known adverse events) has no enforcement. That means it really is only an “ethical standard.” The mandate to force parents to vaccinate their children is a lot more like a real mandate.
* The VDC database is more complete than VAERS but it is restricted. In their own words, ” a public use dataset” is available. Secrecy. Transparency is desirable. Secrecy is a pathway to corruption.
* I haven’t explored a whole lot of cost/benefit studies but I think they are skewed as well. It costs money not only for the shot, but for the time for parents to go do a doctor’s office during the work day. If a child gets a mild to high fever, the child may not be put in daycare, and may require a parent with a paying job and limited time off to take a sick day. People argue to me about community vaccination programs, but a lot of shots are delivered in doctor’s offices, with a visit that is mostly or totally for the vaccination treatment. That is a high cost. Add up all these hours of lost time and they cancel out the costs of hospital days for kids that do get a disease that is treatable in a hospital. Accurate cost/benefit analytics are important. I strongly suspect that most any vaccine that doesn’t prevent a life threatening disease is not worth the risk and cost. Even for vaccines that DO prevent life threatening diseases, I am not sure all of those would pass under proper scrutiny either.
The hyper-vaccination effort is yet another “follow the money” problem that is using fear based marketing strategies to cause us to stop asking questions, open up our checkbooks, and keep spending more, and more, and more money.
The information here is very inconsistent. Hep b is passed on through body fluids and although needles will do the job, it can live on surfaces for days and is easily passed on to children. Also I. The infinate possibilities of DNA and genetics, having two children does not mean that they both sharethe same DNA. FYI allergies are caused by exposure to antigens and are an immune response.they are a result of immune reaction to foreignsubstances that the system sees as invaders, not because a child has a vaccine.
Ok, so I would like to say just because you perceive these issues to be vaccine related, doesn’t actually make them so. I would also like to add that if I ever see you and you come up to me, and tell me that my child has a vaccine injury, I may be inclined to laugh in your face, or even get upset. I have a daughter with chronic liver disease (not vaccine related, but a genetic condition). How was it that you had a bachelors in biology without any knowledge of Hep B? I find that highly unlikely. Also, stop with the whoa is me attitude about doctors bombarding you with papers to sign. Why would you blindly sign anything? I don’t care how tired or exhausted you are with your “worst case of colic your entire family has ever seen”. I have to say, my children are all vaccinated, and they are all normal. Maybe that doesn’t happen to everyone, but I have also had my children do almost all of the same things your son did. My oldest held his breath while arching his back stiff legged screaming. This was no where near a vaccination time. Just like you we were told it was normal and he was fine….and he was. Also, if I don’t feel comfortable with what a doctor is telling me and I think something is majorly wrong, I take my kid to the ER. I don’t just sit there staring at them waiting for something to happen. Who cares if it is nothing, at least you know your child is safe. My oldest was extremely colicky, to the point of exhaustion. He didn’t sleep for the first 6 months of his life, but he does now. He was colicky from day one, before any vaccinations. He had tummy issues that I don’t feel had anything to do with vaccinations. My youngest has had those high pitch arching crazy scary cries as well. Again, no where near the vaccinations. So were they encephalitic cries as well? Or was is just the age because uncannily, it was during the same age range. So until you have actual facts rather than hogwash, please stop telling people about their kids vaccine injuries…and stay away from me.
Thank you!!! I feel bad that some children have issues wether vaccine related or not, but I’d rather have a child with learning disabilities autism etc. Than a dead child.
I can understand your concerns for your child. In my case my child anaphylaxis to the vaccines. So it just isn’t learning disabilities….so my child would be the dead child with the vaccine.
Thank you for sharing your story. It was really encouraging to read and to know that I am not the only one who is dealing with something that just makes no sense. My son is also 4 years old. He was covered in eczema after his 2 months shots and at 4 months he went into anaphylaxis shock in the nurses station where I took him to be immunized. He is also severely allergic to dairy, eggs, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts and sesame and a bunch of other things….In the last couple of years, I have learned that not many people are empathetic or understanding. And I don’t care what they think or say….my child is my child. I can’t immunize my child. He was fine when he was born and then with in 2 months he was not. Still living with it.
And for the record, my older kids were all vaccinated. One got pertussis and almost died, he also along with his older sister got the mumps. Stuff happens. In the end we are not guaranteed to get out of this life alive…that part is guaranteed. Life isn’t fair, so we just need to live with it and together. Because I won’t be harming my child for anyone else.
Thank you for your story. It is eerily similar to mine. I vaccinated my son 3 times total – once with DTap (high
Fever), once with polio and once with Hib (high pitched scream). He had food allergies around 2 years. I put
Him on homeopathy and never vaccinated him again. I regret my choice and experimentation. He is normal
and happy all things considered. I feel sorry for the misinformed folks who really believe they have to vaccinate.
We can opt out at school – even the AMA has recently said no to mandatory vaccinations thank GOD. Also there
Are homeopathic vaccines available which don’t carry the horrific ingredients of regular vaccines and are
Considered to be effective. Homeopathy in general has been suppressed in this country. Not so in India, Canada, UK, Spain, Germany and so many others. It is a very advanced system of medicine – we will look back on
so called modern medicine and call it barbaric.
Thank you for sharing your story. At minimum this debate is making many parents ask questions and get informed before accepting the vaccines being pushed on their children. Yes pushed, beginning at the hospital. They put the fear in you and don’t give you information about potential side effects. I had to repeatedly state that I was not going to vaccinate at birth. My son is almost 2 now, and I still have to be firm with my pediatrician who asks at most visits if I’m going to vaccinate, despite my clear and firm stance, and the published studies I’ve sent her. Yes I am being pushed by the medical establishment.
I believe some problems are genetic, some environmental and some are vaccine caused.
What I can say is that my son has no known allergies, is rarely sick and recovers very quickly from illnesses he does get. He’s has incredible focus and patience, and he’s just a happy, affectionate, low maintenance and very obedient kid. Is there is a correlation to not vaccinating?
Wouldn’t it be great if the government funded some unbiased studies to answer some of these questions?
I was vaccinated, so has everyone in my family, myself and four brothers and sisters. Our children are all vaccinated, all 10 of them, and now the grand children are being vaccinated as well. No autism, no “vaccine injuries” just regular kids. Some with colic, some with allergies, some with asthma, most of us not, all athletic and intelligent. Use your heads people, all kids are different, one thing will not effect every child in the same way. I think vaccines are important, and far safer now than when I received mine, but by all means do it on your own schedule. 1 vaccine at a time, or wait until they are a little older, but don’t not vaccinate because of a story like this! Most of us were vaccinated, and autism was not pervasive in my generation!
In 1977, my son was born on his due date with an APGAR of 10. He had absolutely NO physical ailments or neurological problems. He has had life threatening reactions due to DPT immunizations administered by the U.S. Naval Hospital in Port Hueneme, California. After an immunization of DPT at 5 months, he developed a fever of 105. I took him to St. John’s Hospital Emergency Room where he was put into an ice bath to reduce the fever. At 10 months and after another DPT immunization administered by the same U.S. Naval Hospital, he had 3 tonic clonic seizures, stopped breathing, turned purple, eyes rolled back and basically died in my arms. I administered mouth to mouth resuscitation until the paramedics arrived. After approximately 15 minutes, he was revived. His neurologist administered an EEG which validated the effects of the DPT immunization with abnormal brain activity. The lifelong brain damage has been heart breaking. He does not have an appetite. His executive functioning is compromised.
I was not made aware of the laws governing the physiological health damage by vaccines until the last few years. He is unable to hold a job. He has seizures. He has lifelong neurological damage. We are unable to receive any injury compensation since we were not informed of the time limit on filing such claim or that such compensation was available.
I have contacted my California Congressional Representative to propose legislation so that those who have been critically damaged by vaccines can have access to funds to sustain their existence regardless when the damage occurred.
Federal vaccine injury compensation awarded under the 1986 law was divided into two parts: (1) compensation for injuries or deaths that occurred before October 1, 1988 (no matter how long ago the injury occurred) for which the injured individual could choose to pursue a lawsuit without restrictions but the claim would have had to have been filed in the VICP by January 31, 1991; and (2) Injuries or deaths occurring after October 1, 1988.
Reading this makes me thank god my wife and i had the wisdom to trust our own senses, to stop vaccinating in the face of rude bullies of doctors. We made that decision in 2008 and it wasn’t easy, but I have yet to regret it.
I’m thankful she shared her story, but she’s reaching. I don’t believe any of his issues are because of vaccines (and I was really hoping to).