It has been 3.5 years that I have been going through my own awakening and transformations. Through starting CE and doing this work it became clear pretty quickly that there are some divides when it comes to the awakening going on. The divides show themselves in the different groups that surface based on what they are waking up to. Some of us are seeing through the system and its illusions, others are awakening past our religious beliefs and some of us are on a spiritual or conscious journey. In any case, one can witness some tension between the groups. There are judgements that go back and forth, comparisons and even very intense conflicting beliefs. But what is clear is that it is only showing itself once we make our new beliefs or understandings a part of our identity. This is what makes us want to defend ourselves when the information is threatened because in the end we are feeling threatened.
Traveling across North America shooting this documentary has brought me to meet many people. It’s clear that something incredible is happening on the planet. This shift is not something happening in an area or two. It is not just happening to a few people. It is reaching its way across the whole world and it is touching people in unbelievable ways. things are changing so fast!
I will let the video below speak for itself, but I just want to share that what is happening here is truly all the same awakening. We are all coming from different places, but in the end we are moving through the various stages of waking up to a grander aspect of ourselves and this world. This is not a time to judge one another or hate one another. It is not a time to cast each other aside based on where we are or the views we have come to understand. Just as we once believed something was true before waking up to the truth beyond it, we can continue to do that as we move forward past our newer beliefs. Being fluid and open as we move forward is truly being awake.
Nothing to wait for, enjoy the journey! =)
Definetely it is going on EVERYWHERE! Here in Brazil and also in argentina and uruguay too! The awakening is a process taking place everywhere you go. I’ve been envolved in this work and believe the SHIFT is not only possible, but inevitable, basically my entire life. I’m 42 now, and I’m very glad that this generations seems to be born awake. But older folks too, are experiencing the process. Around twenty year ago, when I tried to talk about some of the things related to the shift and awakening, people just lough or walk away. Nowadays, they write me to ASK for information. We’re on the verge of it. Keep the good work, we’re all ONE.
I definitely agree with you on this one. I noticed that once the veil was lifted on certain things, that I started having certain opinions about things and that I had to follow those beliefs or ideas and live by them. And then I started becoming them and felt almost consumed by them and found myself in arguments with people over them just like you said. But over time I came to another realization and that was that I dont have to identify with anything. And now if you ask me am i spiritual or religious, or if Im democrat or republican, or am i black or white, etc, I dont have an answer. I dont identify with any of those things anymore. I dont have a particular set of beliefs or ideas and now I feel more open to possibility and experience. I cant say that I know and am sure of certain things or what is right and what is wrong and for the first time, Im actually okay with that. I dont have the answers, im just here living and experiencing. I think that is truly being free.
I remember once asking the advice of someone on how to meditate. I notice people do it for mostly spiritual reasons but i cant say that I identify with being spiritual or that I am spiritual. I dont have an answer for that really. But i told them that I just wanted to do it to relax my mind and to be more in tune with my body. I have heard that meditation is beneficial for physical and mental health so thats why i was interested in doing it. They then proceeded to tell me, “you have already set yourself up for failure. You are doing it for the wrong reasons. You need more compassion. Your reasons should be for serving humanity and for the whole and etc..”
My first thought was to flip out lol but these days i think before i speak to make sure that i am being rational and calm. I just let them know that I appreciated the advice, but my reasons will not be the same as yours and everyone elses, but i respect your reasons as well. I shared that to say that it is true, we are all on our different journeys and paths and the things we do and feel will be for different reasons. I dont have to be spiritual or a buddhist to meditate. I dont have to believe in a deity to pray. I dont have choose a political side to have an opinion. I dont have to dress a certain way based upon my personal opinions or beliefs etc…I can just be whatever I want to be. We all can. Identifying with things just makes life confusing. At least for me. I cant say the same for everyone else! But I hope that through everyones journey they find and do whatever makes them happy without disregarding or shunning others who are on different path than them, or those who choose not to have a path and would rather go with the wind, if that makes sense.
We can feel it. It starts with a certain restlessness. A feeling in your heart that things are not right. An impetus that pushes us to question what we consider truth. It has rekindled the mystery to life that I had always enjoyed as a child. Strangely, I will often lose the site of my new found eyes. Pieces like this help me to recenter and more importantly remind me that I’m not going crazy.
Many people think we are crazy,but that’s OK, they need there own time to wake up.
Precisely. Think of it this way, Blake:
everything happens for a reason. Everything is happening exactly as it should be. There is no need to worry. Worry won’t do any good. Instead of worrying about bad things, lets enjoy the good ones. In the end, how could we appreciate light if there was no darkness? ^__^
two words, Cognitive dissonance. you must overcome, you must let go
See Jainism… The awakening has been happening a long time. I was raised in this “religion” and when I started to ask questions it had no answers for me. Then, as I observed and experienced and came to my own conclusions, realities, unrealities, and valuations of those combined experiences, that all of these things had been passed to me and many generations of my family already. You just had to live your own experience first so that you could understand what had been said. There is no God in this “religion”, only people seeking “enlightenment”. I would like to say all of it is light and wonderful, but just as being born from Plato’s cave, it can be a bit blinding at first.
“You have to take seriously the notion that understanding the universe is your responsibility, because the only understanding of the universe that will be useful to you is your own understanding.” – Terence McKenna
We will all end up at the same point <3
I really appreciate your ability to sense the extreme tension. Thank you for following your heart and using your brain to filter through things we should question. Your bravery is refreshing
Be well!
Synchronisity Applied To Lincoln , Kennedy , Obama , And Dr. ML King…Mixed With Jazz Theory Applied To Obama And Running The Government On The Basis Of Jazz Theory…See The Most Significant Definitive Work Of Art For The 2012 Presidential Election and The 57th Inauguration at and FB page Return Of The King Rebirth Of The Cool
What I am discovering is, we are all seeming to take pieces of the old
Modalities and systems. One friend is going through her consciousness with relationships ( mother, partners, friendships) and working through those on a conscious level
Another is working through what happens when we give our power away to other
How it then over takes our lives. He got cancer, then gave his power to the dr and his sister. He went in for one 5 hour surgery and a week recovery ( it was a few new cancer cells)it is now
5 surgeries, over 2 months. His sister banded all but herself from visiting and receiving updates
I am going through more of the social structures money, control, following the systems
Yes it had put me Into a total state of confusion
Both on this reality side of only 1% truly have it
To the spiritual teaching of we just manifest it, it’s energy
Neither seem to be fitting In or resonating with me
The most amazing discovery is. How we are all sharing and what we each are
Discovering. Wow. It is truly helping each of us more through
These boxes quicker and with more humor. Perhaps we are all taking pieces and recreating them all
Lots of love to everyone