Dr Brian O’Leary was born on January 27th, 1940 and passed away on July 28th, 2011 shortly after making a big statement. He was a member of the sixth group of astronauts selected by NASA in August of 1967.
The members of this group were known as the scientist-astronauts. Dr O’Leary received a bachelor of arts degree in physics from Williams College in 1961, and a doctor of philosophy in astronomy from the University of California at Berkeley in 1967. He was a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, as well as secretary of the American Geophysical Union’s Planetology Section. Furthermore, he was the team leader of the Asteroidal Resources Group for NASA’s Ames Summer Study on Space Settlements.
He was a founding board member of the International Association for New Science as well as founding president of the New Energy Movement. He was a fellow at the World Innovation Foundation and a physics professor at Princeton University.
The technological implication of UFOs is one reason for the secrecy that surrounds them. The way they can stop on point and move any direction they choose brings up a big question; what type of propulsion systems and operating characteristics are involved? If we know UFOs are real, one of the questions to ask is how they operate and how they get to where they need to be.
Given all of the official documentation and credible witness testimonies, we are able to question further and make reasonable connections. With the amount of effort and time spent to cover up the reality of UFOs, it is logical to assume that the ones responsible for the cover up have the same questions that we do. How do they operate?
Maybe more exists beyond the secrecy, maybe some questions have been answered and seized by those who control the money supply. Anti-Gravity, clean energy, the list goes on and on. Even without UFOs, human beings have the scientific and technological capability to change our planet. It’s time to start asking more questions, if we have alternative and more efficient ways of operating on planet Earth that could benefit everybody, why are they not being implemented and who is responsible?
Everything you can imagine we already know how to do, but these technologies are so locked up in black projects it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity – Ben Rich, Former CEO of Lockheed Martin Skunk Works
i just wish the aliens would contact us and help us repair our problems…
We will Ken Daly… thanks for believing your wish will come to reality.. Humans are very difficult creatures they need the dark to appreciate Light.. so it was very hard to pass through out the darkness….Plus the Planet is so out of control…we need news, money, shoes, status… dont worry GOD had a plan and the plan is coming to make it justice….(:
See a shrink Valeria.
not nice tom….. her opinion…i hate when people come on ere and act like aholes because they are so closed minded
thank u, lisa, some need to be anonymous in their criticism….it’s call coward
Those on SSI/SSDI don’t need much at all, just more believers. There are places that keep us like the many dollar stores & second hand shops. But more people who believe in free energy.
your religions is full of false. i don’t want to hear about your imaginary god
My thoughts too Ken. We are in for some tough times ahead but I have hope that we can spread the light of truth around the world. End dependency on current energy processes, access these amazing technologies that are being kept from us by seedy government and vile corporations. I believe we have been visited for thousands of years, that our path began out there in the cosmos. We’ve been blinded by money and greed, led astray by so called leaders who’s only interest is themselves and a small group of individuals. Wars, poverty, death and destruction are not are nature. Have hope Ken.
Silly stuff. Oh, but the way, he PASSED away, not past away.
Just what I was thinking. It’s a bit hard to believe in the veracity of an article that can’t get basic spelling and grammar correct. I also don’t automatically accept information as fact just because someone has a degree or doctorate. He was a physics professor? So what? I know plenty of smart people who are Christians. As an atheist, I need peer reviewed and empirical proof; not the assurance that someone has a degree or went to Harvard.
Everything comes with a cost. How high will it be if someone else fixes our own problems? Like Arthur C. Clarke envisioned in Childhood’s End
I wish they would come get Obama.give em an anal probe for eight years.
Well the aliens probably wish that we will get our shit together and fix our own problems.
Aliens are demons/fallen angels end of.
that is exactly what big brother wants you to believe. you sir or madam, are cookie cutter human. they pump out the b.s. into the shape they want
and people like you eat it right on up and beg for seconds. do yourself and the rest of society a favor. drink some ‘shroom tea and learn the truth.
YES! Right on, so good to know some us have our heads screwed on the right way!
lol damn straight
i want to try shroom tea so badly, im 62 yrs old and have never had it, this summer is for sure, the time i am going to do so..thanks for reminding me
P Carter, only on the mind of the superstitious simple minded people..
Hmmm maybe the government are using this fantasy/phenomenon of Aliens to unite the world into one government to battle these enemies. Hmm doesn’t sound familiar? it’s aliens yeah it must be real aliens that the best conclusion even though we have holographic techniques to fake them. Come on people the government are behind every single event.
Event you mean like depicted in Biblical paings? Wher was this goernment yuo speak of 1000 years ago?
Event you mean like depicted in Biblical paintings? Wheer was this goernment you speak of 1000 years ago?
I don’t believe the government had anything to do with the UFO’s two friends and Myself witnessed for 15 minutes back in the year 1961.
Aliens is the term we give to living thing on planets other than our own, humans are just as alien as any other alien. The tv will delusion you into believing that your country is the best in the world and that earth is the center of the universe. That’s a silly belief and it’s actually mind blowing that someone could believe it. Aliens are not demons or fallen angels. Enough television
And what makes you so sure P…I think you`re going to find out the demons are here and have always been here…they are called HUMANS!!!
He passed away.
not “past”
So for nearly 70 years the American government keeps aliens a secret. But fails to keep secret almost everything else and generally makes a hash of being subtle about anything. Also in this time we never see a single piece of physical evidence (yes the government hoovered it all up I’m sure). Also in an age when everyone has a high-def camera no one takes any clear believable footage of an alien craft. Everything you claim to be alien craft that is uploaded is very quickly proven to be a hoax, an insect, heavenly body like Venus or other ordinary things that have misidentified. All you end up with is anecdotal evidence. If you brought this into a court of law you would be laughed of of it again. Please get a life and stop believing bollocks.
Yes, along with ghosts, and all the mistakes that end up in the books of “what G_D said..,” it’s either time for the organ grinder to belt out a new tune for the monkeys, or the improbably to happen and something provable to magically appear.
UFO disclosure has nothing to do with the government, most governments have already released their UFO files. The FBI have released their files. You have to go upstream to the banking cartels controlling the media and locking away the technology that could for example end the petrol dollar. There is plenty of physical evidence and camera footage. Go listen to some of Edgar Mitchell’s material, he was an astronaut. I think you are confusing 2013 with 1950, but don’t feel bad, your not the only one.
Hilarious Hoebeck. Perhaps you are under a rock and have never viewed the evidence. AND listened to former astronauts TELL YOU it’s real. So get a life and stop talking ballocks.
I agree with you on one thing…It Is strange that no one has captured a clear cut picture of any alien or alien craft. Maybe they have picture blurring technology? Naw…I doubt that…(I’m being sarcastic in that 2nd sentence but not the rest)
Dennis, you are saying that if you took into court the eye witness testimony of astronaughts, and top military personell… you would be laughed out of court? I find that difficult to believe.
I take it you believe everything your government tells you?
I want to believe.
dennis I am embarrassed that people like you exist. Open your mind up, and evolve man.. stop living in your false reality. Jesus man it’s people like you that keep this ruin human evolution.. You just don’t GET it…
Perhaps “They” have a mandate to not disrupt the natural flow of our evolution. Just sayin’.
And don’t forget that the usa millitary has confiscated any and all technology that might take dollars from their friends. All about the Luker folks. It’s always the money.
@damienmault1992 – it’s “lucre”, as in “filthy lucre”, not “Luker”. Got to learn to actually spell, dude!
the media/government (yes, they are one in the same) would not tell the truth on any matter, unless it benefited them. there is no point trying to argue this fact, it has been proven over and over again. all it takes is a couple hrs and anyone can find out the complete truth on any “news story”. we are in the information age people. try using your computer to do something, other than post on facebook and run your mouth about rumors you heard through whatever bull shit media you watch. wake up people. is the world flat? no, ofcourse not. but, if nobody ever doubted government, or the “official story” where would we be today? you were given a mind, use it. i dont understand how people can just sit back and believe everything they are told. doesn’t anyone have an imagination anymore? have people really become so lazy, that its too much trouble to look something up, and actually learn something new?
since these craft have been seen for centuries one could postulate many possibilities.
1. they created us; science, sociological research, or some other unknown reason.
2. they have no interest in us;
they are so far removed from our reality, & or so advanced/interdimensional, or time travel, they just go about their business, and their appearance is coincidental.
We assume this is our planet, whereas they have been here long before us, probably, and could even have been from this planet.
In any event, it does not seem as if they are going to contact the population anytime soon, if ever.
Are you kidding? They have contacted us, abducted us, left marks on our bodies and mind. Wake up.
passed away, not past..just fyi. thanks!
Rather than call someone who does not believe in what you believe, why not offer proof…. UFO’s are/are not.. who knows…. BigFoot/Yeti/etc are/are not.. I like Dennis above believe that with an Iphone, better pictures could be taken if the object was there….. KNOWING is not PROOF and until there is PROOF, I will remain open minded and ready for that PROOF
Mike P
Why would “they” be interested in us? We’re a primitive (like cockroach to human), violent species that is destroying its own planet.
I’m having trouble getting past the first sentence where “PASSED” away is not given the respect it deserves. PLEASE don’t kill the English language while you’re trying to influence people.
I’m with Dennis and Mike Ellsworth on this one. Just because our governments are known liars does not mean that Aliens and UFO’s are real. I think it’s safe to say they are akin to God : you either have faith in it’s existance or you don’t. If you do then that is you opinion. However there is NO SUBSTANTIAL evidence of the existance of these so-called UFO’s as most have either been A. Misidentified Objects. B. Experimental Military Aircraft or C. A hoax. However…absence of proof (like God) is not Proof of absence..so the theory remains valid. By the way though…have any of you sheeple ever stopped to consider that your governments LOVE the fact that you would spend so much time and thought dedicated to proving the existance of Extraterrestial presence on Earth? That these governments are just LOVING your misplaced scrutiny? There are more ominous and darker secrets and very real conspirations in motion against humanity..and none of them come from Space. Get real people..and remember that drinking the cool-aid whether it be for UFOs, political rhetoric or conspiracy theories…works only in the favor of those who really truly control your lives.
Dej ha ha ha funny as hell. You say UFOs are fake and at the same time talk about an invisible God. Are you nuts?
I’m with Dennis on this one. Sure, there’s something going on, but what? So far, just unsubstantiated speculation.
The problem with aliens is people.
When you say there is no substantial proof, what you mean is “I haven’t seen one.” Guess what? If you look more carefully there are plenty of evidences out there: mass sightings all over the world many of which are caught on tape, whistle-blowers who had actually been part of the governmental secret projects, crop cricles that are spread all over the worlds landscape etc… actually if you really get interseted in this and do enough research on it you’ll find that we are contacted by more than one race. Apparently there are those who want to inform us through open souce communication (e.g. crop circles), and those that secretly meet with the governments. It is not hard to guess that those contacting the government are not that friendly at all, and I even suspect that our planet has been for hundreds of thousands of years under control of some galactic corporation, who most probably have created us as gold mine labourers (see Zecheria Sitchin), and later on probably helped initiate the big governments and religions around the world. And when one thinks of the banking elite, inevitably one concludes that these are bloodlines chosen to manipulate the rest of us. It is easy project by the aliens. Give me a planet of apes and enough technological devices, I would easily be able to do the same…
Now, any who reads this might think that I am a lunatic. What I would say to this is “open your minds, do your research, and find your own theory of truth! If you do so, you’ll see that truth is nowhere near to what you have been told, no matter who told it to you.”. I am a mathematician, and I read mathematical papers and do mathematical research. You wouldn’t believe how many mistakes one can find in “peer reviewed”, “published in best of the journals” papers. What I want to point out by this is even the academic world everyone believes to be scientific is not so, and is full of bullshit. (This though doesnt mean that there are honest, and hard-working academcians out there. )
…You know, were really the aliens studying humans through a virtual world,. once the invasion of the real earth begins your memories will return and so begins our real mission.
This really says nothing. Just states the obvious.
So in reading I see that most want proof…..do u need proof for symptomatic disease too? People hurt daily with fibromyalgia or migraines or ibs or restless leg syndrome and there is no PROOF …..doesn’t mean they are not real pains….science cant figure fibro out but that doesnt mean it isnt real. ….just a thought.
To think we r the ONLY THINGS in the WHOLE Universe is crazy…
Not crazy Dee…. just arrogant
Oh, by the way, not Oh, BUT the way.
He is right about propulsion systems. When you read stories about people who have seen UFO’s. One thing that most of them say is how bright the light is. That was not a light. It was the engine.
You have to think how brilliant life is out there. What we are here. The technology given to us by implantation and study of science is relatively a blink of an eye for the alien that needs it. Humans are, and always will be, slaves. We are building technology to destroy ourselves off the planet. At the same time. Creating the propulsion systems aliens need to survive. We are no more then a moment in time for them.
what do u mean by ” creating the propulsion systems aliens need to survive”
Well neither I can speak for Dr Brian O’Leary nor I have specific information on the subject, but imagine yourself living then cosmos with no gravity… Now imagine yourself living on planet with lower or higher gravity … continue virtualizing, in your brain, the information you know …
All our world is, is a gas station for aliens.
Misspelling: Past away should read passe away.
How about this one, what if humans are used to terraform planets by aliens that need to live in a radioactive toxic planet, void of animal species and trees? We are just an evolutionary tool, manipulated enough to have intelligence, but not enough to make things right here for ourselves, eventually perishing from our own misguided technology, all in the name of progress.
Google: ALTERNATIVE-3, and BREAKAWAY CIVILIZATION. Study the works of Richard Dolan. Read the book: SECRETS OF ANTIGRAVITY PROPULSION (2008) by PA LaViolette, PhD. Electrogravitic propulsion and zero-point energy cohering devices and systems, which mimic those found in Nature have been invented, patented, and built and deployed since the 1940s. As well as recovered crashed interstellar extraterrestrial spacecraft which operate the same as our earthly technologies. Electromagnetism is far more powerful than gravity by several orders of magnitude. ANd many of these systems in the public domain, as well as many of the 6000 of so US patents under gag order under the aegis of “National Security”, can banish pollution, greenhouse gases, the energy crisis, oil spills, fracking, nuclear plant explosions etc., and eliminate the suffering in the third world and elsewhere, and harness the “wheelwork of Nature”, for clean limitless energy, as Nikola Tesla said Mankind on Earth would one day do, as other Earth civilizations did, the Breakaway Civilization, and other Type II civilizations in space.
Technology Submission – Novel Rotary-Turbo-InFlow Tech – Featured Development
Atypical InFlow Thermodynamic
Technology Proposal Submission
Novel Fueled Motor Engine Type
*State of the art Innovative concept Top system Higher efficient percent.
Have similar system of the Aeolipile Heron Steam device from Alexandria 10-70 AD. -New Form-Function Motor-Engine Device. Next Step, Epic Design Change, Broken-Seal Revelation. -Desirable Power-Plant Innovation.
YouTube; * Atypical New • GEARTURBINE / Retrodynamic = DextroRPM VS LevoInFlow + Ying Yang Thrust Way Type – Non Waste Looses
-This innovative concept consists of hull and core where are held all 8 bteps of the work-flow which make the concept functional. The core has several gears and turbines which are responsible for these 8 steps (5 of them are dedicated to the turbo stages). The first step is fuel compression, followed by 2 cold turbo levels. The fourth step is where the fuel starts burning – combustion stage, which creates thrust for the next, 5th step – thrust step, which provides power to the planetary gears and turbines and moves the system. This step is followed by two hot turbo steps and the circle is enclosed by the final 8th step – bigger turbine. All this motion in a retrodynamic circumstance effect, wich is plus higher RPM speed by self motion. The Reaction at front of the action.
*8-X/Y Thermodynamic CYCLE – Way Steps:
1)1-Compression / bigger
2)2-Turbo 1 cold
3)2-Turbo 2 cold
4)2-Combustion – circular motion flames / opposites
5)2-Thrust – single turbo & planetary gears / ying yang
6)2-Turbo 2 hot
7)2-Turbo 1 hot
8)1-Turbine / bigger
-With Retrodynamic Dextrogiro vs Levogiro Phenomenon Effect. / Rotor-RPM VS InFlow / front to front; “Collision-Interaction Type” – inflow vs blades-gear-move. Technical unique dynamic innovative motion mode. [Retrodynamic Reaction = When the inflow have more velocity the rotor have more RPM Acceleration, with high (XY Position) Momentum] Which the internal flow (and rotor) duplicate its speed, when activated being in a rotor (and inflow) with [inverse] opposite Turns. A very strong Novel torque power concept.
-Non waste parasitic looses for; friction, cooling, lubrication & combustion. -Shape-Mass + Rotary-Motion = Inertia-Dynamic / Form-Function Wide [Flat] Cylindrical shape + positive dynamic rotary mass = continue Inertia kinetic positive tendency motion..
-Combustion 2Two continue circular [Rockets] flames. [ying yang] opposite one to the other. – With 2TWO very long distance INFLOW [inside propulsion] CONDUITS. -4 TURBOS Rotary Total Thrust-Power Regeneration Power System. -Mechanical direct 2two [Small] Planetary Gears at polar position. -Like the Ying Yang Symbol/Concept. -Wide out the Rotor circumference were have much more lever [HIGH Torque] POWER THRUST. -No blade erosion by sand & very low heat target signature profile. -3 points of power thrust; 1-flow way, 2-gear, 3-turbine. *Patent; Dic. 1991 IMPI Mexico #197187 All Rights Reserved. Carlos Barrera.
·2-Imploturbocompressor; One Moving Part System Excellence Design – The InFlow Interaction comes from Macro-Flow and goes to Micro-Flow by Implossion – Only One Compression Step; Inflow, Compression and outflow at one simple circular dynamic motion Concept.
*·“Excellence in Design” because is only one moving part. Only one unique compression step. Inflow and out flow at the same one system, This invention by its nature a logic and simple conception in the dynamics flow mechanics area. The invention is a wing made of one piece in a rotating motion, contained in a pair cavity system connected by implocavity, and interacting dynamically with a flow, that passes internally “Imploded” through its simple mechanism. This flow can be gas (air) or liquid (water). And have two different applications, in two different form-function; this one can be received (using the dynamic flow passage, as a receiver). Or it can be generated (with a power plant, generating a propulsion).
An example cut be, as a Bike needs a chain to work from motor to wheel. And for the Imploturbocompressor application, cut be as; in a circumstance at the engine, as an A-activate flow, and with a a tube flow conduit going to the wheel as a B-receiving-flow the work use.
To see a Imploturbocompressor animation, is posible on a simple way, just to check the Hurricane Satellite view, and is the same implo inflow way nature.
And when the flow that is received and that is intended to be used at best, must no necessarily by a exhausting or rejection gas, but must be a dynamic passing gas or liquid flow with the only intention to count it or to measure it. This could be possible at the passing and interacting period when it passes inside its simple mechanism. This can be in any point of the work flow trajectory.
In case the flow that is received is a water falling by gravity, and a dynamo is placed on the rotary bar, the Imploturbocompressor can profit an be obtained by generating? electricity such as obtained by the pelton well, like I say before. The “Imploturbocompressor”, is a good option to pump water, or a gas flow, and all kinds of pipes lines dynamic moves.
Or only receive the air-liquid flow, in order to measure its passage with a counter placed on the bar, because when this flow passes through the simple mechanism of a rotating wing made of only one piece it interacts within the implocavities system. And this flow can be air wind, with the difference of can have an horizontal work position, and that particle technical circumstances make an easy way for urban building work new use application, and have wind flow from all the sides 180 grades view. The aforementioned information about this invention refers to technical applications, such as a dynamic flow receiver. (whether being gas or liquid).
With the appropriate power plant and the appropriate dimensioning and number of RPM this invention is also feasible to generate an atmospheric air propulsion and the auto-propulsion of an aircraft. Being an effective and very simple system that implodes and compresses the atmospheric air permits the creation of a new concept of propulsion for aircrafts, due to its simple mechanism and innovative nature. At the place of the aircraft were the system appears and the manner how the propulsion direction can be oriented with a vectorial flow (no lobster tail) with I call “yo-yo system” (middle cut (at the shell) to move, one side loose), guided and balanced is feasible to create a new concept of TOVL-vertical take-off landing, Because the exhaust propulsion can going out radial in all the 360 vectorial positions, going out direct all the time in all the vectors direction. With his rotor cover for an better furtive fly, like going down of a bridge for example.
Likewise, with the due form and dimensioning, and considering the liquid density and the due revolutions for this element there could be generated a propulsion (water) in order to move an aquatic ship, whether on surface or under water. Also can be a good option to pump liquid combustion for a rocket propulsion.
Making a metaphoric comparison with the intention to expose it more clearly for a better comprehension of this innovative technical detail, it would be similar to the trajectory and motion of a dynamic flow compared with a rope (extended) that passes through the system would have now a knot (without obstructing the flow), so the complete way of the flow at the imploturbocompresor system have three direct ways and between make two different turns; direct way (entrance) – turn – direct way (implocavity) – turn – direct way (exit), all this in a 1 simple circular move system concept.
Its prudent to mention that the curves and the inclinations of the blades of a rotating wing made of this invention, is conferred by its shape and function a structural rigidity allowing it to conduct and alter appropriately the dynamic flow passing through its system. L8364 <(^_^<)