Again, our physical material reality really ISN’T physical at all. The meaning, significance and implications of these findings within our quantum world have led to a plethora of ideas and theories, some of which lay inside the label of “pseudo-science.” This article will present scientific evidence that clearly show the connections between consciousness and what we call reality and how these can no longer be denied. It will also ponder the implications of this knowing, and how this realization plays an important role in the potential transformation of our planet, at a time when we need it the most.
Scientific understandings change continuously throughout human history. Old “knowings” are constantly dismissed as we come across new ones. Even with our current understanding about the laws of physics, it could have some loopholes, especially with the recent disclosure of the black budget. We now know that trillions of dollars are going towards projects that the human race knows nothing about. Other phenomenon, like zero-point energy, extracting energy and heat from electromagnetic zero-point radiation via the Casimir force have shown to be correct and conclusive. – For more information on these sources, please click here. (1)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13) Some of these ideas threaten our current understanding of physics, but how can we even have an understanding of physics when what we call ‘matter’ isn’t even real? How can we understand it if when we observe an atom at its tiniest level the behavior of that atom changes? The quantum world is definitely a weird one, and it’s safe to say that we don’t understand it, but we do recognize the significance and potential it has to help transform our world. We are starting to recognize that non-physical properties govern the universe, and we are turning our attention towards consciousness and the role it plays with regards to the physical make up of our reality.
The notion that the atom was the smallest particle in the universe fell with the discovery that the atom itself is made up of even smaller, subatomic elements. What was even more shocking was the revelation that these subatomic particles emit various “strange energies.”(0) Proponents would argue that the findings within quantum physics only apply and are significant at the subatomic level, but to those I say, are we not all existing at the subatomic level? When we observe ourselves and our physical environment at the smallest level, are we not made up of atoms? Are we not made up of subatomic particles? Are we not what we observe?
At the turn of the ninetieth century, physicists started to explore the relationship between energy and the structure of matter. In doing so, the belief that a physical, Newtonian material universe that was at the very heart of scientific knowing was dropped, and the realization that matter is nothing but an illusion replaced it. Scientists began to recognize that everything in the Universe is made out of energy.
Quantum physicists discovered that physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating, each one radiating its own unique energy signature. Therefore, if we really want to observe ourselves and find out what we are, we are really beings of energy and vibration, radiating our own unique energy signature -this is fact and is what quantum physics has shown us time and time again. We are much more than what we perceive ourselves to be, and it’s time we begin to see ourselves in that light. If you observed the composition of an atom with a microscope, you would see a small, invisible tornado like vortex, with a number of infinitely small energy vortices called quarks and photons. These are what make up the structure of the atom. As you focused in closer and closer on the structure of the atom, you would see nothing, you would observe a physical void.(0) The atom has no physical structure, we have no physical structure, physical things really don’t have any physical structure! Atoms are made out of invisible energy, not tangible matter.
It’s quite the conundrum, isn’t it? Our experience tells us that our reality is made up of physical material things, and that our world is an independently existing objective one. Again, what quantum mechanics reveals is that there is no true “physicality” in the universe, that atoms are made of focused vorticies of energy-miniature tornadoes that are constantly popping into and out of existence. The revelation that the universe is not an assembly of physical parts, suggested by Newtonian physics, and instead comes from a holistic entanglement of immaterial energy waves stems from the work of Albert Einstein, Max Planck, and Werner Heisenberg, among others. (0)
Despite the findings of quantum physics many scientists today still cling onto the prevailing matter-oriented worldview, for no good reason at all. As mentioned earlier, these scientists restrict quantum theory’s validity to the subatomic world. If we know that matter isn’t physical, how can we further our scientific discovery by treating it as physical?
Despite the unrivaled empirical success of quantum theory, the very suggestion that it may be literally true as a description of nature is still greeted with cynicism, incomprehension and even anger. (T. Folger, “Quantum Shmantum”; Discover 22:37-43, 2001)
What Does This Mean?
What does it mean that our physical material reality isn’t really physical at all? It could mean a number of things, and concepts such as this cannot be explored if scientists remain within the boundaries of the only perceived world existing, the world we see. Fortunately, many scientists have already taken the leap, and have already questioned the meaning and implications of what we’ve discovered with quantum physics. One of these potential revelations is that “the observer creates the reality.”
A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. As observers, we are personally involved with the creation of our own reality. Physicists are being forced to admit that the universe is a “mental” construction. Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: “The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. (R. C. Henry, “The Mental Universe”; Nature 436:29, 2005) (14)
We can no longer ignore the fact that our beliefs, perceptions and attitudes (consciousness) create the world.
Get over it, and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual. (14)
One great example that illustrates the role of consciousness within the physical material world (which we know not to be so physical) is the double slit experiment. This experiment has been used multiple times to explore the role of consciousness in shaping the nature of physical reality. (2)
A double-slit optical system was used to test the possible role of consciousness in the collapse of the quantum wave-function.(2) The ratio of the interference pattern’s double-slit spectral power to its single-slit spectral power was predicted to decrease when attention was focused toward the double-slit as compared to away from it.(2) The study found that factors associated with consciousness, such as meditation, experience, electrocortical markers of focused attention and psychological factors such as openness and absorption, significantly correlated in predicted ways with perturbations in the double-slit interference pattern.(2)
Below is a video that demonstrates the double slit experiment from the film “What the bleep do we know.”
[youtube id=”DfPeprQ7oGc”]
The problem presented in this experiment is called the quantum measurement problem (QMP). It refers to (as seen in the video) the intriguing effect whereby quantum objects appear to behave differently when observed than when unobserved.(2) Scientists only view it as a problem because it disregards what our senses tell us, that the world is completely independent of observation. This problem has led to the study of the role of observation and measurement -which many believe to be one aspect of consciousness due to our mind-like capacity of awareness, attention and intention.
Observation not only disturb what has to be measured, they produce it. We compel the electron to assume a definite position. We ourselves produce the results of the measurement. (2)
These types of experiments are not the only ones available that show consciousness does play a role, and is interconnected with our physical material reality in some way. The possible influence of human consciousness on the behavior of physical or biological systems has been subject to rigorous research and documentation for a number of years by several researches. Many of the experiments that use the role of human consciousness and how it affects our physical material world have been done so under the Department of Defense and military agencies, thus remaining classified -hidden science kept from the eyes of the mainstream public world. (3)
One example of this is the 24-year government-sponsored program to investigate ESP and its potential use within the Intelligence Community. This operation was called STAR GATE , and most of its research and findings remain classified to this day. (4) Another example is the research conducted by the CIA and NSA in conjunction with Stanford University. (5)(6)(7).
Personally, I am compelled to believe that much of the science that deals with the “weirdness” of the quantum world, and many of its technological applications remains within the realm of the classified world. A world so secretive that it could be thousands, if not millions of years ahead of the mainstream world.
What Level Of Consciousness Do You Operate From?
Now that we’ve established that our physical makeup is one that is not physical at all, where do we go from here? We are atoms, made up of subatomic particles, that are actually a bunch of energy vibrating at a certain frequency. Us, these vibrational beings of energy exhibit consciousness, which has been shown to manifest, create and correlate to our physical material world. The next question to ask ourselves is: what level of consciousness/ state of being do we individually, and more importantly, collectively operate from?
Studies have shown that positive emotions and operating from a place of peace within oneself can lead to a very different experience for the person emitting those emotions and for those around them. At our subatomic level, does the vibrational frequency change the manifestation of physical reality? If so, in what way? We know that when an atom changes it’s state, it absorbs or emits electromagnetic frequencies, which are responsible for changing it’s state. (15) Do different states of emotion, perception and feelings result in different electromagnetic frequencies? Yes! This has been proven. (8)
Below is a video that uses the example of the heart, and sheds some light on some facts you may not have known.
[youtube id=”Kyfm5_LLxow”]
The non-physical world is weird, isn’t it? The fact that material substances (matter) appear out of thin air, with lots of evidence to point to consciousness as that which is creating it, is pretty intriguing. One minute we are holding a physical object in our hand, like a coin, and then the next minute we realize that if we were to focus in on the coins material substance with an atomic microscope, we would see that we are actually holding nothing.
The best we can do for now is understand that the human race must operate from a place of peace, a place of co-operation and understanding. We must realize that we are all interconnected, that we can solve our problems here easily, given the fact that we have a number of solutions. The only way we will be able to implement and utilize these solutions is through a shift in consciousness. The world is indeed waking up. My soul knows the significance of these findings, it is difficult for the mind to explain. Hopefully I did a decent job.
Related CE Article: 10 Scientific Studies That Prove Consciousness Can Alter Our Physical Material World
Lipton, H Bruce. The Biology of Belief. United States: Hay House INC. 2008
Yes, you did do a good job! It’s so fascinating, isn’t it?!
Thanks Inogen, and yes, it is very fascinating!
The big breakthrough will come when science realizes the universe is within. All exploration and all discovery has always been within Awareness, within God Mind and connections to it.
dude what a great job you did, this is so impressive, and I know it’s a fact. Congrats. I’m look forward to read your next article. Regards from Brazil!!
Amazing article! I’m really glad that you have great format and citations for your references. I am new to CE, but that’s one thing that I have found a little frustrating. I like the ease of knowing that the information I’m reading has been peer reviewed and at least holds some validity and not just a scare story that has little scientific backing. I’ve honestly been thinking about this subject for some time. The universe is an amazing and intriguing place indeed!
Amazing, peace of mind is key.
One of the most cohesive articles on this subject matter that I have read in quite a while. Thank you so much for this. I await your next article with utmost anticipation.
Well done sir, makes me feel good about the nature of reality
Well written and presented. Thank you for assisting in the wake-up call.
Goodjuju to you… and to us all… as we explore our collective universal consciousness.
Good article on old news . If the experiments are so simple yet the results so diverse , do you think a scientist can’t give a simple explanation ? One thing is right , the universe we live in is mechanical in nature , mathematics only can cover part of it . Math doesn’t include free actions that aren’t predictable . Having said that , imagine what’s out there , forms of life and realities that will astound you .
Allow me to direct you to a Vedic science called Sankhya, that gives the mathematical derivations based on axioms. It removes any speculation about matter, consciuosness or whatever. IRhe enetire process of manifestation is mathematically precise, logically consistent and undisputable . Please visit
Thank you for an amazing article. I love how you link science and consciousness, important information that should be comprehensible for a large group of people. A good contribution to rising collective consciousness and inspiration to further exploration of consciousness.
If the intention is peace, how can schizophrenia, tsunamis, car accidents, or a death in the family result? We know it’s illusion, but there are more forces at work than just our own will power, and that’s why bad things happen to good people. So let’s not get carried away by the words of New Age physicists and gurus who would have you believe that you can manifest anything at all (if only you pay your five dollars to the organization, first). There’s more to life.
I’ll try to explain from how I read your comment, please don’t think I’m giving you a hard time. 🙂 I just have a few ideas about it.
That’s polarising experiences into good and bad. It’s your attitude that determines how you see them – from your own thoughts about how you consider them. You’re probably right, there’s more to Life OR there is MORE to understand about the theory as I don’t believe personally that we know everything 😉
It may be the experiences are from Karmic lessons and it’s a shunt to get you to be peaceful as you can only control yourself because admit it, how many truly positive and peaceful are out there that haven’t gone through what they would call Hell first before they decided that they are in their driver’s seat and voila, their world is transformed by how they respond to it. Sorry if I’ve convoluted it up a bit, I don’t believe I’ve ever been great at explaining things. 🙂
They are things that happen and another way I guess of explaining it is: What is Good for the Spider is Chaos for the Fly.
bravo 🙂
Thanks this is very well written. I am actually amazed you could put it in to words as if I try to explain my thoughts to others I can’t get them in to words.
You did a great job friend, the conclusion made me smile, and collective-evolution has made a great impact in my life.
Thanks Arjun Walia, Joe Martino and everyone contributing to a better (and more conscious) world.
Sounds to me like science is coming close to God. And in the end, the things use advise for the world, is what He has wanted for us from the moment He had the idea of us in His mind 🙂
although I applaud any thinking that is outside of the box I have some major issues with parts of it. mostly the Dr Quantum video from “What the Bleep do we know” first off an electron doesnt decide to act differently when it is “observed” the way we observe it, since they cant be seen with the naked eye is to disturb its momentum therefore changing its trajectory and collapsing the wave function. that is why it goes back to acting like a particle and you only get 2 lines. there is no way currently to passively observe single photons. the “physical atoms are made up of vortices” assertion was a theory proposed by William Thomson (later elevated to Lord Kelvin) in 1867 and was discarded with the discovery of the electron in 1897 by J.J. Thomas. this is merely a layman’s pontification on quantum mechanics,. and making baseless assertions based on a poor understanding of quantum physics. If you would like to know more about what quantum physics actually shows I would suggest taking a course at a university or contacting a PhD. quantum physicist.
Don’t worry, you’ve done an excellent job explaining the topic. Thank you for the amazing read, you’re a fantastic writer.
Arjun wrote: “The quantum world is definitely a weird one, and it’s safe to say that we don’t understand it, but we do recognize the significance and potential it has to help transform our world.”
Ain’t this the same for our minds? Couldn’t we say that all that is which can’t be described by either material or spiritual terms, is really what is happening within our minds?
We need to learn to understand our mind, in order to no longer be directed by our mind.
The parallel between the quantum world and the mind is to me very striking. Both are unpredictable, changing constantly and empty of any real substance. And they both respond to interactions with the so-called outside world.. funny huh? 🙂
Nice article btw, especially the part before the 2-split part!
WOW, am i glad you made this statement as a question, “…but to those I say, are we not all existing at the subatomic level?…” NO! We do NOT exist at the “subatomic” level. If we did, we’d be dodging electrons, atoms, etc., ALL DAY LONG! We exist at the “material/physical” (for lack of a better description) level. You know, this level where all that energy “coalesces” and becomes “physical?”
ALL the “double-slit” experiment has proven is that “WE” don’t know everything there is to KNOW about the electromagnetic spectrum and physics as it is called! That’s all! NOTHING MORE!
We simply don’t know! Everything presented and “proven” is all based on hypothesis and theories which have been accepted as FACTS! You can “cite” all the experiments, studies, etc., that you’d like, but they are nothing more than deceptions designed to misdirect everyone!
That last video “…Did you know that positive emotions physiological emotions in your body?….” duh! Jesus said this same thing, TWO THOUSAND YEARS AGO! “…All the worrying in the world will not add a moment to your life…” (paraphrased)!!!
So tell, just how “FAR” have we really come…consciously? IF, only now, you are beginning to understand what Jesus told us…years ago?
btw…Jesus also told us that we are not of this world (well, some of us anyways)
“…’nuff said!”
Take Care and God Bless!!!
I think that it would be best to keep Jesus out of this. Even if Jesus existed, which he likely did, he would have been just like you and I. No greater or no less. The topic discussed here is clearly something that is greater then Jesus, you, me or any other personal Gods that anyone may wish to choose. This really is some pretty mind blowing research. There is so much that we just do not understand yet.
Einstein was right when he said The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It will transcend personal God and avoid dogma and theology. I believe this to be the beginning of his prediction.
This excites me on so many levels because something of this magnitude could very well be what we need to get us on the road to having World Peace!
Sankhya is a complete and perfect theory. From its axiomatic derivation , there is no conundrum in reality. It is as real as ones hands etc. But human minds learn by reference, hence there is no absolute language by which all of us can understand reality correctly. For instance we have all learned what a tree is by reference . Keeping to hard facts and a logically objective approach we must accept space is not empty. The contents in space become dynamic. When two adjacent objects collide stresses are created and these stresses continue and fill the cosmic space. This interactive state called Gunas (PHO state ) in Sankhya is a perpetual harmonic oscillatory state that motivates all movement in the Universe. Our consciousness is a direct resonant reaction to it. Our brain waves oscillate at 3.37 cycles per cycle (second) and so does the proton electron combination at exactly 3.57 cycles / cycle as the so called gyro magnetic ratio named in physics. When the same PHO state is disturbed the stresses flow from high to low cyclic rates and is called gravitation in Physics. Now the rest flows in a systematic manner to cover all phenomena. Read with understanding and care Kapillamuni’s great theory in Sankhya on the website
Well, I been looking for this kind of knowledge for quite a while. Thanks! 🙂
ISLAM is in support of this.Allah (Eng.The One God) says is the Quran that this world is an illusion that those who chase after it are chasing a shadow and He also says He prepared for us another world that dosent contain death and anything we wish for will be present and all we have to do for that is to testify that we have a Creator and obey Him on this world by following our pre-instructed conscious voice and following His Messengers that brought us these Messages
“Allah???” Sorry, but there is no truth to Islam except that which is taken from Scripture.
Id like to encourage you to study the Islamic scientific facts such as the Big Bang being described 1,435 years ago, the earths shape, tectonic plates, etc.I find it impossible that a man that couldnt read or write could know things we only found to be in the last 100 years that werent mentioned in the Bible.Islam recognizes the Bible to be true from God but its been altered by people and many important concepts were changed.The Message is one: God is One.
Sorry you have been brain-washed AND deceived by Islam! “BIG BANG???” Get a grip! It’s NOTHING more than a “joke” published in Scientific American in the late 60’s!!!
Since you “believe” in the BIG BANG, then you will obviously believe the “CULT of Islam!”
AND, you’re right! Withing the confines of Islam, it does recognize…ONE GOD! BUT, ONLY within itself as it does NOT recognize human morality…whatsoever!
btw…Scripture, DOES talk about the Earth being round, NOT being the center of the Universe and many more FACTS which “modern science” has yet to “accept!” As for Islam??? It has absolutely no place on this PLANET…NOT EVEN IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM!!! (perhaps amongst the insects…)
YOU, and YOUR “CULT of Islam”, along with every other “Man-made Religion”…have simple been misdirected, misdirected, and misguided!!!
As I’ve indicated many times, I follow the “…Teachings of Jesus Christ…” rather than blindly following Scripture!
Take Care and God Bless!
Bobby, methinks the man doth protest too much. If you truly believe in what you are saying, why the drama and anger? Open you mind and your heart and let Jesus speak to you himself. If you followed him as you vehemently insist well… you sure don’t seem too far along the WWJD path as yet. Your church, like most, has been tainted by the corrupt so long ago. Within the church’s doctrines and the holy book itself are highly manipulative messages of judgment and fear designed to keep you from seeing the truth of your own divinity. This is why there is so much contradiction in the Bible… some of it really has been falsified. Just dig a tiny bit and see who was in charge of its compilation. Dig further and you will also find how much they have hidden. It’s not hard to find this information. Your anger directed toward Islam or any religion other than yours was instilled in you by the church you belong to. As such, you sound like just any other typical bible thumper spouting the rhetoric you’ve heard bandied about among your peers and it is serving a terrible purpose. What you and many other religious zealots do is turn people away from God. By example, you are turning people off. Jesus, on the hand, said “be like I am.” Fail, Bobby, big Fail here. Ok, so you like to hang out with folks who believe as you do because this makes you all feel you are all “right”. It’s not about being right though. Every person on earth could agree on one thing and still be wrong. God is the One and the One are God. This is a universal truth which no amount of jumping up and down in capital letters and exclamation marks can ever change.
You can lead a horse to water, but can’t make him drink.
God is One and God is the same God as Jehovah, the God of Abraham and NOT the god that Christians or Jews worship. Israel is NOT the Jews.
Poor Bobby be-LIE-ves in the Jew created Jesus which was nothing but a mushroom cult.
ISLAM and peace, brother.
Guys, guys! You just read an article saying that everything is full of emptiness.
Allah, Jesus (or Yoshua Ben-Miriam), Buddha… they all lived ages ago and we live constantly in Now. What’s left of them is stories, which consist of thoughts. Thoughts are vibrations going through emptiness. Contemplate that for a moment.
You also just read an article saying it would be good thing to find peace if we want to survive…
What is it about another man’s religion that makes you feel either threatened, offended, or not wanting to allow it to him? Get to know your shadows.
What would it take to live with your religions and beliefs, and allow others to keep theirs?
NO, Mr. James Robertson! I DO NOT follow the Jew created Jesus as you put it! It is your biased views of the World as the conditioning and brain-washing of the “CULT of Islam” that makes you “think” I’m following “some” Religion AND your comment also shows how little you know of the “…Teachings of Jesus Christ!” For “IF” you really “knew” His TEACHINGS, then you would realize He said “…not to follow the Religions of Man…” (paraphrased, I leave it up to Divine Revelation for you to become enlightened)!!!
Nope, I do not follow the Scriptural account of Jesus Christ, the “Messiah!” I am referring to the “prophecies” that foretell of His coming many thousands of years prior to the First Book of Scripture! To the Prophecies that have been relinquished to that of Myths & Legends, BUT, are in fact…”REAL!”
THROUGH-OUT your bigotry, bias, and ignorance of accepted “Religious Truths” and maybe, just “maybe” you will discover the FACT that ALL man-made Religions are “bent” in favor of one group of people or another and the “Teachings of Jesus Christ” Who brought us the “Good News” that We ARE ALL ONE…IN THE EYES OF “GOD!”
btw…”God” IS interchangeable with, “Heaven” THAT “place” that exists, outside, of Our Universe(s). That place from whence We All come from BUT, as prophesied by Jesus Christ, NOT All shall return. Right NOW, should He Return, 1/4 of the Population will perish and NOT return to Heave…Muslims make-up 1/4 of the Population…TODAY! BUT, the number that will perish is based on each individual, therefore Muslim, Christian, Hindu, etc., are ALL included.
However, Islam represents the WRONG God! Therefore, IT’S followers ARE following the WRONG God.
It’s NOT too late!
“Take Care and God Bless, In The Name Of, Jesus Christ…Amen!”
Did I mention, that the teaching of Jesus Christ ARE in opposition to that of Scripture? His “Teachings” stand on their OWN…without Scripture!
Well sir, whatever is written in Islam is the same as written in Bhagvat Gita which is almost 5000yrs back…And if you read about Historic civilizations then you will surely know that intelligent and developed civilization existed even 1 million years back on earth…So Science is a little behind time to be true…lot of work to do before science can truly say, “IT KNOWS EVERYTHING”
It’s great, yet frustrating reading conflict between souls that share the same existance.
Not one of you can answer the ultimate question with referring to faith, so therefor cannot prove to one another whose religion reigns highest and you never will.
The truth is simple enough – We Are One.
It is our physical bodies within this dimension that separates us, nothing else.
Our interpretations fuel the conflict we see today. Any person who believes that their religion is the greatest is clearly not yet of an open mind nor has the understanding of their own origin.
Really just wanted to say a job well done on this article, as with most I’ve read on this site. You are making the world a better place by sharing this information.
There is one important thing about “go positive”-ideas that I want to add.
As peace, compassion and lovingness is our natural state, it is not something we have to strive for, or change ourselves to. Instead it is much more effective if we just become aware of how we are keeping ourselves away from that state, without knowing it. We have collected unconscious attachments starting from childhood, and they different and personal to all of us, so we have to do our own personal “unlearning” away from them, to freedom.
If you try to develop yourself into more peaceful being, you probably just push your so called shadows deeper into darkness, where they remain and still have control over your reactions and actions. Sooner or later they’ll be back. Imagine if we go that way collectively: that might just produce a mayhem after a peaceful period.
Do your shadow work and deal with your shadows now, before they create a crisis. It may not be always wonderful and nice, but it sure is liberating. Allow your shadows to surface and welcome them, then they will just vanish into the light and in the end only peace will prevail.
wow, very well said my friend, just what i needed right now 😀
Your article states; ” We now know that trillions of dollars are going towards projects that the human race knows nothing about.” Bit of on oxymoron there methinks. Either that, or you are one of the aliens involved in these projects.
Why do you think that’s an oxymoron. We know there are classified projects going on, we just don’t know the extent of their entire operations. I understand how it can be see as an oxymoron lol.
I think it’s an oxymoron to state (a) “We now know that …” vs (b) “the human race knows nothing about.” You can’t say humans know nothing if you know something, unless you are not human. Removing the word nothing removes the oxymoron.
So that would mean the human race DOES know about the projects…… That’s why…..
good point.
lol ~
Could it be that our consciousness is a continuum from shadow to light, from finite self to Infinite Self, from a separate being to a oneness of Being? If so, one does not make shadows disappear and peace forever thereafter prevail. Rather, one can always give up the tyranny of shadows here and now, as well as slip back into their grasp. The ego does not die with enlightenment; it simply as given up its reign for the moment. Constant practice and attention to remaining enlightened is required as long as we play the finite-Infinite game that appears to be reality.
Very well put.
The tree of knowledge.
Have you eaten from the physics tree of science yet, the tree that found its own measure of nature to be uncertain or only probable at best? Have you swallowed the fruit and become a gambler in their game of dice too? Have you been sold on the scientific snake oil of chance? Have you fallen into the spell yet of quantum mechanics, fallen into the dizzying black holes or rabbit holes of today’s science? If so, can you tell me how deep into uncertainty has science taken you, how deep does science go? Does it go deeper than Higgs or god particles, farther than strings and multiverses, deeper than their own equations? Is it possible to escape once you have fallen in? Is there any way out? Can science escape the gravitation pull of its own smoke and mirrors? And while you are in there can you tell me: Is science the best at calling a kettle black or does black really matter, is a black hole black? And lastly or rather firstly, can you tell me, did the big bang make any sound or is that theory just another pseudo hole of a dud too? =
lol 🙂 Those are a lot of questions to answer.
“SCIENCE…!!!” (you know the song!)
Your comment is, “VERY WELL…PUT!”
I quite agree MJA. Invisible to who is my question to the author. Perhaps not to you!
“The problem presented in this experiment is called the quantum measurement problem (QMP). It refers to (as seen in the video) the intriguing effect whereby quantum objects appear to behave differently when observed than when unobserved.(2)”
-This is because energy effects energy.
Matt summed it up perfectly. We are all one – whether we like it or not.
The Arcturian Group wishes to talk about Oneness. You may say, we always talk about Oneness but we reply that we must emphasize the truth of Oneness because it is the basic truth upon which all change will take place. Until mankind can understand that there is only One (one mind, one life, one intelligence, one reality) manifesting Itself in infinite form and variety, there will always be that sense of separation holding man in bondage to the false sense of duality and separation.
You see, all are in and of the One for it is all there is. With this awareness there would be no wars, no thievery, no murders, no anger or lower resonating emotions all of which arise from a belief in separation. When mankind realizes that there is only One, he will see that all have the same opportunity to experience the gifts embodied within that that One. No one has been given more than another for there is only the One. It the individual state of consciousness that determines how much of that One will manifest. Journeys through lifetimes–some easy and many difficult were carefully chosen by every soul as necessary experiences leading to this awareness of ONE and you are ready for this awareness now.
Everything is connected within the One–the crystal/mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom, the devic/elemental/nature spirit kingdom, and all human as well as galactic beings. There is only ONE and it is continually manifesting itself and cannot be separated from its own qualities which is why these qualities are held in place and governed infinitely by spiritual law. These unchanging and permanent qualities of intelligence, wisdom, abundance, wholeness, completeness etc etc. and are yours by virtue of your Divine sonship but only manifest according to the conditioning of your state of consciousness.
If you fully believe you are separate from all other living things, then the Divine idea of Oneness will manifest in your experience as relationships that reflect this. The ONE never changes, but any false belief held in consciousness will manifest outwardly. Examine your experiences dear ones, for they will guide you to what you still hold within your consciousness.
The job of the evolutionary process is to move every soul into an awareness of the truth of ONE. Truth appears when an individual is ready simply as a new idea that seems to resonate. The awakening soul ponders and thinks upon this new idea and begins to practice it in daily life. Gradually the truth integrates and become the individual’s state of consciousness. Evolution is an unfolding process dear ones, one cannot say; “I got it!” and then expect everything to suddenly change. It is not a matter of intellectual knowledge, it is the actual integration of these truths until they become YOU. That is why many refer to old souls (evolved through many lifetimes) versus new souls (just beginning to learn).
Over lifetimes of living in duality and separation, you have accumulated lower resonating energies which have been stored within your physical, emotional,and mental bodies. These need to be cleared for they cannot go with you into the higher dimensional energies that you moving in to. This is what you are doing now–releasing these old and toxic energies carried in ignorance from lifetime to lifetime and which have held you in bondage to many of the issues you deal with in daily life.
As these clearings take place unpleasantness may surface and you may think you are going backwards in your spiritual progress. No dear ones, it is just the opposite, you have reached that place in your journey where you are now evolved enough to let go of that which is old and finished. You are releasing all that you have dragged with you from lifetime to lifetime when you did not have enough awareness to understand that these old and dense energies were holding you back. You have come to the place of finally being ready to do this difficult work, and you are doing it beautifully so do not to see the painful issues of your lives as some sort of failure but as signs that you are graduating. Be aware that some clearing is taking place in the dream state so if you have troubling dreams know that you are most likely releasing the energy of some past life experience.
It is important that you let go of all concepts of how clearing, evolution, or ascension should look–for yourselves or for the world. Release any and all concepts or comparison of your journey versus another’s’ for all have had different lifetimes with varying experiences leading to whatever personal issues need to be looked at,released, and moved beyond.
It is time to let go of your concepts dear ones, for concepts hold you in bondage to a belief system that is more often than not false .
Rest in your realization of One.
We are the Arcturian Group 5/5/13
Hmmm James is right…For a good “science ‘fiction'” read James Redfield’s Celestine Prophesy Trilogy….I haven’t read the new one yet…quantum Phsics meets Psychology meets biology meets….etc.
Observe nothing, and it will function naturally. Control nothing and it will operate as it should. You focus on something and it is just as you expect it. You have heard of a small part of this before, you know it as, “Be careful what you wish for.”
Have you watched this Star Trek episode?
Just stumbled here by “mistake”, however i can just hope that you are being sarcastic and this is just a joke.. Else you might want to explain your theory to some syrian or somalian or some indian farmers… well the list of person you can pick is quite endless and I’m sure that their life is not really what they wish! Get some education and then come back to talk about science!
Great refresher, one I needed now, thanks. Ben, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer and many many others have been speaking about this for many many years. namaste.
Hi can i take the post? it is awesome !
This was an amazingly inspirational read kudos to you.
Anti matter and studying it, is what led to atlantis sinking but they were able to stop it
Oh yes you did a great job , I play with and use it in my life , this is a conjoined reality , so everyone out there good thoughts <3
Rainbows, halo’s and moon bows does not exist, and can only be experienced by observation, being a prism effect on photons. The Moon? It really exists, whether observed or not. This theory in a sense suggests that the universe is a conscious observation and does not really exist, yet, no conscious being has ever seen it. The brain will see what you want it to see(Television principals), thus the birth of quantum mechanics. There are no mysteries in science, this theory is somewhat mysterious, and cannot have any impact neg/pos on anybody’s existence for not knowing it. Unproven and irrelevant.
It reminds me of the quotation :-
“I think, therefore I am”
– Rene Descartes
Which is reality truth, us or God? What does the word ‘super-natural’ really mean? We think we are ‘natural’ but God is ‘super-natural’. More real than us.
you’re using semantics to prove your point, it doesn’t work that way
Life is an illusion.
Yeah, pretty amazing. I have done a little take on it:
Maya or illusion is an element which enters into all finite things, for everything that exists has only a relative, not an absolute, reality, since the appearance which the hidden noumenon assumes for any observer depends upon his power of cognition. To the untrained eye of the savage, a painting is at first an unmeaning confusion of streaks and daubs of colour, while an educated eye sees instantly a face or a landscape. Nothing is permanent except the one hidden absolute existence which contains in itself the noumena of all realities. The existences belonging to every plane of being, up to the highest Dhyan-Chohans, are, in degree, of the nature of shadows cast by a magic lantern on a colourless screen; but all things are relatively real, for the cogniser is also a reflection, and the things cognised are therefore as real to him as himself. Whatever reality things possess must be looked for in thembefore or after they have passed like a flash through the material world; but we cannot cognise any such existence directly, so long as we have sense-instruments which bring only material existence into the field of our consciousness. Whatever plane our consciousness may be acting in, both we and the things belonging to that plane are, for the time being, our only realities. As we rise in the scale of development we perceive that during the stages through which we have passed we mistook shadows for realities, and the upward progress of the Ego is a series of progressive awakenings, each advance bringing with it the idea that now, at last, we have reached “reality;” but only when we shall have reached the absolute Consciousness, and blended our own with it, shall we be free from the delusions produced by Maya.
And, perhaps more importantly, human minds are not the only one’s at work.
Ok, so what makes up consciousness? see: and to focus in on teh topic
Thanks for the great article, It really makes me wonder. Definitely, this is one of your best articles. Keep up the good work!
I love the way you explain all of this.
Many thanks for an interesting article, I have similar thoughts in relation to logic, we cannot see it, but it seems to be capable of explaining everything. Is logic a form of fundamental energy that is capable of creating everything, such as the so called illusions that eventually materialize into sub atomic particles, atoms and matter.
great article it supports what i had already read previously and yes it simply is something hard to put into words and now we need to understand how psycadeliques play a role in connecting us to an alternate reality/dimension/plane of existance and the role of sacred geometry
I have been reading and following some articles on consciousness
You have put it very nicely.
The double slit experiment is an excellent example for believing that what we perceive and observe becomes reality.
I want to know more examples of positivity and consciousness used by humans to achieve what they have wished for in life.
And how do we apply this in our daily routine life.
Please do share something on this.
Watch videos of Tony Parsons on Youtube. Teaching of nonduality, powerful stuff.
The “double-slit” experiment is a complete HOAX! It is meant to misdirect everyone into believing, false “truths.”
The double-slit experiment produces the results we see only due to our “relative” point of view…nothing more.
Hence, the results you get are in accordance with what “some” people want you to believe.
Listen to teal swan videos on youtube. She has a preety good idea on how to do this.
“Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration – that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselve Bill Hicks
Gorgeous article , I like it so much ! I wish you all the best and thank you very much .
What is so new about it. From time immemorial Indian sages who have experienced the truth behind this apparent appearances were saying that material world, including your mind, is only Maya created due to the ignorance (Avidya ) of the observer and it can be transcended. What you experience after you are enlightened is only pure consciousness which cannot be grasped by the senses nor explained in words. The closest words they used to express this state is Satchidananda- that is truth/consciousness/bliss.
Here is a note of caution. As long as you are in bondage of karma, and unless you have a single pointed desire to transcend the imperfection and impermanence of material world, you do not have any escape from the physical world. All theorizing and experimentation on physical level are not going to help you ‘know’ the non dual ultimate truth. In fact it cannot be known. You can only become it. Knowing involves body, senses, mind and intelligence. All these instruments, including logic, can function only in the realm of time, space and causation. The ultimate truth, Brahman, is beyond time, space and causation. Yet the only instrument at your disposal to reach the ultimate goal is your mind. The first pre-requisite for liberation is to possess a certain amount of ‘Vairagya’ to physical world. Vairagya denotes a lack of attachment or aversion to things physical, mental or intellectual. The next step is to silence and still the mind through meditation. Once all the impressions and tendencies in mind are transcended, the truth shines forth by itself and you become the truth. Then all the questions and answers are silenced. The knots of the heart are severed. All the doubts are cleared. The knower, known and knowledge merge together in to a single mass of consciousness and awareness. The three states of life- the waking state, dreaming state and deep sleep state, through which you gain the entire gamut of your experiences, disappear completely and you become the pure awareness. Our enlightened sages declare that it is an undifferentiated mass of bliss, which cannot be expressed in words. Then there is no return to the mirage of material world. Unless and until you reach this stage you are bound by happiness and sorrow, good and bad, cold and heat, love and hatred, light and shadow, virtue and sin. Physical world can exist only in duality and pairs of opposite. Light cannot exist independent of darkness.
Hence whether you believe in Newtonian mechanical world view or in Einstein’s relativity world view or in quantum theory world view or string theory or creationist theory or any other theory, it does not make any difference to the physical material world. Nor does it matter to your mental or intellectual world. All theories and world views are bound down in time, space and causation. None of it can make you capable of knowing the ultimate truth behind the ever changing mirage of the material world. A dream is a dream. It does not matter whether it is a logical dream or an illogical dream, a true dream or a false dream, a relevant dream or an irrelevant dream. Once you wake up, the dream merges in to your waking state. Similarly when you wake up in to the supra conscious state all your experiences in waking state, dream state and deep sleep state merge in to it. For the deserving candidate, to attain the ultimate goal, even the prop of a creator God is not necessary.
i would very much like to know more about this perspective that you have excellently put together,, do contact me
Sorry I am not an enlightened master. I am only a seeker like you. They say if you surrendered before an enlightened soul, you could be guided properly.
You might like where he presents an updated and very convincing formulation of the metaphyisical position known as Idealism. Reality is consciousness and this all a kind of dream in consciousness.
link 15 is protected
Mork caling
What is “caling”? (Think all, ball, call, fall, gall, hall, mall, pall, stall, tall, wall)
The first embedded video matches the second.. Should feature the clip from “What the @#$! do we know”.
Weird.. after my reply was posted, and the page reloaded, the embedded video looks to be the right clip. Very strange, as this isn’t a “new” post.
L.o.L thats funny man
surely what it says in the article
“Personally, I am compelled to believe that much of the science that deals with the “weirdness” of the quantum world, and many of its technological applications remains within the realm of the classified world. A world so secretive that it could be thousands, if not millions of years ahead of the mainstream world.”
Rather than just accept that a classified world needs to exist, stand up for what you believe in and challenge any notion that such classification is open to all of human life as it is so important now since we know we arent made of anything but energy.
People aren’t ready to know yet…
Thank you Arjun. Wonderful article I really enjoyed the read it shows a scientific perspective to what is already taught in vedic teachings. I will be sharing the article just dont stop making them ! hare krsna!
There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual.
From Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
by Mary Baker Eddy, p. 468:9–15
My interpretation of the double slit experiment is slightly different in that I think it shows that the system will express all possible system states unless “forced” to express one system state. The system can be forced by way of the forces of nature – and I believe consciousness is likely a force of nature which should be added to the other 4 known forces.
For example, unless observed, an electron in this experiment manifests all possible system states – none of the forces of nature dictate which slot it should go through, so it goes through both at the same time. Put simply, to me this experiment illustrates that we reside in a multiverse of varying system states, but we as observers only experience one of these system states unless for some reason a part of that system state is undefined then we see all of its expressions simultaneously – that is until we force a defined system state.
Heartmath website has been debunked. Their experiments were unscientific. Here is a good critique, outlining the problems with their studies:
For an overview of HeartMath research, including a list of over 240 independent studies and dissertations on HeartMath techniques and technology, see
In my opinion, and likely that of real scientists, the reasoning in the article is largely nonsense and makes inaccurate leaps of faith to arrive at zany conclusions.
Yes life is an illusion, what if everything is no more than a dream, for some of us a nightmare.
There is a sense of reality in this dimension, but it is not the real reality, since we only have five senses to try and understand the world around us.
Here we are caught up in the illusion of life, nothing is really real.
the only reality is the One Supreme Reality…….but in the midst of this illusion of life, we can try, by suitable means, to reach it
If you follow two logical train of thoughts, doubt is bound to start in you regarding the reality of the physical world.
1. What ever we experience in this physical world are through five senses, mind and intellect. You can add life force if you wish. What ever we experience, whether form, color, taste, smell, sound, tactile perception, thoughts and emotions are not even the reality outside. They are the reactions in our brain created by stimuli. There is no guarantee that out side material are what the reaction in our brain brings about. Unless of course your brain itself is the outside material or alternately it is situated inside the physical material itself. Color is the reaction of your brain created by the cones in your retina and carried forward by numerous neurons. How we can say with authority that the reaction of our brain is the physical material itself. Human beings and different animals may be perceiving the same thing in a thousand ways. The sight perception of human beings may be colored by the spectrum shades in sunlight, one animal may perceive the same thing as black and white, yet another may be seeing thousand colors in the very same thing. Which perception will you take as reality?
2. Human beings and most of the animals have five senses. But there are creatures with four sensory organs or even three, two or one. The reality of all these organisms are not uniform even if the perceived material is the same. Science say, in the beginning there was no life. And life started with single cell organisms with no perceiving equipment as we know now. If one, then two, three. four and five senses can be evolved, there is no reason why a sixth sense of perception will not arise at least in human beings in the course of future evolution. Otherwise we have to come to the conclusion that evolution stopped with human beings. In that scenario every thing will change. We do not know what it is yet. Before the perception of sight or sound evolved no one knew what they were. There was absolutely no idea. When the sixth sense or seventh sense arise in this universe the entire science will have to be re-written. The present day science will have no relevance then.
This of course is the thought of a lay man. But these thoughts themselves are sufficient to create doubt about the reality of physical world. Why should we not inquire beyond what we perceive as physical.
The More I Learn—the Less I Know!
This topic is intriguing, and I appreciate and learn from the thought-provoking article and subsequent ideas. Thanks for sharing.
Whether matter or not, the very stuff—or non-stuff—we are made of, is mostly “vacant space.” From the great heavens to the atomic particles we are aware of—and things we think of as immense and/or dense—there is mostly “nothing” between the “something” we consider. We are mostly empty-headed, no “matter” how much brain mass and knowledge is in there. 🙂
Then on the other hand, there is really no such thing as “empty” space at all. Seemingly void space is full of things we attempt to understand—like gravity and stuff we know is there keeping the obvious organized—from the known universe to the tiniest observable particles.
Consider that over 100 billion galaxies exist in the observable universe, and there are 100-400 billion stars in our galaxy alone. Math estimates there are more stars in the known universe than there are particles of sand on earth’s beaches. And science shows each particle of sand contains more atoms than the known stars. Whether looking inward or outward, it is vast and amazing!
Our potential for understanding and learning is unlimited, and humankind is just beginning to “scratch this surface.” We are able to communicate in ways unthinkable a short time ago. In a relative short time, we have evolved from boats fearing to sail off a flat earth into a black void (and sending notes via floating bottles)—to interstellar space ships traveling among billions of stars (and messaging thousands of miles). As humanity, I think we live far beneath out potential and experience very little. We are surely allowing influences in our existence—whether conscious/subconscious and internal/external—to affect our existential experience.
As we continue to better understand what, who, where and how we are, we can cling to more of the truths in each one of us. Philosophical, psychological scientific and spiritual truths are altogether necessary and intertwine to achieve understanding of the whole. We are all in this together and can benefit from all of our innermost thoughts and ideas . . . and maybe that’s what it’s all about . . . ?
Since we are really in the process of discovering an ‘absolute’ lets define what qualifies as an absolute: A simple definition might be “An absolute must never change either in space or duration”. If this is true and if there is no such thing as a material thing then by extension, nothing (no thing) moves either in space or duration. This hints at everything (every thing) we think about as actually being absolute. Is there a singular absolute? I think there may be but that singular absolute can only be THOUGHT itself. If this is true then whatever springs from THOUGHT becomes part of reality as long as it remains the ‘stuff’ of non-space and non-duration. Therefore, THOUGHT is the initiator of THINKING. Perhaps we live in two different worlds: an atomic world and a dynamic world. A dynamic world is a singularity which ‘creates’ an atomic world. Our task then is to find a way to communicate with our dynamic world using THOUGHT as a vehicle… Hey, if this sounds weird then it may be true. 😉
I would prefer the word CONSCIOUSNESS or AWARENESS in the place of THOUGHT. Consciousness is not the individual ego. Then everything falls in place. Thought is bound by time, space and causation. It cannot be ABSOLUTE. Consciousness could be beyond time and space. Again we face problem if we think about individual consciousness. Only a Single universal consciousness in which the ego of all and everything are superimposed can solve the problem.
When I use the word “thought” I do not mean “thinking”. Thought is a noun whereas thinking is a verb generated by thought. On my blog I define what I mean by consciousness. Here is the article I wrote on the topic:
What is Consciousness?
by Kato
This exercise will use Dynamic Information Theory to derive a simple definition of consciousness.
Philosophically, consciousness is the state of being awake, aware, self aware and cognizant of one’s immediate, temporal surroundings.
Since we can agree that consciousness is a state of being; or one of a variety of states of being, we shall have to determine what it means “to be” before we can discover a state of being conscious.
To be, according to DIT (Dynamic Information Theory) is to be a process and/or event. In other words, I am made up of processes (not things) and those processes make up an event which can be a dynamic piece of information or an ordinary piece of information, depending on my ability to determine the moment of that event; all events being potentially dynamic or ordinary in nature.
To put it simply, consciousness is the state of being aware of a processed event or moment of that event. Therefore, to be is to be an event interacting with another event on some level, with atomic time and dynamic time being present for it all to happen at that moment.
Now we can understand what it actually means; to be in a state of consciousness. To be conscious is to be aware of something even if that something is merely our self. I always use the word “something” not as an object but as a process, event or moment.
So, to be conscious is to be conscious of something.
Do not confuse consciousness with memory; memory is a redundancy of past conscious events or a projection of possible or probable future events that are stored in our brains and other atomic organs in our bodies.
In terms of Dynamic Information Theory, there are two types of consciousness; 1) that which permeates our universe in the form of an unseen, super light-speed medium I call dynamic information and 2) individual consciousness that inhabits all biological creatures as well as all other events and processes in our universe.
Do not confuse consciousness with intelligence; intelligence is merely the capacity to understand complex issues; some creatures have more or less capacity depending upon many and different circumstances.
The medium through which individual consciousness communicates with universal consciousness is thought. Thought is what is generated by consciousness and is a timeless, instant communication device in a dynamic sense. Thought can be transmitted in two distinct ways; 1) ordinary and 2) dynamic.
Ordinary thought is that type which gives and takes orders from both internal and external sources at just below sub-light speed. Ordinary thought is carried on between biological creatures. Dynamic thought is carried on between individuals and super light-speed reality; the unseen portion of our atomic universe. All creative thought is transmitted from dynamic to ordinary consciousness, instantaneously. It may seem that dynamic thought is linear and therefore time consuming but that is because of the biological processing that must be done in order to organize dynamic thoughts. If humans, for example, had no biological processes, everything would seem to take place in a timeless medium, all at once.
An easy way to remember all of the above is this; the totality of our universe is both atomic and dynamic. Therefore all processes of/and events are both atomic and dynamic.
We have atomic minds; that which operate solely on biological brain-power and dynamic minds that operate independently of any biological medium whatsoever.
Consciousness, then, is both atomic and dynamic. Atomic consciousness is aware of atomic processes and dynamic consciousness is aware of dynamic realities (creative by nature). The whole spectrum of extra-sensory perception is thereby explained without elaborate and mythical and religious tools to explain it in all of its modalities and disguises. Ghosts, goblins, OBEs, NDEs and ESPs are all dynamic in origin and manifest in the atomic universe as electrical phenomena, when they occur at all.
Since this is an electric universe, contrary to popular belief, all atomic creatures are electric by design. Since an atomic or electric universe is generated by a dynamic process, it should not be surprising that we can only visualize half of our universe; that which motivates and moves us shall always remain invisible to our eyes and any device we may create, to physically “see” it. Our total universe is an uncreated universe since there are no moving parts to it, motion being the prime illusion. (Processes appear to move only to the degree that processes are forever changing relationships to all other processes. If there was only one “solid and singular” particle in all universes, seen and unseen, it would never know if it was moving.)
Consciousness is what our universe is made of; human beings are only half awake at best because we are almost completely unaware of the real or dynamic side of it and deal with the illusion, or atomic side of it on a day to day basis.
This is an ‘unscientific thought’ about the ultimate reality, borrowed from Indian philosophy.
It is not ‘existence’. It is not ‘non-existence’. It is neither ‘at once existence and non-existence’. Nor is it at once ‘not existence and not non-existence’. Confusing? The universe is bound to be always a mystery with our limited sensory perceptions, mind and intellect.
The only solution is to inquire inwardly- self inquiry. Outward inquiry is futile, since everything we perceive as outside is situated inside our mind only, including time and space. So turn the telescope inwardly and find out what illumines our mind. Knowing it nothing will remain to be known.
Here is a quote from ‘The Universe and Man’, by Swami Ramakrishnananda:-
Let us see whether science at any time will be able to know all about the universe. All scientific researches are based upon ordinary sense perceptions, which hold the outer universe to be an independent existence quite independent of mind. Whether we are conscious of it or not, it exists. It also holds that we derive all our knowledge about it through our sense organs and garner it in our minds. Now, it is also a fact that the universe is infinite in every way, for we can never imagine the limit of space in which it is located. If we start in a rocket with incredible velocity to find out the end of space in any direction whatever, it will not be possible for us to come to the limit even at the end of several years, for there will remain space enough to travel still further. Material particles being both infinitely scattered and indestructible, the universe which is made out of them must also be infinite and indestructible as well, although some time it may remain in an unmanifested condition. But it is always eternal and infinite in its nature.
Now as regards to our physical self, we are only three and half cubits in length. In regard to our mental self also, we are limited. We know many things, indeed, but there are many more things we do not know. Hence our minds are circumscribed on all sides by impassable wall of ignorance. But it may be argued that the mind has an infinite potentiality for knowledge; its power for expansion is infinite. That may be, but we must hold that as it stands at present, it is finite. Suppose it knows all about this world of ours in one day, about our moon on the second day, about some one heavenly body on every succeeding day. Still even after the lapse of a million years, its knowledge about the universe must remain limited, since there will remain innumerable worlds still unknown, peopling the infinite bosom of space.
Now a finite quantity, however big it may be, must be infinitesimally small when compared to infinity, as infinity must be infinite times bigger than that; and in higher mathematics what is infinitesimally small is regarded as zero. So even with so much facility for knowledge, our information about the universe will always remain insignificant, not worth mentioning. It is also a fact that partial knowledge of a thing is worse than no knowledge of it, since we are apt to mistake the part for the whole. Finite mind, in spite of its potentiality, is quite inadequate to grapple with infinity; hence his idea about the cosmos will always be insufficient and vague, and his incessant struggles to know it will always be fruitless. Such a thing is never desirable, and this is certainly not the method to acquire the perfect knowledge of the universe. So we must give up this scientific or objective method based up on sense perceptions, if we want to have a true and perfect knowledge of it.
Fantastic article, with well placed facts,the main problem scientists seem to run into is we believe the results which come from the currents tools at hand.
Keylontic science is aready waves ahead i hope some of you find it on you journey.
You have a great conscience , I must say, if its coming from you and not the books you have read.
On the website, could you please have a PRINT button, to put pages in a neatly formatted printable form? Pages that do that get my visit again and again and again.
Woah..!! feeling bliss here..!! U just summarized my many years of hard work.!! Kudos mate.
Any fundamental field of components (matter stuff etc) become a dynamic resonant form in which 8 of thos components act together. If one cube adds 7 more cubes to create a similar but larger cube of 8 (as 2 cubed) it remains resonant and coherent unit in that field and we call it a quantum. 2,3,4,5,6,7 cannot form a cube with as the cube side length must be in fractions as cube root of 2,3,4,5,6,7 and cannot form coherent states to behave as a unit particle. Hence in every fundamental field of matter like air, water etc a similar quantum is formed. Air has a spectrum of 7 sound waves, light has 7 colours, water has PH value of +7 and -7 , genetic ensembles to has loop of 8 enclosing 7, periodic table too can be written in sevens etc. The dynamic state in any field behaves so. See www. PHO pdf in to understand axiomatic derivation of the quantum.
Arjun, Thanks for this easy to understand and a simple explanation !!! Cheers…
We should firstly become aware about Objectivity as well as Subjectivity. All Pervasive Intangibility Of Eternal Pure Consciousness is our inner Substratum. Objectivity & Godhood are two sides of the same coin.When one side of Objectivity gets reversed with the inward withdrawal of our 5 senses, then the other side is simply Godhood . Now Science is the Observation Post of objective compartmentalisation over the All Pervasive Eternity of Pure Consciousness.
Now Vital Force manifestation from bacteria to man continued along [Eating,Sleeping,,Mating, birth / death cycle], undeterred upto man.Now liberation from this manifestation cycle is possible only for man.But he should necessarily break the components of this eternal sustenance of rebirth cycle ! Here, his own sincerest self efforts towards happening of 100 % CELIBACY is the only way. In this context, The Mystical Kundalini Awakening becomes meaningful . This is Subtle .So could be viewed only from a subjective perspective. Objective approach won’t help us to proceed further beyond this stage of no Ego Zone of Non Dual Truth,I am Pure Consciousness.
We should firstly become aware about Objectivity as well as Subjectivity. All Pervasive Intangibility Of Eternal Pure Consciousness is our inner Substratum. Objectivity & Godhood are two sides of the same coin.When one side of Objectivity gets reversed with the inward withdrawal of our 5 senses, then the other side is simply Godhood . Now Science is the Observation Post of objective compartmentalisation over the All Pervasive Eternity of Pure Consciousness.
Now Vital Force manifestation from bacteria to man continued along [Eating,Sleeping,,Mating, birth / death cycle], undeterred upto man.Now liberation from this manifestation cycle is possible only for man.But he should necessarily break the components of this eternal sustenance of rebirth cycle ! Here, his own sincerest self efforts towards happening of 100 % CELIBACY is the only way. In this context, The Mystical Kundalini Awakening becomes meaningful . This is Subtle .So could be viewed only from a subjective perspective. Objective approach won’t help us to proceed further beyond this stage of no Ego Zone of Non Dual Truth,I am Pure Consciousness.
Too bad this page has so many sound commercials. I hate pages like these. Oh and by the way idiots most of us turn off the sound. I have never bought from a sound ad. I think we should all boycott them.
Christ……you should probably gain even an amateur understanding of quantum mechanics before you blabber this unintelligible drivel.
Incredible. Thank you for this article. Explains it perfectly.
Arjun Walia Thank you so much for this information and your vibration. You might like my blog at it is a blog about moms on nutrition but it has a lot of soul. We are all connected. Let us send the ripple <3
Thank you for the amazing article. You’re a superb writer. I’d hope to make contributions to the CE community when I’m done with school down the road.