This is a beautiful video of what happens to astronauts when they return to Earth. It was produced by Planetary Collective, a group of filmmakers, visual media creatives, and thinkers who work with cosmologists, ecologists, and philosophers to explore some of the big questions facing our planet today. One man featured in the video is Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell. We’ve shared many of his recent interviews on our website, as well as many from fellow astronaut Brian O’Leary.
“Once a photograph of the Earth taken from outside is available, a new idea as powerful as any in history will be let loose.”
– Fred Hoyle, 1948
[vimeo id=”55073825″]
I just found your website this month… I love eco friendly sites, and such. I really like the content you keep posting 🙂 High 5, I never watch TV, but spend hours watching the videos you find 🙂
🙂 Thanks
I feel so peaceful watching this. Thanks for this perspective. Chill bumps.
What is the term Edgar Mitchell, Apollo Astronaut, used at 11:11 that sounded like “Salvakock Savanti” ? Does anyone know the actual spelling?
Mitchell says “Savikalpa samadhi”. It is the highest of spiritual states of consciousness (each a samadhi), second only to nirvikalpa samadhi (infinite bliss).
I found it here:
Hi there! Thanks for linking to my post. The Planetary Collective were kind enough to provide me with a transcript of the video, so that’s how I was able to confirm what he said (as it was a bit quick in the video).
wondering the exact same thing
I can’t even find this words to describe this video and how jealous(for lack of a better word)I am of those who were able to experience such an amazing view. Short Films like these need to reach more people and more people need to begin to view the Earth and every single living thing on it as one and not some place they can pillage during their short life here and leave it for some future generations to fix. No, we need to begin now.
Thankyou for such an amazing video 🙂
I don’t know what kind of audience is reading this page but psychedelics provide a similar viewpoint as this video is describing.
are you suggesting psychedelics are harmful and their effects are not educational?
He’s suggesting the exact opposite ain’t he?! There are many ways to achieve transcendence,
Yea im pretty sure he is suggesting that you can achieve a similar enlightenment
Once someone talks like we went to the Moon you know it’s B.S.
I think some have been to the moon, and some haven’t. I think there were hoaxed involved with regards to some Apollo missions, and I believe there to be real missions that haven’t been disclosed to the public.
Excelente. ¿Como transmitir esta perspectiva? Muy pocos la tienen…
Excellent. How to transmit this perspective? Just a few it have…
Comparto Grapako, es una excelente perspetiva!
Great video. Still the warnings are ignored. The biggest money spinner is weapons pointed at each other.
“Be Fruitful, multiply and subdue the Earth”.. God provides. I have no doubt about the ability of our Creator! Majestic video shots of our temporary home called Earth. Thank you.
No. No, no no!
Please leave this planet and go somewhere else. We need people that think this planet can sustain us forever not just for a short time.
It’ can’t and wont sustain us forever, we’re destroying too much for it to sustain us.
that this realisation is here now at last is fantastic. that it is communicated from America is even more fantastic. Especially since America is founded upon land society philosophy of peoples it was/is intent on destroying when they already knew and lived in the way they are now prescribing 500 years or more after the event. the same can be said about Canada Australia and many other landed countries that belong to people who never left their homes to conquer others. now all that has to happen is recognition of that denial of these continuing acts of war and destruction and the land rights that belong to all people Indigenous to the planet earth and the universe.
How about learning to capitalize letters in the beginning of sentences.
You’re stupid
Anyone ever thought that there should only be 2B people on earth rather than 7? More people more deaths. Wars have contributed nothing to death and destruction in the grand scheme of things. Read Thomas Malthus. Just too many people…too many goldfish in a ten goldfish bowl. Doesn’t work.
makes me cry. As a collective species we should be ashamed because most of us know better and yet we are a weak lot. Too afraid to stand up and say “enough” We can start preaching to friends, family, and local communities about keeping our children out of the military. With lost off jobs, the military is selling it as all GLORY. Do you hear that????????
Military comment? This video is about how fragile the word is, how we must not destroy it, and your preaching about uh military?
IMV we have in co-operation with some of the top scientists from other nations, built colonies on the Moon but those who are in charge of the programs know well that most of the worlds people cannot emotionally accept such or the knowing that they will at the critical point be expended to give this planet a cycle in which to heal herself.
The GREAT MISTAKE was when a tyranny laid down NEW LAWS to govern this planet
(See The Epic of Gilgamesh when MARDUK the WAR god conquered the peaceful peoples here)
and organized r e l i g i o n s were instituted
For wars to become the norm and the tyranny and all its sub tyrannies to grow and thrive as parasites slowly killing the host body, there must be more and more humans to struggle and fight for more space. The poison that is destroying humanity is R E L I G I O N and its human-tyrant created laws that go athwart NATURE.
OVERPOPULATION, quite simply while not controlling the QUALITY of our breeding.
Thank you Dennis for seeing clearly.
Remember THIS:
“When Man Reawakens, Let Him Behold…”
The Ten Guidelines:
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature
Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity
Unite humanity with a living new language
Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court
Avoid petty laws and useless officials
Balance personal rights with social duties
Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite
Be not a cancer on the earth –Leave room for nature –Leave room for nature
.. ..
Be not a cancer on the earth –Leave room for nature –Leave room for nature
idealism never got us anywhere. I mean, nice thoughts, but gosh, great ideas have been offered forever and there are still silly people who will resist them
The thing is, at least some people still have ideas and great thoughts. Imagine a world without it. Which is probably in the foreseeable future with all this technology babying us.
Is there a transcript available for this video?
For me this video revalidates Bible scriptures: Psalms 83:18, Gen 1:1, Heb 3:4, Isiah 40:22, 26, Job 26:7, & more…and our home is Awesome!
We need to send the CEO’s of BP, Exxon and Dick Cheney into space. Maybe they’ll stop Drilling and Fracking!
Greedy corporate giants and their puppets are going to be the ruin of this beautiful gem we call Mother Earth. We are in dire need of change and it needs to happen very soon.
This would only work if they cared..
Almost, it says “replenish” the earth, not “subdue” the earth, which is nearly the opposite in many cases.
this is amazing. also, would love to know who did the music for this.
Human Suits did the music.
Ha! They were right! Earth is flat!
an amazingly well done video, congratulations to who made this.
Seems like many of those posting comments have a muderous streak, so willing to murder untold numbers for some insane collectivist ideal. Be warned: there WILL be resistance. You will NOT get the “utopia” your masters have promised you.
The gods didn’t show us the way for it all to go to shit. All is lost.
You’ve got it backwards…it’s all gone “to shit” just as it did with the “gods.” This has echoed on our world because of the genes they shared with us for our consciousness upgrade. (speech, etc.) Nothing is lost just because you say it is. This is all a part of their plan. How things are, is how they harvest the most energy from us. War, murder, etc. as well as prayer to any deity other than LIFE itself, all create a great deal of energy that we don’t see.
Nothing is lost, it starts with you to change it, start spreading love around your environemnt, simple acts of goodness to keep the balance between good and evil on the good side. This is all part of the plan by the almighty, God, there is one creator or else there would be quarrel, the reason there is good and evil is because of free will. Bad energies are created for the benefits of Jinns/spirits that were on earth before us, good energies from prayer reading scripture etc is for our benefit only and those around us since emotions and thoughts echo around. We have made ourselves distant from truth, seeking worldly pleasures, we need to get in tune again.
Energy cannot be created bro.
but indeed i can be harnessed then given by prayer
There have been scientific studies on that and it proved that it has no effect. However, belief is the source of intention and consequently it will drive actions. Prayer alone without action does not make any difference. There are no such things as miracles. Nature can do things we don’t understand or can’t explain but it does not follow that we are witnessing miracles. Life is very complex and prayer is just a distraction. Whether you pray or not will not change outcomes.
Yup, it can. Think of a cat. That’s your idea. How much energy do you think that took? That is energy from a different universe. When you put your ideas in the physical universe, then you use the physical universe energy of which Einstein spoke of, but you are capable of infinite amounts of energy which could change the universe.
Pls upload th video on youtube as here its damn slow
The universe has no other purpose than to exist. Laws of cause and effect are at work but people insist on some godly plan which is ridiculous and useless. When I see a picture of our beautiful planet I can’t help but wonder: why are we killing each other? Earth takes care of us and we are too stupid to do the same.
That is your opinion, you are just a man no more or less and you could not possible know what the meaning of life is or what the true purpose of the universe is, to pretend to is the height of arrogance and shows a deep insecurity either on the conscious or subconscious level.
Just a man? We’re just limited beings? Thanks for the chuckle.
I am entitled to my own opinion just as you are. That is not arrogance, that is just the way I see things.
Not really, you are arrogant or dumb opinions only make other dumb people feel like if they are correct. No, stupidity and ignorance need to be wiped out.
Please enlighten me what solution do you carry to justify the meaning of anything? How open minded really,
Ha ha ha at least I don’t call people names. I wonder who has the inferiority complex. Where is your opinion btw I can’t wait to hear it. I am far from being ignorant and I have been looking and pondering these things for as long as I can remember. I study science/physic, cosmology, philosophy, spirituality and the meaning of life and I don’t see where the arrogance is here. You can either agree or disagree and no one cares.
Listening to all of this is like eavesdropping on children squabbling in a schoolyard. If there is a god out there, I’l tell you this, it’s looking down at all of us little bickering ants and just shaking its head, asking, “What have I done?”
“The universe has no other purpose than to exist. Laws of cause and effect are at work but people insist on some godly plan which is ridiculous and useless.” I think what she meant was that people are doing horrible stuff in the name of god, although no one can prove that any gods even exist.
You are the universe. The universe is you.
Zabelisa..there are many studies showing that praying does have an effect you direct energy when you pray and I am not about any religion I just am in a learning state and spiritual…. we can manifest anything our reality is more of a hologram and not the whole truth much is hidden this body can only percive the dimension we live in look into it a bit more I’m sure it’s out there we got to be careful with anything we read we are easily deceived unless you have witnessed or experienced it yourself it’s all based on fait and hope that your source is the absolute truth.
You say you are learning, which is a fundamentally human thing to do – a great thing to do – and great task. I would suggest (as a stranger, I know) looking into the Monism vs. Dualism philosophy argument. I think it will help you converse with more hardened persons.
Human is foreign for we have no meaning unless the soul can be seen through the light of darkness
hashtag The Venus Project
Sounds like an acid revelation for us non astronauts.
The bible told us the truth. According to the bible, god is everywhere (the universe) god is infinite (the universe) god is love, love is energy and the universe itself is nothing but energy. The bibles words were not meant to be taken literally- but metaphorically. We as people take everything as it is but if you open your heart and mind and THEN read the bible, it sets off a chain reaction of “AHA’s!”
The bible practically tells you everything you need to know about raising your vibration to the max. God is real. God is everywhere. You communicate directly with him as he communicates with you just the same but its done subconciously.
Jacobs Latter is a diagram of the D.N.A within all of us.
Bridge your waking conscious to your subconcious and you will hear the lines of communication with the Good Lord.
This is MY opinion. Bash if you wish but open your mind to it instead.
Thank you!
It also told us to kill each other, and disrespect women, and sell children, and other stupid things.. Grow up and finally realize that Religion is man made. If Your GOD was perfect (perfection means – IT NEEDS NOTHING) the why does your God requires obedience, prayers, money, etc, etc…. How dumb and stupid do you need to be to understand how religion manipulates, separates, indoctrinates, human beings.
Grief.. read my statement once more. And I respect your opinion.. but the way you came about it was immature and out of anger. You should have better self control than that. That right there is the reason people don’t listen to each others opinions nowadays. Because they don’t know how to express it lightly.
I respect your beliefs and I’m sorry that others who disagree would be so absolutely rude
Why are you so-called “believers” always so passively aggressive judgmental? Deny that you are, and you’re just in denial. This isn’t anger, it’s called frustration at your pig-headed stubbornness. This coming from an un-born-again former Christian, by the way.
Your views are based on Abrahamic religions try reading the Sikh holy book
DerekN is right. If you read his statement again maybe you will understand it better. He did not say God is a person sitting on a cloud watching us…. “GOD” is just a word for the energy that created things. Energy is EVERYWHERE, EVERYTHING is made of energy … we are made of energy we are made in “GOD”s image… energy…. the bible tells us this… but “religion” is nothing but a way to control the masses. People need to think for them-self and use common sense. I think the bible has very good instructions for life… esp. the new test. …. I’m not sure what to think about the old test. I am still learning on that one… I don’t know a lot but I’m willing to learn and be open and its working for me….. everyday I understand a little more. I listen to other people, take it in and make my own conclusions based on how it feels to me… “the truth” is in all of us… we have to search our-self for it.
Thank you Meg! I wish you luck on your journey. I have faith that you will find what you’re looking for. Youre already almost there!
The accuracy in your comment is moving. Religion is man made. It is deception. What power is derived from. People are too busy praying instead of finding answers. God says accept people for who they are, but sends people who believe in other gods straight to burning eternity. You can’t even say you dont believe in god without people judging you (consciously or sub). People need to wake up. An all PERFECT god would not have made a world like the one we live in.
What is your proof it is man made? Have you read all religious books in its original language? I don’t like claims in absolute, People whom are busy the whole time scraping for the basic five needs dont have time to find answers have you thought about them? That is not true, we need a certain level of consciousness in order not to judge and its possible , the reason why the world is as it is is because of free will, without free will we cannot have good and evil and without free will it is useless, everything will be settled in the afterlife when everyone’s hardships will be balanced with what we will be rewarded with, have you read about enough religions my friend? I mean the only power is one’s own people may use it to gain power but people could use anything to gain power, some religions advocate that there is nothing between us and god, therefore, no medium no power structure, God bless you. Ask for guidance from whatever force that moves the universe, if it responds then you will have the final of the answers, if not then you have nothing to lose in asking anyway.
You are right in certain way. But god did not ask for money. Man uses the name of god for money. Which I think is wrong. I am referring mostly to the Church s ,that’s a place for god and prayer.
God asks that of us so we may flourish, do not blame religion for an-made mistakes, rea about adam and eve in differnet religons we all stem from them, there is no separation in that story we are all one, the more you learn about religion independently youll realise there is a lot of institutional manipulation but religion on its own isn’t, god does not require money that is the institution of the Christian chuch, prayers, obedience to regulations etc benefits us and our souls and only us
you are illusioned an misinterpret the fundamental laws of many religions by stating this it just shows how opposite you are to it without learning enough about it “It also told us to kill each other, and disrespect women, and sell children, and other stupid things” ever thought that religion was usedin that way to push people away from it? be smart cz they are peace and love
You hit the nail on the head. Amen to you. I wish more people could see the bible that way.
I also believe that the things Mrs. JuJu stated about the bible are simple distractions for people that aren’t evolved to a certain extent spiritually. The bible was written by very wise men. Behind the words in the bible are hidden secrets. If you read the bible out of emotion and judgement then you won’t get the real message. If you read out of observation only then will it make perfect sense. That tells you they were highly intelligent for starters. To be that smart and write that knowledge, if I were them I wouldn’t want anyone to understand it unless they were on my level. That kind of vast knowledge cou ld get in the wrong hands and be used for evil deeds. I would do what they did and hide messages the same way. Just my opinion
likewise, the fact that a story has murder or rape in it does not necessarily mean that story is condoning those actions. If that was the case then all writers of fiction could be accused of trying to turn us all into villains. That is a really naive way of looking at stories, and that is the thinking that causes banned books and in worse cases burning books.
Oh good grief.
The Bible is loaded with fear and blood as well… That is not uplifting… there are way too many “if you do this, you will burn in hell” type of thing… And yes, in some stage of my life, I did study the Bible… studying it helped to open my eyes more and stay away from it.
forget god hes just a egotistical homicidal maniac who forces his worship up billions of different races to cause violence fear and chaos between communities
Sideburnz…. then you are calling yourself an egotistical, homicidal maniac that forces your worship..
See what I’m saying yet?
As Mackelmore said correctly: “And “God loves all his children” is somehow forgotten
But we paraphrase a book written thirty-five-hundred years ago
I don’t know.” The Bible says things that are against many people’s fundamental beliefs like opposing gay marriage. It is so out of date; society has become much more liberal since then, which is why membership in worldwide religious affiliations have been decreasing.
Thank you DerekN for putting it in those words.Mrs.JuJu you are right, religion is made to control. What Derek is speaking of is not of religion, but the metaphors that are placed in most religious scrolls. There are codes in the bible as many ancient texts that speak of the Universal Infinite that we are part of. When the mainstream and the masses decided to take religious too literal, and use at as a tool for hate, separation, and control! That’s when it becomes the problem. So it’s not necessarily the Bible that is good or bad. It’s what you take out of it. And how you decide to implement it in your life. Remember the duality of human nature, sometimes bad is good, and visa verse. Righteousness doesn’t have to be kind!!
After the last atomic devastation caused by humanity on earth, karmic law decreed that the ionosphere would be created to inhibit humans exposure to outside frequencies and cosmic information, thus the un-receptiveness of most humans to energetic downloads, and the reason why when astronauts leave the ionosphere, they are bathed in in a much more potent stream of energy, increasing psychic development and extrasensory abilities 🙂
Yo i dont know if anyone has heard of him but check out Bill Donahue on youtube. Not the news guy but the professor. He explains the relationship between the spirit and the bibles words. Very interesting stuff.
lol this bible stuff doe, think for ur self, the brainwash i so real its crazy, haha 🙂
I am not a part of ANY religion. I was not saying to be a christian or whatever. I stated that the bible is a book of knowledge that if you’re blind at the heart and mind you won’t understand. Your comments are proof that you’re still blind. Youre acting as though I’m using it to convince you of God when I’m not. I’m using it to open some eyes. Seems to me you all are even reading my statements out of blind anger which means you won’t understand. Until you take down the wall you’ve built in your ego you’ll never understand. Youll just be stuck in a closed minded state. I did not get my information from anywhere. One day I was in my meditation session for hours that felt like minutes. When I brought my attention back to my room I felt as though I had gained knowledge from somewhere else. My opinion is from my own experience and no one else’s. It was extremely enlightening and when I sat down to read the bible (because something told me to) I was filled with great joy because everything fell together like a massive puzzle. This is why we are so far behind in spiritual evolution. The bible was taken literally and used for control because the people that got their hands on it were at such a low vibration. The wisemen wanted it to happen. It is a part of the universal plan. Thanks to it being found, even by the wrong hands, it is still around thousands of years later. The wisemen knew that when mankind begins to wake up they would fully comprehend it. That’s why when you’re reading it you always find yourself saying “well that doesn’t make sense” or “that’s wrong” because you don’t see the messages hidden right in front of your eyes. I’m not saying go to church. Because I don’t and wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. I’m just saying. I’ve found my way. The bible taught me lucid dreaming with its secret messages.. it taught me meditation so deep that all senses in this plane get shut off completely. It taught me to love regardless and that I am not a victim. It taught me that if you want to find God, look for him in the temple built NOT by hands. When you meditate, your body structure looks like a human pyramid. Your brain that is connected with the universe is at the top of the temple. YOU are your OWN KING is what the bible taught me. It didn’t teach me that there is one king that rules over all- but many kings that woild work together in harmony to create peace and “heaven” on earth. Those of you that considered my opinion, I thank you. Those that didn’t; I wish you well and I wish you love and I hope one day you will snap out of it just as I have.
Im not religious but I respect your revelation. I agree with the idea of god, it gives people SOMETHING to believe in when all else fails.. That being said, you can BELIEVE in a pencil (if you catch my drift). Faith is what is important, believing everything will be ok. All the god talk is extra. Anyone who has experienced the feeling of unity, oneness, connectedness, and the love that comes from those feelings, can agree its a beautiful thing. You had yours from meditation and bible readings, I had mine from shrooms and acid. Ive freed my mind from religion ( I grew up a church boy) and taken control of my destiny, and accepted the fact that theres things we cannot control, for example a drunk driver hitting us. It annoys me many people think without god they can’t make a way for themselves. Im not religious but I’m from the south side of Chicago, straight A student at Full Sail University ( Orlando, FL), and on my way to an internship with Pixar. I say that to show you can obtain anything you want. Its not about a god its about how bad you want it. I agree with your statement “You are your one King.”
Thank you for sharing.
Hiya, I totally understand, for alot of people this is just plain wierd. I didnt believe in anything but I had a feeling I couldnt shake, now I do believe in God, I just dont believe in churches, I look at the bible kind of like an index, I like to read it but I like to research the information as you find the bible is missing so much, I dont just read the bible, I read everything, I love the urantia and I find peace and truth in many religeous texts. I dont really meditate but have learnt to shift pain out of my body, cany do head aches though.
Anyways as I said I had a feeling that something was impending and I still have that feeling now, except im calm with it, ive opened myself up and im on my journey and whether people laugh or not I know I have the love of God and his angels. I feel it, but in my opinion I think were going through the point where the sheep of God are being seperated from the goats of blindness. We are evolving and many people think its nothing. If its nothing why oh why are we suffering through prophecies within the bible? Its a cycle, man has been bought to the edge of extinction before whether by the forces of God or the earth needing to heal it will happen again. Do research, look into conspirisies, look in ancient culture and the lies of the church, discover our vibrational frequencies and what would happen of governments allowed us happiness, youtube the fingerprint of God, learn about astronomy and start a path of discovery…. you will soon see blind oppression is pants!
BTW I dont care if people think im a fruit loop, Its how I feel and what I believe and ive never been happier!! We all have an opinion were entitled to
A very insightful and genuine explanation…I am approaching 69 yrs old and have been on my path of seeking and trying to become truly understanding of all I have read or experienced since I was 15 yrs. I have become so aware of so many, no most all of the things you have expressed. Kudos to you and Love and Light to you on your path. LOVE, true unconditional Love, without Judgement, without the need to control, without EGO….the truth of this whole LIFE is incredible and the process will continue forever…here or on other levels of existence!! If everyone could see the pure connection we have to every living thing which science has shown in so many ways, we could change this whole process to something beyond the limited view people have out of lack of knowledge, lack of awareness being at a different point in their evolution which is individually measured…no one is stupid or really ignorant they are just caught up in the physical limitations, lack of availability of knowledge, ……..those who are more aware in this process can live their lives being what all people need to be and in turn help be a catalyst in the learning process of others. Love and Light to each of you!!!
I can’t help but laugh at the women who says prayer is a waste of time. Well that’s your opinion but for me I’ve many a prayers answered. Some didn’t happen right away that’s for sure but the more I prayed on it it happened. You can call that what you want but for me it’s my prayers being answered.
Whether you would have prayed or not doesn’t make a difference. Some of things we want happens some not. Nothing to do with prayer whatsoever. You must go to action or let things happens if anything. I call this superstition. But hey, that’s just me. You can believe whatever you want.
Prayer is one of those concepts that you can’t prove or disprove its validity, but that’s why it’s special. I don’t, of course, believe that you can get through life through prayer alone, and so that’s why I think prayer while “doing” is the best way to go. Win-win 🙂
if you get into science you’ll realise prayer is really just the law of attraction! einsteins theory of relativity – every action must have an equal an opposite reaction, there for its not some silly motherfucker sitting in the clouds awnsering your prayers, in this universe we are all one, its quantum theory and if you align your vibrations right you will attract what ever vibration you put out, and thats been proven! its not a belief its science
i would suggest you visit your spiritualist church a couple of times when you come across a good medium your mind will be blown don’t dismiss out of hand something you have refused to experience or validate control spheres within human society fear self determination thus try to limit contact with things that could potentially break down social control my understanding of a prayer is not a wish that is granted however an intention an experience of sorts being requested from the universe send out your intentions and if its something you really want things will begin to fall into place and doors will begin to open i was initially a non believer much like yourself but i have an open mind and i don’t reject that which i will not experience for myself out of hand since becoming involved i have had a few spiritual encounters of my own there is something to it but like everything else it takes dedication and work to explore but the rewards for doing so are worth the hardship i believe
For those clinging on to the bible and think its the shizzle, get your head out of your arse and read another book… or maybe something more ancient then bible. Because o yes there are so many books way older then the bible and make the bible look like a book with stolen story from around the world, just to keep you little silly sheep in order. Expand your knowledge stop hanging on to the bible as the book… its ment as a guideline, and if you dont get that maybe you shouldnt have a religion at all because you just aint smart enough to think for yourself. And see the greater purpose of things like the bible. Its just a book to guide the less smart ppl of the world to a common purpose like world peace, instead you all use it to wage holy wars.. meaning you all missed the point of your own beloved bible..
Am still very young and even I get it, so hold on to your strong believes and cling on to the bible and smite they neighbour or whatever, too people who really know what it means and its purpose, you bible fanatiks just look like a bunch of monkey with a laptop, you have your holy grail… but have no idea what to do with it or what it means. Blinded by your own vision thinking to know what it is you have, but in reality, you couldnt be more wrong. And you actually fail in your own believes not getting the real point on the book you preach of so much..
put the bible down an read a book people ffs, you all preaching about the bible is very nice and all.
I dont care for your pity comments on my text, just means your one of those monkeys not getting there own religions. And are probly mad at and say am wrong. Am not wrong because you dont get it just means am smarter then you 😉
The Bible is our road map home! One only need ask the right questions and watch that book spill its secrets. Truly a work of genius!
Then please go home sooner than later. When you realize your “road map home” is just swag, try what the guy above already stated. Look into the “Enuma Elish” written 2-3000 years earlier, and guess what? Has all the same stories in it. Just not perverted and changed by the council of Nycea.
Haha, lol 🙂 To each his own! Sad to let a gold-mine go because of fear of religious misinterpretations of the past though..
Michael yes the bible is a guide to give our souls some peace not for the less inteligent and not for world peace world peace is impossible and for you to say ppl who preach it directly are wrong you do not know that you know that forsure I dont think its meant to be taking aso directly but the ppl who take it so directly are not stupid they simply have been being used as a pawn and we are one you should not look down on them for they are a part of you . Are you stupid? I dont think so but I do believe there is a little ignorance
Stephen is right, the Bible is a roadmap. A basic book for the simple, a spiritually alchemical guide and astronomical record and guide for the initiated. But it is very cryptic and clings to her secrets tightly. I find it funny and ironic people turn their back on such a book in the name of “open mindedness” bc they are so “awake”. Isn’t that a double standard really. And same with the Bible beaters. Read and study ALL the ancient texts and find the golden thread, this is a lifetime journey. And we have a lifetime to do it so have FUN with it!!!!
Wow!!! Is this really your perception or is that borrowed. How much of The Bible have you actually read to comment on it? But then since you mentioned the word “arse” it reminded me, “opinions are like arse-holes and everyone has one”. 😉
why don’t you read the Bible and study the life of Jesus and think about who He is and what He desires of you. patience by nas and damian marley please have a listen, fellow sailors
We are all one but they are wrong when they say that we will destroy the Earth if we don’t take care of because this Earth will live on without us… we will just be destroying ourselves which we have been doing forever…
Inaccurate, since you incorrectly imagine that we are not the most important expression of the earth’s body to date. We ARE the earth. Destroy ourselves and there will not be enough time to evolve another intelligent species to the current level we have acheived on this earth before it is consumed by the death of the sun. We must give this ‘spaceship earth’ care until we can leave and find another place to sustain our lifeforms. This may sound fantastic and certainly irrelevant to your life but some of us are thinking for the species and speaking for the earth. Join us, won’t you?
We are able to go to the moon, dive to the deepest oceans and yet we still hang on to limiting decisions, limiting belies and negative emotions that hold us back. Lets take a journey into our minds and empower ourselves to live a life free from the stuff holding us back.
Another “We are all one” promotion for pantheism. I got snookered! LOL Oh well.
Well, yes, it may have those elements in it, but beyond that, I found the photos and videos amazing and I listened to the men and women who had been able to see beyond what our limited vision gives us here on earth to be the stunning beauty of God’s creation. It is truly remarkable.
Believing in any sort of a “god” that knowingly influences anything on this planet or our lives to me is such a copout. Like saying you really don’t want to think for yourself about the hard questions. I always ask evangelicals if they believe god created every single organism in the universe, they say yes. Then I ask why he would create toxocara, a parasite who’s whole purpose is to eat young children’s eyes from the inside out. Things like this and countless others are on their gods resume for creation building. I also love to ask them “so if I believe in him and are a good person and don’t break the rules then I will be rewarded”, i/e heaven. They say yes, you must believe and follow commandments/rules. Then I tell them they may as well be worshipping Santa Claus. Lol
I wonder how you would explain the existence of evil in the world?
The best argument I have ever heard for the existence of a God of any kind is this- if you believe the evidence in support of the big bang theory then at one time all matter and energy were condensed into one. All that matter/energy in the universe in one spot, how big would it be relative to the size of say a red giant star? What would it look like? Would it be just solid, stable, matter or a glowing energy orb like entity of some kind? I tend to think the latter. If you think so also then would it be a stretch to think that it had some intelligence of some kind? I thought about this long and hard and had to say yes, I believed it would have some sort of intelligence of some kind. Don’t get me wrong I don’t think it would have intelligence like do this, don’t do that, love me don’t love other’s or you go to hell. I like the way George Carlin put it. The BIG electron, all knowing and unknowing, it is when we aren’t and isn’t when we are, unjudging.
This is so far away from what Christians I know believe that I say I’m an atheist because I believe religions hold us back. The scientific process has gotten us so far in the past 100 years it’s astounding. People don’t realize. Science and religion aren’t compatible. Most people who believe in a god think it’s religion against science but they don’t get it. It’s like comparing religion and construction, they aren’t compatible. Science is a verb, it’s a way of doing things. The scientific process gets you somewhere by conducting EXPERIMENTS not by just saying take it on faith like religion does. Creationism says, “somewhere in the past a miracle happens and that’s how we came to be”. That’s the end of the conversation for creationists, that’s it. However that’s the beginning of the conversation for someone who uses,-“or dare I say believes in,”- science. Notice I said someone “uses” science and others “believe” in religion. a person can believe in and use science but a person’s belief in science can change easily, not true with religion. I forgot who said “in a world without God, everything is permissible”. Well that disproves God there. Everything is permissible, duh! Can you think of one horrible thing some madman is about to do where God would come down and stop him? It’s up to us to do what’s good for us and not do what’s damaging to us. We create morality. We are essentially God now. We control our own destiny. We can leave this planet that has lost 98% of all species that has ever lived here and has almost wiped us out several times before. If we do that we could possibly ensure our existence through eternity. We can be the one thing in the universe that can have a beginning but not have and ending. If we move past religion….
If God steps in to stop any action of man, whether evil or good, then man is no longer a free moral agent, is he? Do you want to be a robot, sir? Do you enjoy the fact that you are created with the ability to make choices? Or would you rather desire to do something and find that some invisible force is preventing your body from carrying out the desires of your intellect?
If this world is all that there is, then evil actions are truly horrible, for they take away the peace, joy, and happiness of others without recourse. But if there is a life after this one in which justice will prevail and those who have done evil shall be dealt with, then the evil we suffer is but a passing moment in the vastness of eternity. Those who have suffered will be consoled and those who have done evil will be punished.
So which do you wish, sir? Free moral agency to choose, and be either rewarded or punished according to your choices, or being a robot with only one programming?
I can somewhat understand over one hundred years ago when Tesla presented to the world a way to have clean, free energy there were those, The Powers That Be, who were far to greedy and had positions that allowed them to control and keep secret this gift. But today, seeing what coal, oil, fracking and nuclear energy has done to our planet, and still they prevent this gift from being used to clean up the mess they have caused by their greed and how how and WHY do they continue to eat away at the planet is pure insanity. My only conclusion is they have no souls and frankly don’t care if they do destroy the planet.