It’s no secret that there is something very big happening on the planet right now. Whether you are aware of all aspects of it or not, doesn’t change the fact that most can see SOMETHING is going on. Some are feeling great internal shifts within themselves, some are feeling the need to search for more in their lives as what they are experiencing now simply isn’t cutting it anymore and some are seeing how our world is truly being run and feeling the need to share it with others. No matter how you look at it, it’s very difficult to say that the times we are in right now are simply normal.
Often times the topic of wanting to be free and have freedom on the planet is brought up. Some feel now that because of the systems and structures in place we are not free and cannot be free and therefore we must rip them down to experience freedom. While I am all for having the systems and structures change into something more harmonious with the planet, it isn’t the system or structures or even the elite that are TRULY keeping us from experiencing freedom. If we were to take down the structures now there would still be a big portion of ourselves that would be keeping us from truly being free and experiencing what we wanted on a moment to moment basis. This aspect of us is our program, our beliefs and belief systems –the ego.
How can one experience true freedom if there are conditions, expectations and guidelines to follow? In almost everything we do we have belief systems or conditions as to why we do them, how we do them and how they must turn out. How many times have we been involved with things simply for reasons to generate something superficial? How many times have we not been involved with something because we didn’t know if we could get the money we needed or didn’t know if it would get the response we wanted? What about why we buy certain things? The jobs we take? The reasons we get into relationships and the reasons why we leave them? How can we be free when we literally have conditions and rules in every aspect? When you REALLY look at it, how much truth do any of these conditions or belief systems even have? None.
The truth is, what we have bought into as a set of rules or guidelines has simply come from a bill of goods we bought into at some point in our lives and we play them out because we think they are real. If you want to experience TRUE freedom this is what you must dissolve, the programs and beliefs that condition your entire reality here. No structure or elite can stop you from dissolving this and being free, they can only offer the challenge of making it more challenging to do, which is what we agreed to play with anyway.
Take a moment as you act/react in certain situations, your jobs, your relationships, your health, your money based decisions etc. and ask yourself if there are conditions of expectations behind each one. Once you realize them you see there is no truth to them. They are just stories, constructs within the mind that limit us on a daily basis. To experience TRUE freedom, take the power away from these stories, see them and don’t allow them to play out any longer. Choose not to play with them and live your life free of the mind construct that keeps you limited. This is true freedom.
And that is the truth!
“When you REALLY look at it, how much truth do any of these conditions or belief systems even have? None.”
ya they never got us any were joe.. they have zero validity.. your so rite joe some of them are redundant but you lump everything together..
Destroying anything takes a lot less energy than creating something. The time will come when the new structures are in place through collective agreement and then it will be a easy and natural process to replace the old structures with them.
well said florence
I want to question something though. I feel to be tru everything that Joe says, as well as others with the same realities and feelings of inner truth. However, how do we escape it? I want so badly to quit my job, tell the world how I feel and live the way that I feel that we are all truly meant to live, in peace, free, harmonious, and with collective love and understanding. But truthfully, how will I survive living this way in these times? It feels like the knowers of truth against the world. What can I and others do to get out of the game? We still have to live. Money is a need in this system of things. I am still trying to find a way to escape this restricted reality. But I have no idea where to start. I have found knowlege within, but how to apply it now outside? I guess what I am asking is that, we know the solution, in what way should we carry it out? Also, I just want to share how I came to feel what I feel. I was looking for God in all the religions and could not seem to find him/her. I thought I did, but it still felt wrong. Like I was worshiping God through an organization. So I shut out the world and said, I am done looking. I am just going to have to live my life because there are waaaaaaaay to many religions to choose from. There can only be one truth and no one truly can find it in others who are uncertain themselves and only following beliefs inherited from others. So I woke up one day and for some reason, everything began to fascinate me. The trees, the sun, the moon, the wind. I felt like all of that in combination was God. My hands and feet. My hair, my face, the stars, other people. I questioned if God was the universe, or was it earth? I felt the wind blow and I felt like that was God. So i found that God is within. And we can bring God out in all of us. He/she can create the world in peace and love as I believe was the intention before we got caught up in “the matrix” as I like to call it. I see God/the Creator in everything now. And I do not feel that he stopped with us. There are other beings, as I do not know whom, I know that as great as the God force is, it did not stop here. I feel that they care for us as well. I just feel we may need some guidance from our collective consciousness that we are not able to see with the naked eye. What do you guys think? Do you feel that other beings, angels, fairies, aliens, whatever you call them, guide us or live in other realms? I have been hearing that 3d will soon become 5d. What do you guys feel of the coming days? 2012? I believe these disasters are all leading up to something big, but I am not sure. I would love some additional insight. sorry for this long post. Love to all.
I love the comment that Brittany has made. I feel like I am stuck in the same position. Although, I have also come to the realization that “God” is within ourselves. When you say, “There are other beings, as I do not know whom, I know that as great as the God force is, it did not stop here. I feel that they care for us as well” it sparks a very interesting thought. I agree and feel as though there are other “beings” among us that ARE guiding us. The problem is, MOST of us are too ignorant and have walls up. MOST of us ARE blind to seeing what is right in front of us because we have been manipulated by society to see only what we ‘should’ and ‘shouldn’t’. We are restricted by rules, guidelines, rights and wrongs…How are we supposed to acknowledge the blunt signs these other ‘beings’ are giving us in guidance if we’re called “crazy” and looked down upon. I’m frustrated because I’ve learned to see beauty and love in everything I do…but everyone around me thinks I’m insane. It saddens me..they are the brainwashed ones, but how do you tell someone that their mind is in a destructive state & what they are thinking & how they are living is…well…wrong? You can’t, and this is where I feel like I’m running in circles. I want to make a change, and I want to help people become aware of how controlled they are regardless of if they think it or not. I just want them to feel how good life feels when you start to appreciate the things we’ve grown accustomed to not bothering or caring about. As for the days nearing and the 2012 subject, I truly feel the year 2012 is going to be a year of change to life as we know it. I feel like it marks the the time that people have/will become more conscious of themselves. IF what we should be expecting is a change in life as we know it, I’m sure there will be a great series of events leading up to it that will shake people awake. Things have been getting pretty chaotic just recently if you look in the news and at what media is portraying to us; environmentally, politically, and in the entertainment industry. The signs that times are changing are all around us, the clues and answers are all around us, the ‘beings’ you speak of are among us, but we’ve been so dumed down by society that we are oblivious. We’re lost. And for those who are starting to find themselves, don’t know where to go from here, we’re running in circles. What is there to do next other than to give in to the materialistic world, make money, make a living, and try to inform other people on whats up. I agree with Joe when he says, “Choose not to play with them and live your life free of the MIND CONSTRUCT that keeps you limited”..for now I feel that what we can ALL do is find total freedom within ourselves and our minds, after this is mastered, THEN we can collectively make a change.
I could not agree more with you, Briana. I think that this is strange how just last night, I had two people that I knew that were feeling the shift in consciousness at first, but then one of the people told me that she believes that the bible is right and that we should follow all the principles in it or our souls will be tormented. That really pissed me off because I already have the odds against me becuz I am lesbian and I am tired of people telling me that I am going to burn in hell and that God loves me but he is going to have to destroy me because I am choosing this life style. If we are spirit beings having a human experience, why would all of what I am doing as a human even matter or have to decide the fate of my soul and also why would i be tormented for something that is not hurting any one else? I am choosing to love something that is like me, yes, but does not love come in all forms?? Why does who I choose to LOVE have to mean that I am gonna be tormented, and that I have a demon inside me?? It makes no sense to me. The person I thought was my friend was always trying to make me become straight and live a clean life, but why do I need to change who I am as a person just to make someone else happy, or the god of the bible happy? And why does he create us with all these restrictions, and like to “test” us and and our faith and why is he allowed to kill people but tells us that it is wrong? If I am not mistaken, he committed alot of murders in the old testament. Why do I need to feel guilt about not being the same as everyone else. I agree that you should not do things that hurt other people. But if we all loved eachother, who would want to do that???? And am I hurting you or any one else in the world because I want to be with a woman? Because I am stopping reproduction? I dont even want children but there are more heterosexual people than gay people so why does that matter? How do we know that God is a man? Does he have a penis? She then tells me that he is a man because woman came from a man…….how does she know this? was she there? because you see something in a book that tells you this it makes it true? Jesus supposedly taught total love and acceptance but him and the God of the bible were totally different. When someone made the god of the bible mad, he killed them, or had someone else do it for them, even if that person was apologetic…does that not sound like a man to you??? And if man has put all these limitations on us, as the god of the bible has, does that not sound coincidental??? Why would the ultimate creator of the universe even stoop to a humans level in feeling and thinking?? He/she is beyond us, but we are apart of him, but we cant do anything freely but he can?? it is not fair. She then tells me “the bible is a book from our forefathers who were trying to warn us of the future and guide us and give us these principles.” And I ask her “how do you know this? Because you believe that God is this being floating in the sky waiting to pass judgement on all of us?” and she sed, “yes, god is going to judge all men according to their deeds.” Well….then god must be a man…
Does that not sound like something man would do? Judge, be jealous? get pissed when we dont do what he says? kill us off? hello??? is it just me? someone please tell me if I am really crazy! I am so sick of ppl trying to make me hate myself because I am gay. I will not! I am not ashamed! I have done nothing but love. Why would the ultimate creator just give us a damn book thats suppose to be so cryptic and then give us a lifetime to figure it out, then resulting in 30,000 denominations of christianity, islam, and religious wars and everything else all because of a damn book written moons ago???? And we fight because we want to see which cult is Gods favorite and whos interpretation is right????? you have got to be kidding me…..There has to be another answer…there has to be more to this. A man wrote that book, but because it says that its inspired by god, now it is divine? I can write a book and say that…And prophecy? They wrote all that shit and made it happen…we created this reality, it ddnt magically happen cuz someone foretold it, we saw it, believed it, and manifested it. How can any one say the god of the bible is love? when he wiped out children and assisted in wars, and killed a man for letting his semin spill on the ground after he had sex???? Is that really god????? WHO IS GOD?? WHAT IS GOD? he is not very nice. Is that really the creator of us all? If it is, then he created this monstrous world to be what it is….
If God is what the bible says, then we are all doomed. All of us who feel that we are all one, we are interconnected and that we should spread the message of love and unity and kindness, those of us who feel that we have spirit guides, angels, and those of us who believe that love will conquer all. Because to the bible, we are the anti-christ. The ones who reject the judeo christian god and we are practicing spiritism because yoga and meditiation are really an open vessel for demons to control us and manipulate us. Those of us who feel that God is in us and in everything are being mislead by satan, and that he is the one that is making us think open mindedly and tricking us. Those of us who have sex before marriage must repent or be doomed forever and and ever, those of us who do not go to church, who are lesbian and gay, who are freethinkers and openhearted and accepting, need to prepare for the return of Jesus christ to fight satan and send those to hell that are not followers of the one true god Jehovah.
as u can see, i am upset…because i am lost, and confused because i am being told i am being influenced by satan….who wants to be influenced by an opposer of the creator???? I do not…i want to be for him…with him….not love him out of FEAR,,,but because i know he/she loves me no matter what and wants me around for the long hall….unfortunately, i would be loving the judeo christian god out of fear…but the universal being who made me feel like I had purpose made me love him/her because he/she was beautiful and made me feel loved more than anyone ever had…..
unfortunately i was informed that was satan toying with me…..
huh….what to do….will we ever be free from mental torment…
Can someone please offer me some advice on what to do because now I am back to living my life in fear and having to fake a persona to be holy… If someone who here who has the awareness of the lies of the world feels that even tho we are all being mislead by the world still thinks its wrong to be gay. let me know…what am I missing???
I’m right there with u ~
Your have said, ‘Choose not to play with them and live your life free of the mind construct that keeps you limited. This is true freedom’, which simply is the truth to enjoy absolute freedom. We are bounded by limits, and when we fathom our limits in all endeavors and all walks of life, we are sure to enjoy absolute freedom.
dance cruise
I agree with dance cruise, we do have very many limits….what is the solution to break down the barriers and boundaries? We know what me must do, but how do we as a people go about it without being thrown in jail? lol or being homeless…we need money to survive in this world remember?
Hey, I am a lesbian too!!. I don’t think that you are missing anything per se. I think that if you have found God within, then you now must follow your heart as to what is right and what is wrong. Your inner voice will guide you. Remember, you create your own reality with your thoughts. Thoughts are things, and if you fear, that is what you will attract into your life. Things are speeding up and the ‘What goes around comes around’ thing is happening faster and faster. Again, I must stress to you that only you know what is right for you. Please remember to respect others as there are many paths to God. What is right for you may not be right for another but as we are all ONE, does it really matter?
Take heart for you are not alone. I myself find God everywhere and I am okay with that. If people who are Christians want to pray for me, I tell them ‘Thank you!” I can use all the help I can get. On the money thing, yes I do work, but I spend a lot of time wildly creating goods things to come into my life with my thoughts and it works! I try to listen to everyone, even if I don’t want to hear what they say, but I don’t let myself be swayed by others telling me that I will burn in hell etc. Stand firm for how you feel inside. Send loving thoughts to those people who are not inclusive of all. They are the ones that really need them, they can’t see that we are all one. These are my own personal thoughts on God – A wink is a good as a nod to a blind horse, God lives vicariously through us and if we did not all return to the Source at one point then it would be like God cutting off a finger or a toe, and that doesn’t make too much sense to me. You are a child of the Universe (okay I stole that from the Desiderata by Max Ermin, great poem, Google it and you’ll find it) and you deserve all the good things in life but you must first create them in thought for how can they come about without first thinking of them? Fear is a great limitor and has been used extremely sucessfully thoughout history to keep us all in our places, but that is changing along with everything else that keeps us in this five sense prison.
Blessings of Love and Light to All of My Relations