Think about a time when you did something or reacted to something and later realized that you might have been “wrong” or became upset at something because you didn’t quite understand it. This is something we have all been through at various points in our lives. For some of us we can catch ourselves before this happens again in the future, and for others it continues to happen over and over almost as if we are not aware it. The reason it may repeat is because we often want to attach ourselves to certain belief systems because we may have been brought up with them or like what they represent. It is true that belief systems can be limiting and can often cause segregation, judgment, suffering and conflict. While it may not always seem to be the case, think of what happens the moment we decide to put all of our trust into a single system of belief, do we limit ourselves? Our ego enjoys creating an identity with these beliefs and in that identity, we give it power.
Be Aware
Let’s say someone challenges us on a piece of information that we believe to be true, if we were to react and get angry or defensive, it is because we are trying to protect this belief. It is in this moment that we can ask, is there a purpose in protecting the belief or information? Is it more so that we feel we are protecting ourselves because we identify with the belief and think it represents us? It is important to be aware of our belief systems and see them for what they are. Awareness is the most important thing we can have during the global conscious change we are in the midst of. The awareness will allow us to observe where our emotions and feelings are coming from in certain situations. We can observe and understand “regular” “chaotic” behaviour much better this way. With awareness, we do not feel the need for conflict or judgment because we understand things with clarity.
As we go about our days doing things and interacting with others, let’s observe and be aware of our thoughts. If we experience judgment or conflict, it can beneficial because it allows us to gain awareness and learn so much from these experiences. They can give us a chance to see what belief systems may be holding us back from experiencing peace within ourselves. Allow the emotions to come and avoid fighting them, take deep full breaths into the emotions, thank them and be at peace with them. Once you do this you will not only gain an awareness into the fact that they exist, but also learn to disempower them as you go.
Be aware, observe, it makes things much more peaceful!
Beautiful, Joe!
Thank you for sharing Good Awareness.
Our Sharing are in alignment in AMPLIFYING GLOBAL AWARENESS:
Here are a few posts about BEing fully CONSCIOUS and AWARE:
August 20, 2012 Remove the Yoke, a mental exercise:
August 18, 2012 Governments Manage Human Resources as Corporate Slave-Farms:
December 11, 2012 A Bouquet of Diversity:
The global dialogue continues and strengthens the freedom movement.
LOVE and Peace
(The Global DIY Project)
“the global conscious change we are in the midst of”. What “change”? Get real, there´s nothing changing. You just believe, like religious fools.
This was pretty interesting. Explain more and share your thoughts. Why is there no changing? And why do we only believe?
Micael, I think it is quite clear that things are changing if you take a neutral look at it. Sometimes we can make things appear as we want them too, but other times they are truly changing. I feel we are in one of those times.
Wow! You literally took all of my thoughts and advice I give and wrote it down. Mind blown! Awesome job, I’m so glad I found your site! Thank you!
really good article
Clearly, your article transcribes perfectly a point in which we all must be aware. thank you for sharing.
great article, I agree with what it says.
However , we as humans need to believe in something, we need some principles to govern our lives. We adopt certain principles/teachings that we (be it our ego, or our ‘soul’/conscience) firmly believe in, and we live our lives by those principles or belief systems, as you call them.
Even this article, and this whole platform(collective-evolution) which I love, is based on a set of beliefs/teachings/principles that you have experienced and you firmly believe in, and you ‘know’ them to be true.
Example: “we often want to attach ourselves to certain belief systems” – is in itself a principle
“It is important to be aware of our belief systems and see them for what they are”
“Awareness is the most important thing we can have during the global conscious change we are in the midst of” – is a beleif
Great job and continue your efforts.
I agree with you that we must have beliefs in order to go about our lives. To go along with what this article says, it is important that we remain open to new ideas. I have many critical things to says about this article, and trends of this site, but I’m just going to leave it there. Instead I’ll say that awareness is stronger and more expansive than this article gives it credit for, and with that awareness we can make judgements based on wisdom as opposed to emotion!
Raelian bishop Brigitte Boisellier, who also has a couple of Ph.D’s in Chemistry and Organic Chemistry teaches that we are in a constant state of chemical exchange with our environment. “Perpiration and respiration are just two examples of this.” “And we are affected by these chemicals.” she goes on to explain that we need to be aware that we are all affected… and don’t react to the chemical stimulus, but with consciousness.
Awesome article!! anyone recommend any good books on the subject??? greatly appreciated