UFOs are a growing topic of interest for many on the planet. More people are becoming aware that the subject of UFOs is taken extremely seriously by government and military agencies worldwide.
When we think of UFOs, our mind can instantly turn to disbelief and ridicule, as well as develop a certain perception based on mass media, television and movies. One can go the other route, do some research and find that UFOs are indeed real, they are tracked on radar and military jets are scrambled to check them out.
In the past few years, dozens of governments worldwide have admitted to having programs that study the UFO phenomenon, and official documentation released via the freedom of information act has allowed the public to actually have proof that UFOs engaged the interest of some high level people. Here is a list of 12 government documents out of thousands available that take UFOs seriously, discovered by historian Richard Dolan.
Not only that, we have had credible witness testimony from high ranking individuals in the military and political arenas. Click here to check out some of the credible witness testimony taken from various interviews. I am convinced that many UFOs are indeed extraterrestrial spacecraft, and given all of the evidence that’s presented itself in the public domain, I think over 50 percent of Earths population is united in their knowing of this fact. Knowledge on this subject is gained through research, making connections and personal experiences, realizing that we are not alone in the universe and never have been can be a paradigm shifting experience.
Why The Cover Up?
So why cover up the UFO phenomenon for so long? Most of the documents that are available in the public right now date back to the 1950’s. One reason for the UFO cover up is suppression of clean energy technology. Obviously, an important aspect of UFOs are how they operate and the propulsion systems they use. Many believe that the UFO phenomenon has a direct link to the energy industry, and that the mutli-trillionaires behind the energy industry have put a large amount of time and resources into the cover up. I wouldn’t be surprised, if you follow the money and who controls the supply of it, and then make the connection that most of the developed countries monetary funds are allocated into the department of defense -the ones that cover up the UFO phenomenon also own all of the planet’s resources and industries that we use in our everyday life. Here is the trailer for the documentary ‘Thrive,’ if you are wondering about the UFO phenomenon and how it is related to the energy industry I suggest you check it out.
[youtube id=”OibqdwHyZxk”]
Another reason for the cover up is for the continued control of the human race. If we know we are not alone, we begin to see that there are many concepts of reality as well as our human history that we are not aware of. Many new questions come into play, especially with regards to scientific information. Are these beings just extraterrestrial? Or are they extra dimensional? How do they travel from one star system to the next? Are they good? Are they bad? The mind can be taken on quite a journey if this information was suddenly let out into the public arena.
We already have the technology to take ET home. We have the technology to do anything you can imagine, but these technologies are locked up in black budget projects that it would take an act of God to ever get them out – Ben Rich, Former CEO, Lockheed Skunk Works
I am convinced that most researchers of the UFO phenomenon are convinced of the human soul, and that these extraterrestrial beings are also aware of what we call the soul. Most of the fear and anxiety that can be brought up when thinking about extraterrestrials comes from a place of fear. It’s almost as if all of this information has been agreed to be put out, and the ones putting it out are watching to see what our reaction is to the phenomenon.
The ones who have spent a tremendous amount of resources on covering up the UFO phenomenon, in my opinion have never had humanities best interests at hand. The fact that they are constantly covering up aspects of reality that could help us leap into a new type of existence and understanding for the human race isn’t a great aspect of our reality. If extraterrestrials are real, more questions must be answered, the history of concealment of information on this planet has never really had good reasons for justification.
[youtube id=”5nSHWEvqnUU”]
Who are we? Where do we come from? How long have extraterrestrials been aware of our existence? If they have been around longer than we have, then they most likely know more to the story of the human race than we do. These are just a few of the many questions that would arise if the lid was taken off the cover up in a more dramatic fashion. I’m sure the group of elite would love to have us believe that UFOs are a serious national security issue that creates cause for concern, but my heart, soul, research and experience tells me other wise.
I am also convinced that some within the power structure, some involved with the secrecy and cover up strongly desire for this information to be released. Either way, the truth will keep presenting itself for us to see, and it’s no coincidence that sightings are increasing as human consciousness continues to expand, grow and evolve from a place of love, peace, cooperation and understanding. Our true nature as human beings is a state of love, coming from the right place within us that resonates with us the most. I have a feeling as we connect with ourselves, our true natural state, more of our space brothers and sisters will keep showing up.
Why the disclosure? I strongly believe that the slow release of information and documentation has been done in order to slowly integrate the human race into the understanding that we are not alone. I also believe that a large part of information released is connected to a disinfo/manipulation campaign. So discernment is key. How we take in this information and what direction we choose to go is totally up to us.
Hi Arjun,
I’m sure you guys @CE have come across this already. If you haven’t, then few days ago I found this YouTube video (below) and if what it shows is true, well, it’s amazing! …
Here’s another link that has some background info about it …
Nice article by the way :).
11 day old article.. one reply. haa. Multitrillionaires?? haa. aliens control the energy industry?? this is why ppl think you are nuts. another thing.. the only stuff ive ever read concerning alien/human contact is really BAD. we are sooo interested in aliens… they have NO interest in you or me.
you’ve misread the article. it doesnt say or mean that aliens control the energy industry.
and just because you’ve only read bad things about them doesn’t mean they’re bad or in any way negative. if someone was only ever told the world was flat and was never exposed to any information to state otherwise, they’re very likely to believe that the world is flat.
but your mind is a closed one, which is disappointing. I can see that from your very ignorant, insult-to-the-writers comment.
also while they don’t have interest in you or me individually, they would have interest in US as a species and the collective ecosystem of this planet.
So much evidence and not much public action on this. That is the real ‘Matrix’. We are all being duped in a very sophisticated way. People have become manipulated like cattle living in a made up world in which truth is disdained and replaced by corporate imaginations.
There’s even more than you know. You are correct on some though.