Quantum physics has already shed some light on the role of consciousness and reality. There are multitudes of studies and phenomenon that also show how they are intertwined, and one of them is called psychokinesis.
One (of many) areas of psychic research is Psychokinesis, also know as PK. This encompasses the possible influence of human consciousness on the behavior of physical or biological systems or processes, and comprises several loosely related classes of effect characterized by different scales of energy, forms of manifestation, replicability, and statistical behavior.(1) It’s the ability of consciousness to have a direct effect on our physical material world. It’s the action of mind on matter. (14 section 5.0) PK encompasses much more than just moving objects with the mind, that is more so referred to as telekinesis. It encompasses the idea of consciousness and its correlation to the physical world we perceive around us on a daily basis.
Psychokinesis is one phenomenon out of many that is grouped under the subject of parapsychology. You can’t understand psychokinesis without having a brief background on parapsychological phenomenon within the scientific community, which is considered psychical research. This article will provide a brief background on parapsychological studies and then go more in-depth into the phenomenon of psychokinesis. I will also provide a good deal of evidence throughout the paper to back up my claims.
Psychic phenomenon has always been considered a ‘persistent paradox’ from the perspective of most researchers and scientists within the mainstream world. This is predominately due to a lack of investigation. It’s not fair to condemn a topic without having investigated it first. Psychic phenomenon has attracted man’s attention throughout recorded human history, but scholarly efforts to comprehend them are very young, approximately one hundred years old. Parapsychologists have been trying to gather experimental evidence for years and although a lot of information has been gathered, psychic phenomenon still seems to be grouped in the category of science fiction to most, which is extremely absurd given the amount of scientific data available on the subject. This is something we need to change, and the recognition of non physical phenomenon and how consciousness can have a direct effect on our physical material world is an important step for the evolution of science, as well as humanity as a whole. Today, the missing link within science is consciousness, and how our emotions, feelings and vibrational frequency play a tremendous role and have great implications on what type of world humans are experiencing.
Critics who argue against psychic phenomenon do so from a place of belief. Meanwhile, there has been numerous, consistent, replicable evidence to support it (as you will see within the article). The problem with parapsychology is that it challenges deeply rooted worldviews held by so many people. When evidence is presented against a belief system that one holds strong, there is a very strong desire to dismiss it and not even look at the evidence, this is called cognitive dissonance and sometimes it can be the minds most common reaction to new truths.
There is a growing realization that ideological factors play a crucial role in many scientific “controversies”. Many have argued that the ‘naturalistic’ world view is more a political or religious ideology than a position that’s supported by evidence.(2)
Materialists have conducted a running war against psi research for decades, because any evidence of psi’s validity, no matter how minor, is fatal to their ideological system. (2)
This controversy (whether psychic phenomenon is real or not) has lasted for quite some time now. Apart from the fact that these concepts challenge world paradigms, another reason for the controversy might be the fact that a large portion of it is dipped in secrecy. Without access to much of the scientific data and observation of and regarding parapsychology, how are we supposed to come to any solid conclusions about it?
We knew the Earth was flat, we knew that we were the centre of the universe, we knew that a man made heavier than air peace of machinery could not take flight. Through out human history, intellectual authorities have pronounced their supremacy by ridiculing or surpressing elements of reality that simply didn’t fit within the framework of accepted knowledge – Terje Toftenes (15)
In 2004, a United States Air Force research project titled, Teleportation Physics Study, authored by Eric Davis, Ph.D., shows that psychokinesis and other parapsychological phenomenon have been subject to rigorous research and documentation for a number of years by several researchers. (14 pg 65 of 88)
One example of this is the 24-year government-sponsored program to investigate ESP and its potential use within the Intelligence Community. The final report was released in 1995, and the CIA concluded that a statistically significant effect had been demonstrated in the laboratory. This operation was called STAR GATE, and most of its research and findings remain classified.(3) The Department of Defence suppressed a large amount of data from this 24 year study.
Another example of parapsychological research conducted in secrecy was the remote viewing experiment done by the CIA and NSA in conjunction with Stanford university.(4)(5)(6) This program was marked as a special access program, these are programs that have no oversight from the congress, nobody has any idea of them, their findings and what they are used for (14 section 5.0). Remote viewing is the ability of individuals to describe a remote geographical location and its characteristics up to several hundred thousand kilometers away from their physical location. This program lasted for several years, and was shut down unexpectedly with a large portion of the research and findings remaining classified. Individuals within the program were also able to remote view beyond the planet.
These two experiments alone illustrate that science and research at the very highest levels of government were and are very interested in parapsychological phenomenon. How can the mainstream scientific world dismiss it when the Department of Defense doesn’t? Another explanation as to why these type of phenomenon don’t exist is because many are simply afraid of it, and not ready for it yet.
Recent leaks from Edward Snowden recently shed light on the black budget. An area within the defense sector that garnishes trillions of dollars a year. The programs within this department are extremely secret, so secret that a 1997 US Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.” (7) Judging by the information we already have within the public sector with regards to parapsychological phenomenon, a large portion of this research (again) remains classified. That means all of the scholarly efforts to understand and comprehend this phenomenon cannot be known at large when it comes to public information. This is classified science, which still has enough evidence in the public domain to support its validity, although most peoples intuition already tells them so.
According to our best estimates, more than half of all U.S. government records are classified. For an archivist seeking to preserve and understand our history, that means most of our history is kept secret from us, Think about that for a moment – Richard Dolan (Learn more about what he calls the “breakaway civilization” here)
Now that it’s clear that the Department of Defense remains in possession of most of the information and research conducted with these phenomenon, let’s examine what is currently available within the public domain (apart from the information and papers that are referenced earlier, which provide a great deal of information by themselves alone). What is known in this secretive world could be hundreds of thousands, even million years more advanced compared to the ‘normal mainstream world.”
One example are human aura and intentions. Not lot ago, a Russian scientist and Princeton professor demonstrated that the human energy field is responsible for changing the physical material world.
We are developing the idea that our consciousness is part of the material world and that with our consciousness we can directly influence our world. With our emotions, with our intentions we can directly influence our world” (8) – Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, Computer Science and Biophysics Professor
Human beings cannot see much of the visible light spectrum, there is a whole world of unseen energy that can be difficult for the mind to grasp without scientific measurements for verification. One method to bridge this gap is bioelectrophotography. The goal of this is to capture these energy fields seen as a light around the body. In the metaphysical world, this energy emission is known as a person’s aura, in the scientific field it’s known as our energy field. This is included in PK because it is the effect of our electromagnetic field on our biological system, it is consciousness influencing and changing physicality.
Bio-electric phenomena has been a part of medicine throughout history. In fact, the first written documents on these events date back to an ancient Egyptian hieroglyph of 4000 B.C. The Greek philosophers Aristotle and Thales experimented with amber and recognized its power to attract light substances. The detection of bio-electric activity is old, and many contemporary ideas of it were actually developed years ago. (9) Bioelectic and bio-magnetic fields formed by the body have a direct effect on the physical material world. This is one example of known science within the mainstream which could have tremendous implications for health care and more.
Random Event Generators (REGs) are another example. To determine the effects of the minds intention on the physical world, several machines called random number generators have been built, most notably by Princeton. (10)(11) The machine mimics a coin flip, and the results are recorded over a long period of time. In this particular experiment, the machine performed 200 flips per second and produced an average mean of 100 as one would expect. Left unattended, the machine would continue to produce results that suggested a 50/50 change of producing either heads or tails. When human intention was added to the question, what was once a random 50/50 chance of producing heads or tails began to deviate from expectation as the observer began to intend for the numbers to be higher or lower. While the effects of the mind over the machines were not large, they were enough that modern physics could not explain them.
The experiment I am referring to was conducted by Dr Robert G. Jahn, who spent 25 years gathering a large database of empirical data on psychokinesis that clearly suggests the phenomena is a reality. He founded the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research group which has conducted several experiments under controlled, scientific conditions to measure the effect of the power of the human mind using a wide range of instruments.
Jahn showed repeated and consistent results in mentally affecting material substances in the lab, and in the 1980s Jahn attended a meeting on the PK topic at the Navel Research Laboratory, and warned that foreign adversaries could exploit PK to include U.S. military fighter pilots to lose control of their aircraft. (14 section 5.0)
Reported cases of human beings able to exhibit this phenomenon are also around, although often left in the realm of conspiracy theory. Those who have been reportedly shown to do so are instantly made to look like a fraud, so using them as examples is unnecessary. Maybe there are many who choose not to go public with it. Psychic Uri Geller reportedly demonstrated PK mental bending during a talk that he gave at the U.S. Capitol building. He caused a spoon to curve upward with no force, and then the spoon continued to bend after he put it back down and continued with his talk. (14 section 5.0)
The Global Consciousness Experiment
The global consciousness experiment is an experiment initiated by the Institute of Noetic Sciences alongside Princeton University (12)(13).
Also working with Dr Jahn was Dr Roger D. Nelson. Instead of testing one individual at a time he used the same methods to test groups of people. Working in group meditations to begin with, he connected 70 REGs in locations around the world to his computer at Princeton. This was called the Global Consciousness Project, also known as the EGG project. It is a multidisciplinary collaboration of scientists, engineers, artists and others. Data has been continuously collected from a global network of physical random number generators (as mentioned earlier) that were located all over the world. This project contains more than a decade of data.
The purpose of this experiment was to examine correlations that may reflect the presence and activity of consciousness in the world. It illustrated that when millions of people are sharing intentions and emotions the EGG data show meaningful departures from expectation. What this means is that when human consciousness becomes coherent and synchronized, the behavior of random systems may change.
The list goes on, and there are literally hundreds, if not thousands of credible research material to suggest that these type of phenomenon are real. How far down the rabbit hole it goes and what has already been discovered still remains classified to the world of mainstream science. Perhaps we are on the brink of finding out.
Regardless of what our black budget world has already discovered, it’s becoming clear that the masses are waking up to the fact that consciousness has a direct effect on our physical material world. Emotions and feelings are the key to creating change, if more people came from a place of love, understanding and peace from within themselves, a different type of reality would no doubt slowly begin to manifest on this planet, which I believe is currently happening .
(1) http://www.princeton.edu/~pear/pdfs/1982-persistant-paradox-psychic-phenomena.pdf
(2) http://www.noetic.org/noetic/issue-7-february/debating-psychic-experience-human-potential-or-hum/
(3) http://www.lfr.org/lfr/csl/media/air_mayresponse.html
(4) http://www.scientificexploration.org/journal/jse_10_1_puthoff.pdf
(5) http://www.princeton.edu/~pear/pdfs/1979-precognitive-remote-viewing-stanford.pdf
(6) http://www.lfr.org/lfr/csl/library/AirReport.pdf
(7) http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/GPO-CDOC-105sdoc2/content-detail.html
(8) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6NIUV24vcQ
(9) http://www.ccs.fau.edu/~bressler/EDU/NSP/References/BioElecMag.pdf
(10) http://noosphere.princeton.edu/reg.html
(11) http://www.princeton.edu/~pear/
(12) http://noosphere.princeton.edu/
(13) http://noetic.org/research/project/global-consciousness-project/
(14 section 5.0) http://www.fas.org/sgp/eprint/teleport.pdf
(15) (video) http://www.collective-evolution.com/2013/02/13/ufo-documentary-the-day-before-disclosure/
Google/youtube this keyword: “chemtrails”.
If you google ‘chemtrails’, the first site that comes up is wikipedia, which wrongly describes chemtrails as being a conspiracy theory. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Google instead geoengineering. If you DO google ‘chemtrails’ note that there are some 2MILLION sites on the internet that are associated with this phenomenon, whether in support of the reality of chemtrails or not. Regardless, it’s hard to believe that something like chemtrails could garner that much attention if it wasn’t real. There is too much proof of chemtrails being real to not believe they are real.
NO, “chem trails” ARE real. They simply aren’t anything more than the exhaust from jet airliners flying at high altitudes…nothing more, nothing less!
Anything written contrary to that, is simply “conspiracy theory” as weaved by Main Stream Media!
Just like the “made-up” country of “Palestine!”
The “BIG BANG” theory which is nothing more than a “joke!”
Oh yeah, you can add “Global Warming” to the list, also!
“…’nuff said!”
Funny how multiple official sources have already confirmed that chemtrails are real then, isn’t it? See: http://hubpages.com/politics/Multiple-Official-Sources-Confirm-Chemtrails-Geoengineering-Are-Real-Research-Is-Ongoing
Average clairvoyance deals only with the lower aspects and layers of astral matter. The gate into spiritual world of cosmic matrix can only be opened to one who is pure of heart, loyal and steadfast in their beliefs. Moreover, the access code has been granted the only one who takes a divine vow of silence, so far. Contrary to the famous movie, “Star Gates” would never be accessible portal to another dimension for military people. This is a fundamental law to prevent developing civilizations, like ours on the Earth, from getting access to super powerful light and forces of spiritual universe.
I hope your right about such wisdom. If all we bring to other worlds is pollution , selfishness and war , we deserve to be stuck here forever in the filth of our own making .
Not quite, Hector5. The Earth race is on the threshold of the great leap forward to meta-intelligence, network-minded society and the shift to the next spiritual level. There is a great mystery how this shift has been initiated by the universal mind of cosmic matrix.
You’re 100% CORRECT, Mark!
I could not fathom unleashing the “ignorance” of this society upon the Universe! Even those of us with the BEST of intentions, fall short of TRUE LOVE!
Take Care and God Bless!
lol o o o ego. Its much less personal.
All are in and of the Divine, and therefore all that you have been seeking, is already within you. This is a difficult concept to understand if heard with third dimensional ears. It is not that you have a little box in your heart holding all sorts of material treasures, but that within you is a spark of the Divine. That spark, being in and of Source, automatically embodies everything also within Divine Consciousness…every Divine Idea and every facet of truth–your very life, intelligence, wholeness etc., all held infinitely in place by Divine Law. Evolution is simply the process of awakening to truth, and because everyone’s past life experiences are different, everyone’s evolutionary journey will be different. Everyone unfolds progressively as they are ready, always under the guidance of the Higher Self.
Over time man forgot who he was and came to believe that he was separate from Source and all other living things which resulted in lives of struggle and suffering in order to survive. Duality and separation became the consciousness of the world, always perfectly manifesting itself as the pairs of opposites..sometimes good and sometimes bad–two ends of the same stick. Good appearances are no more spiritual than bad appearances, understand and ponder this truth.
Always there were the few who remembered who they were and tried to tell the world, but for this they were crucified, burned and tortured because others had discovered that by maintaining ignorance within the masses, they could draw to themselves great power and wealth–which is still happening today. Open your eyes dear ones and start to see through much that is being fed to you as fact… begin to question. Listen to your intuition and not the voices screaming at you from your televisions, radios, and pulpits. -onenessofall-
good article arjun. thumbs up.
Thanks Shah.
This article reins so true with me
Arjun, a lovely article and a topic… I hope you keep us updated on more discoveries and the visible transformations that happen as people become aware of this aspect of self! PK is a very real and possibly most important aspect of human ability that is only now starting to surface for the majority. I am exploring the theory behind this with regards to Inter-life communication and the observed shifts that happen to ‘wild nature’ when we reconnect with our ‘true nature’…Wild becomes friend and all of life strives to create in support of your endeavors! It is a very exciting time to be here!!!
There is a book called Evolving Towards Peace by Jalaja Bonheim, jalajabonheim is her site. She touches a lot on human consciousness and how we can really have deep transformations. It is a brilliant work, I recommend her, I have really learned a great deal from her book and ideas on this subject.
James Randi talks about psychic phenomena and how we can be fooled into thinking “spoon benders” are real. Check him out on youtube. Uri Geller for example was exposed on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson as a fraud. So any of his “secret” or “classified” work with the government can be thrown out as evidence of Psychic Phenomena. Most “spoon benders” have been exposed as charlatans and I do not feel it is because of a greater conspiracy to suppress evidence of psychic phenomena.
To be honest scientifically it does make sense that our biology can have an effect on the world around us as we are in fact made up of the same material that surrounds us. This in my estimation is completely logical. However from the research I have done on the issue it seems the effects while they may exist are negligible at best. We will never see a human bend a spoon or lift a car 3 feet off the ground using only PK energy. The amount of “resources” the body and mind would need to do so far exceed our biological constraints.
It is completely plausible that our mood can affect our “aura”. We all understand how we see color, when light is reflected and/or absorbed by matter. It is completely possible that your biological reaction caused by your state of mind alters the way certain light waves absorb and reflect off you. Your bio energy may have changed, you maybe releasing hormones or other chemicals into your surroundings that interacts with the light waves around you. There is also the phenomena of bio luminescence. This can also change your “aura”. None of this has to do with psychic phenomena.
Lastly by saying that just because the U.S. government has spent money on it means that is it worthwhile is a farce. Governments around the world waste trillions of dollars every year on failed R&D. In my estimation the reason why the research on psychic phenomena is classified is because it was a gross failure. More than likely the research does not support psychic phenomena. To save embarrassment due to the amount of money spent on these projects the government has chosen to suppressed the information. Why isn’t there a large private market for research into physic phenomena? Why is the government the only ones spending ridiculous amounts of money on PK research? The answer is because a privately funded organization can’t steal from the american people and blow the money on nonsense and fairy tales.
“Reading someones mind” is a skill that can be learned. Police and government agencies train their officers to read body language, facial expressions, changes in pitch and tone in the voice and so on. This is not mind reading on a physic level. This is interpenetrating the tangible.
I feel humans can achieve a higher level of understanding on their own biology and how it can interact with the world around them however, ghosts do not exist, the living will never talk to the dead, humans will never be able to bend spoons with their mind, PK will never be considered a real science.
The government knows and understands this. They create and encourage class warfare by separating us into groups, races, religions, etc. The smaller the group, the greater the control. The only time they bring us together is to gain more control over the masses or create a new tax base. Global Warming ring a bell?
I have already successfully carried out psychokinesis myself and I accomplished something much more powerful than spoon bending! I freaked myself out and tried to rationalize it for years – but it was real. All these types of phenomena work on the same principle. Once you’ve learned how to do one of them, you can do the others, whether it’s telepathy, remote influence, mental time travel or whatever – they are work on the same fundamental principle.