Lucid dreaming is one category of dreams that many people experience. It occurs when the individual is dreaming and during that dream the individual is completely aware that they are dreaming. Some people report a low-level lucidity state where one is aware they are dreaming but not able to alter the content of the dream. Other people have experienced high-level lucidity where one is aware they are dreaming but are also able to alter the dream, and have the freedom to do whatever they desire within the dream.
Dreams are a fascinating phenomenon as they provide us with insights into a world full of experiences we cannot perceive or create in a completely conscious state, or can we?
Lucid dreaming is a documented phenomenon; researchers continue to explore it as it shows some very significant brain patterns and biological happenings within the body. A fairly recent example is a study conducted in 2009 at the Neurological Laboratory in Frankfurt. Research shows how Lucid dreamers produce the fastest brainwave frequencies ever recorded, gamma brainwaves that operate at 40Hz +(1). This suggests that lucid dreamers are more self aware, and are more conscious in this state than compared to a normal state of wakefulness. We don’t operate anywhere near that frequency (with regards to brain waves) when in our normal wakeful state, and we operate at even lower frequencies during other sleep states. Research suggests that the existence of gamma brainwaves indicates a totally conscious experience (4), so the experience of being awake within a dream is a very real phenomenon. This begs the question, which state is actually real? Could what we perceive as being fully aware and awake be the real dream? Or are these just different aspects of reality that we are jumping to and from? Is our ability to create our own reality easier in a state of lucid dreaming because our brain is functioning at a higher frequency? What would we be capable of if we were able to attain that frequency without lucid dreaming? Would we be able to have instant manifestations like we do in our lucid dreams? Gamma brainwaves are involved in higher mental activity and consolidation of information. Operating from this frequency allows our brain to link and process information from multiple parts of the brain(2). We use more of our brain when we are experiencing lucid dreaming than we do when we are fully awake.
Below is a list of brainwaves and the different frequencies they operate at:
Delta Brainwaves: These are the most pronounced brainwaves in premature babies. They are of a very low frequency and range from 0.5 to 2Hz
Theta Brainwaves: These are at a higher frequency, typically around 4 to 7 Hz. These brainwaves are characterized by light sleep, rapid eye movement sleep (REM), dreams and hallucinations.
Alpha Brainwaves: Alpha brainwaves are even higher in frequency. Their frequency range is approximately 8-12 Hz. These brainwaves are most prominent during relaxation, contemplation and a lack of visual stimuli. So when you are not distracted or focused on the external world, but rather in your own zone of contemplation, relaxation and awareness, you brain vibrates within this frequency range
Gamma Brainwaves: Gamma brainwaves are of the highest frequency. They range from 40 to 100 Hz, the fasted documented brainwave frequencies known to man.
It has been documented that our Electroencephalography (EEG) dimensions in humans increase with age and time, and also throughout human evolution. EEG is the recording of electrical activity along the scalp. It measures voltage fluctuations resulting from ionic current flows within the neurons of the brain. This is how they are able to measure the different brain waves and the different frequencies they dish out (5).
Not long ago, researchers led by Richard Davidson, a neuroscientist at The W.M. Keck Laboratory for Functional Brain Imaging and Behavior teamed up with a number of monks and volunteers. The Dalai Lama even dispatched eight of his most accomplished practitioners to Davidson’s lab to have them hooked up for EEG testing and brain scanning. These monks come from traditions of meditation for an estimated 10,000 to 50,000 hours, over time periods of 15 to 40 years.
The monks were fitted with a net of 256 electrical sensors and asked to meditate for short periods, and Davidson was particularly interested in measuring gamma waves, the highest frequency and most important known electrical brain impulses. The results showed that the electrodes picked up much greater activation of fast moving and usually powerful gamma waves in the monks (3). The movement of the waves through the brain were far better organized and coordinated.
Researchers suggest that the very existence of this synchronized gamma indicates that a consciousness experience is occurring. The gamma wave state is the most sensitive than any other state of consciousness measurable. Gamma brainwaves are associated with intelligence, compassion, self control and feelings of natural joy.
So what can we take away from these discoveries? The fact that brain activity during the lucid dreaming experience radiates a gamma frequency is extremely significant. It shows us that our brain is vibrating at a higher frequency, and functioning at a more clear, coherent and higher state of consciousness than it is when we are awake. Although the size of the human brain has remained unchanged for 200,000 years, brain wave frequency and states of consciousness have changed over time (6). Humans seem to increase the brain wave frequency, and operate at different brain wave states as we continue our journey forward. Imagine a race vibrating at the same frequency as one does in a meditative state, constantly illustrating the gamma brain wave state. The presence of gamma brainwaves illustrates that the people who experience high level lucid dreaming are having a totally conscious experience, within the ‘dream world.’
Who is to say that when we are lucid dreaming we are not experiencing an alternate reality that operates at a higher frequency? Maybe higher frequency states allow us to access alternative timelines, other dimensions or aspects of reality. There are many questions that dreaming, and more specifically lucid dreaming, brings to the forefront of our time. Very little is understood about the phenomenon, but what we do understand is that our dreams allow us to create our reality at a specific frequency. As quantum physics continues to elaborate on how consciousness directly shapes our physical/material world, imagine what possibilities exist in a reality resonating in the gamma frequency or higher. The human race’s potential is limitless.
(4)O’Nuallain, Sean. “Zero Power and Selflessness: What Meditation and Conscious Perception Have in Common”. Retrieved 2009-05-30. Journal: Cognitive Sciences 4(2).
(6)J Gebser, The Ever Present Origin. Ohio University Press, Athens, Ohio. (1985) pg 120-121
Please see my post in alien / UFO section about contactees and abductees, on the work of Norman Don and brain wave activity and how it changes those who’ve had these kinds of experience (Google: topografia cerebral de pessoas abduzidas), plus research on creativity in Holland (Nijmegan University?) that discovered novel experiences increase this facility by up to fifteen percent. Lucid dreamers are natural shaman – hence they are looked up to in primitive cultures because they search for a bring new answers to old problems as do all creative people (Look at those who solved problems in dreams they couldn’t while awake because consciousness is a ‘defense’ against unconsciousness; that is the flood of ideas and sensations into the waking world that lead to people so overwhelmed (like on a drug trip) that they cannot function physically in this world, a natural consequence of such influx as witness my boards, still not finished loading at the following address
I will give you this, since I know this area of the reality, and have been there for decades ago, the Only reason for me to not go there anymore or continue this seach is that I know anouf, to not sollely belive, but actually know it.
I could flung you out into the other side, and into the realms of “gods”, where you can create with meer words, there lies the notion of the pover of words, a song can create an entire world.
And done that, I know what would happened, you will not be able to Move or do anything since you are feed the “fear doctrin” of encountering other realitys, and everything realtet to it.
You will porbably starve to death than do any harm, do you undertsand this.
Lucid dreaming is ONLY a area of what I cal the “weild”, witch is conected to OUR own brain, but inside this “weild” is the Gates to and the process to learn to handle the impackt of the Other side.
There are 3 gates, first is to manage to awake, then to make the dream change, vitale to knowhow, since you can then alter/change the dream in situations you may not handle or like, and then change the scenery instantly, and that Gate do look like a spiralwave apearing out of your focal perseption and the trick is to lett it come to you and go into it, mastering this esay, just focus on something, anything, and hold the gaze there for some “time”, it will apear within seconds if you hold the gaze properly at the object.
And this goes to motion indise the LD area, stear at some distant place in your dream, and Intent to go there, and the same spiral/tunel apears and drags you along the tunel, witch is stransparent bu as a haze, so you can actually follow the ground with your own eyes and are you good, change the direction in middair, like flying from roof topp to roof topp.
The 3 gate is when the ” real deal” starts, you will propably encounter your self, in your dreams, and learn from this and be patient, its when you are contacted by the inorganic entetys, usaly disquised in some weird ways, but they are there, to give you a choice.
I stoppe there, because I knew what I needed to know, also about the pther side, sice I have been there, and that from and thrue Lucid dreaming area.
Its about know what you want, but moust of us havent any idea, LD is a playground, challange your self, chalange everything, and play with it.
You are not alone, and the Arhons mentioned sometimes are a hughe missunderstanding, they are NOT aliens per se. they are begins from the other side, feeding on us, as a collective energetic entety, they harvest energy, and I have and so do you, see them and make them go away, but it requires Meditation and above all, to know what to actually look for when moust of the writings regading Archons dont have a clue what they are.
In the LD weild, in ther you are not alone, but MY WARNING is this, learn everything above, to be able to escape or to move, all done by mastering Intent. Like the matrix, all you need to know is in this sentence, Dont think Just do it.
To alter the dream entirly, requires a good photograpic memory, to go where you want, to alter a dream to be or to have the expririence, you must have or start to be better at memorying thing and places, do you awna talk to you Grandfhater or something similare, remeber them and Speak it out loud.
Anything sayed in that LD happens instantly, rmeber this.
There is a range of books that describes this, some are near the “truth” others are just intelectualising this term without due knowledge of prectising at all, LD is the moust powerfull mind altering and reality beating expririence I have ever encountered.
I recomend ONE book only, I know he is controversiale by person, but whats writen is almoust never talked about and do you know why, its like LD, and Halusinogenics, untill proven forgett to debate, and remeber this, Halusinogenics are widely used, but when used with controll and purouse, and in the beginning, just to smakk you out of the presnet prison of reality.
And above all, YOu dont have to use drugs, I dint, just untill reasently did I try it and it confirmed my knowledge and since thenm I dont have to try it againg.
The book is The Art of Dreaming, Carlos Castaneda.
I could give you more, but this is the only one that gives you the real deal.
Even the gates are better described, and LD is the main tema.
Hi Mikial, I have always been a dreamer, I liked what you said and then at the end you recommended Castaneda’s book. I read it when it first came out and I enjoy it very much, I also go lucid, but I have to ask, am I just dreaming that I am awake, or am I really. How do I know
And in Castaneda works, dreaming while awake is a base for magical experiences. Lucid dream in reality.
Yes, one can have this state in waking life, and then comes realization that the reality as we know it is a dream itself, and you just woke up within the real-life-dream.
I always wondered if others could do this – I don’t sleep much, but when I do, it’s gamma playtime!
It’s an amazing experience – I’ve done this often. I often also realize that I have the option to wake up, but decide to continue with the dream!
I’d this experience twice in my life time (I’m 18 years old) But, i didn’t care much. But When my teacher introduced me to lucid dreaming, i was like.. “What, this is really awesome” and i started surfing internet about lucid dreaming. And i reached here. do you’ve any accurate idea about lucid dreaming? To Achieve it regularly?
this happen to me a few times. twice when i was really young and felt like a nighmare bc i was still young, then twice as an adult. it was amazing like i was a newborn baby no worries just alot of love then everybody started to shift shape into aliens not like the typical ones. peoples faces just change when they heard me say i know im dreaming and i see u staring at me it was wierd like that place really exist. i wish there can b a way to show this on a tv screen while im in full lucidity. itll be great but also kinda creepy and wierd.
Listening to “Gamma wave Music” can cause Lucid Dreaming? i don’t know whether if it works or not, any relative experiences?