Today, UFO’s and ET’s are much easier to talk about than ever before. In the mid 1900’s, bringing up the topic would be like directly asking others to publicly call you crazy. But over the years it has become a very popular subject and many appear to be lifting the veil on what is a very elaborate government coverup regarding the existence of UFO’s & Extraterrestrials.
Disclosure has happened, it starts with former presidents Truman, Carter, Regan and (the Soviet Unions Gorbachev). I’ve got stacks of generals, including Soviet generals who’ve come out and said UFOs are real. My point is, how many times do senior officials need to come forward and say this is real? – Army Col John Alexander
The phenomenon being reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious – US General Nathan Twining
All Apollo and Gemini flights were followed, both at a distance and sometimes also quite closely, by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin, flying saucers – or UFOs if you want to call them by that name – Maurice Chatelain, Fomer Chief of NASA communication systems
[youtube id=”yO0T05kQkbs” width=”570″ height=”340″]
[youtube id=”vP_LWbDpcno” width=”570″ height=”340″]
Humanity has been progressing in its understanding that it is not the only intelligent life form in our universe. Extraterrestrial life has been confirmed through a variety of different sources as we continue to contemplate the reality behind our space brothers and sisters. High ranking military and political figures have come forth over the past few years sharing their experiences, previously classified files by dozens of governments from all over the world have now made their way into the public domain. Government files indicate objects travelling at high rates of speed that are (sometimes) tracked on military radar performing maneuvers that defy our understanding of physics. When military jets are scrambled, hundreds of air force pilots have described the same thing.
I was thinking that firing at this thing may not be the best idea, I didn’t know what it was but I knew it was not of this Earth. It was not a man made object, they could stop, they could absolutely stand still and they could go mock 10 or more and any time. It was something that we humans know nothing about – Dr. Milton Torres, rtd. jetfighter pilot us air force
We or at least some of us interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after. It is ironic that the US should be fighting monstrously expensive wars, illegibly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on black projects which both congress and the commander in chief have been kept deliberately in the dark – Paul Hellyer, Former Canadian Defence Minister
Department of Defense personnel recently shared their experiences at the national press club in September 2010. UFOs spotted at nuclear missile sights and tampering with equipment is nothing new. This is a global phenomenon, more evidence presenting itself for us to see that we are not alone.
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Apart from released government files, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), National Security Agency (NSA), and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have also collectively released some of their UFO files in 2011. We now have admittance from the military, governments, and three letter agencies that UFOs are real.
Officers of G2 (Army Intelligence) have discussed the matters of Unidentified Ariel Objects otherwise known as flying discs, flying saucers, and balls of fire. This matter is considered top secret by the intelligence officers of both the army and the air force – 1949 FBI Memo
Several eye-witness, as well as military and government cases have suggested that many different species of extraterrestrials exist in our universe, other universes and other dimensions. All are made up of the same life force that we are made up of, all of us are infinite consciousness, all of us are the same playing out different existences and experiences. On planet earth, humanity is rapidly waking up to the presence of extraterrestrials and that is why we have seen statements, files and other documentation manifest into our reality. Collectively, as we become more aware of our entire earth experience and what has been occurring, we express our hearts desire for change. As we express our hearts desire for change openly and just be ourselves and come from a place of love, we attract those that have gone through the same process. Many extraterrestrials are here assisting with our collective desired direction, they help in many ways beyond our understanding. Others have been involved with our governments in technological exchange programs, and some have been involved with the manipulation that has occurred on this planet by the illuminati. It is important to realize that we are one on this planet, the human beings of earth are responsible for changing it, the human beings of earth are responsible for the direction of it. Souls on the planet that have the courage to be themselves and shine their light through their thoughts, actions and reactions, you are having a tremendous effect in raising the earths vibration into a whole new plane of existence. When it comes down to it, we are all vibrating energy, some vibrate at a higher rate than us and others at a lower rate. Inner peace, love, understanding and acceptance are returning to the planet. Harmony and balance with nature and the realization that we are all interconnected with everything is directly related to the extraterrestrial phenomenon, among other things.
We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an Act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity…Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do – Ben Rich, Former Head of Lockheed Skunkworks
The entities that we did catalogue, were in fact humanoid. – Sgt Clifford Stone
At no time when the astronauts were in space were they alone: there was a constant surveillance by UFOs – Astronaut Scott Carpenter
Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered – Astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell
We have contact with Alien Cultures – Astronaut Dr Brian O’leary
Here is a short 15 minute clip that includes the experience of a couple ET contactee’s, it might give you a different perspective from all of the above information.
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Thanks for reading, much love!
Thank you for the excellent article, Arjun! I was wondering if you happen to have any thoughts on underground bases? The topic fascinates me!
Hi Rastaman. There is no more compelling ‘story’ than that told by the late (Murdered) Bill Schneider about the violent confrontation between black opps troops and alien greys at Dolce underground military base. If all that is told was untrue, and that Bill was a charlatan, why was he being hunted down? Make your own mind up man. Blessings from the North of England
Thank you for reading Rastaman! 🙂 Many different levels with many different things going on at various bases all over the planet. Check out Richard Sauder he covers the topic in depth.
Arjun!! perfect timing..Im throwing this at a group that investigates anomalies on planets..but doesnt believe in ET’s without having “proof”!!! f**** maroons!!!
Remove your foil hat and just get on with your life
Why do people argue the non-existance of such things so vigorously? I thought it was only the believers that had to argue to be heard.. 😉
How can you expect people to believe your credibility when you have so many irresponsible mistakes among your quoted material and references?
mock 10 = Mach 10
rtd = Ret (For Retired)
us air force = USAF or United States Air Force
illegibly = allegedly
Ariel = Aerial
back engineered = reverse engineered
don’t even get me started on the use of capitalization in this article
Diana……I picked up on a few of those myself…….and I always believe….if you want to be taken seriously and get your message across…..don’t make dumb mistakes in spelling! It lessens your credibility! I don’t doubt there are ET’s and UFO’s…..believed since I was 9 years old…….but those mistakes were glaring!
Spelling……..grammar….Really ?
Who cares about his spelling….
Was just going to post the same thing!!! Funniest mistakes I’ve seen in a long time. Best not MOCK them though 😉
Poor Grammar is annoying, but surely you can’t be resting the legitimacy of the existence of alien life on spelling mistakes? Who looks silly now? 😛
Diana, spelling and grammar is not really important…for example: You knew what we meant by all of our spelling mistakes….that’s all that matters to us, as long as we get the point across. You knew what we meant by mock 10 and us air force…so on and so forth 🙂
But of course spelling and grammar are important. It speaks to veracity and credibility. I stopped reading at “Mock,” because it then became an article not to be taken seriously, and scrolled to comments. It hardly matters that comments contain errors, but the body of an article, if it is to be taken seriously, should at least be grammatically correct and words should be spelled correctly. That should hardly be considered a personal “slam” but should be taken in the spirit in which it was originally offered, as a constructive criticism that would have improved the article.
Genesis 6,2. ? Jesus walks through walls? Mohammed ascends? much advice given by all? Are we really influenced right now? by TV? by Videos? What of the Chinese? How did they advance so far in such a short time? Have “They” forsaken the U.S. and given Thorium technologies to China?
Well bruce, all i can say is that if i where an alien, i’d choose china or any other country in a heartbeat over america. America is one or the most corrupted country on our globe, influencing not only their own country but also every other they come in contact with. The corruption of america is like a disease spreading throughout the world, living parasitic on our world and draining it of its resources and humanity. And for what global, domination of al mankind and supression of all that could enlighten us and increase our interconnectivity with eachother. I see all these people trying to open their eyes and the only thing america does is trying to shut them again so they can remain the underlying force that controlles us all. It’s time for all of us to rise in stead of 1 country, and reclaim our humanity that has been stolen from us, so we can start a new world order of peace not power. Keep believing and change will manifest itself over domination 🙂
If we have all this superior technology already, then why are we not able to deal with the nuclear waste problem?
A very backwards “corpocracy”, prone to control from an evil plutocracy through the Fed’s which replaced the Capitalist Democracy that was the U.S.A. the greatest nation on earth, during Nixon’s reign there, has bungled along, lost the scientific edge, and passed the wealth of the peons’ “stake” in that nation and all their riches to China in the largest sell-out in history. Only made possible by an Alien intervention? To what ends? Very frightening indeed.
I think that people who think we’re alone in the universe are dumb 😛
If you simply run a mathematical calculation, it’s obvious there is other life out there. Or even more simply, why the hell wouldn’t there be??
I am sick of hearing about witnesses etc. I want to hear about WHAT THE ALIENS HAVE TOLD US!!!! or what they’ve found out.
” anything you can imagine, We already know how to do” mmmm yeah sorry, I can’t buy that. Humans are just not that smart.
Wonderful article. i always felt that we are not alone 🙂
Would this disprove a God?
Well said Laurens & spot on the truth..I say,”the patheticness that is America”..I count my blessings often that I am not American or live there..Honestly, the sooner the US goes down, the better for our world!
would just like to say, not everyone in the usa is bad…just the corporations and corrupt government. “do not be so quick to deal out death in judgment. many that live deserve death, and some that die deserve life.” i hope you would have compassion for people; even the lost, when you are wishing death upon an entire country