It is no secret that life can sometimes feel like a limited paved road laid out before us that we feel the need to stick to. Look at how we are brought up. Most of the time we come into the world and begin gaining our perceptions from those closest to us –our parents. As time goes on we find ourselves in school. Throughout that time we also begin watching what others do around us, what we see on TV and in movies. What is happening is we are observing and creating an idea of how life should be; the best way to play the game.
How many times have we heard “That’s not the best decision” or “That’s not the best decision for the whole family.” When you look at either statement you realize that “best” is subjective. What the “best” is to one person may not be the “best” to another. Even further, both of the perceptions of “best” are created from whatever belief systems each have created in their own lives. This is the key factor to realize.
In either case, both scenarios have one thing in common, a belief system of what the “best” choice or decision is. When we create a belief system like this, we limit how we view things. We no longer feel what is “best,” but instead we analyze and define “best” based on a story; often a story from the past, based on entirely different times than the present moment.
Lets take the example of a child coming out of high school today. 9 times out of 10 that child will be told and may even believe that the “best” decision they can make for their life is to continue their education to university or college. Next they would be told to get a job so they can buy a house as owning and buying a house is a smart decision. Should this child begin their life based on these belief systems, more often then not they will take this idea of what is “BEST” throughout the rest of their life. From then on every decision they make will be based on a belief system handed down and taught to them.
What to study in school, what type of job to get, what type of car to buy, how to spend and save money, what type of house to buy and so on. What are we really doing here with all of this? We are defining the ideal life or what’s “best” and then limit our life to a small scope of how things should be. Here is the absolute truth, ready? None of it has any real truth to it. It’s just all a belief system. But we live by this and it becomes so real in our mind that we become stuck thinking this is the way to do it. Look at our world. We all chase the same thing, the same stuff because that is what we have been sold as the ideal life. Who’s life are you really living? Who’s dreams are you chasing and carrying out? When we take on these beliefs we begin to sacrifice ourselves, our health, and our soul desires so we can carry out someone else’s idea of “best” that we grabbed onto.
Back to the child, they have grown into a young man or woman and now they are in a job they don’t truly like. But it pays the bills and lives up to the idea of “best” that has been given to them. Most of the time, the majority of those around them will all reinforce that their decisions are the “best” because they have all been sold on the same belief system. “You have to make sacrifices you have to work really hard to have a good life!” is what we are told. But who says what is “good?” We take this entirely expansive creative individual playing in an expansive playground called earth and we confine them to this tiny little narrow path of what the “best” is. Instead of spending their life being able to make any choice they choose, they stay limited to what they have been sold as the “best” even if they don’t truly love it.
Then you have the even deeper part, we then look upon and judge others when they make “the wrong decisions.” Look at how we view those who change their minds about what they want to play with all the time. What do we say about those people? “They need to make up their mind and get their life on track.” What track? There is a track? Says who? “They didn’t make a smart decision with their money or their house so they are going to pay for it later.” Who says some decisions are better than others?
You are the creator of your life and reality. You can choose to play and create whatever type of life you choose. And guess what? If you make a decision and start creating a particular life then you realize you want to create something new, you are free to do this. You are never limited to whatever life you have created even if you have been doing it for 30 years. Remember to ask yourself, the life you are chasing, the goals you have set, who’s goals are they really? Where did you first hear of them? Are they from your heart? Or are they what you have been sold? Look inside yourself at what you TRULY want and how you wish to express yourself and create. Start there, and create from that space. You will see very quickly that you can create anything you choose.
Awesome article Joeey!
Très bon!
I loved the article. All the way to the last few lines. BY GOD, IF I COULD create all I wanted from “that space” (of clarity) I would already have that guy cuddling with me at night — we would already be sharing fun with combination family members, personal or couple friends; already partnering in certain plans of benefit to selves separately and together.
I can see very quickly that Joe hasn’t been an older woman looking at the social realities from the body I’m in and the social situations surrounding me – yes, THE REAL ME — right now. Dammit. Joe’s ignorance is not helpful to me. Sorry. Your magic words do no apply to this lady’s realm of power — seriously, sorry!
I totally agree with the concept one can create one’s reality. My lady friend and I practice a combination Qi Gong and the principles of Harold Parcival. We manifest many things, often, and including each other. I met her through the use of this technique!
Anyone can do it.
Great article.
BEAUTIFUL Wisdom Joe! namaste & thank u – we are CREATING our “story”, our “reality” (dream) ALL THE TIME. Do the work to AWAKEN, go WITHIN, & CONNECT to your true power. Then, SURRENDER & LET GO)):- knowing the highest good of ALL will prevail.
@ Ev – blessings to u, and as an “older woman” living in this “social reality” – I will lovingly share with you to OPEN YOUR MIND, and consider the Infinite Possibilities that exist at any time. The choice is yours – if you say its not possible, than this will be your “reality”.
Thanks everyone for participating in the comments.
@Ev – just to add one thing to observe. If we tune into the bigger part of who we are, we can ask ourselves why we are experiencing whatever we are experiencing now. Then we can ask for guidance as to how we can move forward. After all we are simply talking to the higher self when doing this, it is still US. Often times when we look at what we are creating or when we want to create, we sometimes are creating still from the minds idea of what we want vs. what we truly wish to experience at a higher level. By removing all the belief systems we bring ourselves to a point where we can hear and see more clearly what our soul is choosing to create. This is where there is no judgment, no expectations and no feeling like we are lacking in any way.
Much Love
Guys, I’m exactly following the same free-from-beliefs-systems path. For me, I’m about to quite university to can play sport, read books and do inspirational workshops and conference, I’m also getting into a spiritual journey. The pragmatic, social, programmed, biased mind or what ever negative appellation you want to make, tells me I will need money, or I will need people around me, and that’s the hard part of the problem. Any advice brothers and sisters ?
I love you
I love you