We are an infant race of seven billion separated by different belief systems of how the planet operates. Imagine a race united in their knowing rather than divided by their belief systems. At the same time we all perceive our physical reality to be the same. By simply perceiving ‘how the world is’, we are simultaneously creating it. Recent findings within quantum physics and mainstream science are just starting to understanding that consciousness and how we perceive reality are directly responsible for creating our reality. The typical perception is go to school, get a job, and participate in daily activities such as sports, movies, drinking and more. We wake up in the morning and repeat the same cycle without ever observing what is taking place on our planet. Our current system is geared towards having us look ahead. When we are in school we are studying for our future so we can have a job, when we are at our job we are working to save money to have things and be secure. We are always participating for something ahead of us, which totally disconnects us from the present moment. Whilst participating in this system, we are so wrapped up in succeeding and surviving that we never question what is happening on planet Earth. Our sources for truth are mainstream media networks. We have given our consciousness away almost to the point where we stopped questioning things. By consciousness I mean how we perceive our reality.
If you really think about it, we take a child from a young age and pound them with our version of reality. In school, we are essentially taught the way the world works and operates. It’s become apparent that what we are taught is often what our parents were taught, which is also what their parents taught them. While we go through the system, some of us wake up and realize that the world is not how we are taught it is. We realize that there is a whole separate story to planet Earth. If our consciousness creates reality, and our perception of reality is responsible for shaping our reality, then new information and transparency on our planet has the potential to change the way we perceive. UFOs for example, it is becoming obvious daily that we are not alone on the planet. Energy is another example, it’s becoming obvious that we have access to zero point energy. I could list a number of examples, but the point is that we live in a world that is characterized by a civilization that is separate in it’s knowing about the true nature of reality. What I mean is that we have a structure on the planet that thrives off of concealment of information. This structure has taken control of technological and scientific discoveries and suppressed them. Keeping known elements of our reality from us is a form of population control and perception manipulation. At the same time you can’t hide the truth, and the truth leads to something beautiful. Basically, we are all one, and we need to start seeing everyone as another facet of ourselves.
Many of us have been programmed to believe that it’s a a dog eat dog world, that it’s every man for himself. We constantly take on the emotions of anger, stress, discomfort and sadness that result from being in an environment that is not conducive to our natural state, but more so as a result of us not being at peace with ourselves. Our natural state is love, cooperation, relaxation and peace. A human beings experience on planet Earth might take one away from our natural state, but in real truth it is us that take ourselves away from our natural state.
[youtube id=”HiAj7S6ko9Q” width=”595″ height=”340″]
We literally, scientifically have the ability to manifest any type of reality we desire given the type of energy we all emanate. An energy of love is much more productive then an energy of fear. Everything is made up of infinite potentiality, and the moment consciousness decides to create from that, creation takes place. The findings of physicist Thomas Young in his famous double slit experiment help to show this, and while doing so sheds light on the quantum field and how our entire reality operates. This is now fact, here is a scientific look of how consciousness creates reality from Dr Quantum:
MAHALO for the wisdom and insight.
The hypnosis of social conditioning has the masses in a comfortable trance . Those that seek and awaken often do so through self exploration rather than being given the knowledge. I believe this is fundamentally wrong, for how can you wake from a dream when you don’t know you’re dreaming! the world cannot wait for society to ‘wake up’. I am so relieved and pleased that communities and movements such as Collective Evolution are gathering momentum. Many thanks for your article. Best wishes, Ruth
Everything is existing in this realm of possibility. The consciousness is there whether one is readily aware of it or not. It is not fundamentally wrong, as you put it, for one to wake up on their own. First, one may never actually be alone, one has simply not accessed the information. The awakening can happen anywhere at any time, with or without another human being physically present. More often than not, I imagine it can be heavily influenced by experiences out in natural settings, away from urban areas, but it can happen anywhere. Thought does not require a handler, guiding you with a leash, that is the exact catalyst for a change here.
One love
So… What do we do obout this Problem????
By self exploration. There is two ways how you can wake up. You can ask yourself: “Am I dreaming?” or the dream that will turn into nightmare will to that for you 🙂
I think that people who recognize fear in their daily lives are already and deal with them on daily basis is already awakened.
Today I found out that invisible force that we cannot see (God) might be a feeling love that is all around you and fear (Devil) leads you to temptations and you can choose your path to righteousness 🙂 i totally believe that bible and all other religion is talking about same stuff but they just ended up in wrong peoples hands.
The conclusion that one can use his/her consciousness to collapse a quantum system into a particular state is outright incorrect. If it were true, then one could send information at an infinitely fast speed using two particles that are in quantum entanglement, which is a direct violation of relativity. Moreover, two observers can collapse complimentary properties (example: position and velocity, or orthogonal directions of spin) of one particle (or two particles in entanglement) into particular states, which is a direct violation of heisenberg’s uncertainty principle — a principle experimentally tested just as much, if not more, than young’s experiment. I am not saying that young’s experiment is incorrect (in fact, I firmly maintain that it is correct and personally subscribe to the copenhagen interpretation of QM which is responsible for the cartoon interpretation presented in your video). Rather, I am saying that the conclusion related to consciousness drawn from it is false.
clarification: “particular state” refers to a specific state chosen by the observer, not just any single state.
Hi jr 🙂 I’m not to sure what you mean by ‘collapsing a quantum system into a particular state” What do you mean particular state chosen by the observer? Information sending is not needed with quantum entanglement is it? I mean if you spin a particle here the other part of it will be spinning at the other end of the universe right?
I am also not sure of the conclusion related to consciousness that I am drawing from young’s experiment that you speak of? You mean the conclusion that we create our reality?
An unobserved QM system is (by the copenhagen interpretation which is discussed in your video) a superposition of states governed by the wave function. When I observe the system, it collapses into one of those states. The key here is that I do not have any influence on what state it is collapsed into. Its probabilities are governed by the wave function (or in particular, its square) and observers cannot change it, nor can I pick which state it gets collapsed into.
“Information sending” is not possible with quantum entanglement. This is my point exactly. If your claim at the end of the video (that we can choose via our consciousness what state a QM system collapses into) is correct, then we can violate the “information sending is not possible” statement. These particles are not at the opposite ends of the universe (not to mention this statement doesn’t even make sense. is the universe bounded? but this is off topic). there are systems that release particles in such a way that they are “entangled”. as in, if i observe a positive x-spin on particle A, that guarentees a negative x-spin on B. but if i can FORCE a positive x-spin on A, then I just sent a binary signal (information) to B at an infinite speed.
Therefore, we cannot possibly “create our reality” in the sense that we are able to influence the realization of a QM system into a particular state. Example, if a QM system has 3 possibilities A, B, and C, an observer of such a system cannot force the system into state A via consciousness. it’s simply beyond his/her control by the above argument.
I don’t know if I agree with you about information sending and quantum entanglement. I think an observer can def collapse a quantum system. Because something external is needed to collapse the quantum wave function, the collapse must be caused by the consciousness…I think we are def able to influence the realization of a QM system into a particular state out of a multitude of infinite possibilities. I don’t think an observer can use ‘force’ to choose out of an infinite amount of possibilities, they have to use something else..I guess you would kind of know this as the Von Neumann Theory or whatever….
Even an inanimate ‘observer’ can collapse a wave function. Conciousness need not be involved. Unless you consider electro-mechanical instruments to be concious.
all i know is while i look at a duck in a lake it is surrounded by waves, as i look away an look back the only waves that remain are in the ducks view and the rest were recreated when i noticed their absence
Yes, you are right to say that consciousness is required to collapse the QM system. However, consciousness absolutely does not “define how something should act [at the quantum level” as your video says verbatim. This is a direct consequence of quantum entanglement. You can’t accept Young’s experiment and deny the truth of Heisenberg’s principle or quantum entanglement. They are part of the same interpretation of QM. You can’t pick and choose what you want you want. Either deny both, or accept both as they are consequences of the same interpretation. Either way, the statement that “consciousness defines how QM systems collapse” relies on young being correct and heisenberg being wrong (or quantum entanglement not existing). It’s not me you should (or shouldn’t) agree with. Everything I stated is from the interpretation that you, yourself, appeal to in your article and video. Don’t get me wrong. It’s great that you took a deep scientific idea like QM and ran with it. Unfortunately, you extrapolated the interpretation beyond scientific justification.
I agree that consciousness does not define how something should act, sort of… I think it chooses. I think consciousness is part of the something it is observing… they are connected. I don’t think that I extrapolate the interpretation beyond scientific justification…but that can be a never ending ‘debate’.. And thank you for your compliment:) And thanks for reading.
I have enjoyed this discourse from both perspectives, Arjun & Jr. I would like to offer that perhaps the energy of emotion (heart waves) has an influence on what the observer of the QM system collapses into, and thus effect the outcome. One’s ability to have conscious direction over matter might be directly in proportion to one’s ability to master their emotions, since all emotions have energy vibration attached to them. This might also explain why it is often considered best to attach the desire to have the outcome be for the highest good of all involved, rather than only for one’s benefit, leaving the interpretation of “highest good” to the highest power.
the copenhagen interpretation is just a lame attempt to limit the possibilities of communication via two entangled particles…
I believe what arjun is saying holds more truth than newtonian science and our constricted minds to allow us to accept as real…
For example, Quantum computing is not just theory anymore, and yet it relies upon the theories of QM… and yet new computers that use quantum computing to simultaneously be both 1 and 0 in a binary system, in order to perform more than one function at a time, in a linear fashion.
therefore, who is to say definitively that communication is not possible with quantum entanglement? Jung proved that mankind shares a collective subconscious… the problem is that a Newtonian perspective on reality is no longer relevant when Quantum Mechanics is proving its theories with viable technology that can change the world
When you say that a scientific experiment is just a lame attempt to try and stifle the possibility of how information sending works and then turn around and assert that Jung “proved” collective unconscious, it makes me think that there is a very strong bias involved. If information sent one way, you could not manipulate the results of a test to make it seem another. And psychologists don’t prove anything, especially ones who only ever verbally theorize. That is a moot point even, because all science agrees you can never prove anything. If you wish for people to have an open mind to your opinion, you should do the same for the other. Always try to criticize your own point of view or you can never grow.
God is Love, Love manipulated the universe of matter into being, Love manipulates matter. If you Love me you will keep My commandments, If you do I will Pray to the Father that you may have the Spirit for a Teacher and Comforter Forever. The Spirit will bring All of My words to your mind. John, chapter 14 verse 26. The Spirit will Teach you of things to come. John, chapter 16 verse 13. Immanuel, God with us, and within us. If our free will, will allow. This Spiritual truth, creates a neural net of mental Spiritual awareness, that other humans do not develop. The human in Gods eye should be dust, breath of life, or soul, and the Spirit of God, given by Christ for the keeping of Commandments. Become a drop of the Latter Rain, put John 14 into full practice.
Fuck You
Your two word crude response proves your lack of intelligence. It leaves me with many questions that I will break down into two questions in which I can only pray that you are able to understand. Why are you on this website because with your lack of intelligence how could you possibly understand anything at all that is being said or explained? Why would you attempt to disgrace a Christian, the belief in the great scientist ever known, and why would you try to push God out of your life when you so desperately need his help?
Why are you pressing a christian agenda on an article that so clearly denounces the barriers that differences in religions create between people? The poster “Gary Shane” posted some uninformed copy/paste bible bullshit, that in no way pertains or adds value to the article. “Asshole” made this his name because this man “Gary” was being an asshole. Furthermore, “Fuck You” is a fairly appropriate response when this site attempts to break down those religious barriers. No one attacked your beliefs but keep them in an appropriate forum. Conversely maybe instead of a hateful Fuck You it was out of attraction and he would like to fuck you, in which case I would take it as a major compliment. TROLLODESSA, please step off and Gary Shane… Fuck You.
Fantastic article Arjun. My experience has been that in becoming truly aware of my thoughts and emotions, and then choosing to re-program them using love energy that comes form my heart, my relationship with other, and therefore my outer world, is changing as radically as the change I see in my inner world. Indeed, we create our own reality in a way that I believe many are coming to discover.
Thank you:) thanks for the comment, I definitely feel you on that one.
P.S. You make an astute and relevant observation in that society programs us to use the present as a means to ensuring a certain future. In and of itself this is not necessarily bad, for one of the adaptive traits of the human mind is the ability to envision and plan for the future. However, the current programming paradigm is excessively rooted in fear, fear that the future will bring scarcity that one must plan for. It is why we strive to get a ‘good’ job, to get a fat bank account; all so that our future will be safe. And you are right that in doing so, we miss out on living in the present moment. The great irony and discovery to be made is that replacing the root of fear with love is the best insurance against any adversity that the future may bring.
A great article. And i completely agree and relate to everything that i just read. Though sometimes i feel, that everybody in this world is so distracted with irrelevant stuff (like you said, jobs, money, etc ) that they forget the fact that they’re hanging vertically downwards from the earth. I think sometimes that with the amount of population here on earth now is it possible to change everyone’s mind ?
You good sir, have the beginnings of the truth, scratching the surface so to speak. I personally feel that soon, those of us that are aware of the truth, are aware that we as humans are more powerful in how we choose to see the world, and are aware of more than the social conditioning says is out there….. that is, most people aren’t aware of how much we miss when we view the world because the amount of visual stimuli is so vast. And again, we discount what is really there because we have been taught (brainwashed) to believe otherwise.
Scratch everything but the last sentence.
no, last sentence is true as well. your resistance to it is part of the programming, honestly.
thankyou Lachlann, peace & love to all.
Whatsoever can be observed is not you; you are always the observer.
If you witness witnessing, then you are not witnessing; that has become an observed thing.
It is already a thought, an experience, something separate from you.
You cannot witness the witness, remember.
You will have the total feel of it, but you cannot witness it, you cannot see it.
Who will see it?
It is the seer, it can never be reduced to the seen.
It is the observer, the eternal observer.
Its very nature is observation.
Osho – The Rainbow Bridge
This is the same principal from a Spiritual Perspective, In a Truth That I personally feel will endure as a human, planetary, and universe changing Spirit Forever. God is Love, in His own word. Love manipulates matter, Love manipulated matter into the Universe. The Elemental matter brought forth flesh, The Breath of Life brought forth Consciousness, Now I hope Our Consciousness will bring Forth The Spirit of Love, or God within us, and the earth. These are our walking papers to do this According to Immanuel, God with us, and within us Forever. If you Love Me you will keep My Commandments, If you do I will pray to The Father that you may have the Spirit for a Teacher and Comforter Forever. The Spirit will bring All of My words to your mind. John, chapter 14 verse 26. The Spirit will Teach you of things to Come. John chapter 16 verse 13. We have not been left Spiritually alone. Comfort-Spirit-Teacher-Forever-Peace. God wants to be the Love in your heart, mind, and body, to uphold created matter by God with Love in action, or Compassion, Not to deconstruct God Created matter with hate ridicule, and judgement, with out these words in practice we will destroy most of ourselves and nearly the earth, our only Home, given by God at this time. Become a drop of the Latter Rain, Practice John 14, and John 14:26 will make a home in YOU Forever.
Dude what’s your point with all these bible verses? Kinda has nothing to do with the actual article at all.
Dear Gary, Im sorry to have to tell you that a “Bible Quoter” has not a clue as to what this “movement”, if you can call it that, is all about. I am 74 years old and I have been questioning “theThe Bible” since the age of reason, at which time at that early age, I found it unreasonable. I don’t want to sound like “The Anti-Christ” but its time to put all the fairy tales of the Bible the same place we put Santa Claus, in a book about “Mythology”, and storys made up by Man to control Man. Christ “was” no more the “Son of God” than you and I are. Your existance is potentually infinite when you are open to the infinite possibilitys in Creation, even as we know it. Take the Bowling Ball out of your Head so there is room for “truth” to come in. You are living your life according to somone elses vision of Reality that came out of a very suppressed society over two thousand years ago on a flyspeck size portion of the Earth. Keep expressing your opinion but ask yourself it it’s really yours that you have experienced personally. Good luck with that
We see time as one dimensional, past=>present=>future. I see time as two dimensional, where ‘the now’ is every where at the same time. Astronomers will tell you they are looking back in ‘time’. This is just not so, they see only a reflection of the past, just like the rest of us. Just because the messenger is slow it doesn’t mean time is any time but now. Our instruments and senses cannot view ‘the now’ we view only what was as told to us by the tricks of light and energy.
Consciousness is capable of being in the now (when it is not being tricked by light etc.). I am saying the now has a pulse, a vibe, and this needs to be written into current day math.
the coflation of some universal consciouness with our personal consciouness is problematic. first there is not a singular consciousness in our mind. second our consciousnesses are not in thing but in process.
what are we to make of those odd waves which pass through one anither without generating an interference pattern….solitons?
A drop falls into the ocean. Is it still a drop? or is the drop where it always has been- within all of the ocean.
@ anexi…a scientist would be hard pressed to define where I and the outside world have a bounddary. Systems,, interpenetrability, more “them” inside this skin than cells of “me” and the fact that “our” dna forever are at the mercy of the “outside. one ocean, with boundaries that curious minds invente to make the whole into chunks we could grasp, rene descartes with his undefensable mind-body dichotomy…you can not change only the inside nor the inside.
you can not use ego and “doing” to change the world. but you can uuse awareness and heart. being. you can’t make the world change, you can only BE the change.
read this article and thought of Physicist Gregg Bradden…
and i thought it’d be interesting to pass along what he said about how many people it would take who have had a spiritual awakening process go on in their lives, in order for the whole essence of their message to spread exponentially throughout the population.
he said , it was something as little as 10,000 people, can act as a catalyst for a complete paradigm shift all over the world…
10,000 people!, and then the idea will grow organically throughout the collective subconscious and that is when the world will change….
…but we both know that its already happening… we will see… and when i say that iI say it with much hope for the future,
u the man arjun, keep on writing bruva
Only one person would need to hold the candle that would light up the way for the rest of us, but for the rest to actually see, they need to light one of their own…
An intelligent mind only needs the slightest bit of philosophical education to become aware of the greed, inherent in our instinctual survival mechanism, that is shaping society’s reckless abandon of our planet (and each other). Doing something about that awareness is something entirely different. I like the 10,000 people idea and have been thinking about building a movement (initially a website) to that end. I’m afraid though, that there may be far more minds in the world that can’t actually conceptualize these seemingly basic ideas (forget about quantum physics, or… like basic math) and I need another web venture that can’t be monetized like I need fewer BJ’s (see, more greed). 😉
Amazing, the fact that I have been having this same thoughts for a couple of days! And this page has fallen in my lap today! I am 45 years old and have been “awake” for a few years now. Your observations are helping me grow immensely! Thank you!
nice one william. i no longer believe in coincidence, at all. have fun 😉
The present is an excellent book,I’m sure many here will appreciate it.
Every thought is energy, every thing is interconnected via the universal consciousness grid. We are all Gods! We are all one! We create our own reality through thought.
Abolish fear! Fear is an illusion! It does not exist! Take a chance, take a stand!
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
– Mahatma Gandhi
fear is real. death is real. so what. get over it. live .
but you’re not living yet are you? because if you had everything you wanted and were extremely happy every day you wouldn’t post what you did. ninja girl’s words are smarter than any teacher you’ve ever heard, and any tv programme or film you’ve ever watched. time to wake up, neo, the matrix is real. peace & love.
Great article! To best understand how we can create our reality, practically and step by step, listen to “Your Wish Is Your Command”. If you are interested, let me know, I will share the program with you. email me: drpreetkhatri@hotmail.com
Reality? I can say that I can determine the difference…like saying I can see the ‘air’ that we breath. Yinz can say ima lunatic, but I can see the particles bouncing…you say prove it, I say look through my eyes…argument dead. Reality and dream. I have done enough of acid in my life to say that I can decipher between the 2. Hell, I’ve done enough of everything to say that I can breakdown the specifics between the 2 on a wipe board and explain it to a 1st grader. Would my method of madness even be considered relevant for a general population to sop in like a sponge? I have more faith in the 1st graders. More imagination and less ‘poisoned’ they’re process of elimination is. Example: religion…scientifically it is destroyed, propaganda. I have a sign posted in my bathroom above my mirror saying ‘REALITY’, just incase I’m stuck in a lucid loophole. Like the movie Inception, we can be tricked, our mind that is. In your dreams, you can control the outcome, similar to being caught in the Matrix. Pinch yourself, pain is real. Drink the water, it’s real. I can try to explain the importance of the difference, but alot of you are ignorant to an idea that doesn’t pertain to you, the individual. Hence the gullibleness about the tyranny surrounding your everyday life. Forced list of droned existence. Same thing everyday hoping for a different outcome, the definition of insanity…I will get back to this, since I have to ‘drone’ myself to finish getting ready for work…so don’t judge this as an answer that goes unanswered…I shall be back….
please break down the specifics for those that are listening but do not have your skills. sharing is good, yes? thankyou scott.
If you really want to change your world for the better you need to start by ridding it of all weapons of mass destruction (an immediate threat to all our well being) and putting an end to war.
Those of you who want to register their opposition to war can do so by signing my e-petition: End the Madness.
Please use this link:
Many Thanks.
Peace, Love & Respect
peter dunn
An E-Petition does a lot for change… Even if you got 100,000,000 signatures it would do NOTHING and the weapons would still exist. That is a passive attempt with passive results. If you want to get rid of all the worlds WMD’s go rogue and watch the new GI Joe movie. Your first order of business would be to become president and hold a nuclear summit and then fire all of the US nukes forcing the other countries to fire off theirs and then remotely disarm them simultaneously. Sounds good to me.
Be the change don’t try and passively pretend to be into change.
Becoming a benevolent tyrant just perpetuates. If 100,000,000 dinner tables (breakfast tables) included dialog opposing and divesting in companies financing weapons manufacture, the WOULD be significant change. Not in the click but in the personal action AND sharing the click saying it is done.
Wonderful to have come across the discussion:) I agree with the Physicist that nothing can be proved, and I know that once I had the awakening experience nothing needs to be proved. I laugh with the asshole and at the knowitall in me. After witnessing the world without the ever present, running, commentary, I became fascinated to understand what I saw. It is like a ball of twine slowly unfolding, and I don’t have the knowledge to understand what I saw, and so instead of proof I am looking for others who saw, and their interpretations help me untangle what i saw, and I celebrate others who like me are trying out different theories, tying some together, ripping others apart, but after years of looking and meditating I suspect that what I am looking for is already here, and in the end nothing I know, nothing I do, will bring me closer to the point of awakening. It could be that the explanations, the need to change the world, are just a way to pass the time while I dream the dream of being separate, awakening I find the world already perfect. And I am trilled to come together and talk, talk, talk, to those still few, interested in this topic. Lets get together and discuss: Anyone in the Bay Area? Oneness is an experience that changed me forever and I am very greatfull. Love v
PLEASE post something new. People are sick and tired of the double slit experiment. I saw the dr. Quantum video 7 years ago.
Hasn’t really anything new happened ever since???
The Green Lantern emits courage and it’s more powerful than love. Therefore, I shall be a Green Lantern.
I think you’re confused mate. The Green Lantern uses willpower…
yeah well………………..