While most of us are living our lives based on thoughts of a future that is not probable, are we truly present and aware of what is taking place within ourselves, people around us and how human society is playing out?
From experience within my own life and through observing others I see so many people on a path that is based on archaic ideas of what the future will be like and how we need to prepare. I say this with no judgement, the future that most of us believe will be there, will certainly not take form. We are living our lives based on principles and ideas handed down from past generations. It is completely understandable and I know exactly what it is like to be creating a life from this belief.
I challenge whomever is reading this to truly take a look at what is going on here on this beautiful blue planet. Many see the chaos of the world but choose to either ignore it, fight it or accept the way it is and do their best to help change it to move humanity towards a world of peace and harmony. There is so much stuff going on that points to drastic change taking place within politics, economics, global weather patterns, media, education, protesting, famine, war, health, etc. The thing is that so many are locked up in fear that we are missing out on being present within the moment and truly seeing the truth behind what is playing out on our planet and within our own lives individually. We have become so segregated, within the western world especially, that we are basing our future upon investing money and time to be able to sustain a life of survival. Many go to an extreme of not thinking about how they are affecting themselves or the outside world in the process. This is due to such a concentrated focus on the stories of fear. We have to come to understand that we are in a great time of change and that we truly have to make the choice to either move forward or destroy the human race.
Our eco-system is dying. We literally have less than 3 years to change the way we operate as a whole and the energy put towards how we treat ourselves and the planet or the eco-system will shut down and no longer support human life. New energies and frequencies are opening up on the planet that are at such a high frequency the stories of fear and separation that operate through the ego mind will no longer be supported. All the emotional baggage that we each carry has to be let go of. Holding on will be like holding onto weights in constantly rising water. We can let go and float in the waves of love, peace and clarity or we can drown in our sorrow and “check-out” of this reality. We have world leaders who are not bad people but are trapped within a very limited consciousness that is driving them to suppress the beautiful souls that we all are and it is creating a society of great suffering. We are being lied to and mislead. things do not have to be this way, we can change. We have the power to do anything as the gods that we are. We have just forgotten our power, our magic and power of love that dwells within us behind the veils of fear.
The shift that is happening is not about what is going to happen. It’s about what we need to experience and what we CREATE FOR OURSELVES. Nothing happens randomly and nothing is permanent. It is all created by us as the co-creator souls that we are. I say it’s time we stop living in the past and holding on to what no longer brings us peace. We have been fighting for peace for thousands of years and still today we remain without peace. The one place that man is most afraid to look is within. But once we do so and realize that it has just been a game the whole time, life will not seem so dense or serious anymore. You can dance through life knowing that you are in control and have been all along. It’s just a matter of what is driving you. Your heart or your mind. Listen to your heart, it’s trying to get your attention. We have to become sensitive to the voice of the soul and not confuse it with the mind. The mind is the unpeaceful voice that screams for attention, the one that degrades, the one that fears, the one that is confused, etc. The voice of the soul is subtle, peaceful and loving, always certain of the path it needs to take and accepts how things unfold. Which one we choose to listen to is up to us and how we wish to create our lives and our future here together. No matter how much we play into the idea that it’s a “dog eat dog” world, “every man for himself” or “survival of the fittest”, at the end of the day, we’re all here together and chose to be. The only way to change is unity. It’s as simple as that.
Where are we headed? I say we’re headed towards a future that we each envision. So then I ask you, what is your vision? What future do you want to see? With the answer that comes, then ask yourself, what’s stopping you from making it reality?
Let’s work together to build a bright future. I know anything is possible and I believe humanity can make the change if we choose to. We just have to want to move forward and walk the path. I love you as I love myself, we are one.
Beautifully said, Thanks Petey, excellent article and a great reminder as well 🙂 Love you too! <3
excellent post and thanks for the add. peace
As much as I would like to see this happen, i think that we are gonna be checking out soon. Yes, we have new frequencies surfacing, and I can feel the shift myself as it is so undescribable and i ask myself why me, why do i feel myself changing….but then i look around me and it is like i am anne frank hiding in an attic away from this violent cruel world. I really do not think we are all going to change in time. 2012 is next year and as i am not sure of what will happen that year, I know that if the prophecies are true, not many of us will make it through the shift. There were more natural disasters this year than ever and people are being wiped out early and I wonder am i next? Why are these people dying from these disasters? I can see that mother earth is hurting and screaming at us to take care of her, but no one is listening. I just feel so alone in this new frequency and i feel myself trying to stop myself from being at a higher frequency because I am afraid. it is almost as if i have no control now that i have seen through the veil, i cant turn back now. I wish that i had hope for humanity, but how can i when humanity does not really even have hope for themselves? People are waiting on “jesus” to return or “Jehovah” to wipe out all the bad humans or “allah” to approve more “just” wars. People are waiting on a saviour but we are out saviours but there are 6 billion people on the planet and maybe 100 realize this. It saddens me to say this but i am starting to think that i should just go with the flow of things and continue playing this game because there are 6 billion to one it seems like and no one wants to change. I am so sick slaving just to eat when mother earth has provided an abundance of food and i am tired of being unhappy in this world. But it seems that we will all just have to get use to it until we are all wiped out by a natural disaster, murder, holocaust, sickness, suicide, or however else we seem to kill ourselves.
First thank you Matthew for the excellent post.
Next Brittany: I know the change can be upsetting for many just now. But this feeling of upset and fear comes from holding on to the negative beliefs we were taught as children. Understand that reality is just a reflection of a persons deepest beliefs and definitions. So when you hear the saying “be the change you want to see in the world” it’s not just a metaphor … it’s meant literally.
I realize that many people are waiting for some outside influence to came and save them (Jesus, Jehovah, UFO’s whatever). But realize that these people choose their path in this life and are solely responsible for their realities just as we are for ours. We are all eternal beings so at the end of the day it all comes down to this: Life itself is meaningless … it’s what we experience in life that gives it meaning. Or put another way: “Circumstances don’t matter … only state of being matters.”
Thanks Florence. I did not know others were upset also. This is very frustrating for me and I just dont understand why i couldnt stay in bliss and be ignorant to all of this. I just want to know why i had to realize this . I am only 22. I should be out partying with friends and being stupid but instead i am reading spiritual books and meditating and wondering about the possible golden age. I am so different from everyone else my age and i just feel so alone.
Brittany realize you are not, have never been and never will be alone. People feel alone because they are experiencing separation from Source by forgetting who they are. Forgetting that they are an unconditionally loved facet in the crystal of creation. Everyone advances at their own pace and has their own set of beliefs and definitions which they follow. One is not more right then the other and there is no “normal” set of rules to follow (no matter how young or old one is LOL) Be yourself and follow your excitement to the best of your ability and you will be amazed how light and effortless life becomes. Remember, many times all a person has to do to achieve enlightenment is lighten up. 🙂
I know this isn’t the place for this but if your on Facebook take a look at the group “Bashar Inspiration”. It’s a really good group. 🙂
What do you mean that I have never been alone? Is there a separate entity that loves me that you are referring to? If so, I would like to know. I always thought it was just me.
Hmmm, a separate entity? Here we enter the realm of duality. On the one hand yes, we have guides who help us and well, guide us while we are having the physical experience. On the other hand no, there is no separation because we are all one. Again this is not a metaphor. Unconditional love is just that (look up the meaning of unconditional). Through our souls agreement and strengthened by our beliefs we have chosen separation so we could experience the physical in the fullest possible measure. We are after all spiritual beings having a physical experience not the other way around! Thus then when we exercise our free will to experience being alone, not being loved or even unworthiness, we are so unconditionally loved so the Source would never ever interfere with our choice. So instead of choosing the lower negative frequencies mentioned before why not choose the higher frequencies of love and joy? We don’t need any other reason then it what we prefer.
Hi Guys,
First of all I would like to say excellent post and excellent responses. Brittany, I think I understand a little bit of what you are going through, I used to be involved with a government organization which completely made up my friendship base. I always felt that there was something different about me, my friends were never really close, I had a hard time connecting, I couldn’t keep involving myself in pointless superficial conversation. Then I left. I realised that I wasn’t being true to myself and it took me several years to come to this conclusion. Once I separated myself, I was able to come to some very deep realisations regarding our true nature and was able to find communities and form communities in which I could learn and share. So I think my point is, please don’t be dis-heartened, the road is long, it can be lonely and certainly rocky, but we are out there and we are listening. I was 26 before I felt I had truly started to get a grasp on myself, I’m 29 now and still not entirely sure… I am envious of your position as you seem to be on your way so early. Stay true to yourself, you actually can’t be wrong.
Matthew, once again, wonderful post, but I think I may have something to add to its content. You see, I don’t believe that the point of existence is to realise our true nature, for conciousness to realise itself. In fact I believe that it is counter productive for this to happen. The system in which we were created is so complex and so progressive that I think it is quite naive to think that the universal consciousness doesn’t realise what it is.
So here is where I think we are heading. We are heading towards the solution to the ultimate question, the question which has been on every ones mind since they were a child, the question of purpose. I believe that we are here to figure out why we are here. (the classic paradox) The logic in this statement is backed by the system. The system is one of constant evolution, be it economic, geographic or geological. A Darwinism if you will, to cull the weak, the poor, the unfortunate and create a world of increased complexity which universally contributes to the ultimate solution.
This may sound radical, even on this webpage, but it is definitely something which I have found hard to argue against. In my realisations I did not see love, in fact the only way I came to these realisations was through detachment, what I did see how ever was that everything is connected and it is the simple things which guide us (greed, fear, pain, love). I have seen that the ego is just as important as the self, though the ego has always lied to us. But I also saw the reasons for the deception. If everyone was to open their eyes to the self, to truly self realise, if ego was to truly experience death, then the will to live would vanish – devolving the complexity of the system.
I have more to say, though I am afraid a lot of people would wish me not to say it, as it runs counter to much spiritual thought. But if anybody wishes to continue the conversation or point out the err of my thoughts, please reply as I am always wanting to learn.
Yours in Light
Please excuse me, I am tired – a condition which I am eternally trying to understand.
I meant to say ‘The system is one of constant evolution, be it economic, geographic or biological.’ and not the former.
I’m listening phil 🙂
I really like this. Grounded in ACTION that is attainable, for EACH of us to change our behavior in order to save ourselves (by healing our Home). Shared to my facebook Wall. Thanks!